Argin-Hiz #1: Burning Curiosity  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Call of the Forsaken
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Jul 15 23:45:00 2014
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This solo task is the first in a series of four. It begins with Nara Fayeil (click for map image) in Argin-Hiz (from the zone-in field, she's on the left-hand side of the city entrance gate).

- Level 85
- No task requirements

She'll ask you your race, then say "learn" and "agreement" to request the task.

You say, 'Hail, Nara Fayeil'

Nara Fayeil smiles, 'Welcome to Argin-Hiz, the great city of the Sol`dal.' The curious elf reaches out to touch your arm, but pulls her hand back before making contact. 'I can tell you're not from around here. Your skin looks so soft and cool. Tell me, what are you exactly?'

You say, 'I am a _____'

Nara Fayeil nods with understanding, 'Of course. I can see the similarities between us. You can think of me as a fire elf. My people radiate warmth. Our inner fire is a source of pride and self-worth. Most within the city don't welcome outsiders, but I find them fascinating. I'm sure we could [learn] a lot from each other, _____.'

You say, 'Learn, what?'

Nara Fayeil smiles, 'I have many questions I'd like to ask. In return, I'll tell you a bit about the history of this city. Do we have an [agreement]?'

You say, 'We have an agreement...'

Nara Fayeil begins her questioning immediately, 'What god do you worship?'

You have been assigned the task 'Burning Curiosity'.

Learn more about the city of Argin-Hiz and what items of power exist within its walls.

Nara Fayeil repeats her question, 'What god do you worship?'

Answer Nara's first question 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

You say, '_____' (any player-worshipped deity)

Nara Fayeil says 'The Sol`dal worship their savior, Solusek Ro, Lord of Flame. In ancient times, he brought the heat of the burning sun to the forest where our ancestors dwelled. The rivers boiled, the trees cracked and exploded. Most perished within the blaze, but Solusek Ro spared a small group. As the flames licked their skin, they became stronger, eventually becoming one with the fire. We are descendants of the few he chose to spare. His flame still burns at our core. Now, for my [next question].'

Answer Nara's second question 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

You say, 'Yes... Next question...'

Nara Fayeil asks her second question, 'What is one of the main races that live in your land, other than _____ of course?'

You say, '_____' (any player race other than your own)

Nara Fayeil gestures to the surrounding forest, 'What few critters we have tend to linger around the forest. The city is too warm for most animals, though the mines have pockets of undead. Argin-Hiz is split up into four factions: [Keepers], [Sol dal], [Embers], and [others] like me.' The elf flashes a quick smile.

Nara Fayeil contemplates her final question, staring out into the forest for a moment before bringing her eyes back to yours, 'Tell me, _____. What's waiting for me beyond the trees?'

Answer Nara's third question 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

You say, '_____ is waiting for you...' (fill in the blank with anything)

Nara Fayeil flashes a skeptical smile, 'I ask that question to every outsider I meet, and the answer is always different. As descriptive as some can be, I'd still like to see for myself one day. We're not allowed to leave the city for any reason. Those that choose to defy the Keepers are exiled, or worse. So instead, I wander the forest, searching for clues about life outside our city.'

You say, 'Tell me about the Keepers'

Nara Fayeil says 'Keepers help ensure that the other factions don't kill each other. They are noble enforcers who patrol the city, but mostly remain within the building to the northwest, known as Keepers' Hall. It's off limits to all, except the Keepers.'

You say, 'What about the Sol dal?'

Nara Fayeil says 'While we're all fire elves, only those with undeniable radiance can call themselves Sol`dal. Their inner fire burns bright, proving that they are favored by our god, Solusek Ro. They keep to themselves in the northeastern part of the city, refusing to mingle with anyone they think is beneath them, which is mostly everyone and everything.'

You say, 'And the Embers?'

Nara Fayeil says 'Ember is the name given to the Sol`dal whose inner fire is dimmed. Many believe that Solusek Ro abandons the weak, causing their skin to cool and passion to die. Embers are looked down upon, and often forced to work in the mines or as servants to the Sol`dal.'

You say, 'What about the others?'

Nara Fayeil says 'I'm an Ember, and I'm not afraid to admit it. Most wouldn't choose this name for themselves, but I've embraced the differences that come with being an Ember. My inner fire may be weak, but it's allowed a new side of me to bloom. I have a hunger for knowledge that cannot be satiated within these walls.'

