Spell Icon Vengeance of Nature  


1: Increase Curse Counter by 8
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 170 per tick. Max: 298 per tick

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 487 Skill: Conjuration
Casting Time: 3 Recast Time: 6
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Resist: Fire
Resist Adjust: -30 Range: 200
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Fizzle Adj: 5 Deletable: No
Dot Stacking: Yes Reflectable: No
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: No
Interruptable: Yes Short Buff Box: No
Target Type: Single Spell Type: Detrimental
Source: Live 09/29


Cast on you: You are consumed by the flames of nature.
Cast on other: Soandso has been consumed in the flames of nature.
Effect Fades: The flames of nature fade away.

Game Description

Inflicts the vengeance of the wild on your target, causing between 170 and @2 damage every six seconds for 30 secs (5 ticks).

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Vengeance of Nature


Lost Dungeons of Norrath

5 ticks
Post Comment
# Nov 21 2006 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Now that this spell can be researched, is it tradeable? While the Level 64 version is now available in the bazaar, I have yet to see this spell on sale (Rathe Server). Alas, I usually solo so I only have about 35 LDON points but at level 59 I'd like to have access to an additional DOT even if the duration is short. On some mobs every little bit helps!
# Nov 21 2006 at 5:54 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Pehti wrote:
Now that this spell can be researched, is it tradeable? While the Level 64 version is now available in the bazaar, I have yet to see this spell on sale (Rathe Server). Alas, I usually solo so I only have about 35 LDON points but at level 59 I'd like to have access to an additional DOT even if the duration is short. On some mobs every little bit helps!

It is tradeable.
# Dec 04 2006 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Yes, this finally came up (briefly) for sale in the local (Rathe) bazaar. The asking price though was 20,000 pp which I think is a bit rich for the spell--rarity has its privileges! Hopefully, more spell crafters will see this as an opportunity and the price will start coming down. Oh to be an int. caster....
# Nov 07 2007 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
the problem I'm running into is finding the stained runic spell scrolls. More rare that LON drops.
other dots are better?
# Oct 28 2006 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
463 posts
Now that LDON spells can be crafted I'm looking to see which ones I want to get. I don't see the appeal of this DOT.

Compared to others such as Winged Death it's grossly less efficient. Now, I understand that in a group setting the mob might die before a longer dot can do its full damage, but still, even if the mob lasts 6 ticks I'd rather have used Winged Death. At level 57 (my current level, and also the level where VoN maxes out) I get 120 x 6 for 229 mana = 3.14 hp/mana, ignoring foci. Even the level 40 Drifting Death does 2.89 hp/mana if it lasts 6 ticks. Vengeance of Nature does 2.75 hp/mana (174 x 5 / 316).

But what's really odd is that the earlier spell in this same line, level 49 Vengeance of the Wild, at level 57 does 122 x 5 / 180 = 3.39 hp/mana. It seems really broken that this "upgrade", though it does more damage, is so much less efficient for the mana.
Sukrasisx (105 monk) / Terrwini (67 druid) / Teviron (59 shadowknight) / Wizbeau (36 wizard)
-- Mystic Coercion, EMarr
other dots are better?
# Aug 10 2009 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
633 posts
You got to know when to use them, know when to kite away, know when to run.
(Thx Kenny)(I usually say -- root them.... but in this case).

1) DoT v. nuke eff. 2) It's not always about extreme effciency. When you know you have the "extra mana" or will shortly be able to get it back - quicker can be better - even a double shot. 2) How many dots does it take to kill the mob quickest. How many hp's does it take to kill the mob v. unused dot potential cast etc. 3) Interuptability 4) Cast time 5) Root breaking 6) Agro. ... just to name a few "other" considerations.
Even in this day and age there are many times that the good experienced player plays better than the textbook mathmatician with better stats (Lvl/Equip/AA).

A good Druid needs to be as multifaceted as their character was intended on being.
(No you don't cast the same spells just the same in a group as when you solo. No! out agroing the Tank or making the tank work harder than he needs to is not "impressive" except to fools.)

