Spell Icon Strength of the Diaku  


5: Increase STR by 35
6: Increase DEX by 28

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 175 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 6 Recast Time: 1.5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Range: 100
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Deletable: No Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Short Buff Box: No
Target Type: Single Spell Type: Beneficial
Source: Live 12/03


Cast on you: The rage of the Diaku fills your arms.
Cast on other: Soandso 's muscles fill with the strength of the Diaku.
Effect Fades: Your strength fades.

Game Description

Fills your target's body with the strength of the Diaku, increasing their strength and dexterity for 1 hour(s) 12.0 mins.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Strength of the Diaku


Planes of Power

1 hour(s) 12.0 mins
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HOG that Buff Bar Baby
# May 29 2005 at 12:58 AM Rating: Default
I hate to beat up on our great Shamans but you guys need to learn what your buffs do and do you really , really need to give everyone every buff you have?

1. How many of you Ask your Tanks if they are at Str , Dex Cap prior to giving them any buffs?( I will get to Wunshi's later) I have yet to see any shaman ask that question which might be a non factor for Tanks with lots of AA cap help.
2. How many of you ask other classes about Str and Dex Caps? NEWS FLASH: Most other non melee classes are pretty close to the cap because those classes do not put a priority on raising those stats as a Melee class does.
3. Now it is time to choose guys and think about this hard. Your group Cleric has died and you have a caster that is being pounded on by a mob. You being a Good Shaman cast Quiescence on the caster only to find that his buff bar is full of Str & Dex Overkill like this spell that is doing him little good at that moment. Ok sure Dex helps with casting but how much really is a 28 pt dex boost going to make the difference when your robed caster is in dire need of a heal? I know that caster really cranks out the dps with that extra Str and Dex big time in between casts and sitting on his *** or working on the 2hb on real slow nights. But a choice needs to be made by YOU THE BUFF ***** because your not really helping if the guy died because your Quiescence wouldnt stick and your slow instant heal did not land in time.

4. Last point and a question about Wunshi's Focusing. Ok I see that Wunshi's gives 85pts of STR and DEX cap increase to go with the 85 pts of STR and DEX given. My Question is why would they add the 85 pt cap jump? Could it be perhaps that classes are already capped or close and the buff would only give 680 hp making the spell kinda blow if they didn't?

Now I know most of you do not care about caps or trivial stuff like other classs who have just given up on buffing or tapping all together because there is never an open slot. But just remember the same goes for you Buff Whores. Do not ever say your low on mana when the tanks want that haste. Because ill check your buff bar and others you gave useless buffs to then jump your **** for having that stupid CHA buff up that blocked the mana tap last round as you were busy with your Cann / Q .

Haha I know blah blah blah but I think I ranted enough to get through your thick skull to think twice next time because in the end you are the best judge of who should get what buff and who shouldnt. Look up the Cleric Vie spell line and see how many people ever get that buff when grouped with a shaman. Look up the Chanter Alendar spell line. Ask yourself are you blocking some real good buffs because you must land every buff in the book reguardless if it helps or not.

Edited, Sun May 29 02:00:51 2005
RE: HOG that Buff Bar Baby
# Oct 11 2005 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
429 posts
How hard is it to click off unwanted buffs?
RE: HOG that Buff Bar Baby
# Aug 12 2005 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Just want to point something out here from a shaman perspective... It's easier (and more mana efficient) for a shaman to cast the group versions of our buffs than to ask each individual in the party which buffs they want and cast individual versions on each. As far as filling the buff bar, there is nothing to stop a player from taking a min to look at what buffs they have on and then clicking off the ones that are not needed. I think it falls to that person to make sure they have a blank spell slot or two for HoT spells and the like.
# Jul 09 2003 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
Nice cause it stacks with Focus of soul. And the dex and st buffs seperate do not
RE: stacks
# Nov 11 2004 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
This is a popular misconception. As it turns out the seperate STR and DEX buffs do stack if you cast them in the right order.
RE: stacks
# Mar 10 2007 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Pray tell how then, cause I can't get them to stick when Focus or HoS is on. YES THEY DO stack with IoS, but that is completely different...
RE: stacks
# Oct 24 2007 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Do individual buffs first, then toss focus or HoS on. If this doesnt still work, use individual buffs first, then talisman of kragg and IoS. Hit points are very comparable and if you have someone with some room to spare on their caps, it will max em. At 58 I can max stats on just about anyone if they want it, especially with all the gear avail since SoE nerfed the game to make it so much easier.
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