14th Anniversary: Big Gnomes, Big Problems  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Rain of Fear
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Mar 15 17:46:03 2013
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Anniversary events tend to run from mid-March to mid-April (sometimes to mid-May) each year. They are not available during the "off season".

For an overview and list of EverQuest Anniversary events, see this quest entry.

This is an anniversary group mission introduced with EverQuest's 14th anniversary. It begins with Sheriff Knotter Botter in the Steamfont Mountains. He is found outside the minotaur caves in the far northeastern part of the zone.

In order to request AND participate in this task, you must have credit for his solo task, "Ogres at the Gates".

You say, 'Hail, Sheriff Knotter Botter'

Sheriff Knotter Botter says 'Now that we have the traps, will you [accompany] me as I set them? We have to do something about these [skeletons]!'

You say, 'We'll accompany you!'

Sheriff Knotter Botter says 'Good gnomes are dying while we wait. As soon as you're ready to move, let's [go].'

You have been assigned the task 'Big Gnomes, Big Problems'.

Giant skeletons have started assaulting the gates of Ak'Anon. You must discover the source and find a way to defeat them against impossible odds.

You say, 'Let' go!'

You have entered The Steamfont Mountains.

Note: While inside this instanced zone, you will have a buff on you that grants ~9.5 million extra hitpoints and a 75,000/tick regeneration.

Speak with Sheriff Knotter Botter 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Sheriff Knotter Botter appears to be having trouble ahead of you in the forest. Find out what's wrong.

You say, 'Hail, Sheriff Knotter Botter'

Sheriff Knotter Botter says 'Ah! Ah! Ahhhh! Ah! Ah! Ahhhh! Ah! Ah! Ah! I am not [okay]!'

You say, 'Not okay?'

Sheriff Knotter Botter says 'You've got to help me, _____! I dropped one of the traps you gave me and it snapped shut right on my [leg]!'

You say, 'Your leg?'

Sheriff Knotter Botter says 'It cut it clean off! Now stop asking and start... Oh no. The [bunnies] are coming back. Help!'

You say, 'Bunnies?!'

Fight off frenzied bunnies 0/10 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Frenzied bunnies are trying to take advantage of the sheriff's weakened state! Cut them down.

10x "a frenzied bunny" spawn and attack the sheriff. Don't worry about survival here as your buffs should make it near-impossible to die.

When you see this emote...

Sheriff Knotter Botter's flamethrower lights a nearby bunny on fire, making it vulnerable to attacks. Strike now!

...one of the bunnies turns into "a burning bunny". This mob becomes attackable for about 21 seconds (you can check its buff window for the duration). It then turns back into "a frenzied bunny" and becomes immune to damage.

Keep attacking the burning bunny mob until you have killed all 10. Upon the death of the last one:

Sheriff Knotter Botter says 'The giant skeletons are on the move! Forget me. Take the rest of these traps to the gates of Ak'anon and help them hold the line! Remember, ogres are dumb, even as skeletons. Keep quiet and avoid their seers and you'll be able to sneak by undetected.'

Sneak past giant skeletons to the gate of Ak'Anon 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Sheriff Knotter Botter has made you invisible with one of his gnomish gizmos and tasked you with reaching the gates of Ak'Anon to the southwest. Giant Skeleton Seers wander the path you must take and will see through your disguise. Avoid them as you run to the gate. If you lose your invisibility spell, return to Sheriff Knotter Botter to get it again.

Make your way towards Ak'Anon while sneaking past the giant skeletons and avoiding the mobs called "a giant seer" (these hit for a max ~50,000,000 and proc "Seer's Touch", a DD for 6,500,000).

a giant seer says 'Tiny morsels great for stomping!'

As you approach the main gate, this step updates.

Hold off the assault on the gate of Ak'Anon 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: The gates of Ak'Anon are under attack! Hold the line and use the gnomish troops nearby to defeat the giant skeletons attacking.

