Ring of Scale

This is the faction of the dragons loyal to Veeshan.

Zones in which you can raise the faction

Zones in which you can lower the faction

NPCs you can kill to raise the faction

Quests you can do to raise the faction

NPCs you kill to lower the faction

Quests you do to lower the faction

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The Fabled Talendor faction hits
# May 07 2016 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
1,078 posts
[Sat Apr 30 06:34:48 2016] Yyvo hit The Fabled Talendor for 16263 points of non-melee damage.
[Sat Apr 30 06:34:48 2016] Your faction standing with Ring of Scale has been adjusted by -500.
[Sat Apr 30 06:34:48 2016] Your faction standing with League of Antonican Bards could not possibly get any better.
[Sat Apr 30 06:34:48 2016] Your faction standing with Mayong Mistmoore could not possibly get any better.
[Sat Apr 30 06:34:48 2016] Your faction standing with Venril Sathir could not possibly get any better.
[Sat Apr 30 06:34:48 2016] You receive 19 platinum, 6 silver and 4 copper as your split.
[Sat Apr 30 06:34:48 2016] You can't use that command right now...
[Sat Apr 30 06:34:48 2016] The Fabled Talendor is battered by a blast of ice.
[Sat Apr 30 06:34:48 2016] You have slain The Fabled Talendor!
warmly to kos
# Sep 05 2008 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
Assisted slaying silverwing.
Went from warmly to kos. ouch!

Edited, Sep 5th 2008 11:18pm by bgb
# Nov 23 2005 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
3984 kills from MAX KoS to MAX Ally in mistmoore (23/11/2005)
70 cleric HIE
# Jan 27 2006 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
Jebus, well should not take make long then since I just aoe the zone lol.

70 Naturegaurd
Leviathan of Povar
How to faction now?
# Jul 22 2005 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
Now that Mistmore is a high level zone, and the mobs that were there were put in a small spot in LFay(with only 10 spawns at the most), what is the best way to faction with RoS now? Several things that used to give RoS faction no longer does(like Vox)
RE: How to faction now?
# Oct 13 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
Mistmoore is back to the way it was (level 20-30 mobs). Was pulling the whole zone and AE'ing it last night.
Boy that goes so much faster than those dinky camps in LFay.
RE: How to faction now?
# Aug 06 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
There are still plenty of Snow Orc Troopers : ) that and there are about 4 different camps in Lfay for the Dark Elves now. some aren't even marked on the map.
RE: How to faction now?
# Sep 29 2005 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
Snow Orc Troopers are incorrectly listed as giving RoS faction. I just killed about two dozen of them with no RoS adjustment.
More RoS faction mobs
# Jul 11 2005 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
In High Keep, Starr Dreamspinner and Storm Dragonchaser, the 2 bards and Mistress Anna on the top floor are all on RoS faction.. give the same faction hits as the nobles.
can check in VP
# May 10 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
If you have your (updated) key to Veeshan's Peak, you can check your RoS faction in the zone itself, whether or not you are kos. I just did it, and discovered I'm still scowling. But I was invis, and saw that nothing near the zone saw through it. I didn't go in the lava so I can't say that's safe. But I dropped invis, walked to the clicky port out dragon statue that's now located very nearby (can't miss it), reinvised and clicked out, without any agro from anything. So no more dragging druids out to West Wastes to hunt for that very elusive Esorpa anymore....
New faction quest?
# Apr 29 2005 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know anything about this new faction quest Sony released? Can't find any information anywhere about it.
old MM mobs
# Jan 29 2005 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
The old Mistmore named mobs are now at the 2 East Orc camps and the undead spire in LFay.

New Mistmore mobs do not give any faction at all.
RE: old MM mobs
# Mar 30 2005 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
How are you suppose to seriously raise Ring of Scale faction now?!?!? /KICK SONY!!
quests that raise faction
# Jan 12 2005 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
Im guessing all the quests in the revamped VP raise this faction
RE: quests that raise faction
# Feb 16 2005 at 4:20 AM Rating: Good
30 posts
Actually, none of them do =(
Can I have both?
# Sep 07 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
Can I be in good with both RoS and CoV?

