Crushbone Shoulderpads  

Quest Started By:Description:
Time:1 hour
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
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Related Quests:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Sep 21 20:47:10 2000
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Canloe Nusback may be found at -20, +535.

You say, 'Hail, Canloe Nusback'

Canloe Nusback says 'Step forward and speak up, young ______! Kaladim can always use another warrior. Are you [ready to serve Kaladim] or has a yellow streak appeared down your back?'

You say, 'I am ready to serve Kaladim.'

Canloe Nusback says 'Then serve you shall. Let your training begin on the battlefields of Faydwer. Seek out and destroy all [Crushbone orcs]. Return their belts to me. I shall also reward you for every two orc legionnaire shoulder pads returned. A warrior great enough to slay one legionnaire shall surely have no problem with another. Go, and let the cleansing of Faydwer begin.'

You say, 'What Crushbone orcs?'

Canloe Nusback says 'The army of the Crushbone orcs is deadly indeed. They are great military strategists. It was a legion of them that brought down the great [Trondle Ogrebane]. Speak with Furtog Ogrebane about the Crushbones. He has need of warriors such as you.'

You say, 'Who is Trondle Ogrebane?'

Canloe Nusback says 'Trondle Ogrebane is the legendary dwarven warrior who single-handedly exterminated the ogre clan called the [Mudtoes]. He was recently killed in battle. It took an entire legion of Crushbone orcs to bring him down. Furtog is still fuming about that.'

You say, 'Who are the Mudtoes?'

Canloe Nusback says 'The Mudtoes were a small clan of ogres. They lived somewhere in the Butcherblock Mountains. They had an insatiable appetite for dwarves. They were finally destroyed by the hand of Trondle Ogrebane.'

Crushbone Shoulderpads drop from orc legionnaires in Crushbone. Hand in two:

Canloe Nusback says 'Yes, yes!! You have slain one legionnaire, but I reward for proof of two. Certainly you do not find another battle with the legionnaires difficult!!'
Canloe Nusback says 'Aha!! You have downed a Crushbone legionnaire!! You have shown yourself to be a strong warrior. Take this. This is more becoming of a great warrior such as yourself. Let no creature stand in the way of the Stormguard!'
Your faction standing with Storm Guard has been adjusted by 15.
Your faction standing with Kazon Stormhammer has been adjusted by 2.
Your faction standing with Miners Guild 249 has been adjusted by 2.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Kaladim has been adjusted by 3.
Your faction standing with Craknek Warriors has been adjusted by -3.
You gain experience!!
You receive 4 gold from Canloe Nusback.
Submitted by: Bigo
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Exp on teek server TLP 2024
# May 23 2024 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Exp on teek server TLP 2024

Level 12 halfling druid

2.099% per two belts.
Rizlona experience
# Nov 20 2020 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
3,024 posts
These give decent xp still. Turned in 8 and went from 11.46 to 11.56. Of course lego pads are harder to acquire than cb belts. This is on Rizlona TLP server with +25% potion running.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
# Sep 24 2016 at 12:18 AM Rating: Good
[Sat Sep 24 02:04:14 2016] Canloe Nusback says 'Yes, yes! You have slain one legionnaire, but I reward for proof of two. Certainly you do not find another battle with the legionnaires difficult!'
[Sat Sep 24 02:04:14 2016] Canloe Nusback says 'Aha! You have downed a Crushbone legionnaire! You have shown yourself to be a strong warrior. Take this. This is more becoming of a great warrior such as yourself. Let no creature stand in the way of the Stormguard!'
[Sat Sep 24 02:04:14 2016] Your faction standing with Storm Guard has been adjusted by 15.
[Sat Sep 24 02:04:14 2016] Your faction standing with Kazon Stormhammer has been adjusted by 2.
[Sat Sep 24 02:04:14 2016] Your faction standing with Miners Guild 249 has been adjusted by 2.
[Sat Sep 24 02:04:14 2016] Your faction standing with Merchants of Kaladim has been adjusted by 3.
[Sat Sep 24 02:04:14 2016] Your faction standing with Craknek Warriors has been adjusted by -3.
[Sat Sep 24 02:04:15 2016] You gain experience!!
[Sat Sep 24 02:04:15 2016] You receive 4 gold from Canloe Nusback.
# Sep 24 2016 at 1:31 AM Rating: Good
Updated completion text and faction hits, thanks!
# Apr 02 2011 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
Just received a Rusty Warhammer and, oddly, a Turquoise. I remember only receiving rusty weapons prior to getting this Turquoise which is why I decided to post about it.
Xp ratio
# Jan 06 2007 at 1:45 AM Rating: Decent
298 posts
On a level 10 woodelf rogue, got about 3% xp per 2 belts turned in. Compared to turning in 2 crushbone sholderpads for 10% per 2. Tho when I first started it seemed way higher but memory is strange, you remember the good as better and the better as great and usually forget the bad all together.