3x "a giant skeleton" attack (hit for a max ~180,000). The gnomish NPCs will attack them, but won't be of much use to you. At the time of this update, two traps are spawned on either side of the Ak'Anon entrance. To make the skeletons vulnerable to melee and spells, you have to pull them on top of these traps. Doing so triggers a 4-tick debuff on the skeleton. Once the debuff fades, it becomes immune again.

The traps have a quick respawn time.

Once the three skeletons are dead, you see:

Sully says 'Haha, take that giant bone-men. Their entire army is fleeing. Gnomes rule!'

Trapmaster Tau says 'We will require more traps before the... bone-men... return. Outsiders, get more from Neringa Nobbles while we repair the guards. She is no doubt in her tinkering lab to the east.'

Find Neringa Nobbles the Tinkerer 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: The gnome guards told you about a tinkerer building traps for the gate's defenses in her lab in the southeast corner of the valley. Find her near the Zeppelin maintenance site.

This step updates in the far southeastern corner of the zone, around the houses there (-1145, -1400).

Ask Neringa for help 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Neringa doesn't seem to have any traps ready to go. Confront her and acquire a super weapon.

You say, 'Hail, Neringa Nobbles'

Neringa Nobbles ignores you and continues working at something on the table, muttering to herself, '[Traps], they say. Traps are so... pedestrian. I'll do 'em one better.

You say, 'Traps?'

Neringa Nobbles says 'Ah, finally! The guards sent someone to get their weak little traps. Don't mind the mess. We're just doing some maintenance on the zeppelin. It'll be up and running again soon. In the meantime, we're stuck here with these giant skeletons.' Neringa glances at _____ and smiles mischievously, 'What if I told you we could do [better] than traps?'

You say, 'Something better?'

Neringa Nobbles says 'Yes, better! Don't tell me you're as dull-minded as those sword slingers at the gate? Let me show you something!'

Neringa Nobbles points a small device at the very fluffy bunny on the scrap heap and a beam of energy shoots out at it.

She puts on a show...

a frenzied bunny grows rapidly to four times its size.

Neringa Nobbles says 'See? This is the power true gnomes have, and we'll use it to fight the giants on their level! I just need one of you to volunteer to...'

a frenzied bunny squeals as it starts to shake and then [explodes], covering the area in white fluff and gore.

You say, 'If it explodes...'

Neringa Nobbles says 'Well... sure, that happened because it was a bunny. And did you see how fluffy it was? There's no way it would happen to you. But just to be safe, let's pick the one with the least amount of hair. Who wants to be enlargified? I only have enough power to boost one of you.'

This updates the step.

Volunteer a member of your group to test Neringa's enlargimication beam 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Neringa needs a volunteer from your group to be shot with her enlargimication beam, which should cause them to grow to a massive size in order to fight the giant skeletons. The technology had disastrous results for the bunny, but it'll work for you, right?

Pick someone out...

You say, 'Hail, Neringa Nobbles'

Neringa Nobbles says 'Really, they picked you? Alright, well, just say [I hereby swear I will not sue Neringa] and we'll get started.'

You say, 'I hereby swear I will not sue Neringa'

Neringa Nobbles begins to cast a spell. (Big Boneded)

You grow to enormous heights and gain tremendous fortitude.

Neringa Nobbles shoots a beam of energy at _____, who starts to grow rapidly.

The targeted player grows to a large height. This updates the step. If you lose the buff, come back and get it again from him. If people in your group still have the buff, logging out and back in and asking for the buff works or if your in an illusion you can click it off or click one you have to turn normal size and get the giant buff.

Consume power serums Neringa is offering to your group 0/2 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Neringa only had enough power to grow one person, but she has serum that will boost the power of the group members in other ways. Talk to her to find out which one you want to consume.

You say, 'Hail, Neringa Nobbles'

Neringa Nobbles says 'Ah, yes, the rest of you. Here, take a serum to help you not die or whatever it is you want. Do you want the [attack] serum, the [healing] serum, or... THE SERUM OF [MYSTERY]? Or maybe your [giant] has fallen?'

