Kael #3: A Cure for Madness  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
Faction Required:
Dragon Death Keep
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Rain of Fear
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Nov 28 21:25:23 2012
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Rain of Fear Information & Guides: An Overview | Group Progression & Task List | Raid Progression | Visible Armor

This is the third task in a series of three. It is a solo task that begins with Noble Helssen (map) in Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness. He is located en route to the throne room of Kael Drakkel (southern part of the zone).

- Level 85
- Completed "Deliver Us Unto Evil"
- Completed "Them Bones"
- Must have at least indifferent faction with Dragon Death Keep (kill frost giants and/or apparitions to increase it)

You say, 'Hail, Noble Helssen'

Noble Helssen says 'You are the one who helped Fjokar and Rejnak with their investigation? You have done Kael a great service! Thanks to you we now know the nature of the threat and those responsible for it. If King Tormax were in his right mind, he would no doubt praise your deeds. The damage has already been done, though. The [weapons] spread by the Iceshards have crippled the mind of the city, and those who possess the weapons, although the blades cause harm, cling to them as though the glowing steel is the only thing fending off swift death.'

You say, 'Weapons?'

Noble Helssen says 'According to the information you have provided me, the only way to rid the city of our collective hallucinations is to destroy anything that has been tainted by those purple [crystals]. This will not be an [easy] task.'

You say, 'Crystals?'

Noble Helssen says 'Reports from my regiments in the Eastern Wastes saw the sky split open. The clouds parted, and a streak of purple fire stabbed into the ice like a bar of molten iron boiling a blacksmith's water trough. Not long after, I lost contact with most of my regiments. Word I did receive spoke of crystal shards from the impact site affecting creatures in strange ways. Some of my troops were seen carrying and coveting these objects, and attempts to reason with them and bring them back to Kael were met with violence. '

You say, 'Easy?'

Noble Helssen says 'The blades have already been distributed throughout the city, to young and old alike. Unless we can manage to pry the weapons from the fingers of every giant in Kael, this madness will not end. And we still must convince King Tormax to [relinquish] the crystalline axe he has been carrying. It has amplified his delusions, and the threat to the city will remain as long as its king dwells under the shadow of madness.'

You say, 'Relinquish?'

Noble Helssen says 'I wonder if there is not another way to take possession of the crystal weapons than through violence. If that were the only way, then we would end up killing half this city. No, we must somehow knock the weapons from their hands. A powerful spell might be what we [need].'

You say, 'Need?'

Noble Helssen says 'Would you be [willing] to speak with Drenlo Helmright, a priest of Zek? He has knowledge of arcane words of war, and he might know of a technique to strip an opponent's weapon without harm.'

You say, 'I am willing.'

Noble Helssen says 'Thank you. Together we can rid the city of the blight the Iceshards have brought upon it. King Tormax's mind will once again be his own!'

You have been assigned the task 'A Cure for Madness'.

The weapons carried by the Kromzek and King Tormax are causing hallucinations and madness to spread throughout Kael. Noble Helssen has asked you to find a way to take the weapons and destroy them.

Drenlo Helmright, a priest of Zek, might have an idea of how you can obtain the weapons possessed by the Kromzek.

Speak with Drenlo Helmright 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Drenlo Helmright (map) is located at 1160, 1130, -44 (north of the arena in the Gkrean Prophet of Tallon's room).

You say, 'Hail, Drenlo Helmright'

Drenlo Helmright says 'Magic, did you say? We have no magic to disarm an opponent. We are warriors of Zek; we defeat an enemy in face-to-face combat! Noble Helssen must be desperate for a remedy to Kael's illness if he thinks I could speak a word and force every giant to drop their weapons. That said, I do know of weapons that can do what you seek: swords, blessed by Rallos Zek himself, that can knock a weapon out of any hand with only a swing. Sadly, several of these swords were recently [stolen] from our temple chambers.'

You say, 'Stolen?'

Drenlo Helmright says 'Shortly after the crystal weapons were delivered to the kromzek and madness came upon the king, several of our acolytes disappeared. When we searched for them, we found the swords were also missing. I can only assume the acolytes stole them. Since these giants had just been initiated into our order, they were not among the kromzek who received a crystal weapon, so I believe they felt slighted. If you can find these acolytes, you might find the sword as well.'

Confront a thieving acolyte 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: Thieving acolytes have stolen the Blessed Sword of Strategic Combat, which can be used to easily disarm opponents. Find a thief and confront him.

These are found in various parts of the zone (the main city area).

