Kipler Steffeal [ Adventure Merchant ]  

Adventure Merchant

Level: 70
Expansion: Lost Dungeons of Norrath
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2023-04-12 23:09:05
Items Available (225):
Item Price Currency Faction/TS Requirements Seasonal
Amber Amulet 4Adventure Points
Amber Charm 3Adventure Points
Amber Symbol 1Adventure Point
Amber Talisman 6Adventure Points
Amber Trinket 2Adventure Points
Amulet of Forgotten Magic 150Adventure Points
Ancient Researcher Spaulders 100Adventure Points
Arcane Dark Fetish 994Adventure Points
Archaic Blade of Battle 150Adventure Points
Archaic Bracelet of Chaos 150Adventure Points
Archaic Crown of Chaos 150Adventure Points
Archaic Pants of Chaos 150Adventure Points
Archaic Robe of Chaos 150Adventure Points
Archaic Sleeves of Chaos 150Adventure Points
Archaic Slippers of Chaos 150Adventure Points
Archaic Strands of Chaos 150Adventure Points
Arctic Ice Shard of Keenness 760Adventure Points
Azure Amulet 4Adventure Points
Azure Charm 3Adventure Points
Azure Symbol 1Adventure Point
Azure Talisman 6Adventure Points
Azure Trinket 2Adventure Points
Black Diamond of Advantage 150Adventure Points
Black Diamond of Deception 40Adventure Points
Black Diamond of Knowledge 150Adventure Points
Bone-Dust Armbands 48Adventure Points
Bone-Dust Bangle 48Adventure Points
Bone-Dust Britches 48Adventure Points
Bone-Dust Gloves 48Adventure Points
Bone-Dust Headband 48Adventure Points
Bone-Dust Sandals [Miragul's] 48Adventure Points
Bone-Dust Tunic 48Adventure Points
Bone-Linked Belt 150Adventure Points
Book of Benevolent Magic 130Adventure Points
Brilliant Enchanted Prism 510Adventure Points
Broken Researcher's Earring 60Adventure Points
Captured Hunter's Longbow 100Adventure Points
Club of the Mad Researcher 1150Adventure Points
Conjuration Teachings 40Adventure Points
Cracked Icy Shard of Research 220Adventure Points
Cracked Jeweled Choker 52Adventure Points
Crimson Charm 3Adventure Points
Crimson Symbol 1Adventure Point
Crimson Talisman 6Adventure Points
Crimson Trinket 2Adventure Points
Crushed Frozen Shard of Brilliance 220Adventure Points
Crushed Ice Fragment of Visions 100Adventure Points
Cursed Cloak 16Adventure Points
Dark Cloak of Lich Rituals 994Adventure Points
Distilled Ice of Insight 760Adventure Points
Drum of Dark Omens 30Adventure Points
Earring of Silent Screams [LDoN] 1492Adventure Points
Ebon Amulet 4Adventure Points
Ebon Charm 3Adventure Points
Ebon Symbol 1Adventure Point
Ebon Talisman 6Adventure Points
Ebon Trinket 2Adventure Points
Enchanted Frozen Hammer 340Adventure Points
Eternal Ice Prism of Sense 1150Adventure Points
Eternal Ice of Avoidance 150Adventure Points
Eternal Ice of Reconstruction 220Adventure Points
Eternal Ice of Replenishment 340Adventure Points
Faded Sorcerer's Cloak 130Adventure Points
Flattened Permafrost 760Adventure Points
Frigid Shard of Acuteness 510Adventure Points
Frigid Shard of Cleverness 340Adventure Points
Frosty Buckled Belt 52Adventure Points
Frosty Jeweled Necklace 20Adventure Points
Frosty Skull Earring 192Adventure Points
Frozen Ring 10Adventure Points
Frozen Ring of Ice Oddities 292Adventure Points
Gilded Lance of Magic 220Adventure Points
Glacial Ice of Toughness 1150Adventure Points
Gleaming Prism of Destruction 1150Adventure Points
Glowing Permafrost 100Adventure Points
Glowing Solvent 60Adventure Points
Grainy Permafrost of Maiming 510Adventure Points
Gravedigger's Shovel 84Adventure Points
Heated Shard of Protection 340Adventure Points
Hooded Cloak of Lunacy 40Adventure Points
Ice Sigil Earring 510Adventure Points
Ice-Boned Belt 442Adventure Points
Ice-Fragment Faceplate 30Adventure Points
Icy Bone Chip of the Elements 60Adventure Points
Icy Diamond of Assault 1150Adventure Points
Icy Earring 26Adventure Points
Icy Magical Belt 20Adventure Points
Icy Prism of Avoidance 760Adventure Points
Icy Rites Ring 36Adventure Points
Icy Shard of Illness Protection 510Adventure Points
Icy Shard of Resonance 960Adventure Points
Icy War Blade 10Adventure Points
Incorporeal Arms of the Specter 1492Adventure Points
Incorporeal Boots of the Specter 1492Adventure Points
Incorporeal Chain of the Specter [pre-nerf] 1492Adventure Points
Incorporeal Chain of the Specter 1492Adventure Points
Incorporeal Gauntlets of the Specter [pre-nerf] 1492Adventure Points
Incorporeal Gauntlets of the Specter 1492Adventure Points
Incorporeal Greaves of the Specter 1492Adventure Points
Incorporeal Helm of the Specter [pre-nerf] 1492Adventure Points
Incorporeal Helm of the Specter 1492Adventure Points
Incorporeal Wristband of the Specter 1492Adventure Points
Incorporeal Wristband of the Specter [pre-nerf] 1492Adventure Points
Jagged Marble Sphere of Protection 150Adventure Points
Jagged Permafrost Chunk 340Adventure Points
Lethal Permafrost Chunk 220Adventure Points
Lost Halas Guard Spear 20Adventure Points
Lost Traveler's Cape 340Adventure Points
Magenta Amulet 4Adventure Points
Magenta Charm 3Adventure Points
Magenta Symbol 1Adventure Point
Magenta Talisman 6Adventure Points
Magenta Trinket 2Adventure Points
Malevolent Boots of Suffering 760Adventure Points
Malevolent Bracer of Suffering 760Adventure Points
Malevolent Breastplate of Suffering 760Adventure Points
Malevolent Dirk of Deception 1150Adventure Points
Malevolent Gauntlets of Suffering 760Adventure Points
Malevolent Greaves of Suffering 760Adventure Points
Malevolent Helmet of Suffering 760Adventure Points
Malevolent Vambraces of Suffering 760Adventure Points
