Haele Straedhon [ Adventure Merchant ]  

Adventure Merchant

Level: 65
Expansion: Lost Dungeons of Norrath
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2023-04-12 23:11:24
Items Available (228):
Item Price Currency Faction/TS Requirements Seasonal
Alluring Limestone of Thrift 510Adventure Points
Amber Amulet 4Adventure Points
Amber Charm 3Adventure Points
Amber Symbol 1Adventure Point
Amber Talisman 6Adventure Points
Amber Trinket 2Adventure Points
Ancient Cursed Summoner's Crook 760Adventure Points
Azure Amulet 4Adventure Points
Azure Charm 3Adventure Points
Azure Symbol 1Adventure Point
Azure Talisman 6Adventure Points
Azure Trinket 2Adventure Points
Belt of Mottled Troll Hide 760Adventure Points
Belt of the Swamps 292Adventure Points
Black Fungus Mask 442Adventure Points
Blessed Froglok Protection Stone 150Adventure Points
Bloodied Cloak of Deepest Guk 220Adventure Points
Bog Earring 40Adventure Points
Boots of Black Mire 760Adventure Points
Boots of Viscous Ooze 442Adventure Points
Bracer of Black Mire 760Adventure Points
Broken Limestone of Focus 60Adventure Points
Chainmail of Black Mire 760Adventure Points
Charred Froglok Remnant 130Adventure Points
Chestplate of Viscous Ooze 442Adventure Points
Chipped Froglok Mask 1150Adventure Points
Cold Quartz of Resilience 340Adventure Points
Cold Slimestone Fragment 20Adventure Points
Cold Slimestone of Fury 1450Adventure Points
Corroded Gorget 10Adventure Points
Cracked Limestone of Aggression 150Adventure Points
Cracked Slimestone of Combat 760Adventure Points
Cracked Slimestone of Guarding 150Adventure Points
Crimson Charm 3Adventure Points
Crimson Symbol 1Adventure Point
Crimson Talisman 6Adventure Points
Crimson Trinket 2Adventure Points
Curse-Smelted Long Blade 1150Adventure Points
Dagger of a Fallen Hero 220Adventure Points
Damp Battle Rags 30Adventure Points
Decayed Adventurer's Ring 60Adventure Points
Dripping Ooze Veil 20Adventure Points
Earring of Sludge 16Adventure Points
Ebon Amulet 4Adventure Points
Ebon Charm 3Adventure Points
Ebon Symbol 1Adventure Point
Ebon Talisman 6Adventure Points
Ebon Trinket 2Adventure Points
Foul-Smelling Gore Belt 1492Adventure Points
Froglok Rescue Plans 16Adventure Points
Gauntlets of Viscous Ooze 442Adventure Points
Gloves of Black Mire 760Adventure Points
Glowing Prism of Brawling 1150Adventure Points
Gray Magnetite of Ingenuity 510Adventure Points
Great Spear of Cauldron Souls 510Adventure Points
Greaves of Black Mire 760Adventure Points
Greaves of Viscous Ooze 442Adventure Points
Green Microcline Shard of Health 150Adventure Points
Green Slime Shawl 26Adventure Points
Greenish Magnetite of Immunity 760Adventure Points
Grime-Smeared Ulak 100Adventure Points
Hardened Mud Belt 100Adventure Points
Helm of Viscous Ooze 442Adventure Points
Limestone Shard of Battle Cries 760Adventure Points
Limestone of Suffocation 340Adventure Points
Long Blade of Lost Souls 340Adventure Points
Lost Explorer's Lute 52Adventure Points
Lost Hero's Spiked Flail 220Adventure Points
Magenta Amulet 4Adventure Points
Magenta Charm 3Adventure Points
Magenta Symbol 1Adventure Point
Magenta Talisman 6Adventure Points
Magenta Trinket 2Adventure Points
Magnetite Fragment of Fortitude 510Adventure Points
Magnetite Prism of Stoutness 1150Adventure Points
Magnetite Shard of Stalwartness 760Adventure Points
Mangled Slimestone 1150Adventure Points
Mantle of Mucus 510Adventure Points
Marble Sphere of Conservation 1450Adventure Points
Marshland Ring 26Adventure Points
Microcline Shard of Knowledge 30Adventure Points
Microcline Shard of Quickness 40Adventure Points
Mildewed Necklace 36Adventure Points
Mossy Shield 30Adventure Points
Muck Digger's Orb 220Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Gloves 1492Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Gloves [pre-nerf] 1492Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Headband [pre-nerf] 1492Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Headband 1492Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Leggings 1492Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Leggings [pre-nerf] 1492Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Manacle 1492Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Manacle [pre-nerf] 1492Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Sandals [pre-nerf] 1492Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Sandals 1492Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Sleeves [pre-nerf] 1492Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Sleeves 1492Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Tunic [pre-nerf] 1492Adventure Points
Mucus-Drenched Tunic 1492Adventure Points
Mud-Soaked Earring 994Adventure Points
Muddy Cloak 84Adventure Points
Necklace of Hardened Mud 760Adventure Points
Ooze-Covered Pebble of Perfection 1150Adventure Points
Ooze-Smeared Shoulder Pads 60Adventure Points
Peerless Crystal of Enticement 357Adventure Points
Peerless Pearl of Magical Warding 357Adventure Points
Peerless Shard of Might 357Adventure Points
Poison-Covered Slimestone 100Adventure Points
Poison-Drenched Spaulders 192Adventure Points
Polished Ore of Power 663Adventure Points
Pristine Limestone of Hatred 1150Adventure Points
Pristine Prism of Lucidity 1450Adventure Points
Quartz Shard of Force 340Adventure Points
Radiant Fragment of Dread 760Adventure Points
Radiant Marble Sphere of Ire 1150Adventure Points
Radiant Ruby of Understanding 1150Adventure Points
Radiant Slate of Health 510Adventure Points
Radiant Slimestone of Retribution 1450Adventure Points
Radiant Slimestone of Shock 510Adventure Points
Reinforced Thick-Banded Belt 1150Adventure Points
Ring of Mold 1492Adventure Points
Ring of the Froglok Sage 510Adventure Points
Robust Blue-Flecked Quartz Shard 220Adventure Points
