You say, 'Hail, Barrenzin'
Barrenzin says, 'Greetings, _____,' Barrenzin smiles as he hands you a glass of wine. 'Thank you for coming on such short notice. Please make yourself comfortable and then we can discuss [business].'
You say, 'business'
Barrenzin says, "A Human that gets right to the point,' Barrenzin smiles again. 'Such a refreshing change of pace from the pandering rabble I normally deal with. Allow me to be blunt then. I recently lost several, let's say, 'associates' of mine and I'm a little understaffed at the moment. I've been following your adventuring career since Gloomingdeep and I think you could go far in my [organization]. What say you? [Interested] in making a name for yourself? Or perhaps you have a [group] assembled that's looking for a little coin?"
You say, 'organization'
Barrenzin says, 'I am the leader of the Black Hand. The details of our business can get rather messy so let me just put it this way. Goods from all over Norrath and beyond flow through the Plane of Knowledge. It is literally the hub of all reality. My organization moved here to deal in the subset of goods that are best traded...hmm...under the table...if you understand what I mean. Still [interested]?'
You say, 'interested'
Barrenzin says, 'Very well then. Here are the tasks I have for you right now. Be sure to report back to me as you gain field experience. As sure as the accursed sunrise, there's always more work to be done around here.'
A Task Window offers the following solo tasks:
The Cabilisian Trade Route
Harvest of Venom
Into the Muck
Keeping Your Enemies Closer...
Into the Heart of Fire