Andrasi HolyStorm

Race:High Elf
Deity: None
Level: 58
Money: 50000
Server: Brell Serilis
Ruins of Kunark Enabled
Scars of Velious Enabled
Shadows of Luclin Enabled
Omens of War Enabled
Weight:8.0 / 27
Primary Melee: Bioluminescent Orb
Secondary Melee: Harnessed Soul Gem
Ranged Weapon: Crypt Master`s Conjuring Stone
Ammo: None
Left Ear: Hoop of Magi`kot
Right Ear: Fingerbone Hoop
Neck: Golden Blue Diamond Pendant
Face: Golden Diamond Mask
Head: Apothic Crown
Shoulder: Loam Encrusted Amice
Left Finger:
Right Finger: Shadel Bandit Ring
Left Wrist: Supple Scale Armband
Right Wrist: Bracelet of Comprehension
Arm: Apothic Sleeves
Chest: Apothic Robe
Back: Hierophant's Cloak [ID 1622]
Feet: Shrouded Boots
Legs: Pantaloons of Conjuration
Waist: Netted Kelp Sash
Hands: Apothic Gloves
Charm: None
Food: None
Drink: None


Owned by: __DEL__1591768067005 Email:
For Sale: Want to Buy:
  • Jade Chokidai Prod 800 pp