Here's how to break king with a 50 enchanter.
Go to rock and jump right into the mote before the bridge. You will swim towards zone in and then turn left and go down a hole. This is the slim room because there's slime on the floor that makes you slide. You might need to kill about 2 frogs that roam outside this little jail cell. Jump in the moat right outside the slime room and swim around till you see a fork in the passageway, take the turn and go up. Be prepared to fight immediately because there will be frogs close to you pop up spot. The enchanter should be last so everyone else can run interference. The enchanter should have no problem mezing the illis frogs with dazzle. Make sure everyone assists, and I dont' recommend pet classes except mage.
From the jail drop in point go straight ahead and ignore the side jails. There is a small room here with 2 spawns. You can either pull them to the drop in point or rush the room. From here you can pull exit and the surrounding frogs if you like. I would clear out exit which is the room to the left with a door. Once exit is clear have the puller pull single roamers from the miconid area, marked by a door also.
Once the myconid door has been breached, have your puller pull up the right corridor all the way up to the king room. Once all roamers have been taken care of move to the king room. There will be a 3 spawn on the "throne" of the myconid king. Ignore them for now and hug the right wall until you get to the very back point of the room. The three spawn will not agro. Hopefully the king will not be up or this will be hell. Set up shop with buffs and then pull the 3 spawn, note the king ph. Kill the two side spawns and then wait a full 3 minutes before killing the king PH. Should any adepts appear switch to the adepts and tash and mez the reavers and warriors. Adepts and king should be handled by the warriors and a lvl 60 shaman. Shaman will be able to land the slow easily, although lvl 56 shaman gets same slow. You can go oom trying to land it though at lvl 56.
Party make up:
Warrior: lvl 54 or more, dependent on equipment
Cleric: noodle user is good because you can have a complete wipe out, noone's fault
Shaman: lvl 60 so that slow will stick without effort, if you can tash, malo can be lower lvl at 56+
enchanter: lvl 50+ with tash dazzle can stick on reavers and warriors, everyone switches to adepts when they show up.
mage: COH makes this a whole lot easier
monk/rogue: for true damage
or ranger for snare and damage or even wizard.