Spell Icon Dark Assassin  


1: Summon Skeleton Pet: PCPetNecS14L070Spec2Snw

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 800 Skill: Conjuration
Casting Time: 16 Recast Time: 1.5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Range: 0
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Deletable: No Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Target Type: Self
Spell Type: Beneficial Source: Live 04/23


Cast on you: A festering corpse rises from the ground.
Cast on other: Soandso cackles as a festering corpse rises from the ground.

Game Description

Inspires a spirit of pestilence to inhabit a corpse to do your bidding. Consumes bone chips when cast.


Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Dark Assassin


Omens of War

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The Nectromancer and What I Would Like to See
# Sep 09 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
14 posts
A list of the changes to the Necromancer that I would like to see:

I would like to see the higher end lich spells turn us into a skeleton yet we keep our robes on. Also, a form of the Xi Thall, from the zone "The Maiden's Eye" would be a very nice change of pace.

Example: An Iksar Necromancer would look like a Kunark Skelton yet would be wearing his robes. (Tired of seeing my tail disappear while in lich form)
Example: Here is what the Xi Thall look like.

Make the pet look like Avatars of the Planes that they are from. I love my spectre but at level 60-70 I should be able to summon my Gods' Avatars. (At least the graphic) We have had Skeletons and Spectres long enough. It is time for the "Masters of Death and Shadows" to start summoning monsters of horrid delight.

Example: In the Plane of Disease there is a planar progression mob called Grummus. He reminds me of the old Diablo NPC "The Butcher." A miniature version of Grummus would be a gruesome visage for a Necromancer pet.

Baron Demetri Bloodmagus
Iksar Necromancer of the 59th Season
"Tribunal of Avatars"
Prexus Server

Edited, Thu Sep 9 12:04:16 2004
My mistake
# Sep 06 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
Hey everyone that replyed to the posts put up by this name lol, srry i let my bro play for a week while i was gone. Didnt know he would do this BS so ummmm. how do i delete these?
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 12 2004 at 4:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) First off I cant believe someone is complaining about the cost of a pet. What an idiot. At 65 with a necro you should have at least 400k in your bank. Second who cares about BOT mobs? Bro if your really upset you cant solo a bot mob you might as well delete your char cause you have no idea what a necro can do. I can take my necro to FIRE and get whatever I need. BOT? LOL!!! you have got to be kidding me. If you want to charm goto Tactics and charm one of the undead there and kill the whole top floor. But guess what, you still wont get as much exp as you would soloing in tactics. Necros are flat out monsters in this game. You just need to be mature and know how to play it.
RE: Nerfing pets
# Sep 26 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
You've got to be kidding me... for one, not all Necroes are Fire flagged... 1) if you're boasting about the true power of the solo necro... how are you going to be Fire flagged? You soloing the raid mobs yourself there buddy? So right away you're admitting you had heavy raid help to get yourself equiped to Elemental status. 2) In Fire you have a pretty nice DC pet... in Tactics you're lucky to find the charmable mob... and if it breaks during a pull... and you're not actually Elemental flagged because we're assuming you're that ideal solo necro again, you're pretty well screwed... get FD off, and you're talking a whole waste of time. 3) Not all Necroes have a life free of work, school, and responsibilities so that they can camp mobs for 12 hours a day to get that bank role of 400k. You can do it easy, but it takes time... and most of us have other things to do with the little game time we get. So quit boasting... cause you're not as cool as you make yourself out to be. Even an unskilled Necro can kill big game if his uber guild has equiped him well... try the life of a real solo necro and get back to us... and btw... why are we posting threads about Tactics and BoT soloing under a pet spell?
RE: Nerfing pets
# Aug 18 2004 at 4:58 AM Rating: Default
buddy, if you think all lvl 65s have 400k in their banks, i need to group with you.
RE: Nerfing pets
# Sep 11 2004 at 2:01 AM Rating: Decent
Hahaha thats so funny, I was thinking the same thing. I'm broke and that aint no joke. 29k cant buy you **** now a day.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 14 2004 at 3:02 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If we dont get a better pet and pet haste than a BL at the least i am gonna freak out damn it We have to spend more PP to summon a pet than any class BL uses mana only to summon a pet that is almost equal to that of a mage we have to use bone chips and Periots to summon a pet i dont care if money is no object its BS that we use extra to summon a pet that is weaker than a pet summoned purly by mana or a pet summoned by a FREAKIN MALACHITE THAT COSTS 2CP im srry if you disagree with me and i know there is a balance to be held but its getting out of hand and necro's are being nerfed TO much and heres proof there was once a time when necromancers could solo BoT or HoH we still can do HoH just not as easy or alot of other places like other classes with alot of AA's and junk to help us along but now even with all the AA's we have a hard time soloing BoT mobs not Kjals or profets but Militis or Kriger's an enchanter with 100 AA's can solo a BoT mini boss WTF nerf the chanter you dumb *** developers or whoever the hell is makeing these damn changes this game is suppost to be fun now stop makeing it boring for necro's and fun for everyone els cause they can rub it in our faces that they can solo better than us we are top soloers in game but we cant solo a mini boss in BoT like a chanter this is all just stupid so im askin for it to plz be fixed Smiley: oyvey
RE: Stop the nerfing!
# Aug 18 2004 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
you use the bone chips and peridot because you are evil. it's how the man is trying to keep us down. necros unite. stop the crying! your pet is your best DoT. i wish there was a way to say exactly how much dmg your pet does compared to our best DoT. i doubt there would be a huge gap in difference. keep in mind, your pet is usually at the mobs back, not getting dodged and what not. so he's doing even more dmg. all be it not at once, but over time... get the point?
i think necro pets are the best well rounded in the game. they can dish out good dmg and they aren't pushovers (well, depends on the mob) when taking dmg. but then again, they aren't meant for taking dmg that much.
when i tell my beast lord friend how much dmg my DoTs do in a tic, he is amazed. no, my pet can't do as much dmg as his warder, but when i sit down the aggro is all mine.
RE: Stop the nerfing!
# Aug 18 2004 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
plus necro pets are designed for what they do. who else has pets that can backstab?
RE: Stop the nerfing!
# Aug 22 2004 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
Mage water pet backstabs.
RE: Stop the nerfing!
# Jul 28 2004 at 4:24 AM Rating: Default
Guess the guy never heard of root dotting! A pet is only an extended dot that don't wear off unless killed. Our dotting capabilitys are the highest out there. Try root dotting mobs like a drood has too.
RE: Stop the nerfing!
# Jul 16 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Ok... on the soloing thing, sure a chanter MAY be able to solo a mini WITH good enough gear... at REALLY high risk if they make ONE slip up.