You say, 'Attack'

Neringa Nobbles begins to cast a spell. (Timber!)
You're ready to chop down some giants.
Neringa Nobbles says 'Killing is so uncreative.'

You say, 'Healing'

Neringa Nobbles begins to cast a spell. (I'm Squishy)
Your compassion swells, inspiring extraordinary healing ability
Neringa Nobbles says 'Hey, think you can do something about that bunny?'

Kill giant skeletons attacking the windmills 0/4 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Giant skeletons are toying with the windmills on the northwest border of Neringa's lab. You should use this opportunity to master your newfound powers granted by Neringa's gnomish technowizardry. Find the giant skeletons and put them down before they break something valuable. You'll still need to avoid the Seers, who are not intimidated by your trickery. The member of your group affected by Neringa's enlargimication beam should be large enough to weaken giant opponents with its melee and ranged attacks, allowing the whole group to deal more damage to them temporarily.

Four giant skeletons can be found at the windmills. Whoever is "giant" sized will gain a proc that makes a giant skeleton vulnerable to all attacks.

Kill the four skeletons to update this step. Upon the last skeleton's death, Cormoran the Muncher spawns.

Kill Cormoran the Muncher 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Kill Cormoran the Muncher while moving him over the poisoned rats.

Kill the skeletons attacking the northern homestead 0/3 (Steamfont Mountains)

Find three more skeletons in the far north-central part of the zone, and kill them in the same manner as the four at the windmills.

Kill the skeletons attacking Sheriff Knotter Botter 0/2 (Steamfont Mountains)

This takes place in the zone-in area outside the minotaur caves. Kill them in the same manner as the previous sets.

Reinforce defenses at the gate of Ak`Anon 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Head back to Ak`Anon.

Hold off the final wave 0/5 (Steamfont Mountains)

Five more skeletons to kill here - use the debuff from the giant player to make them susceptible to damage. This triggers the spawn of Gogamog.

Kill Gogmagog 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Killing gnome skeletons to make him vulnerable to attacks.

Flee the angry gnome mob and run to Neringa's lab 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Head back to Neringa's camp in the southeast.

Collect your reward from the chest 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Possible Chest Drops (1-2 items + 0-1 aug per task):

Metamorph Totem: Poisoned Rat
Polymorph Wand: Silver Gnomework
Potion of Growth
Unstable Clockwork Launcher
Vice Trap

Blue Stone of Power
Green Stone of Power
Red Stone of Power
White Stone of Power
Yellow Stone of Power
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Doable, but is a pain!
# Mar 22 2021 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
12 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#burdsjm, Posted: May 03 2020 at 2:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) They were high, drunk, stupid, or just got cheated on by his wife.
Cannot drink enough
# Mar 22 2020 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
This majorly blew.
Do NOT do any healing- it doesn't work. Choose the Mystery buff.
Die, lather, rinse, repeat.
Gonna get through it though
Let the Gnome / Clockwork NPCs tank
# Apr 21 2019 at 5:00 AM Rating: Excellent
281 posts
I just finished helping someone with this, and after getting one-shot killed by the named skeletons, I noticed that the NPCs would end up tanking for the 5 or 10 minutes it took us to get res'd and recovered.

I think the key to this is to let the gnome NPCs tank and you just do whatever else needs to be done.
Bugged quest
# Apr 04 2019 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
3 posts
Attempted this mission today.. Got up to the part where:

Hold off the assault on the gate of Ak'Anon 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

The Skelly Giants hit me for a max of 3.5 Million... Needless to say I didn't have those kind of hit points.
Bugged quest
# Apr 05 2019 at 9:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Shilokk wrote:
Attempted this mission today.. Got up to the part where:

Hold off the assault on the gate of Ak'Anon 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

The Skelly Giants hit me for a max of 3.5 Million... Needless to say I didn't have those kind of hit points.