Speak to Nara 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

You say, 'Hail, Nara Fayeil'

Nara Fayeil says 'Occasionally I'll find a foreign object within the foliage and take it to Vasser. He runs a shop in the city that sells exotic and powerful goods. Whatever you're looking for, I'm sure Vasser knows how to find it. If you tell him that I sent you, I'm sure he'll let you browse his private collection.'

Find Vasser and see what he knows about the heart of the city 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

Vasser Fayeil is found in the first house on the left upon entering the city from the zone-in field.

You say, 'Hail, Vasser Fayeil'

Vasser Fayeil glances at you nervously, 'Nara sent you, did she? How many times do I have to tell that girl not to trust strangers?' The shop owner sighs, 'I don't know what Nara told you about my store, but I can promise you that I deal in the mundane, not magical. Though it seems that after last night's [break in], my shop won't be selling anything at all.'

You say, 'What break in?'

Vasser Fayeil explains, 'Thieves broke in while I was sleeping and made off with most of my inventory. I have a good idea who's responsible. There's a lot of competition between shop owners in the ember section of the city. It wouldn't surprise me one bit to see my stolen items show up on their shelves. There's not much I can do about it though. No one wants to [aid] an ember.'

You say, 'What aid?'

Vasser Fayeil says 'I won't turn down help, even from an outsider. Be warned though, the shopkeepers of this city won't welcome strangers, no matter how much gold you have to spend, so be prepared for a fight.'

Help Vasser recover a Blue Diamond Brooch from shops within the Ember district 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

Help Vasser recover a Framed Painting from shops within the Ember district 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

Help Vasser recover a Wind-Up Music Box from shops within the Ember district 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

Help Vasser recover an Engraved Moltenite Ring from shops within the Ember district 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

All "Shopkeeper" mobs spawn in different shops in the southeastern part of the city. In each of the four shops, kill "an ember clerk" to spawn a named Shopkeeper unique to that shop. The ember clerks are stunnable and mezzable, but most other "an ember _____" mobs are immune to mez (but stunnable). Also be advised that while they don't hit conventionally hard for this tier (14,000-15,000 max), they hit fast. They also move fast, and mob pathing leaves something to be desired as well.

The named Shopkeepers aren't any more difficult than the ember clerks, and respawn is "quick" to allow for multiple groups working the same task. Shopkeepers will drop as many quest items as there are for players on their hate list who are on the loot step of this task (up to a maximum of six items). If you're with a group, make sure you're on its hate list.

Loot a "Blue Diamond Brooch" from Shopkeeper Vyvian (spawn point: /loc -80, 380, -296); "Framed Painting" from Shopkepper Oroso (spawn point: /loc -385, 590, -296); "Wind-Up Music Box" from Shopkeeper Mariana (spawn point: /loc -575, 650, -296); and "Sales Ledger" (yes, really) from Shopkeeper Trystol (spawn point: /loc -365, 255, -296).

Shopkeeper Vyvian growls, 'I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to.'

Shopkeeper Vyvian has been slain by _____!
Shopkeeper Vyvian's corpse coughs, 'Looks like I'm the one... that got hurt.'

Shopkeeper Trystol flinches, 'What was that? Ah, I see you.'

Shopkeeper Trystol has been slain by _____!
Shopkeeper Trystol's corpse says 'Why? Why would you...?'

Return to Vasser with the items 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

Just hail him here; items will disappear from inventory.

You say, 'Hail, Vasser Fayeil'

Vasser Fayeil looks over the items you returned, attempting to conceal his disappointment, 'Thank you for recovering my stolen goods, _____.' The shopkeeper's hands begin to tremble as he reads the sales ledger.

Speak to Vasser 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

You say, 'Hail, Vasser Fayeil'

Vasser Fayeil fights back tears while speaking, 'It appears Nara was right to trust you. I suppose maybe it's time I trusted someone, too. My shop did contain a singular powerful item - a ring. It's a band that all Keepers wear, which allows one to access the inner sanctum of their hall. It belonged to Nara's mother who vanished years ago. The ring was all Nara or I had to remember her by. According to the sales ledger, the ring was sold to an Arius Sunspite. I don't know the name, which means he's definitely not an ember. If you want access to Ro's flame, you'll need to [recover] that ring.