Necro makes a mistake? Long as they clear any DoT's, Death Peace...POOF danger lessened, greatly.
RE: Stop the nerfing!
# Jul 15 2004 at 2:13 AM Rating: Default
308 posts
Further, if you learn to punctuate and break up your sentances, it would make it a lot easier to get your point.
RE: Stop the nerfing!
# Aug 24 2004 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
Amen.. I almost passed out trying to read that all on one breath. =/
RE: Stop the nerfing!
# Jul 15 2004 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
308 posts
Necro pets are just icing on the cake. Look at all the spells that you get that put you above a Beastlord. Also, you have to look at it from a game lore standpoint, which is what the game designers try to do but no one cares about any of that anymore, everyone just wants more and more power out of context. Lore wise, Liches and the like typically use reagents and rituals in summoning their minions, while classes that are more assosciated with the EQ beastlord usually just call their followers from the environment. Ever see Beastmaster?

Is pet STILL gonna be a wuss?
# Jul 14 2004 at 1:58 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Sat Oct 23 01:46:31 2004
RE: Is pet STILL gonna be a wuss?
# Aug 07 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Default
Well apparently the level 70 pet is a child, so yes hes still a wuss.

Mezzo the Unyielding
RE: Is pet STILL gonna be a wuss?
# Jul 21 2004 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent

Look, our pets should never tank.... why do they need to? we can agro kite. we have the best DoT spells in the game. we have a pet that is Equal (yes i said equal am i gonna get flamed as a trator or what?!) in DPS to that of a Mage and or Beastlord.
I have played both the necro and the beastlord up to the high 50s and i can tell u that the necromancer can solo better with a much less chance of dying.

While our pets dont have many hit points (and they dont) they are good at DPS something we need to augment are impressive line of DoTs,

We dont need Super efficent spells because we have rediculus mana regen... just look at Lich Demi and Arch lich.

Yes our pets cost a Pdot and bones chips to summon (but frankly so what? our pets zone now) a BST doesnt get Reclaim Energy we do (if your to stupid to use it before u log thats your problem not mine)

Q: What is a bst with a crappy pet?
A: a Sucky monk with spells (IE a ranger)

Q: what is a mage without HIS pet
A: A really crappy wizard.

Q: what is a necro without his pet:
A: someone who can do anything at all they can without the pet, just taking more mana and time.

Q: can we solo without our pet:
A: Duh

Q: what can a mage or bst solo without there pet
A: Nothing

Thus my conclution is!

we dont need the pet... if u dont want it dont buy it. We can Solo better with the pet, we dont have to worry about about it taking the agro with our dots HUGE agro, as well as being able to turn taunt off, so it shouldnt get hit in the first place.

Mages cant solo without the pet, they dont have the tools... not root, not dots, not even good nukes, they CANNOT solo wihtout there pet (as a side note what can a mage do in a GROUP wihtout its pet?)

BST are their pet. The BST SUCK without their pet.
RE: Is pet STILL gonna be a wuss?
# Aug 09 2004 at 2:05 AM Rating: Good
Hey now. Bst do NOT suck without there pet we just do alot better with it. It really depends on how well you know a class and how well you play with that class. And maybe how good your armor is, but all in all i can solo db's with my non-twinked armor dot's and dd's .

Edited, Mon Aug 9 12:50:20 2004
RE: Is pet STILL gonna be a wuss?
# Nov 08 2004 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
I have to agree. Bst is an awesome class. It really just comes down to how well you play your class =)

66 Necro on Veeshan
new pet
# Jul 07 2004 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
i hope to god this pet has an interesting graphic like a ghost, or racially based graphic, Iksar get iksar ghost etc.
spectre or skell
# Jul 04 2004 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
is this pet a spectre or a skelle pet? i hope its a monk too
# Jun 30 2004 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
I hope they make this pet worthy of our mana. Would be nice if could backstab too. =)
RE: hmmm
# Aug 09 2004 at 2:08 AM Rating: Default
Isnt there already a necro pet that can backstab?
# Jun 17 2004 at 6:43 PM Rating: Default
What sense is this finale pet when lvl cap 65 was 65 why isnt final pet 70 umm did I miss somthing at 66 you get a 66 pet someone explain.
RE: Nonesense
# Jun 30 2004 at 6:44 AM Rating: Default
At 65 our pet was 60 not 65. I assume that this one will be 66 as well, but w/ better stats, or I hope a monk.
RE: Nonesense
# Jun 22 2004 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
The next expansion is going to expand max level to 70.
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