Edited, Tue Sep 7 15:11:48 2004
RE: Can I have both?
# Sep 15 2004 at 5:46 AM Rating: Decent
Yes they are both seperate factions and their quests don't really conflict with each other.

Edited, Wed Sep 22 16:58:59 2004
Checking it?
# Aug 08 2004 at 4:15 AM Rating: Default
Aside from zoning into VP, is there anyway to check your faction? Basically is there any mobs outside of VP that are on RoS faction?
RE: Checking it?
# Aug 22 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
Everything in skyfire is ros.

edit: I guess that wont work since they also have minions of scale faction. My bad.

Edited, Tue Aug 24 00:21:15 2004
RE: Checking it?
# Aug 20 2004 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
Escorpa of the Ring in Western Wastes, Gorenaire and Talendor are all on RoS faction.
Ally not enuf for VP quests
# Aug 02 2004 at 7:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Low 'Ally' con is not, repeat NOT, enough for the new VP quests (as of Aug 1, 2004). Hoskar wouldn't even talk to me (see session 4 below)m ge gives the message about needing to prove myself before he will speak with me.

edit: I came back a bit later w/o max ally and he was able to talk w/me. Guess it's somewhere between ally and max ally?

Heading back to Mistmoore to get Max Ally for Phara Dar.

Numbers are from grepping my log file for "Ring of Scale got better". For instance, after session #1, there were 640 faction hit messages for +ROS. Numbers are culmulative.

Here's my info. Will update with Max Ally numbers when I can stand to go to MM again.

session 0: ____ - scowls (not max KOS)
session 1: _640 - scowls
session 2: 1393 - dubious
session 3: 2463 - warmly
session 4: 2826 - ally *no quests
session 5: 3493 - ally *quests
session 6: ____ - max ally

I'm told Max ally is around 3600 or 4000.

Edited, Tue Aug 3 07:42:31 2004
RE: Ally not enuf for VP quests
# Sep 15 2004 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the awesome, detailed post.
RE: Ally not enuf for VP quests
# Sep 02 2004 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
3402 from MAx kos to Max nonkos
How long?
# Jul 26 2004 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
So if you got like a wizard and a puller together, and AE'ed MM over and over, How long would it take you to get to Ally? (So far my friend and I are going on 9 hours to Dubious. not how fast we did it though) And does anyone have an alternat way of factioning up? if so, post how long/what from kos to ally
RE: How long?
# Sep 09 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
Bring a bard.. mana song for caster AE'ers and we have stackable AE dots that are manaless, infinite # of mobs, and do some pretty nice dmg (Remember that Chords of Dissonance level one newbie bard song? 112 per tick)

basically we never have to stop and it goes quite fast
Good RoS faction
# Dec 04 2003 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
I was roaming around in Ocean of Tears, and on one of the islands there are gargoyles.(Green to lvl 54 ... dunno what lvl they are). Faction as follows:
Mayong Mistmoore - worse
King Teris Thex - better
Agents of Mistmoore - worse
League of Antonican Bards - better
Ring of Scale - Better
There are also Skellies and spectres on the island, no faction for killing those.
Hope this helps!
-Saddare Stormsister, 54 Paladin
Povar Server
# Nov 06 2003 at 9:30 PM Rating: Default
i have a question...kiling nobles and bards in hhk for fun and mone and most important lil xp bar food...i got max of this faction like it says cant get any better that mean i be warmly cuz ive noticed some fac max is threat....... or doub u know what i mean im just wondering so plz resond

Why I might need RoS
# Aug 16 2003 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
I know why I need CoV - I have worked up to warmly.

What quests etc might require me to be concerned about RoS? Are there any reasons I would need to work it up?

I am a 51 Tunare Woodelf Ranger.

