Status Loot is dropped by sentient creatures throughout Norrath. They're sometimes called Reverse Writ items. It may be sold to faction merchants for personal and guild status points.
You will always gain personal status points from status loot, but guild status is restricted by the Tier of the item (your guild will only receive status points for items if the guild is lower than the item's tier.). Blue numbers will give both you and your guild status, yellow numbers mean the status will only be only awarded to you. Your guild will receive points equal to 10% of the personal status value if applicable. You do not need to be in a guild to get personal status from selling status loot.
Note that Status Loot merchants will also purchase collection items and adornments for status.
Status loot can be sold in your home city to merchants of the various city factions. You'll know you have the right merchant when you see the value on the status loot listed in coin and status (rather than just coin). Note that you cannot buy back your status loot if you sold it for status. You can buy it back if you accidentally sell it to a regular merchant for just coin.
These merchants will also purchase collection items and adornments for status points.
In most cities, each loot type sells to a different city guild (faction) type.
In Kelethin in each faction area, the NPC's who buy status items are tagged (faction name) Relic Seeker. For example, in the priest guild, the NPC would have "House of Falling Stars Relic Seeker" under his name. This is an easy way to quickly find who buys status items.
Priests (Amulets) - Llaken Piirit at 90, 90, 491 at the House of Falling Stars.
Scouts (Documents) - Kaapo Mikko at 296, 78, 459 at the Sylvan Hunters. He is up the ramp in the second room (go into the second room, where you get the writs from, then go up that ramp).
Mages (Scrying Stones) - Ovlaat Vikkum at 278, 105, 403 at the of the Arcane.
Even though there's only one faction, the Watchers of Timorous, for city tasks (writs), they still broke the status loot vendors up as though they were guilds.
Fighters (Relics) - Prime Captain Vurzuk at 2548, 161, 1260 , the very top of the up and down elevator.
Credits: Thanks to Qwash for research, Feldon for being supportive while I was going cross-eyed over wiki tables, and the regulars on the forum for research and feedback - Calthine