You say, 'Hail, a thieving acolyte'

a thieving acolyte glowers at you as you approach him. He clutches a bundle of glowing weapons that hangs around his waist and points a large sword at your head. 'Stay back, beast! Feed upon the other giants too weak to cling to their weapons! These are my weapons, and they shall cut down every one of your kind!

The thieving acolyte grows angry at your speech and lets his guard down.

Kill a thieving acolyte 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: The thief has no intention of returning the weapon. Kill him and take it from his dead hands.

Thieving acolytes hit for a max ~12,500 and AE rampage. There is no faction hit for killing them.

Recover a Blessed Sword of Strategic Combat 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Loot this from the acolyte's corpse.

Tell Drenlo Helmright that you have recovered a Blessed Sword of Strategic Combat 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: Now that you have recovered a sword, Drenlo Helmright will know what to do with it.

You say, 'Hail, Drenlo Helmright'

Drenlo Helmright says 'You have retrieved a sword? Then Kael may yet be saved. You must battle with my brethren. When they are weakened, use the sword to knock the crystal blade out of their hand. But be swift: I doubt the sword will remain on the ground long without being coveted. Go now and collect as many crystal blades as you can. The future of Kael depends upon you!'

Disarm several giants using the Blessed Sword of Strategic Combat 0/5 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Pick up up the dropped crystal weapons before someone else does 0/5 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: To take the tainted weapons away from the giants, you must weaken them in combat and knock the weapons from their hands using the Blessed Sword of Strategic Combat. Once a weapon lies on the ground, you can recover it, but be careful that another giant does not covet it.

Find giants that are wielding Fear-touched weapons (you can tell them by their purple graphics). DPS them to below 30% and then use the sword to knock their weapons out of their hands. The weapon appears on the ground, away from the giant you were just fighting. You'll want to walk over the weapon on the ground quickly, otherwise a nearby giant will pick it up.

Fear-Tinged Weapons are automatically picked up by walking over them in the above step.

Ask Drenlo Helmright what you should do with the recovered crystal weapons 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: Drenlo Helmright will know where you can destroy the tainted weapons.

You say, 'Hail, Drenlo Helmright'

Drenlo Helmright says 'Though this is only the beginning, you have done much to remove the blight upon Kael. I doubt, though that it is merely enough to collect those weapons. They must be destroyed. Find the holy bonfires we have lit around the city to ward off the apparitions. The fires may burn strongly enough to destroy the weapons. When you have done this, speak to Noble Helssen. We still must wake the king from his fevered dream.'

Throw the crystal weapons into the holy bonfires 0/5 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: The weapons can only be destroyed by exposing them to the holy bonfires scattered through Kael. Do not let anything stop you from completing your task.

Get close to one of the holy bonfires (map) in the zone (one of which is found diagonally across from the bank in the center of the city) and right-click the weapons. Note: Each time you do this, "a mysterious apparition" spawns and attacks.

As you cast the crystal weapon into the fire it breaks, and an apparition rises from its smoke.

Kill anything that tries to prevent you from destroying the weapons 0/5 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Kill the mob that spawns each time you destroy a weapon. Note that this mob is a belly caster (need to be in melee range to land spells).

Tell Noble Helssen that the weapons have been destroyed 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: Noble Helssen will want to know that the weapons have been destroyed.

You say, 'Hail, Noble Helssen'

Noble Helssen says 'You have destroyed the weapons? Then I know what you must do: Confront King Tormax. If you can take the axe from him, I believe his mind will be freed. I will tell the court of our plan, so that they will not interfere. Good fortune to you, adventurer! King Tormax is a formidable warrior. I do not doubt it will take much strength to prevail in this fight!'

Speak to King Tormax 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: King Tormax is still under the influence of the axe he wields. You must convince him to part with it.

Head into the throne room and confront King Tormax (map). Note: He aggro's you when you hail him. You can fade this aggro and engage at any time afterwards.

You say, 'Hail, King Tormax'

King Tormax says 'You lowly iceworm pupa! You come here on behalf of dwarves and dragons to steal my weapons? You ask that I stand down and drop the guard of my city, that I lay down my axe while my enemies rampage over all I hold dear? I will cut away every piece of your body and crunch them under heel like powdered snow!'

King Tormax says 'Death to any creature that aids dragons and coldain!'

Weaken King Tormax and knock the axe out of his hand 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: Since the king will not part with the axe, you must weaken him and strike it from his hands with the Blessed Sword.

Fight King Tormax past 60% (about 2.2 million hitpoints of damage worth) and use the Blessed Sword on him. Note: This is a harder fight than a standard Kael mob.

