There are 3 types of heals clerics have (druids/shaman as well but their names would be different):
1) Direct heals: This effect works for those (this is remedy, supernal remedy, divine light, supernal light, holy light and the lower level versions of those).
- Druids and shaman have this type of heal.
2) Percentage heals: This effect does not work on those and these type of heals would be our elixers or heals over time such as celestial remedy, celestial elixer, supernal elixer.
- Only shaman also have this type of heal.
3) Complete heal: This effect does not work on this spell, as almost the only effect if not the only effect that does work with complete heal is extended range focus effects.
- Druids and shaman also have a version of complete heal which I believe this effect does not work with.