fabled spawns every 10 hrs give or take an hour. easy solo for a 100 ranger with stats like 77khp 6kac unbuffed fight was about 35 seconds due to spin stun landing once or twice. I never dropped below full 90% health
The Fabled Faydedar in 303sec, for 1513943HP and your 4997dps at 2/26/2014 . resists and stun are annoying. slows everything down for sure. ans the parse took into account the first 80 seconds of zero dps pulling him to the shore.
EDIT - Few more kills. on 3/1 and 3/4. seems a 70 hour spawn timer ( checked often).
Edited, Mar 4th 2014 7:47am by Shuraz
edit. right after I post that, he shows up the next day 26 hours after last kill (though I had not checked for 9 hours). I guess someone else was snatching him and I just didn't get there in time before.
Edited, Mar 5th 2014 6:55pm by Shuraz
and today, 19 hours 40 minutes after last kill it was up again. Obviously someone else was taking the spawns earlier. Could have spawned 3 hours ago ( my last check ). just keep trying if you are after it.
Just killed him today with a guild group. He likes to stun-spin you when you first get his attention. Pull him to shore and get on a ride and the spinning part of the spell well stop. Then you just have to beat him down. He has a lot of HP.
I first wanted to solo him as a 71 magician... but i'm not enough DPS and i was spinning 50 the time and had to constant heal pet... So i gated and came back with a lvl 95 necro who simply ate it xD 30 seconds fight...
Tried this dude today. Wasn't really sure what we were up against. Group consisted of 81 Rogue, 84 Cleric, 73 SK, 72 Bst, and then a tank and healer merc. Pulled him to the island, fought him there. Neglected to realize that he has a crap ton of hit points. Long story short got him down to about 70% before dying sadly. Be prepared for him.