Was that per hit or a total of 3.5 million over the course of the fight?
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
Correction and info
# Mar 30 2019 at 9:28 PM Rating: Good
150 posts
When you go back to kill the 3 skeletons in the north central part of the zone, there are 2 skeletons and 1 named mob, Cormelian the Crusher, who is lvl 110. I dont know what I was doing wrong but he would randomly proc a 930,000 dd that would kill me. I had only 922,000 health total. But I would get him down 25%, then another 10% the next try, then another 2% and he did not seem to regen. I tried killing the gnome skellies first, fighting him in place, nothing seemed to work. It got to where he would one shot me seconds into the fight. Still pretty buggy - we could not complete the quest.
well I messed up at this part of the task
# Apr 10 2014 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
Reinforce defenses at the gate of Ak`Anon 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Head back to Ak`Anon.

Hold off the final wave 0/5 (Steamfont Mountains)

Five more skeletons to kill here - use the debuff from the giant player to make them susceptible to damage. This triggers the spawn of Gogamog

well I messed up at this part of the task I saw the skeltons at the windmill and thougt they were the ones i needed to kill but 11 sketons can kill you faster then you can kill one of them.
I will try the zone in to akAnon the next time.
Make sure your "Big Boned" buff is up
# Apr 07 2014 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
Ive noticed every so often this buff goes away for no apparent reason, However you stay in giant form. If you ask Neringa Nobbles for the rebuff he will say in a nutshell, someone in the group already has this buff and he cant recast it. The only way to get this buff back is to log out then relog in and talk to Neringa Nobbles again and say/click giant. Not sure if this is a bug or part of the quest but it is annoying if your not paying attention.
Make sure your "Big Boned" buff is up
# Apr 14 2017 at 3:29 AM Rating: Good
also if your in an illusion you can click it off or click one you have to turn normal size and get the giant buff faster
Make sure your "Big Boned" buff is up
# Apr 15 2017 at 6:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Insanis wrote:
Ive noticed every so often this buff goes away for no apparent reason, However you stay in giant form. If you ask Neringa Nobbles for the rebuff he will say in a nutshell, someone in the group already has this buff and he cant recast it. The only way to get this buff back is to log out then relog in and talk to Neringa Nobbles again and say/click giant. Not sure if this is a bug or part of the quest but it is annoying if your not paying attention.

Lonaleb wrote:
also if your in an illusion you can click it off or click one you have to turn normal size and get the giant buff faster

Thanks, added.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
Boxing this mission.
# Mar 22 2014 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
100 posts
I run a full box group. My first time was single toon with a group. We took 70 minutes. My first box run took 140 minutes (with all 6 toons inside). My second try was 70 minutes (leaving 3 outside, 3 inside). Most of what I have in here relates to what I did in the 2nd to speed it up. Learning how to trigger the procs is important.

At level 100, the damage even if it gets bad, certainly doesn't sneak up on you. You might bind outside as a way out and easy return if you get in trouble. Healing is irrelevant, the 9million HP buff makes your cleric heals pretty tiny in comparison and you have a 70K(?)/tick HoT on you for the duration of the mission.

#1) Pets are not completely irrelevant and can be used on the first part of the mission but will be quickly killed later. Stow pets/mercs etc. You can wait until after the 1st phase as it is pet/merc safe.

#2) Leave those who won't really participate in the kill outside of the mission. The skellies periodically acquire random agro on anyone and that makes dragging them around to the right place tough. Another option is to stack on the main tank but that's often a pain for a 6-boxer.

#3) My mage tanked the 2nd one and other than going off to watch a sit-com while waiting for him to swing his wep it was just fine. If you do have a mage in the group, he's handy to save a toon in trouble. In fact 1 mage sitting out of harms way and CoH'ing anybody in trouble is an easy way to keep all toons alive.

#4) Casters should load a low-level nuke, they all hit for 11 Meg. Fastest cast+CD is the best. Beams work but usually only one mob is debuffed (so it only hits 1 mob, good part is you don't have to retarget, just beam). PbAoE's probably would also work but those have a slow CD usually so not desired here.


Step 1: make a macro: I tried the earlier suggestion of /tar a_burning. It worked sometimes sometimes not. This worked every time. #1 /assist sheriff #2 /cast [a tiny nuke]
As a pet class, mine included /pet attack line a

--Press the macro until all of them are dead. Took us 10 minutes with 3 casters.

