The Blade of Sirrik  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Title
Factions Raised:
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    Quest Items:
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    Era:Ruins of Kunark
    Group Size:Solo
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    Entered: Sat Feb 18 21:37:27 2017
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    You say, 'Hail, Tezrisz Sirrik'

    Tezrisz Sirrik gives a sharp flick of his tail as he quickly eyes Chain, 'Greetings. I am Tezrisz Sirrik, loyal Knight of Dread. I can see that you are young and strong -- much like I was many moons ago in my youth. However, be wise and do not underestimate me, Chain. I am still quite adept in the talents of the blade and it is those talents that have earned me the position and [duties:Tell me more of your duties.] I hold now.'

    You say, 'Tell me more of your duties.'

    Tezrisz Sirrik says, 'I have been charged by the Temple of Terror to uncover a lost relic -- a blade, to be precise, the Blade of Sirrik. An ancestor of mine once wielded the blade, a great warrior who held the title of General when the Iksar had managed their first victory in the building of our empire shortly after the Greenmist freed us from the Shissar. As I bear the name of the weapon, it is only fitting that my actions are integral to its recovery. Unfortunately, all assistants that have been sent to recover [the tome:Tell me more of this tome.] containing the lore of my ancestor and his blade thus far have been... unsuccessful.'

    You say, 'Tell me more of this tome.'

    Tezrisz Sirrik says, 'It is a Shissar Hide Tome, bound by my ancestor's very hands in the flesh of the creature that had enslaved him for several decades before the arrival of the Greenmist. The proper name of the tome has been lost to us for some time, as the countless wars to grace the Iksarian history would mercilessly provide nothing less. This tome is believed to hold the lore of this weapon -- how and why it was created, allowing us to properly restore it to its former glory. I have begun to grow... impatient with the lack of competency displayed in all of the 'assistants' provided by the Temple, for without [the tome's retrieval:I will retrieve the tome.], my duties cannot be fulfilled.'

    You say, 'I will retrieve the tome.'

    Tezrisz Sirrik flicks his tongue over his canines and nods once in approval, 'Very well, young Iksar. Brave the trek into the crumbling tunnels of Old Sebilis, where the tome has resided for the past several centuries. Acquire this tome and return it to me... if you can. I'll be awaiting its arrival.'

  • Loot Shissar Hide Tome from froglok ilis wizard/froglok krup shaman in Old Sebilis 0/1

    Go back to East Cabilis.

  • Turn in Shissar Hide Tome to Tezrisz Sirrik in East Cabilis 0/1

    Tezrisz Sirrik performs a quick inspection of the tome, his surprise and appreciation apparent, 'Most excellent, Chain. It is comforting to know that I will fulfill my duties and please my masters. You have proven yourself most competent, young Iksar. I wish to repay you, if you continue to display such competency and strength. Following the instructions within the tome, I have brewed a potion that you must deliver to one known as Sarviksa Zessthar. When you give her this potion, be sure that you also give her the Skull of a Sarnak Noble.'

    Your faction standing with Cabilis Residents has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis could not possibly get any better.
    You gain experience!

    Receive Swirling Opaline Potion from Tezrisz Sirrik. 0/1

    Head to Chardok.

  • Loot Sarnak Noble’s Skull from Di’Zok Noble in Chardok. 0/1

    Go back to East Cabilis.

  • Turn in Swirling Opaline Potion and Sarnak Noble’s Skull to Sarviksa Tiths. 0/1

    Sarviksa Tiths says, 'Ah, I see that Tezrisz has found someone worthy to assist him. How fortunate for him. I have completed my part of this task, Chain. Return this Shrunken Skull to Tezrisz.'

    Your faction standing with Scaled Mystics has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis could not possibly get any better.
    You gain experience!

    Receive Shrunken Sarnak Skull.

  • Turn in Shrunken Sarnak Skull to Tezrisz Sirrik. 0/1

    Tezrisz Sirrik nods again in approval as he briefly studies the quality of the shrunken skull, 'This is perfect, Chain, and shall replicate the pommel of the deadly, infamous weapon without flaw. There are a few more components that I need to finish the forging of this weapon, for I have searched the tomes in our libraries and consulted with our elders to discover that the blade has long since been destroyed. Fortunately, General Sirrik did not perish without penning the precise modifications and recipe used to forge his weapon. Take this chest and fill it with three items -- Skeletal Iksar Talons, a Petrified Charred Branch, and an Opalescent Hide from a devourer. Return the sealed chest to me.'

    You gain experience!

    Receive Darksteel Chest.

    Head to Karnor's Castle.