Mana-Woven Arms 20Adventure Points
Mana-Woven Bracer 20Adventure Points
Mana-Woven Chain Boots 20Adventure Points
Mana-Woven Chestplate 20Adventure Points
Mana-Woven Gloves 20Adventure Points
Mana-Woven Hat 20Adventure Points
Mantle for Focused Research 1492Adventure Points
Mantle of Dark Visions 36Adventure Points
Mantle of Frantic Spirits 760Adventure Points
Mantle of Madness 292Adventure Points
Marble Sphere of Disgust 510Adventure Points
Marble Sphere of Ire 1150Adventure Points
Mask of Chaotic Energy 660Adventure Points
Mask of Gazing Eyes 84Adventure Points
Mask of Pure Chaos 220Adventure Points
Monstrosity's Bone Ring 100Adventure Points
Mystical Bag of Bones 26Adventure Points
Necklace of Dementia 1150Adventure Points
Necromancer Grimoire 16Adventure Points
Obsidian Fragment of Durability 663Adventure Points
Orb of Haunting Visions 660Adventure Points
Peerless Jewel of Nimbleness 357Adventure Points
Peerless Ruby of Fiery Warding 357Adventure Points
Periapt of Forgotten Magic 442Adventure Points
Permafrost Chunk of Marring 1150Adventure Points
Permafrost Chunk of Resilience 30Adventure Points
Polar Ice of Virtue 1150Adventure Points
Pouch of Diamond Dust 192Adventure Points
Progeny's Buckler 340Adventure Points
Radiant Black Diamond 510Adventure Points
Radiant Coal of Prowess 1150Adventure Points
Radiant Diamond of Assault 1150Adventure Points
Radiant Emerald of Protection 1150Adventure Points
Radiant Permafrost 760Adventure Points
Radiant Permafrost Chunk 220Adventure Points
Radiant Shard of Thought 760Adventure Points
Ring of Cold Precision 760Adventure Points
Rustic Amulet 4Adventure Points
Rustic Talisman 6Adventure Points
Shawl of the Deranged 1150Adventure Points
Smooth Marble Sphere of Prowess 510Adventure Points
Song: Call of the Muse 650Adventure Points
Sparkling Short Axe 60Adventure Points
Spell: Bounce [Enchanter] 72Adventure Points
Spell: Call of Darkness 410Adventure Points
Spell: Guard of Calliav [Beastlord] 410Adventure Points
Spell: Guard of Calrena 410Adventure Points
Spell: Guard of Vie 72Adventure Points
Spell: Horror 650Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Augury 48Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Cleansing 48Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Exorcism 48Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Greater Augury 60Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Greater Cleansing 60Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Greater Exorcism 60Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Lesser Augury 25Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Lesser Cleansing 25Adventure Points
Spell: Iony's Lesser Exorcism 25Adventure Points
Spell: Pack Shrew [Druid] 48Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Augury 48Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Cleansing 48Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Exorcism 48Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Greater Augury 60Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Greater Cleansing 60Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Greater Exorcism 60Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Lesser Augury 25Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Lesser Cleansing 25Adventure Points
Spell: Reebo's Lesser Exorcism 25Adventure Points
Spell: Reflect [Wizard] 410Adventure Points
Spell: Remove Lesser Curse [Paladin] 36Adventure Points
Spell: Remove Lesser Curse [Shaman] 12Adventure Points
Spell: Summon: Orb of Exploration 72Adventure Points
Spell: Vengeance of Nature 410Adventure Points
Spell: Ward of Alendar 24Adventure Points
Spell: Ward of Calliav [Necromancer] 150Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Appraisal 48Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Discombobulation 48Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Extrication 48Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Greater Appraisal 60Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Greater Discombobulation 60Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Greater Extrication 60Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Lesser Appraisal 25Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Lesser Discombobulation 25Adventure Points
Spell: Wuggan's Lesser Extrication 25Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Appraisal 48Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Discombobulation 48Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Extrication 48Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Greater Appraisal 60Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Greater Discombobulation 60Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Greater Extrication 60Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Lesser Discombobulation 25Adventure Points
Spell: Xalirilan's Lesser Extrication 25Adventure Points
Stolen Bone Wand 30Adventure Points
Stolen Neriak Wizard Tome 220Adventure Points
Transparent Shard of Thought 760Adventure Points
Trapped Specimen's Pitchatka 510Adventure Points
Tundra Ice of Improvement 1150Adventure Points
Verdant Amulet 4Adventure Points
Verdant Charm 3Adventure Points
Verdant Symbol 1Adventure Point
Verdant Talisman 6Adventure Points
Verdant Trinket 2Adventure Points
Vial of Chaotic Mana 510Adventure Points
Wandering Halfling Blade 40Adventure Points

Known Habitats:
  Everfrost Peaks

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