By the way, you get no xp for this quest while shrouded. I was curious.

Rewards vary from
Rusty warhammer
Rusty Halberd
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you thought you heard was not what I meant.
Quest Information
# Jul 30 2005 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
Quest info:
You say, 'Hail, Canloe Nusback'
Canloe Nusback says 'Step forward and speak up, young Kluiana! Kaladim can always use another warrior. Are you [ready to serve Kaladim] or has a yellow streak appeared down your back?'
You say, 'I am ready to serve Kaladim'
Canloe Nusback says 'Then serve you shall. Let your training begin on the battlefields of Faydwer. Seek out and destroy all [Crushbone orcs]. Return their belts to me. I shall also reward you for every two orc legionnaire shoulder pads returned. A warrior great enough to slay one legionnaire shall surely have no problem with another. Go, and let the cleansing of Faydwer begin.'
You say, 'what Crushbone orcs?'
Canloe Nusback says 'The army of the Crushbone orcs is deadly indeed. They are great military strategists. It was a legion of them that brought down the great [Trondle Ogrebane]. Speak with Furtog Ogrebane about the Crushbones. He has need of warriors such as you.'
You say, 'who is trondle ogerbane?'
Canloe Nusback says 'Trondle Ogrebane is the legendary dwarven warrior who single-handedly exterminated the ogre clan called the [Mudtoes]. He was recently killed in battle. It took an entire legion of Crushbone orcs to bring him down. Furtog is still fuming about that.'
You say, 'who are the mudtoes?'
Canloe Nusback says 'The Mudtoes were a small clan of ogres. They lived somewhere in the Butcherblock Mountains. They had an insatiable appetite for dwarves. They were finally destroyed by the hand of Trondle Ogrebane.'

Hand him 2 Crushbone Sholderpads

Canloe Nusback says 'Yes, yes!! You have slain one legionnaire, but I reward for proof of two. Certainly you do not find another battle with the legionnaires difficult!!'
Canloe Nusback says 'Aha!! You have downed a Crushbone legionnaire!! You have shown yourself to be a strong warrior. Take this. This is more becoming of a great warrior such as yourself. Let no creature stand in the way of the Stormguard!'
Your faction standing with Storm Guard got better.
Your faction standing with Kazon Stormhammer got better.
Your faction standing with Miners Guild 249 got better.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Kaladim got better.
Your faction standing with Craknek Warriors got worse.
You gain experience!!
You receive 4 gold from Canloe Nusback.

Reward seemed to be gold and a rusty weapon every time.
Annoying Web Page
# Apr 15 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts
This is off topic, but WTH IS UP with the banner ad on this page. The sound is so annoying....Please, Allah....get rid of banner ads with sound. Agh. I can't even leave this page up behind EQ to tab out to now. :(
RE: Annoying Web Page
# Sep 07 2005 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts
Ah yeah..heh. My subscription expired.

