In South Kaladim past the mines and bank, is a tunnel leading to the cleric and paladin guilds. The Cleric guildhall is a small building in front of the long Paladin guildhall, and here you can meet Priestess Ghalea. The Clerics of Underfoot are peaceful folk that support the Dwarven King Kazon Stormhammer and the Paladin guild called Miners Guild 249. In fact to raise faction with the Clerics, Ghalea will send you to the Paladin Guildhall where you will be given the job of fighting undead and returning Bone Chips.
0 : Indifferent
100 : Amiably
500 : Kindly
The following quests require Clerics of Underfoot faction
Handing bone chips to Gunlok Jure in North Kaladim. Can hand them in individually or stacks of up to 1000. +2500 faction per stack of 1000 bone chips. Max negative to max positive takes 1600 bone chips. Quest: Bone Chips (Kaladim).
i'm a rogue, how many times do i have to do the Bonechips quest (for Gunlok Jure) before they let me do the Skunk Scent Gland and Aviak Chick Talon Quests?? and what can i kill to make my faction rise quicker???
Yep, Apprehensive to Amiable, just buy all the bones you can possible find at level 5. Then come with 4 stacks of bones, equal about 40 in all. Just like before, give in per slot at a time. GL. Giving 4 per Give to Paladin Guild.