You say, 'How can I recover it?'

Vasser Fayeil says 'I'll ask around here and see if anyone knows anything about Arius. You should head up to the Diamond District and do the same. There are a few embers employed by the Sol`dal who might be willing to speak to outsiders.'

Find out more about Arius Sunspite 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

Find "an ember servant" in the northeastern part of the city in a house at /loc 2345, -1290 (of the four easternmost houses in the city, it's the northernmost of the four), and say "Arius" to her.

Watch out for see-invis fire imps and keeper mobs in this area of the zone.

You say, 'Hail, an ember servant'

an ember servant keeps her voice low when speaking, 'You shouldn't be here. I'm supposed to alert the troopers to the presence of outsiders.

You say, 'Who is Arius Sunspite?'

an ember servant says 'Arius resides next door, though I've never seen him. He's a reclusive collector, from antiques to exotic pets. If you believe the rumors, he lives among piles of junk and animal dung, only leaving his fortress of filth for a sale.' The servant shrugs her shoulders, 'Who knows if it's true, though? The Sol`dal can be exceptionally crafty and cruel with their gossip.'

Return to Vasser 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

You say, 'Hail, Vasser Fayeil'

Vasser Fayeil nods with understanding as you tell him what you've learned. 'So the Sol`dal who bought my ring is a recluse with an eye for a bargain? Perhaps if we create a sale too good to pass up, he'll leave his house and you'll be able to sneak in and retrieve the ring.'

You helped Vasser track down the identity of the Sol`dal recluse that purchased his stolen ring.

187 platinum, 5 gold
Experience (about 3 AAs at Level 100)
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quest updates
# Feb 11 2021 at 12:30 AM Rating: Good
356 posts
For the line: Nara Fayeil smiles, 'Welcome to Argin-Hiz, the great city of the Sol`dal.' The curious elf reaches out to touch your arm, but pulls her hand back before making contact. 'I can tell you're not from around here. Your skin looks so soft and cool. Tell me, what are you exactly?'

You can /say any player race, even one that is not your own

For Answer Nara's first question 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)

you can /say any player deity including agnostic and it doesn't have to match your own religious selection

For Answer Nara's second question 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)
you can /say any player race including your own and even the same one you said earlier.

For Answer Nara's third question 0/1 (Argin-Hiz)
to continue and get the step update, you can /say anything except Keepers, Sol'Dal, Embers, or others
then it shows:
Nara Fayeil flashes a skeptical smile, 'I ask that question to every outsider I meet, and the answer is always different. As descriptive as some can be, I'd still like to see for myself one day. We're not allowed to leave the city for any reason. Those that choose to defy the Keepers are exiled, or worse. So instead, I wander the forest, searching for clues about life outside our city.'
Fennin Ro (now Cazic Thule)

Qrow Magnon
85 Outrider
Dragonriders of Norrath
Fennin Ro
# Jan 25 2015 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
2,605 posts
RE: "...Loot a "Blue Diamond Brooch" from Shopkeeper Oroso."

This came from Shopkeeper Vyvian, not Orso. Just killed her and looted it. Since it was my 4th item, I am unfortunately unable to say who actually dropped the Sales Ledger attributed to her.