(It's also not all about spelling - LOL)
# Oct 14 2006 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
I've heard from some people on my server that this spell is now researchable. Is anyone able to confirm this and if it can be researched, what's needed?
Does Stack
# May 09 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Default
I finally got this spell for my druid at lvl 57. It does stack with all other dots, including BoR. However, unless/until I acquire the lvl 64 Vengeance of Tunare I won't know if it stacks as well. This does a very nice amount of damage in a short time, especially with Burning Affliction III on. Of course, if you're not soloing, be aware of your aggro increase. This is the first dot I've really used in grp setting, for all the reasons mentioned below, and it works well.
410 Points
# Apr 21 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
Okay guys, I know if you're a Druid, it'll cost you 410 points and you have to buy it from the Everfrost camp.

Does this mean that the 410 points have to be EARNED in the Miragul camp?

Druid of the 56th Season
View me

Edited, Wed Apr 21 13:12:04 2004
RE: 410 Points
# Apr 24 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
No, it doesnt. As long as your total earnings in EF is 410 or more it doesnt matter where the points you actually spend on the spell comes from.
RE: 410 Points
# May 30 2004 at 2:06 AM Rating: Good
Sooo...I need to get 410 pts fighting in EF to get this?

LDoN points
# Jun 04 2004 at 2:08 PM Rating: Excellent
342 posts
The cumulative total of points earned in an LDoN theme will always allow you to buy items UP TO that value, regardless of how many you spend. If you earn more elsewhere, they can be used at another theme. You never LOSE points from your Cumulative Earned Total in each theme, you just deduct points from your current "bankroll."

This is a fun, confusing issue. Here is a scenario to help illustrate what I think Aleni was saying:

- You "devote" your early LDoN life to Everfrost and earn 410 points in the Miragul theme there. You can now buy anything the Everfrost Wayfarer merchant sells for 410 points in value or less.
- You spend 100 of these points at the EF Wayfarer merchant, leaving you with 310 remaining "banked." You still have 410 "earned."
- You then go out and earn points in OTHER LDoN theme dungeons totalling 200. Your *total* LDoN point count is now 610, but you presently only have *510* banked after the first purchase in EF.
- You now go back to EF and buy this spell for 410 points because you have previously earned 410 cumulative points at that theme.

Hope that helps somewhat. :)
RE: LDoN points
# Aug 25 2005 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
Old post ... The poster you replied to is still correct. Inorder to purchase something from a specific LDoN camp, you must earn that many points in that specific camp.

If I want a spell in EF that costs 1000 points. I still need to earn 1000 points IN EVERFROST. The confusion isn't about how many points from which camp. The confusion is coming from the above answers not reading the question properly.

You must earn the exact(or greater) amount of points in each individual dungeon to buy the items that are slated FOR that dungeon.

Example: JoeBarbarian goes and earns 100pts in EFP. Then heads to Nro and earns 1000points. Upon returning to EFP, Joe *CAN NOT* spend 1100pts in EFP, he can spend 100. However, Joe *CAN* spend 100 points 11 times.

The total accumulated points has NOTHING to do with the level of item you can purchase from a camp, only the actual EARNED points from that particular camp dictates this.

My druid has 2.5kpoints in EFP, never set foot in any other camp, I cannot buy anything above 6pts right now.

To wrap it up: To be able to purchase every single item in each camp(top item only), you would need to earn 1492pts in EACH camp. Doing EFP 2500 times, wont let you buy the top item in each of the other camps, until you do 2500 runs in each.

