Spell Icon Fist of Karana  


1: Decrease Hitpoints by 812.

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 357 Skill: Evocation
Casting Time: 6 Recast Time: 1.5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Resist: Magic
Range: 200 Location: Outdoors
Time of Day: Any AE Duration: 5
AE Range: 10 Deletable: No
Reflectable: Yes Focusable: Yes
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Target Type: Targeted AE Spell Type: Detrimental
Source: Live 04/23


Cast on you: You have been struck by the shocking Fist of Karana.
Cast on other: Soandso has been struck by the shocking Fist of Karana.

Game Description

Calls down lightning from the sky over your target, causing between 812 and @1 damage to up to %T creatures in the area. This spell can only be cast outdoors.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Fist of Karana


Ruins of Kunark

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# Dec 20 2004 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
this spell can be reasearched, as can many of the higher druid spells that may appear to be drop only.

Edited, Mon Dec 20 17:14:32 2004
Not just for farming
# Apr 21 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
Sure its for exping go to Dulak u can quad kite there. Just hop on one of the boats and quad away like i do.
Dont get too close!!
# Feb 23 2004 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
I found out the hard way one day that if you have only 3 mobs, and you are too close to the pack, you too will take the nuke, so just be carefull.

Larnex Elderon 60 Druid Bristlebane

The Darkness is comming, are you ready?
RE: Dont get too close!!
# Aug 31 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
Heh, ANY Targetted AE will treat you that way, not just this one.... Ask an Enchanter what happened the first time he did Mesmerisation on a MOB that was in his face :)
# Nov 28 2003 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
So, Where do I go now that I am a 58 Druid and I want to Kite for exp and Cobalt Scar only gives me 1 blue bubble for about 30 Arctic Wyvern?
# Jul 05 2003 at 1:05 PM Rating: Excellent
29 posts
Just dinged level 58 and got this spell! Too bad I can't find a decent quad spot anymore, /sigh
RE: Yay!
# Sep 09 2003 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
That's because this spell isn't for exping. It's for farming! :)

Snare 12-15 shadows on the shadow isle in twilight sea. Drag to south shore to kite, or if you want to terrorize the occasional low level hunting in TS drag to elemental isle to kite. Now nuke. A few casts later your herd of shadows is dead. Loot the essense of shadow from the corpses and go back to clear the rest of the isle.

You can almost pull all ~24 shadows and kite them at once with this spell, if you can snare them all fast enough. If you're not quick enough, it's annoying when snare wears off the last 2 or 3 and you have to resnare and regroup them for the final kill.

Power-levelling (the bad way - pure exp PL), then group with a level 40 character while clearing the isle. They just sit there and soak up the exp while you farm.
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