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Kanleku's Boots of Spirits  

Lore Item No Trade
Slot: FEET
AC: 40
STR: +21 DEX: +19 STA: +20+6 CHA: +10 WIS: +20 HP: +215 MANA: +205
Mana Regeneration: +5
Required level of 65.
Focus: Discordant Ice
WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: SHM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 8 (General: Raid)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Lore:These boots carry the stamp of Kanleku
Item Type:Armor
Color (RGB):25, 150, 100
Submitted By:Fleven
Lucy Entry By:Zaika - Township Rebellion
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-28 01:01:53
Page Updated:Thu Apr 27th, 2023

*This item is the result of a raid event.
Expansion: Gates of Discord Gates of Discord

Rarity: Very Rare
Level to Attain: 65

[Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Shaman Abysmal Armor

Crafted: This item is crafted by players.

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Abysmal Sea
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Stun or No stun
# Jun 16 2005 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
Call me crazy, but the best stats on this are the HP, the AC, and the stun resist. Can't cast when you are stunned. Mana regen is not that important for me anymore, I can canny to full mana so quickly and self heal that I hardly notice the difference between a few mana regen points. I prefer max hp regen for the mana acquisition. But these are nice boots, can't argue with that.
The Arms
# May 11 2005 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts

Edited, Wed May 11 21:20:48 2005
crazy armor
# Sep 08 2004 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
yeah this stuffs purdy good..but check out Mail of judgement..VT stuff..has mana Regen 7 or 8 or something, uber stats too..i think every piece has mana regen on it
RE: crazy armor
# Mar 03 2005 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
Mana Regen's not all that critical later on. You quickly reach the cap, even with the extra 5 allowed by OOW AA skills. The various shielding and stun resist effects are much nicer.
Focus Effects???
# May 26 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Default
Ok, maybe I don't know what I am talking about, I just made 65 after all! But check out the stats and bonus effects! The boots give Mana Regen +5, and each of the bracers give Mana Regen +3. Now maybe my math is rusty, but without seeing the Tunic or the Greaves, that's +11 Mana Regen. I don't know if they have raised the cap on Mana Regen (Flowing Thought), but if they haven't, you can pop a couple of mana regen augs in the Armor (there are a couple of mana regen 1,2 & 3 augs in LDoN and a mana regen 3 aug in GoD) and you are maxed out. So let me give a synopsis: More HP, more regen, more mana regen, more Wisdom & finally more Stamina. Hmmmm.... HP & Stamina = larger back-up mana pool, more regen = faster HP return (back-up mana pool regens faster) and more mana regen (mana regens faster). Here is the conclusion (flame coming on), any poor sschmuck can see that this effect is to placate the whiney Shamen out there. That is not the point of a Shaman. A shaman is not (pay attention now): A cleric, a wizard, a magician, an enchanter, a necromancer, a beastlord, a warrior, a ranger, a druid, a rogue, a bard or a paladin, the shaman is the shaman. We are (more flaming): Buff B***hes, slowers, dotters & back-up (READ ONLY IN DIRE EMERGENCIES) healers. No one can slow 75% except a (you can say it) SHAMAN, we have way more buffs to give than anyone else (Ferine Avatar has totally endeared me to my guilds entire Melee people. So please feel free to ridicule the effect all you want, but please ask yourself one question: Have I ever seen +5 Mana Regen Boots with such awesome stats before (the answer is "NO!")

Adanvdowesa Gvhe
Head Prophet
Kill it in the Face
(A Stromm Guild)

"I got your Focus..."
#REDACTED, Posted: May 18 2004 at 9:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Woo and yay for useless focus effects.
RE: Hooray
# May 19 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Default
You've got insane stats and you complain about a "useless" focus effect when you don't even know what your talking about? 12 year olds...
RE: Hooray
# May 19 2004 at 1:03 AM Rating: Default
Useless? so it only effects your 64 nuke base dmg is 925 add 45%(463) and you get a dd nuke for 1388. so its not as strong as a wizzie, mage, or druids. it isnt like they gave you a fire dmg increaser it sjust only effects 1 60+ spell and who knows maybe youll get a really sweet ice spell in the new expansion(yeah right and theyll fix mages instead of nerfing us)
RE: Hooray
# May 19 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Default
Congrats on entirely missing the point. Velium Strike is a 925 damage nuke. I've had wizards before ask me what weapon I had that procced for 925 damage, that's how embarassing it is. To add insult to injury, the spell takes 8 seconds to cast. It's pretty much worthless altogether.

The only time I use velium strike is on mobs like Fennin to keep my agro down (I'll keep bane on him the whole fight, and nuke every so often). It's otherwise useless. Not to mention that there's a TON of cold nuke focii out there already. Off the top of my head, you have:

Orb of the Sun
Cloak of Combustion
Shield of the Vortex
Bracelet of Exploration
Bracer of Precision
Barrier of Freezing Winds
that aug from Ikkinz
Bulwark of Uqua.

and these boots...

So chances are, as a shaman you're probably going to already have an ice nuke focus that's almost as good, and this is 1) Redundant and 2) Does not work on our primary method of dealing damage. Druids nuke, Clerics nuke, Shamans generally do not. (and if we do, it's with Spear of Torment or Tears of Saryrn).

Putting a focus like Chronoburn (which rangers get on thier boots, and don't even really benefit from!) or magbe changing it to a poison only nuke focus that affects rains as well would be fun and unique.

I like your assumption that a 1388 damage nuke is somehow impressive though (and it would be 925 to 1388, because the focus is a random increase) compared to enchanter/cleric/necro nukes which do around 1250-1300 UNFOCUSED damage and have a much shorter cast time.
RE: Hooray
# May 19 2004 at 1:29 AM Rating: Default
Calm down cowboy! 1388 can crit for 2776 and thats almost 2k more than the base damage.
strong as a wizzie, mage

LOL @ you thinking that they will give shaman as good of nukes as nuke casters. Druids are kinda just, well, druids. Its a neat focus effect, especially considering that DoT focuses are on other items, and this focus would be harder to win over a WIZ or MAG, than a DoT focus would be. Nice effect, I agree with Griz!
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