He hits for over 16,000 (often hits for max); summons from 100% health; is immune to slow; and casts the AE "Royal Decimation" every 30 seconds.

Royal Decimation: Unknown(32) 300', Magic (-940)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 65000
2: Stun (2.00 sec)

Once you click the sword on him, you see:

King Tormax parries your Blessed Sword and knocks you out with a heavy blow.

Inform Noble Helssen that you failed to take the axe from King Tormax 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: King Tormax was too powerful, and he has shattered your Blessed Sword. Tell Noble Helssen that you will need to find another way to free the king from his madness.

You say, 'Hail, Noble Helssen'

Noble Helssen says 'I do not fault you for your failure. As I said, King Tormax is a formidable warrior. We will have to find another way to release him from the power of the axe. And still the Iceshard brothers must be held accountable for their actions.'

You have destroyed many of the weapons that have been harming the citizens of Kael, however King Tormax will not give up his axe, and the Iceshard brothers are still free to cause trouble within the city.

225 platinum
Experience (3 AAs + 2-3% exp in Level 96)
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King Tormax
# Apr 27 2017 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
154 posts
Without reading the run through I just ran up and hailed King Tormax. Of course he proceeded to send me back to my bind point in a matter of seconds by smacking me around. I'm playing a 105 SK with decent AC around 3200. Next time around I levitated over into his throne and fought him from there. There were no adds. I used some defensive cool downs as well as Harm touch and a few other offensive cool downs after getting all the buffs I could in the guild lobby. It was overkill.

I smacked him down below 60% in a matter of 15 seconds, but in trying to equip and click the quest sword I missed him being complete healed by the priest standing in the room. Back up to 100% health and he still was not that big of a problem. Basically like a named in the zone but with more hp, and maybe hits a little harder. I had killed the named molten drake on my way over to him and it didnt really seem that much harder to kill. I worked him down to 60% over the next minute and clicked the sword. Done. No need to clear the room or anything like that. Just be ready for that initial attack and its not too bad.
# Nov 17 2016 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
The Tormax fight is much easier now. I had little more problem than with a regular named.
About adds
# Jul 05 2015 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
For those of you who have no idea why the mobs are adding for some and no adding for others; it's probably faction... Where you've been fighting in the zone affects if they are KoS or not.
Clearing the King's Room
# Jan 24 2015 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
I have successfully completed this quest 10+ times. You do not have to clear the room. Everyone in the group does not have to have the quest.

I do not know why some people are getting agro from others in the room (maybe AOE spells? maybe run patterns?), but I have never had any problems.

The person who hails the King doesn't have to have the quest either. Whoever hails gets the agro. I usually pick a SK or Necro with invulnerability to do the hail. Everyone else has to be belly up to the King in order to land spells. The King will rampage and has a pretty nice kick.

If everyone fighting the King is facing the King (back to the room), right up on the feet, the kick throws you directly backwards, and you can run directly forwards to get back in the fray. Apparently, this is what helps keep the rest of the room out of it.

I usually have someone die in the fight. I have a campfire outside the room, against the wall, across from the ice bridge. Usually the person that dies is the person that needs the quest completed (go figure). I let them die, leave their body there, continue the fight, when the King gets down to 65%, I have that person zone to bind point and then use the campfire to get back to the zone. You only have to have one person still alive and fighting when they run in at 60% and click the sword.

Is this perfect? No, it isn't, but it gets the job done every time.
Tomax Adds
# Apr 05 2014 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Yes you do have to clear. The giants to the left and right of the throne agro the visiting nobles and others. Do yourself a favor and clear from outside to in before starting this one!
Innoruuk's Chief Advisor
Knight of Hell
Hunter of Sand Giants
But he makes great sushi!!
King Tormax
# Feb 08 2013 at 1:59 AM Rating: Good
113 posts
Do you have to clear King Tormax's room? Will the whole room aggro?
King Tormax
# Feb 08 2013 at 4:31 AM Rating: Good
113 posts
The others do not aggro, but holy crap he is tough. I can only get him to 81%. Any ideas on what it takes to get him to the 60%?
King Tormax
# Feb 15 2013 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
1,312 posts
I think they don't add as long as you have the task. If someone in your party doesn't have the task, they might add.
King Tormax
# Feb 23 2013 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
125 posts
They added for me.

