Got this off from a Sun Revenant Warlock at the camp on neg280 neg1750. Was dblue to a lvl 40 Rogue and lvl 53 Druid. Got cursed as usual here, hits with up to dmg 99.
I bought this last night for my level 11 bard, I think it was for 80 plat. Pretty good upgrade from the studded wristband. The disease resist is going to help alot when fighting undead.
I got this off a high level sun named sun rev. and I can't figure who would want this either except someone under lvl 20 who can't get anything better. Seems like a waste of a drop for a lvl 50ish mob.
I can think of one place off hand you might want good DR .. hunting frogs in OS. Was in there for a few hours the other night, (got my first AA there .. yay), and frog shammys will cast insect on you a lot. Didn't realize it was a disease til our shammy said she could cure it. Most difficult shammy fight of the night she had to cure me 4 times of the dang thing. My DR isn't all that high, obviously.
Ever heard of resist gear? Ok, not for use in all situations, but if you are going against a mob that has big disease spells and you want to up your disease resistance, this will be part of your disease resist package.