Spell Icon Abundant Drink  


1: Summon Item: Summoned: Globe of Water

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 25 Skill: Conjuration
Casting Time: 4 Recast Time: 1.5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Range: 0
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Fizzle Adj: 25 Deletable: Yes
Blockable: Yes Focusable: Yes
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Target Type: Self Spell Type: Beneficial
Source: Live 01/16

Game Description

Focuses mana into globes of pure drinking water.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Abundant Drink



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# Nov 04 2003 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
Yes much better than conjuring for 10 minutes once you log on ;)
Also Sold..
# Aug 31 2003 at 4:27 PM Rating: Excellent
43 posts
This spell is also sold by Alice Sweetoven in the clerics guild in Rivervale.
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 12 2003 at 2:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) what does this do like? sommon water but better what a crock.
# Apr 27 2003 at 9:01 PM Rating: Excellent
92 posts
Summons 4 at a time, whereas the other summon water only summons 1. So you make a stack in 5 casts instead of 20.
# Aug 22 2004 at 2:28 AM Rating: Default
why not just get a stack of water if you maxxed the skill, or if you truly don't want to pay, ask a druid, would have plenty, or ask a mage to summon it, why waste time that you don't need to?
# May 12 2005 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Instead of shouting for a druid or a mage and handing over plat (assuming that one is available) I can mem a spell and cast it 5 times.

Now compare that amount of time to the time it takes you to (1) zone to PoK (2) shout (3) meet (4) exchange (5) zone back to where you were.

Casting the spell is, by far, the faster of the two. I suspect that casting the spell 20 times would be faster.

Here is the real answer: I give two gold to a merchant and they give me a stack of water that does not vanish when I log.

If I am starting a new character on a new server, that two gold might matter to me. I might want to spend the gold on spells, which can run to hundreds of plat over the first few days, making it essential that I find a "rich camp" even if the mobs in it are GTM. Then I have to spend time that I could have spent leveling killing, say, goblins in Butcherblock for their unaccountably valuable blood.

The other time that a summon is important is when you just run out. Like you are on an LDoN and can't leave, or in a camp like Ice Giants and people are breathing down your neck and they will take the camp if you move, and you can't make it to the Magus to sell your stack of Fine Steel and buy a stack of water. So you have some mana and you need some water or some food.

On my Shaman, when I was buffing in PoK, and someone who was obviously naked asked for a "sow for a corpse run" I also gave them what I called a corpse kit: A 100% WR 4 slot bag with 5 summoned water and 5 summoned bread. If nothing else, it stopped the annoying messages.

Finally, well, think about the tradition of Clerics praying and feeding the masses. Just as clerics have special dominion over undead in terms of being able to destroy them with spells, they have this other ability. I would hope that they would continue this - make a stack of bread and water for the entire group in one spell. There is just a little roleplaying in the game.
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