Step 2: Hail the sheriff, get the invis (song window, looks like a root icon). I found it easiest to just head straight to Ak Anon and dodge the seers. If seen the seer ports you back to the sheriff. Update is at the 4 little yellow things in front of the Ak Anon tunnel.

Step 3: Drag a skelly over a trap, there are two right near the Ak Anon tunnel and are handy. After they hit the trap, nuke/melee them. Here's where extra toons were a pain, the skellies randomly agro someone in the group. With 6 toons, 5 of them standing back at the zone in (safe area), the skellies would run that direction but stop at their path perimeter. Couldn't drag them over the traps. 1 time out of 6 they'd target my warrior and he'd drag them over the trap. 2nd pass I brought only 3 and still left one back out of the way. That was actually handy as it kept some of agro off the two doing the actual killing.

Step 4: Takes 3 toons here, you must accept all three buffs and I was unable to put more than one on any single toon, take the [giant] buff on the guy you want to tank the rest of the mission. The most important thing about the giant is he can one-shot the gnome skellies. If there are gnome skellies around, they must be killed to weaken the main skelly(s).

Step 5: Giant triggers the proc on these guys by hitting them. After they are weakened (there is both a melee and magic version of the debuffs) the others can participate. When the 4 die, the boss spawns and attacks. He can be killed the same way (debuff then nuke) but takes a big hit from consuming poisoned rats (after a short delay).

Step 6: More skellies north central. Target a mob, hit him, that spawns gnomes, kill the gnomes with the giant, regular skelly is now weak, damage him till the buff wears off. Repeat until all are dead.

Rest of the steps, just like 6.

*note* my participating mage had the healer buff. Sometimes I'd drop a big nuke in and sometimes that would proc a massive group heal.

Last step. I sometimes had to CoH my alt mage out of trouble. The main guy was ok, however I will say that with all 3 mages down there running level 1 nukes, we could usually down a skelly with one debuff cycle spamming those nukes.

Boxing this mission.
# Mar 22 2014 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
100 posts
I run a full box group. My first time was single toon with a group. We took 70 minutes. My first box run took 140 minutes (with all 6 toons inside). My second try was 70 minutes (leaving 3 outside, 3 inside). Most of what I have in here relates to what I did in the 2nd to speed it up. Learning how to trigger the procs is important.

At level 100, the damage even if it gets bad, certainly doesn't sneak up on you. You might bind outside as a way out and easy return if you get in trouble. Healing is irrelevant, the 9million HP buff makes your cleric heals pretty tiny in comparison and you have a 70K(?)/tick HoT on you for the duration of the mission.

#1) Pets are not completely irrelevant and can be used on the first part of the mission but will be quickly killed later. Stow pets/mercs etc. You can wait until after the 1st phase as it is pet/merc safe.

#2) Leave those who won't really participate in the kill outside of the mission. The skellies periodically acquire random agro on anyone and that makes dragging them around to the right place tough. Another option is to stack on the main tank but that's often a pain for a 6-boxer.

#3) My mage tanked the 2nd one and other than going off to watch a sit-com while waiting for him to swing his wep it was just fine. If you do have a mage in the group, he's handy to save a toon in trouble. In fact 1 mage sitting out of harms way and CoH'ing anybody in trouble is an easy way to keep all toons alive.

#4) Casters should load a low-level nuke, they all hit for 11 Meg. Fastest cast+CD is the best. Beams work but usually only one mob is debuffed (so it only hits 1 mob, good part is you don't have to retarget, just beam). PbAoE's probably would also work but those have a slow CD usually so not desired here.


Step 1: make a macro: I tried the earlier suggestion of /tar a_burning. It worked sometimes sometimes not. This worked every time. #1 /assist sheriff #2 /cast [a tiny nuke]
As a pet class, mine included /pet attack line a

--Press the macro until all of them are dead. Took us 10 minutes with 3 casters.