Rotting Helm of Black Mire 760Adventure Points
Rustic Amulet 4Adventure Points
Rustic Talisman 6Adventure Points
Scarred Limestone of Vengeance 220Adventure Points
Slime-Coated Shield 84Adventure Points
Slimed Staff 20Adventure Points
Slimestone Fragment of Dread 760Adventure Points
Slimestone Fragment of Ruin 510Adventure Points
Slimestone Fragment of Shock 510Adventure Points
Slippery Slimestone of Endurance 510Adventure Points
Sludge-Covered Armband 20Adventure Points
Sludge-Covered Boots 20Adventure Points
Sludge-Covered Cap 20Adventure Points
Sludge-Covered Dagger 20Adventure Points
Sludge-Covered Hand Wraps 20Adventure Points
Sludge-Covered Pants 20Adventure Points
Sludge-Covered Tunic 20Adventure Points
Sludge-Covered Wristband 20Adventure Points
Smokey Quartz of Peculiarity 1150Adventure Points
Song: Rizlona's Embers 200Adventure Points
Spell: Blessing of Austerity 450Adventure Points
Spell: Bulwark of Vie 650Adventure Points
Spell: Feral Form 650Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Augury 48Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Cleansing 48Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Exorcism 48Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Greater Augury 60Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Greater Cleansing 60Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Greater Exorcism 60Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Lesser Augury 25Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Lesser Cleansing 25Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Lesser Exorcism 25Adventure Points
Spell: Magi Ward 180Adventure Points
Spell: Odium 72Adventure Points
Spell: Protection of Alendar 410Adventure Points
Spell: Protection of Calliav [Necromancer] 650Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Augury 48Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Cleansing 48Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Exorcism 48Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Greater Augury 60Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Greater Cleansing 60Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Greater Exorcism 60Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Lesser Augury 25Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Lesser Cleansing 25Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Lesser Exorcism 25Adventure Points
Spell: Reflect [Magician] 410Adventure Points
Spell: Reflect [Necromancer] 410Adventure Points
Spell: Remove Lesser Curse [Druid] 24Adventure Points
Spell: Remove Minor Curse [Cleric] 5Adventure Points
Spell: Scythe of Darkness 200Adventure Points
Spell: Spirit of the Shrew [Beastlord] 48Adventure Points
Spell: Spirit of the Shrew [Shaman] 24Adventure Points
Spell: Ward of Calliav [Magician] 150Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Appraisal 48Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Discombobulation 48Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Extrication 48Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Greater Appraisal 60Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Greater Discombobulation 60Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Greater Extrication 60Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Lesser Appraisal 25Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Lesser Discombobulation 25Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Lesser Extrication 25Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Appraisal 48Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Discombobulation 48Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Extrication 48Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Greater Appraisal 60Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Greater Discombobulation 60Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Greater Extrication 60Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Lesser Discombobulation 25Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Lesser Extrication 25Adventure Points
Spirit-Imbued Whetstone 994Adventure Points
Spore Girdle 10Adventure Points
Spore-Cloud Shield 660Adventure Points
Spore-Covered Bracelet 48Adventure Points
Spore-Covered Face Mask 52Adventure Points
Spore-Covered Gloves 48Adventure Points
Spore-Covered Great Staff 60Adventure Points
Spore-Covered Hat 48Adventure Points
Spore-Covered Leggings 48Adventure Points
Spore-Covered Pebble of Warding 150Adventure Points
Spore-Covered Robe 48Adventure Points
Spore-Covered Sleeves 48Adventure Points
Spore-Covered Slippers 48Adventure Points
Trampled Fungus 340Adventure Points
Troll Battle Plans 40Adventure Points
Troll-Eye Earring 130Adventure Points
Troll-Skin Band 192Adventure Points
Troll-Skin Cape 660Adventure Points
Troll-Skin Mask 150Adventure Points
Troll-Tooth Necklace 100Adventure Points
Undead Froglok's Bone Wand 20Adventure Points
Uneven Quartz of Sturdiness 220Adventure Points
Vambraces of Black Mire 760Adventure Points
Vambraces of Viscous Ooze 442Adventure Points
Venom-Coated Slimestone 340Adventure Points
Verdant Amulet 4Adventure Points
Verdant Charm 3Adventure Points
Verdant Symbol 1Adventure Point
Verdant Talisman 6Adventure Points
Verdant Trinket 2Adventure Points
Webbed-Foot Earring 340Adventure Points
Wrist Plate of Viscous Ooze 442Adventure Points
Yellow Microcline Shard of Vigor 100Adventure Points
Yellowish Magnetite of Vitality 760Adventure Points
Ykeshan Troll Staff 442Adventure Points

Known Habitats:
  South Ro

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# Jun 16 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Default
# Oct 01 2010 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Double wow.
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