Bold TextI just found, that the merchant "Tailor Kujen" in PoK(In same building as small banker.), sells the small, large & planar sewing kits, for those who wish to know where to buy them at.
You can also buy the large sewing kit in Misty Thicket outside the Rivervale tunnel entrance in one of the huts for less than 2 plat. A very safe area for good races.
It has GIANT slots now, so I usually use it to store looted weapons.
For those who hail from Neriak, I just bought the large sewing kit from Garren D'Vek, at the Dashing Form tailor shop. This is in the Neriak Commons zone.
I've heard that you can buy them in most cities, but the only ones I have looked for them in are Neriak, Kelethin and Misty Thicket. I have purchased them in all those locations.
I may be wrong, but I think I remember seeing them in a hut in the grassy area outside the gate in EFP. Somebody correct me if that's wrong and I'll modify this post.
For those of us looking for better storage in the bank, the new Deluxe Toolbox is perfect. It has 10 slots, holds items up to Giant, weighs 3.5 stones, and only costs around one and half plat or so depending on Charisma. The only place in Norrath that you can buy one is at the Gnome Pirate Merchant in the igloos at the Icebreaker dock in Iceclad. I bought several of them last night. Not hard to get to and much better than the price of Sewing Kits or especially the hand crafted 10 slot backpacks. For carrying things, you still can't beat the weight reduction bags, though.
THe large sewing kit is now at 8 giant items and the weight is 3.0. Any of the old large sewing kits you have are now called Deleux Sewing Kits that can still hold 10 giant items and have a weight of 4.0. The problem I am haveing is finding a vendor that now sells the Deleux kits. The Large kits are still sold by the same vendors Halas, Kelethen, High Hold Pass just to name the ones I know. If anyone knows of a vendor that sells the deleux let me know.
Wish I had know about this change My bank would have been full of the kits before the patch. :-)
THe large sewing kit is now at 8 giant items and the weight is 3.0. Any of the old large sewing kits you have are now called Deleux Sewing Kits that can still hold 10 giant items and have a weight of 4.0. The problem I am haveing is finding a vendor that now sells the Deleux kits. The Large kits are still sold by the same vendors Halas, Kelethen, High Hold Pass just to name the ones I know. If anyone knows of a vendor that sells the deleux let me know.
Wish I had know about this change My bank would have been full of the kits before the patch. :-)
The item is no longer a "Large Sewing Kit", it is now a "Deluxe Sewing Kit".
The capacity has been changed from 8 giant items to 10 giant items.
The weight has been changed from 0.4 to 3.0 to where it is now at 4.0 .
They've been messing with a lot of containers lately, so there may still be changes made to this.
This is now a better item for bank inventory than tailored backpacks, so the market for tailored backpacks should basically dry up now. The minor weight reduction on tailored backpacks is hardly worth paying a premium for, when you can just get a lighter container if that's your main concern.
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