If you stand at the top of the steps your good, if you get too close, they are charging :-(
fire near Korakaz
# Jan 09 2013 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
689 posts
Near Korakaz spawn (the last ledge on the right as you get to the Wakening Lands zoneline), there is a fire with no roamers or spawns to contend with, right next to the wall or inside the ruins where the fire is located.
Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
# Jan 08 2013 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
689 posts
when one toon clicked a weapon to throw into the holy bonfire, both toons (in a 2-box) got credit. For that and the kill :)
Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
thieving acolyte
# Jan 08 2013 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
689 posts
No faction hit. Did it with 2 toons and during the fight, the 2nd toon hailed him to get credit. One acolyte dropped 2 swords.

Disarmed one giant. The sword appeared on the ground. When one toon picked it up, another sword appeared on the 2nd toon's cursor, therefore getting credit with both toons on one giant.


Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
# Dec 31 2012 at 6:38 AM Rating: Good
80 posts
Change **** 4) The mysterious apparitions Are highly magic resistant be ready for a pure melee/pet fight. Similar hitpoints to other mobs in the zone*** Belly caster thing is acurrate here. Melee range to cast, but this doesn't work very well against Tormax. even at point blank he resist almost everything
# Dec 30 2012 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
80 posts
Ok here are the tips I picked up on.

1) Everything is on find to include thieving acolytes
2) As mentioned by someone else the fire in the city halfway between arena and tormax is mob free and you can detroy all weapons 1 at a time in the same fire.
3) The sword needs to be in your primary to click it and keep it there until you pick up the giant weapon by walking over it. Switching back before picking up can cause you not to get the giant weapon.
4) The mysterious apparitions Are highly magic resistant be ready for a pure melee/pet fight. Similar hitpoints to other mobs in the zone.
5) Tormax appeared to be unslowable and highly magic resistant also. Nasty AE about every 20-30 seconds and a tons of hitpoints, so getting to 60% takes a bit more than you would expect compared to mobs in the zone.
6) when someone clicks at 60% Everyone in the party (task or not) gets the knock out. which ports you outside the throne room stunned for 15 seconds. make sure pets feign, or gate when you can because Tormax stays on then and will hunt you down otherwise.
A mysterious apparition immune to spells
# Dec 26 2012 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
So I was going through and soloing all I could of the RoF partisans/merc tasks. Everything else (and I mean everything) has been trivial, except for this last T1 partisan.

So just to give you the idea, I am a lvl 98 necro with 4650AA, 70k / 6.5k buffed hp/ac, all pet tanking/crit DoT AAs for my level, and most of the ability/utility AAs, like debuff, slow, root, snare, etc. The only real thing I haven't boosted is pet melee DPS (which is what I would have needed).

The task was already getting on my nerves when I reached these steps (which should have 0/5 on each above):
Throw the crystal weapons into the holy bonfires (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)
Kill anything that tries to prevent you from destroying the weapons (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

To my surprise, they are immune, or nearly so, to any/all spells I tried. No matter what I hit this thing with, it resisted it. I tried dispelling, debuffing, mez, slowing, rooting, snaring, lifetap procs, pet AE/damage shield procs, the kitchen sink, etc.

Eventually I gave up trying to cast and got as many swarm pets on it as I could while merc and I healed my pet to knock it out. So there's 1/5 and I haven't had the courage or the patience to try again yet (since that first one took at least 20 minutes).

Summary/Interesting things to note about "a mysterious apparition":
-Immune to spells
-Despite their appearance as ghosts, the apparitions are not undead.
-Not the worst thing you'll have to kill solo for this task. (I fear for my life on King Tormax...)

Edit: Ahhhh darn belly casters... that's the one thing I didn't try lol

Edited, Dec 27th 2012 12:11am by Krosar
The Rathe
Krosar Shadowflame - 125 Necro
Rasork - 120 Druid
Inarraa Serra - 120 Shadowknight
Imacatlol - 120 Bard
Yaldax Toknight - 120 Rogue
Savi Yorr - 120 Paladin
A mysterious apparition immune to spells
# Dec 28 2012 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Like many mobs in this expansion, the mysterious apparitions are "belly casters" i.e. you have to be in melee range for most spells to land.
# Dec 22 2012 at 12:35 PM Rating: Excellent
1,028 posts
Ask Drenlo Helmright what you should do with the recovered crystal weapons 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

You say, 'Hail, Drenlo Helmright'

Your task 'A Cure for Madness' has been updated.

Drenlo Helmright says 'Though this is only the beginning, you have done much to remove the blight upon Kael. I doubt, though that it is merely enough to collect those weapons. They must be destroyed. Find the holy bonfires we have lit around the city to ward off the apparitions. The fires may burn strongly enough to destroy the weapons. When you have done this, speak to Noble Helssen. We still must wake the king from his fevered dream.'
# Dec 22 2012 at 12:17 PM Rating: Excellent
1,028 posts
Speak with Drenlo Helmright 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness) 

You say, 'Hail, Drenlo Helmright'

Your task 'A Cure for Madness' has been updated.