PS - The number '2500' was a pick of the hat number.
group dot
# Feb 19 2004 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
I'm not mr 16 hours a day EQ person, and not the most knowledgable person to play the game, but this spell seems to be the best group dot so far. At 215 points /tick this spell dose a total damage of 1075points in 30 seconds most mobs seem not to last more than 30 to 45 seconds anyways so those extra 3 to 5 ticks are wasted anyways so who cares. It just seems to me unless your gonna fight a very high end monster or your gonna solo the more points you can get in a group type situation the better. With a burning affliction 3 or 4 item this is most likely the best spell as far as group damage goes for a druid. Just a thought I could be wrong
Not for me
# Feb 10 2004 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
I just dont care for the LDON expansion and dont do the adventures very often. So i will probably never get any of the spells that come from any of the camps. I can live just fine with what i have. Besides i think i would rather get some of the other stuff than the spells anyway.
What does NOT Stack
# Feb 05 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
62 posts
What DOTS stack and which do not??
RE: What does NOT Stack
# Feb 26 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
243 posts
All of your dots will stack. You can cast this all of you fire dots, Magic dots (stinging swarm, drifting death, creeping crud ect.) they all stack even with your epic dot. If you do get all your highest dots on to a mob before your group kills it, you could very quickly get agro. One thing I do witch works if you have your epic or some kind of clickable is I'll cast my Fire debuff then cast my 9sec epic dot as a timmer as so the tank can get good agro then I will lay out all the dot I have up then snare. with a good tank this works well if you don't have your epic, cast your fisrt spell then count 9-10sec and cast again...F.Y.I your dot's will also stack with anouther DRU's dots (your Stinging Swarm will stack with that other dru's Stinging Swarm)...
Hope this helps.
RE: What does NOT Stack
# Jun 10 2004 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Actually the Fire line of dots dont stack with multiple druids, but the swarm ones do.
Vengence series will stack
# Jul 31 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
I'm Sorry i need to correct you slightly on the matter of stacking evocation based dots.
Any DoT (Damage over Time) that contains a Debuff (reduces a stat, or slows a mob's(monster or Beast) attack/spell haste) will not stack with any other same type of spell (E.G Immolation of Ro will not stack with Breath of Ro) however a same or higher debuff will override a same spell series or lower (E.G Immolation of Ro will override (replace) Breath of Ro).
That Said .... I currently have the Whole 'Vengence' line of spells and they do stack, the give away is that
1) They are in their on sub-section on the right click spell selectors.
2) They contain no debuff when cast.
I hope this clarifies this for everyone
(just to be clear for thoose that do not want the explination)
Vengence line will stack with themselves
RE: What does NOT Stack
# Jul 12 2004 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah hes right, the reason is that our Evocation (Fire) line of DoTs include AC & FR debuffs. If these spells stacked, so would the debuffs, and that could create balancing problems
# Jan 29 2004 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
does this spell fizzle as much as breath of ro
RE: spell
# Nov 13 2004 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
Fizzling is caused by not having enougfh skill levels in the corresponding magic skill for it
Erbill Puffenstuff
81 Seasons on Cazic Thule/Brell Serils
Veterans' Crew, Very Short Member at Large

~~Sorry MAKE A HOLE!!Just Scooting Through, Trying To Catch-UP!Oh Dear I'm JUST SOO FAR Behind!!!~~
RE: spell
# Oct 22 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
633 posts
That's not the only factor, certain spells, the one s/he mentions maybe the most notorius, fizzle more than others even with casting skills maxed. It's an easy real life/in game comparision.
RE: spell
# Nov 13 2004 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry i didnt mean to submit without a solution, hahaha...Mem the Lowest spell for each of the spell types.. then id recommend getting a C..and recast till ya reach max..theres lots of places to tell ya what the max formula is for ur leavel....remember it goes up 5 points each level..so its easy to get way behind, a 20 difference can cause a bunch of fizzles, and thats just 4 levels and i still get the occassional fizzle at 5 below the level but not very often
Erbill Puffenstuff
81 Seasons on Cazic Thule/Brell Serils
Veterans' Crew, Very Short Member at Large

~~Sorry MAKE A HOLE!!Just Scooting Through, Trying To Catch-UP!Oh Dear I'm JUST SOO FAR Behind!!!~~
Do they stack?!
# Dec 29 2003 at 7:05 AM Rating: Decent
Does this dot and the lvl 64 dot, Vengence of Tunare, stack? I know Breath of Ro, and Immolation of Ro do not.
Where and how much?
# Oct 26 2003 at 10:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Which camp sells this spell and how much does it cost???
RE: Where and how much?
# Jan 02 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
410 Adventure Points, Everfrost
RE: Where and how much?
# Dec 05 2003 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
This is a Miragul spell at the Everfrost camp.

Sweetiepye - Vazaelle server
RE: you have to be joking
# Oct 22 2003 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
/agree with Salkan. It's all about 5 ticks...Maybe Winged Death does more damage overall, but if the Mob drops after the 5th tick...oops i just wasted mana. So i'd rather have spent a little more mana and actually inflicted more damage. You only miss 212 damage overall, so less than 3 ticks off of WD.
I need to get this spell.