No wonder that advertising seemed to get out of hand all the sudden. lol.
RE: Annoying Web Page
# Apr 17 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
$9.99 for 3 months take care of that.
very little exp
# Jan 31 2005 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
As of Jan. 30th, 2005, I(being my level 11 high elf cleric) turned in 4 cb shoulder pads and 20 cb belts and my exp was only going up once tic at a time. I got my items and it said I was getting exp, but I have never seen it so low. I usually level up easily with this quest till level 14. I wonder if Sony was decided to make this more an item/plat quest instead of as much exp. They have been known to do this in the past. Can someone let me know if they have had this happen to them recently?


Level 12 Cleric
RE: very little exp
# Mar 24 2005 at 5:23 PM Rating: Default
All the Kaladim quests have been nerfed. You only get a tiny bit of XP now,as little as the Rat Whisker quest in fact. Thank SOE for taking "Quest" out of EverQuest wonder so many are leaving for other games.....SOE is shooting themselves in the foot. But what do they care? Sony is a multi-billion dollar world-wide corporation. EQ is a tiny drop in a lake to them. If the current trend continues,the game will be cancelled. I predict maybe another 2 years max.
RE: very little exp
# Jul 09 2006 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
You're dumb. No explination needed.
very little exp
# Jan 31 2005 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
As of Jan. 30th, 2005, I(being my level 11 high elf cleric) turned in 4 cb shoulder pads and 20 cb belts and my exp was only going up once tic at a time. I got my items and it said I was getting exp, but I have never seen it so low. I usually level up easily with this quest till level 14. I wonder if Sony was decided to make this more an item/plat quest instead of as much exp. They have been known to do this in the past. Can someone let me know if they have had this happen to them recently?


Level 12 Cleric
# May 24 2004 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
im making a shaman i was wondering if i can do this till lvl 9 spells and then go to pok and say free buffs and get skill up that way?
Orc Scalps Too!
# Jan 30 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to point out to everyone that while you are in Crushbone for Shoulderpads or Belts. Remember the Orc Scalps are useful too.

That quest should be updated that he always gives 5g 2s 5c. The faction hit is a bonus. The exp is moot though.
RE: Orc Scalps Too!
# Feb 02 2004 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
When did the crushbone orcs start dropping scalps? When I grew up there, they never did... that was a long time ago though.
Quest update and clarification
# Jan 29 2004 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
This quest summary needs to be changed. The quest item is "crushbone shoulderpads" the same shoulderpads used in other quests.

Canloe Nusback, the same npc in south Kaladim that accepts Crushbone orc belts will give you XP for every TWO crushbone shoulderpads you turn in.

Again "Orc Legionairre Shoulder Pads" is a misleading term. The correct quest item is "Crushbone shoulderpads" which do drop from Legionairres and also various other orc mobs.

Thanks for your time and good hunting.

Edited, Thu Jan 29 06:10:36 2004
RE: Quest update and clarification
# Jan 30 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
so, does this mean that pads give more xp than belts? if so, to what lvl could you technically level doing this quest from lvl 10 onwards, supplying him with a total number of 80 pads?

mmh, i should be gettin sum right now ^^
Good xp
# Dec 13 2003 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
I just turned in a dozen shoulderpads and a dozen orc belts yesterday. The shoulderpads gave GREAT xp to my 11 lvl ranger, almost a full yellow bub for every two pads! The belts on the other hand, were not very good. You get around 9 silver each time you give him a 1 to 4 belts, and you get some patchwork? armor for each belt and barely any xp.
worthless quest
# Jul 29 2003 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
As of the last, this quest no longer gives good exp. Its actually horrible exp.
Only for Mages
# Mar 30 2003 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
The only fast leveling class this ever works on are mages. You get your big pets early, and your harder hitting spells. It takes a bit to make up for the xp, but your pet does the thwacking, you do the fizzling. It works :P