# Jun 02 2019 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
379 posts
Also, I think that either the Shopkeeper's spawn can spawn in one of those spots at random or their locations on the maps were swapped/changed. Because for me the named spawns were 90~ degrees counter clockwise out of sync with what is displayed on the map.
Dialogue first part of quest.
# Jul 19 2014 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
You say, 'Hail, Nara Fayeil'
Nara Fayeil smiles, 'Welcome to Argin-Hiz, the great city of the Sol`dal.' The curious elf reaches out to touch your arm, but pulls her hand back before making contact. 'I can tell you're not from around here. Your skin looks so soft and cool. Tell me, what are you exactly?'
(If you lie)
You say, 'elf'
Nara Fayeil raises an eyebrow skeptically, 'If you say so, Maglor. You can think of me as a fire elf. My people radiate warmth. Our inner fire is a source of pride and self-worth. Most within the city don't welcome outsiders, but I find them fascinating. I'm sure we could [learn] a lot from each other, Maglor.'
(If you tell the truth)
You say, 'dwarf'
Nara Fayeil nods with understanding, 'I've heard of your kind before. You can think of me as a fire elf. My people radiate warmth. Our inner fire is a source of pride and self-worth. Most within the city don't welcome outsiders, but I find them fascinating. I'm sure we could [learn] a lot from each other, Maglor.'
You say, 'learn'
Nara Fayeil smiles, 'I have many questions I'd like to ask. In return, I'll tell you a bit about the history of this city. Do we have an [agreement]?'
You say, 'agreement'
You have been assigned the task 'Burning Curiosity'.
Nara Fayeil begins her questioning immediately, 'What god do you worship?'
You say, 'Brell Serilis' (Any deity should work)
Your task 'Burning Curiosity' has been updated.
Nara Fayeil says 'The Sol`dal worship their savior, Solusek Ro, Lord of Flame. In ancient times, he brought the heat of the burning sun to the forest where our ancestors dwelled. The rivers boiled, the trees cracked and exploded. Most perished within the blaze, but Solusek Ro spared a small group. As the flames licked their skin, they became stronger, eventually becoming one with the fire. We are descendants of the few he chose to spare. His flame still burns at our core. Now, for my [next question].'
You say, 'next question'
Nara Fayeil asks her second question, 'What is one of the main races that live in your land, other than Dwarf of course?'
You say, 'wood elf'
Nara Fayeil gestures to the surrounding forest, 'What few critters we have tend to linger around the forest. The city is too warm for most animals, though the mines have pockets of undead. Argin-Hiz is split up into four factions: [Keepers], [Sol dal], [Embers], and [others] like me.' The elf flashes a quick smile.
Your task 'Burning Curiosity' has been updated.
You say, 'Keepers'
Nara Fayeil says 'Keepers help ensure that the other factions don't kill each other. They are noble enforcers who patrol the city, but mostly remain within the building to the northwest, known as Keepers' Hall. It's off limits to all, except the Keepers.'
Nara Fayeil contemplates her final question, staring out into the forest for a moment before bringing her eyes back to yours, 'Tell me, Maglor. What's waiting for me beyond the trees?'
You say, 'snakes'
Your task 'Burning Curiosity' has been updated.
Nara Fayeil flashes a skeptical smile, 'I ask that question to every outsider I meet, and the answer is always different. As descriptive as some can be, I'd still like to see for myself one day. We're not allowed to leave the city for any reason. Those that choose to defy the Keepers are exiled, or worse. So instead, I wander the forest, searching for clues about life outside our city.'
You say, 'Hail, Nara Fayeil'
Your task 'Burning Curiosity' has been updated.
Nara Fayeil says 'Occasionally I'll find a foreign object within the foliage and take it to Vasser. He runs a shop in the city that sells exotic and powerful goods. Whatever you're looking for, I'm sure Vasser knows how to find it. If you tell him that I sent you, I'm sure he'll let you browse his private collection.'
You say, 'Hail, Vasser Fayeil'
Vasser Fayeil glances at you nervously, 'Nara sent you, did she? How many times do I have to tell that girl not to trust strangers?' The shop owner sighs, 'I don't know what Nara told you about my store, but I can promise you that I deal in the mundane, not magical. Though it seems that after last night's [break in], my shop won't be selling anything at all.'
You say, 'break in'
Vasser Fayeil explains, 'Thieves broke in while I was sleeping and made off with most of my inventory. I have a good idea who's responsible. There's a lot of competition between shop owners in the ember section of the city. It wouldn't surprise me one bit to see my stolen items show up on their shelves. There's not much I can do about it though. No one wants to [aid] an ember.'
You say, 'aid'
Your task 'Burning Curiosity' has been updated.
Vasser Fayeil says 'I won't turn down help, even from an outsider. Be warned though, the shopkeepers of this city won't welcome strangers, no matter how much gold you have to spend, so be prepared for a fight.'
a little help
# Jul 19 2014 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
162 posts
Ph's (an ember clerk) were up in every house I went to. The shopkeeper mobs spawned immediately after killing "an ember clerk" so be ready. Also,when I had to go to the far NE part of zone I ran across the rooftops when I was a couple blocks from the house I needed to go to. Easier than dealing with the see invis mobs just before it.
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