# Jul 09 2002 at 12:53 AM Rating: Default
ok gonna clear up a few things. First Cov= claws of vashaan and RoS= ring of scale they have NOTHING in common or togather. My guild kills trak/gore and alot of dragons in WW thus im KOS to both factions they have nothing to do with each other. I dont know why youd want to be good with dragons only good thing they good for is killing

kudamorfa lvl 53 shaman <eternal rage>
torv server
resaon for having good faction with CoV and RoS
# Jul 20 2004 at 10:02 AM Rating: Excellent
77 posts
You now need ally with CoV and as yet undetermined good faction with RoS in order to do some of the new quests out of Veeshan's Peak.
# Jun 03 2002 at 8:28 PM Rating: Default
I fought in mistmoore for level 22-41 and my faction is..

Your faction with the Ring of Scale cannot possibly get any better!

(lucky for me got tormax hits when i went invis when an uber guild killed tormax, did that 5 times)

(ahh yes, and AoW/Derakor the Vindictor/statue)

Your faction with Yelinak cannot possibly get any better!
Your faction with Dain Frostreaver IV cannot possibly get any better!
Your faction with Claws of Veeshan cannot possibly get any better!
# Apr 02 2002 at 5:12 AM Rating: Default
is the RoS allied with the CoV? Or why there are dragons in Western Wastes who standing on RoS faction?
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 04 2002 at 11:42 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Who cares??!?! What do we need this faction for as of now?
RE: who cares?
# May 08 2002 at 10:16 PM Rating: Default
It could help ya if your guild raid Veeshan's Peak...you ever tried draggin a body in there?!
at level 54 does it matter?
# Feb 22 2002 at 5:22 PM Rating: Default
I am a level 54 warrior that i play with a 54 shaman (my Partner) and my daughters 52 ranger. we fight as a trio and have fought in very zone. sf (skyfire provides the best xp for us at this level. Unless being forced into a guilde or forced into big groups is an option, we have seen to many politics and people with attitudes. that being said killing the wurms is coolest graphic in game so far and the spell drops are great. I accept the faction hit because gorenair wiped me out with aoe when my faction was (good). go figure. fight well and true.
RE: at level 54 does it matter?
# Jun 26 2002 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
If you were grouped or near someone who was KoS to Gorenare, her AoE spell would also hit you even if you are amiable to her. It's an Area Effect spell, if you are within range of the attack, you get hit as well.

Gorenare will also attack a chanter's illusion form and a druid's/ranger's wolf form. Even if that person is not KoS to Gorenare.

My cleric plays in a specific group each time. I am currently level 45. We killed about 4 mobs in Skyfire, I will be trying to 'fix' my RoS faction now :)

I don't need another 6 or so dragons hating me.
My maxed faction
# Dec 17 2001 at 11:43 PM Rating: Default
I have maxed ring of scale faction. I have been camping vhalen Nolstrom (spelling is bad) whom is a bard @ -200 200, the fountain hes about level 30 or so.... I wonder if I can get some decent quests from these dragons and where the heck are they in kunark?

Zasslin 35 necro MT
Excellent post
# Dec 17 2001 at 2:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Veeshan orignally deposited her dragons on Velious (as we all know). The Velious dragons' faction are Claws of Veeshan. According to Norrath lore, Jaled Dar didn't like the way the leader of CoV (Yelinack, I believe) was running things, so he gathered up some dragons and the basically revolted, leaving Velious and setting up the Ring of Scale in Kunark. If the Ring of Scale are rebels from the Claws of Veeshan (who follow Veeshan obviously), that might explain why they're KOS to worshippers of Veeshan.

Jo'Brill Solwynd
39th Cycle HalfElven Ranger of Tunare
Morell-Thule Server
<Revered Souls>

And here I was wondering why a bard that worshipped Veeshan was getting negative faction hits from dragons when doing bard quests.

now here's an odd one....
# Dec 15 2001 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
in North Qeynos head to the gates and head right all the way and you'll find a dark elf who isn't kos(unless you did something in highkeep).he cons black or blue at 15 ( think) and hits kinda hard for such a lvl.i killed him and factions raised only in ring of scale,faction worse with highkeep.It seems the dragons also hate Highkeep,but why? another thing to add in this mystery
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