Drenlo Helmright says 'Magic, did you say? We have no magic to disarm an opponent. We are warriors of Zek; we defeat an enemy in face-to-face combat! Noble Helssen must be desperate for a remedy to Kael's illness if he thinks I could speak a word and force every giant to drop their weapons. That said, I do know of weapons that can do what you seek: swords, blessed by Rallos Zek himself, that can knock a weapon out of any hand with only a swing. Sadly, several of these swords were recently [stolen] from our temple chambers.'

You say, 'stolen'

Drenlo Helmright says 'Shortly after the crystal weapons were delivered to the kromzek and madness came upon the king, several of our acolytes disappeared. When we searched for them, we found the swords were also missing. I can only assume the acolytes stole them. Since these giants had just been initiated into our order, they were not among the kromzek who received a crystal weapon, so I believe they felt slighted. If you can find these acolytes, you might find the sword as well.'

Tell Drenlo Helmright that you have recovered a Blessed Sword of Strategic Combat 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness) 

You say, 'Hail, Drenlo Helmright'

Your task 'A Cure for Madness' has been updated.

Drenlo Helmright says 'You have retrieved a sword? Then Kael may yet be saved. You must battle with my brethren. When they are weakened, use the sword to knock the crystal blade out of their hand. But be swift: I doubt the sword will remain on the ground long without being coveted. Go now and collect as many crystal blades as you can. The future of Kael depends upon you!'

Edited, Dec 22nd 2012 1:20pm by Amio
# Dec 22 2012 at 12:15 PM Rating: Excellent
1,028 posts
You say, 'Hail, Noble Helssen'

Noble Helssen says 'You are the one who helped Fjokar and Rejnak with their investigation? You have done Kael a great service! Thanks to you we now know the nature of the threat and those responsible for it. If King Tormax were in his right mind, he would no doubt praise your deeds. The damage has already been done, though. The [weapons] spread by the Iceshards have crippled the mind of the city, and those who possess the weapons, although the blades cause harm, cling to them as though the glowing steel is the only thing fending off swift death.'

You say, 'weapons'

Noble Helssen says 'According to the information you have provided me, the only way to rid the city of our collective hallucinations is to destroy anything that has been tainted by those purple [crystals]. This will not be an [easy] task.'

You say, 'crystals'

Noble Helssen says 'Reports from my regiments in the Eastern Wastes saw the sky split open. The clouds parted, and a streak of purple fire stabbed into the ice like a bar of molten iron boiling a blacksmith's water trough. Not long after, I lost contact with most of my regiments. Word I did receive spoke of crystal shards from the impact site affecting creatures in strange ways. Some of my troops were seen carrying and coveting these objects, and attempts to reason with them and bring them back to Kael were met with violence. '

You say, 'easy'

Noble Helssen says 'The blades have already been distributed throughout the city, to young and old alike. Unless we can manage to pry the weapons from the fingers of every giant in Kael, this madness will not end. And we still must convince King Tormax to [relinquish] the crystalline axe he has been carrying. It has amplified his delusions, and the threat to the city will remain as long as its king dwells under the shadow of madness.'

You say, 'relinquish'

Noble Helssen says 'I wonder if there is not another way to take possession of the crystal weapons than through violence. If that were the only way, then we would end up killing half this city. No, we must somehow knock the weapons from their hands. A powerful spell might be what we [need].'

You say, 'need'

Noble Helssen says 'Would you be [willing] to speak with Drenlo Helmright, a priest of Zek? He has knowledge of arcane words of war, and he might know of a technique to strip an opponent's weapon without harm.'

You say, 'willing'

Noble Helssen says 'Thank you. Together we can rid the city of the blight the Iceshards have brought upon it. King Tormax's mind will once again be his own!'

Edited, Dec 22nd 2012 1:15pm by Amio
Picking up the Fear Weapons
# Dec 06 2012 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
57 posts
Nice thing about this step is that only one person has to run over the weapon. Everyone in group will get the weapon on their cursor, regardless of whether or not they have the quest. (at least for now)

It's also possible that only one person has to burn the weapons in the bonfire. When we got to the second person with the weapons they already had all the steps updated.
Keshua Warclaws, 100 Vah Shir Warrior
Canudance, 100 Vah Shir Bard

Drinal/Maelin Starpyre
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