Step 2: Hail the sheriff, get the invis (song window, looks like a root icon). I found it easiest to just head straight to Ak Anon and dodge the seers. If seen the seer ports you back to the sheriff. Update is at the 4 little yellow things in front of the Ak Anon tunnel.

Step 3: Drag a skelly over a trap, there are two right near the Ak Anon tunnel and are handy. After they hit the trap, nuke/melee them. Here's where extra toons were a pain, the skellies randomly agro someone in the group. With 6 toons, 5 of them standing back at the zone in (safe area), the skellies would run that direction but stop at their path perimeter. Couldn't drag them over the traps. 1 time out of 6 they'd target my warrior and he'd drag them over the trap. 2nd pass I brought only 3 and still left one back out of the way. That was actually handy as it kept some of agro off the two doing the actual killing.

Step 4: Takes 3 toons here, you must accept all three buffs and I was unable to put more than one on any single toon, take the [giant] buff on the guy you want to tank the rest of the mission. The most important thing about the giant is he can one-shot the gnome skellies. If there are gnome skellies around, they must be killed to weaken the main skelly(s).

Step 5: Giant triggers the proc on these guys by hitting them. After they are weakened (there is both a melee and magic version of the debuffs) the others can participate. When the 4 die, the boss spawns and attacks. He can be killed the same way (debuff then nuke) but takes a big hit from consuming poisoned rats (after a short delay).

Step 6: More skellies north central. Target a mob, hit him, that spawns gnomes, kill the gnomes with the giant, regular skelly is now weak, damage him till the buff wears off. Repeat until all are dead.

Rest of the steps, just like 6.

*note* my participating mage had the healer buff. Sometimes I'd drop a big nuke in and sometimes that would proc a massive group heal.

Last step. I sometimes had to CoH my alt mage out of trouble. The main guy was ok, however I will say that with all 3 mages down there running level 1 nukes, we could usually down a skelly with one debuff cycle spamming those nukes.

# Mar 22 2014 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
757 posts
There is a bug with this quest. It occurs during the phase where a PC is in giant mode. They are supposed to proc something to allow the giant skeletons to take damage. This proc is not occurring as it should. After defeating one skeleton with the proc, the proc then fails to trigger. The giant PC must now drop agro, camp out, and then camp back in. Once in, this PC must re-get the giant buff/proc to defeat the next skeleton. Then you must camp out/in again. This repeats for each skeleton and turns a 30 minute quest into a 2 hour quest.

I was not able to get around this bug and gave up on this task until it is fixed.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2014 10:54am by Cylius
can i haz em all
# Mar 09 2014 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
Can you have all the stones of power or just one?
can i haz em all
# Mar 20 2014 at 2:08 AM Rating: Good
59 posts
You can only have one.
# Mar 04 2014 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
27 posts
just bugged out on me pretty badly. at the Hold off the assault part i got 7x giant skeletons instead of 3. ugh.

edit: scratch that. seems i forgot to have the "invis" (sneaky as a gnome) from the sheriff, which seems required for the sneaking part.