  • Loot Skeletal Iksar Talons from skeletal captain in Karnor’s Castle. 0/1

    Head to Burning Woods.

  • Loot Petrified Charred Branch from forest giants in Burning Woods. 0/1

    Head to Howling Stones.

  • Loot Opalescent Hide from a bottomless devourer in Howling Stones. 0/1

    Combine the three items in Darksteel Chest.

    Go back to Tezrisz Sirrik in East Cabilis.

  • Turn in Sealed Dark Steel Chest to Tezrisz Sirrik. 0/1

    Tezrisz Sirrik says, 'Yes... these shall do quite nicely. From the items you have provided, I was able to complete the forging of the Boned Blackwood Hilt -- the incomplete part of our desired goal. Take the hilt and two goblin canines from the miners of Nurga to my apprentice, Sarviksa Tiths. She shall instruct you further, Chain.'

    Your faction standing with Cabilis Residents has been adjusted by 10.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis could not possibly get any better.
    You gain experience!

    Receive Boned Blackwood Hilt.

    Head to Mines of Nurga.

  • Loot two Goblin Canine from goblins in Mines of Nurga. 0/2

    Go back to East Cabilis.

  • Turn in Boned Blackwood Hilt and two Goblin Canine to Sarviksa Tiths. 0/1

    Sarviksa Tiths accepts the items. Without a word, she expertly affixes the goblin teeth to the Boned Blackwood Hilt and returns it to you. 'The perfect hilt, I think. Now all you'll need is a blade to go with it. May I suggest a Gleaming Serrated Blade? Return this fanged hilt and the blade to Tezrisz to receive your final reward, Chain.'

    Your faction standing with Scaled Mystics has been adjusted by 10.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis could not possibly get any better.
    You gain experience!

    Receive Fanged Blackwood Hilt.

    Head to City of Mist.

  • Loot Gleaming Serrated Blade from a black reaver in City of Mist. 0/1

    Head back to Tezrisz Sirrik in East Cabilis.

  • Turn in Fanged Blackwood Hilt and Gleaming Serrated Blade to Tezrisz Sirrik.

    Tezrisz Sirrik carefully fits the blade and hilt together, chanting a series of nearly inaudible and incomprehensible arcane words in a low-pitched hiss. In a wonderfully horrific display, the fangs of the hilt reach up and pierce the gleaming blade that emits a single drop of black liquid from the punctuals, signaling the forging of the dark, merciless weapon. 'It is complete, Chain. Wield it as a demonstration of your efforts and dedication to the Tower of Dread and the Iksar Empire.'

    Your faction standing with Cabilis Residents has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis could not possibly get any better. (Need all the Legion of Cabilis faction hit values)
    You gain experience!

  • Submitted by: MaxTheLion
    Send a Correction
    Post Comment
    Kind of amazing...
    # Apr 02 2024 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
    66 posts absolutely awful and not worthwhile this quest is compared to all of the others in era.

    Every single other one is among the best in slot for the Kunark era, whether due to clicky, or proc, or weapon ratio, or whatever.

    This weapon? Absolute crap. A ratio of 22/35? What in god's name were they thinking??
    Faction and good races
    # Aug 11 2021 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
    93 posts
    I was able to complete this quest while being KOS. I got on the level below the quest givers and initiated a trade then got an invis. If you're out of LOS, a KOS mob won't attack. You can complete the entire quest this way even when KOS. I didn't do any hails, just turn-ins.
    # Oct 14 2019 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
    91 posts
    Are these items pre-lootable, or is looting them part of the quest / task list?
    ~~Fenthen Jus'taceio
    60th Cleric, Xegony
    # Mar 17 2020 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
    1 post
    Yes, they are pre-lootable. This is an old style quest with no linear task list.
    Appropriate classes / Race
    # Jan 29 2018 at 10:41 AM Rating: Excellent
    189 posts
    Please update the page. This quest reward is only good for Iksar Wars and SKs
    It's deceiving when looking through quests by zone.
    Hope you enjoy (This recipe is a trademark by Nightmares Inc., all rights reserved.) :-D
    Appropriate classes / Race
    # Feb 03 2018 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
    DarkVendetta wrote:
    Please update the page. This quest reward is only good for Iksar Wars and SKs
    It's deceiving when looking through quests by zone.

    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

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    Goblin Canine
    # Feb 19 2017 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
    379 posts
    Had Goblin Canine from a goblin spirit terror.
    Goblin Canine
    # Feb 21 2017 at 6:55 PM Rating: Excellent
    laink wrote:
    Had Goblin Canine from a goblin spirit terror.

    Thanks, we'll get this put in once we get Goblin Canine entered into the item database.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at
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