I was getting ready to camp when I decided to run through Freeport (invis of course). I noticed Jendl was blue to me at 48 so I figured I would give him a try. I killed him fairly easy (with a good buffed pet). I waited about 10 minutes or so then camped. Anyone know his spawn rate?
This is good xp up till about 49 with good nukes. They each have little over 2K HPs. I would start at one of either Effel or Jendl, then invis and go to the other spot. Little risk of any other guards helping in these 2 spots.
I just turned 43 and will try again. At 42 he JUST eluded me GRRRR.
I have beefed up my AC a bit and changed sword to Ykesha hopefully a few 70's will change the balance to my favor. I want him because of militia helmets and XP.
Multiple high lvl players (40-50 level) sit in the corridor going to W. Freeport to North Freeport and either gang or solo this guard. His loot includes kite shield (4.5 plat), Short Short (1.7 plat), rare drop is Fine steel sword (6.3 plat), and also sometimes pages, and the damaged helm. If you are kind to higher lvl characters you can arrange for them to give you the leftovers off the guard and/or let you loot. Guard Mizraen somtimes will assist from around the corner to W. Freeport. Most of the time high level players will loot the coin (4gp to 6 plat) and then leave the goodies due to the weight and freqency of the guards spawn.