Got a Green Stone of Power on my second try :-D

Edited, Mar 5th 2014 8:27pm by trajhver
3 boxed
# Mar 02 2014 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
# Feb 27 2014 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
its not 9.5 million hp it only bumped me to 900k
today 2.26.14
# Feb 26 2014 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
7 posts
just tried this today.. appears it is still very buggy procs not going off etc
today 2.26.14
# Feb 27 2014 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
you sure you werent on a step where you had to kill gnome skeletons? because i thought i was bugged when the proc wasnt occuring then i started killing gnome skeletons and it put the weakened debuff on the mob. ( i was the really giant player)
How to avoid some bugs
# Jul 20 2013 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
77 posts
Since mission is up again, I did it 3 times.
First time, instance get lost (and stucked) like it did so many time previoously, still as far as I can say when my warrior proced phalanx one (or maybe on fade of the effect on mobs).
Second and third times, I left war on the side and used my rogue as tank. Mission did not get lost and I won both.
For this mission: pet are useless, merc are useless. Park them, the best they can do is stay alive, and they mostly don't. They can't do damages or heals enough significant, they will only get aggro and die.
The only way to damage mobs is to put a debuff on them and melee them. The debuff will allow people to proc a big DD which is only mean to harm mobs. The debuff is proc by:
- Sheriff for bunnies
- By traps at first Ak'Anon siege
- By enlarged player at Winfwheel siege
- By enlarged player and by killing gnome undead at village siege
- By traps and enlarged player and by killing gnome undead at second Ak'Anon siege
It seems killing undead Gnomes is more efficient than enlarge player proc, which may be better than traps.
For last named, it may be advised to let the enlarge player alone in melee, other player getting badly damaged by staying near him.
Other thing, mobs durin Ak'Anon siege seem to memblurr and reaggro a random player. Useful when you want to reaggro the Ak'Anon forces, but less when the final boss rush someone else than the tank. In case of unwanted aggro you can run away from Ak'Anon Suburb.
Worse than before
# Jul 14 2013 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
How is this possible???

Same issues of the proc bufffs dropping - constantly. Now they have improved it with mobs not spawning at all. Wasted 2 hours trying endless workarounds - all pointless.

Epic fail for QA... you're lucky to be employed!
# Jun 30 2013 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
I am up to the part with the Shaky Skeletons and they will not become vulnerable to any attacks even though I still have the giant buff on me and the bigboned buff. This sucks.
Quest Not Working
# Apr 23 2013 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
I tried to do the pre-quest on the Bertoxx server and the starting NPC Sherriff Knotter "Why even" Botter was not there. According to the Hot Fix they say now the 14th Anniversary quest will run through mid June though I am not sure. I think EQ in general needs to compensate players for the trouble that these patches cause. After all a few of us are paying decent money to play and keep EverQuest going strong. I for one long for the day when they quit pumping out expansions, for awhile, quit nerfing things that are working, and quit changing stuff that does not need to be changed.

Leave well enough alone is what they should do so we can enjoy this game with out having to worry for a chunk of time that things will change.
no aug
# Apr 04 2013 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
all i got was the vice trap. would be nice to get 1 aug, then 1 or more random drops. terrible to spend 3 hours soloing this to not even get the aug.
Skelleton northern homestead
# Mar 30 2013 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
Can't get past that point in this quest nothing I do will make the them vulnerable to attacks.
Skelleton northern homestead
# Mar 31 2013 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
not sure if you happen to notice or not, but 3 times during the mission our "giant" lost his "bigboneded" buff, thus was not able to proc the vulnerability debuff. Had to run him back to get it. Unfortunatly the gnome NPC did not realize he didnt have this buff anymore.... so had to log him to toon selection screen, then log back in (normal sized) then say "giant" to get re bigboneded.

Fortunatly the buff you get allow for a lot of leeway, so the extra time spent getting rebuffed didn't cause us to wipe or anything. Personally I think one of my Paladin's self buffs was overwriting the task buff. Once he stopped using them, didnt lose it anymore.


farther experiment using a shaman with no procs had him randomly losing the "bigboneded" giant buff. Not sure if its a random timer or some other glitch on SoE's end, but had to go back and get the buff a few times again.

Also found using an illusion item effectively killed the "big" aspect to allow for getting the buff again with out having to log out and back.

Edited, Apr 2nd 2013 1:12am by Mazeron
Quest was pulled
# Mar 26 2013 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
They pulled the quest since it was bugged. Anyone see any info anywhere on when it might be back?

Quest was pulled
# Apr 01 2013 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts
Due to come back in mid April. Anniversary events will be extended. Per current game MOTD.
Bugged Mission
# Mar 25 2013 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
Had this get bugged on me today. When Gogmagog got to 3%, the Gnome Skeletons became unkillable. No way to finish the mission. I gated out and tried to re-enter, but the Sherrif was missing :(

2 hours doing this solo, completely wasted :(
# Mar 22 2013 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Found out today augs are the same lore group and cant get all 5 on one toon. thats not cool sony.
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"
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