...Just dont do it with a rogue like I did... Ive been trying for a month and I STILL cant backstab anything...
CB Belts and Pads
# Jul 24 2002 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
Back in the day, on my barbie warrior, I liked to hunt in Crushbone...good xp (I lvled about once a day casually) and these belts and pads. Since I was a Barbarian I wasn't sure if I had good enough faction to turn them in, and I didn't want to lose 4pp in belts to chance. So I sold them. After awhile I was one of the most common sellers of belts and pads, I had favorite customers whom I gave discounts too, anyways, I made a good 300pp during all my time in crushbone selling belts and pads. I also had a little woody elf who liked to turn in the belts and pads. I could get great xp with this and lvl quite fast, though I believe my barbarian lvled faster because he didn't have to run here /shrug, I don't remember. Very nice experience off these though. Experience or cash, your choice, choose wisely. YAAAAAAAR
# Jul 20 2002 at 3:28 PM Rating: Default
I recomened this quest for anyone weather it for faction of xp or money/item its awsome i delived like six bags and the dwarfs look at me nicer than my own race so this is really good to get faction up
# May 08 2002 at 5:28 PM Rating: Default
I just re made my druid and transfered over 30 to him and i easily gained all the way to lvl 8 with belts alone. I am getting pads now but this is a great way to lvl up fast if u dont want to be power leved'd!
# May 18 2002 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
Isn't it counter productive to level this fast? You won't have a chance to raise your attack or magic skills to what is needed to really get anywhere at that level. You miss out on the weapon skill and other things that you would normally raise while fighting mobs. I levelled my first dwarf paladin from to 6 with bone chips and had a hell of a time fighting anything that gave experience at that level. Finally just started over and waited until the exp gain was negligable and just turned them in for the faction gains.
# Jul 02 2002 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
It isn't that counter productive. Yea.. it is harder and you have more fizzles.. but you get to a point where all you are doing is working on your skillz.. so my advice.. get to 50 as fast as you can .. and work on your skills then..
# Jan 30 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
I Agree, plus it can be fun chain casting on yourself, after all, you can raise skills that way too, or cast on your pet(or someone elses) unless you're on a PVP server, you can't kill someone elses pet unless dueling, but your spell will still raise your skill
# May 06 2002 at 11:25 AM Rating: Default
My experience with Canloe has been that if you do not </say Ready to serve Kaladim> when talking to him and turning in pads and belts he will tell you thank you and you get nothing from him. I have also turned in 4 pads at the same time and been given 2 weapons for them. I have also been given a Halberd that will not fit in any slot and you have to carry it in your hands to get back to where you are going. So far I have turned in enough belts and pads to help me gain 3lvls as a wizard.
# Mar 01 2002 at 10:56 AM Rating: Default
# Jan 20 2002 at 4:50 PM Rating: Default
do these have more exp than the cb belts? and if so how much more?

lvl 7 mag
RE: exp
# Jul 23 2002 at 6:36 PM Rating: Default
yes at 12 4 pads can earn you 2 blues of exp and at 10 i turned in 7 cb belts for 2 blues
Belts and Pads
# Nov 18 2001 at 12:52 AM Rating: Default
Ive turned it two pads and got nothing but a "Thank-you"..but have turned in 4 and got good exp. 4 belts for sure!
# Nov 14 2001 at 2:17 AM Rating: Default

Could you solo and get these pads at 15th lvl
RE: solo?
# Nov 23 2001 at 5:12 PM Rating: Default
You can easily solo these guys with no prob at lvl 15 i am lvl 12 and come across black legos and the very rare blue lego as well. They drop the pads maybe 1 in 3 times(yeah,that sounds about right) anyway u should get some xp but dont expect a buttload to jus pop up in ther

rogue of the 12th season
fennin ro
# Nov 05 2001 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
i found that if you group with people and turn in belts and pads, you can get a whole lot more party exp
CB Pads and Betls
# Sep 17 2001 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
I recently turned ina pack of cb belts and a pack of lego pads and i gained a full bubble of exp for my lvl 17 ranger, so how far can we go with this quest. Im going to keep turning them in until he no longer gives me any exp.

Garindin lvl 17
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