Cheechman Upinsmoke
56 Druid Honor of Knights
The Nameless
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 18 2003 at 3:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Are u guys nuts. look at damage / mana / reload time.
RE: You have to be joking.
# Sep 18 2003 at 10:18 PM Rating: Default
omg. none of what you just said made any sense or seems to have been based on any real game experience what so ever. The only numbers you were anywhere near being close to were for scoriae, its 688 for 250m.
your insta cast god spell clearly doesn't exist. I'm assuming you know your full of it, hope I'm not giving you to much credit. This is just for anyone reading this that may not know better yet and that can actually dicipher your babble.

ok now for usefull info.
Drifting death= 3.25damage per mana spent and about 8.7dps
Winged death= 3.68damage per mana spent and about 19.3 dps
Vengeance of Nature=3.75damage per mana spent and about 40.3dps
thats double the dps of winged death and it is more mana efficient, just will not seem that way if you root kite and you have more med time in between casts. but for a raid where your sustained dps is pretty much all that matters this is our most usefull dot series to throw on mobs that need dropped asap. of course its still no comparison to dd dps for example scoriae is only 2.7damage per mana but its dps is around 105.8, the point is you throw this on and maybe another dot and nuke while they tic. its very helpfull dps for one of the lowest dps classes their are.
RE: You have to be joking.
# Sep 26 2003 at 1:29 PM Rating: Excellent
27 posts
Spiritshade your a bit mistaken, you said "your insta cast god spell clearly doesn't exist" He might have mistaken the recast time on the spell, (Wildfire), it is 2 seconds, not Instant, but it is very very fast. The spell in question can be found here https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/spell.html?spell=1607 It is a very nice dd. Your math is a bit off. Vengence of nature is not 3.75 d/m. It is 3.162. Wildfire is 3.2, (i.e. slightly better in the mana department). But VON is a level 55 spell, (very nice till Wildfire at 59), and VON has a -30 to fire resist adjust and Wildfire has none. This means it will get resisted less than Wildfire. (We all know how well the -100 magic resist adjust works with Winged Death. It rarely gets resisted, that is why it I love it). I am very please we got a new DOT/Curse for when I am root Dotting a critter but it is not going to replace Winged Death as my bread and butter DOT at my level, (60). If your really serious about DPS, generally get a focus item from a mage,(the green wrist slot thingy they summon), and use your best DD's, (at my level that is). But of course that is a great way to get summoned and die if your not careful. Some critters are completely or almost completely resistant to magic. With this new DOT, you now (at 55-58), have a great efficient damage dealer that is Fire based, and is unlikely to get resisted, (Unlike Breath of RO, which gets resisted all the time due to the Debuff componant). One last thing, this is how i calculated d/m on VON. 215(damage/tick) X 5(ticks) = 1075 . 1075(total damage) divided by 340(mana) = 3.162 d/m Am I confused? (I do make a errors). Like everyone else, I would have loved to get a new DOT that was more efficient than WD, but it is still a handy spell. See Ya! Sluggo
RE: You have to be joking.
# Oct 01 2003 at 1:30 AM Rating: Excellent
I usually go for as much DPS in my LDoN groups as possible. As a result, mobs often last less than 45 seconds or so. We frequently do slaughter missions where you have to kill 60 mobs and finish with 40 minutes to spare. What is my point?

I think you all have missed the most important aspect of this new line. 5 ticks = 30 seconds. In a setting where mobs drop quick, this is invaluble. Sure you could nuke for 1k quicker, but dots have a significantly less chance of pulling aggro, and you may even be able to sit immediately after casting. I will be acquiring this spell asap for my dr00d.

Ulic - 64th Warrior of Rallos Zek
Salkan - 55th Druid of Tunare
Crocodillia - 52nd Shaman of CT
it's LDON
# Sep 10 2003 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
It's Ldon and bought with points , according EQdruids it an expensive 400+ points for it, so get to the dungeons!!
It's a DOT
# Aug 07 2003 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
It's a dot. Lucy says it's on Live servers as of 8/6 but I haven't found it yet....I checked PoK already, still looking
RE: It's a DOT
# Sep 09 2003 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
Was just in Firona Vie, and neither of the druid merchants had it.
# Jul 29 2003 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
142 posts
New spell that will come out with Lost Dungeons of Norrath. Widely believed to be a self-only Divine Aura spell, which will deflect all damage or all spell damage for a period of 2 ticks.
# Oct 22 2005 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
633 posts
So much for things that are "widely believed"
# Jul 29 2003 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
But the name of the spell is Reflect. Maybe instead of being a DA type of a spell it'll be like a spell riposte. I think would be pretty cool.
# Jul 25 2003 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know where i can get this? And what does it do?
RE: where
# Jul 28 2003 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
I am betting its a new spell with the lost dungeons expansion.

# Jul 25 2003 at 9:51 PM Rating: Default
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