Kael #2: Them Bones  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
Faction Required:
Dragon Death Keep
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Rain of Fear
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Nov 28 21:25:19 2012
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Rain of Fear Information & Guides: An Overview | Group Progression & Task List | Raid Progression | Visible Armor

This is the second task in a series of three. It is a solo task that begins with Rejnak Coldspear (map) in Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness. He is located behind the throne room of the zone (southernmost point in the zone) - in the east back room.

- Level 85
- Completed "Deliver Us Unto Evil"
- Must have at least indifferent faction with Dragon Death Keep (kill frost giants and/or apparitions to increase it)

You say, 'Hail, Rejnak Coldspear'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'Wevek Redforge crafts the blades that have been the scourge of Kael? This confirms Fjokar's suspicions. The Iceshard brothers have long relied upon Wevek to forge their arms. He is the best steel smith in Kael, but his loyalty is not to the city. Klaagan once defeated him in hand-to-hand combat, and instead of killing him, Klaagan demanded Wevek's fealty. His skills would be for the Iceshards' benefit whenever they commanded. Of course, this is not the only [evidence].'

You say, 'What is the other evidence?'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'Have you seen the King's throne? Mercenaries like you rarely approach it -- especially now in this time of the King's madness. The throne is the skull of Yelinak's mate, slain long ago by an ancestor of King Tormax. Its eye sockets, orbs dimmed and bereft of light, were given gems that flash with the fury the living dragon once held, reminding all of the valor required to slay her. Over time, though, the gems' luster faded. Perhaps that is why Tormax welcomed the Iceshards when they came to Dragondeath Keep bearing [gifts].'

You say, 'Gifts?'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'Vorken Iceshard presented to King Tormax two gleaming purple gems cut precisely to fit the eye sockets of the throne, and a great axe forged of the same type of gem. The gems were set into the throne, and Tormax raised the axe in honor, dedicating the gifts to the bravery his ancestor showed in overcoming Yelinak's mate. The Iceshards left the court amid cheers and praise for the generosity and honor they showed to the family of King Tormax. But the good [spirit] did not linger within Dragondeath Keep.'

You say, 'What spirit?'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'Fjokar thought it might have been the ghost of the dragon that visited the court the next night. As Tormax sat upon the throne, deliberating with his retainers, hot water fell upon his head. Then more drops splashed around him. He looked up and saw not the bones of the dragon but a roof of red flesh, dripping saliva. The retainers backed away from the throne, seeing not a skull but the living, scaly head of Yelinak's mate, its eyes darting and gleaming with hate. King Tormax had barely leapt from within its mouth before the jaws clamped around the royal chair. The King stood and brandished the [axe] that had been gifted to him.'

You say, 'What axe?'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'King Tormax swung the axe toward the dragon's head. But as the blade connected, no blood was spilled. A clang rang throughout the court; the axe had struck bone. The living dragon had disappeared, and in its place was the skull that had sat within the court for decades. It was after this incident that the [madness] consumed King Tormax.'

You say, 'Madness?'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'He rarely eats or sleeps. He clutches always the frightening axe and fears the encroachment of dragons and coldain upon Kael. He has predicted the coming of Yelinak and Dain Frostreaver, and he has fortified the city in preparation of their arrival. It is obvious to Fjokar that the Iceshards are behind the King's descent into madness, for their gifts preceded the awakening of the dragon throne. And now you tell me that Wevek has been forging the weapons being distributed around Kael, crafting them from strange gems gleaned in the Eastern Wastes. It is clear the Iceshards have devious [plans] for Kael, but I do not know yet what they are.'

You say, 'What plans?'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'The weapons given to the King and the kromzek are dismantling the order of the city. The kromzek have begun fighting the kromrif, and we are all hallucinating. We must reveal the heart of this matter, and Fjokar suspects it lies within Iceshard Manor. You have been invaluable to our cause thus far, and you are the only one I can trust with this matter. You must [prove] that the Iceshards have instigated this treachery. If you can do so, we can move against them.'

You say, 'How do I prove it?'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'You would be [willing] to do so? Then I have something to give you -- something that will frighten the Iceshards and make them regret bringing strife to Kael.'

You say, 'I am willing'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'Thank you. Ask me, and I will tell you what needs to be done.'

You have been assigned the task 'Them Bones'.

Rejnak Coldspear wants you to confront Vorken and Klaggan Iceshard and find out why they have been distributing the troublesome weapons throughout Kael.

Speak to Rejnak Coldspear. He has something to give you that will loosen Vorken and Klaggan's tongues.

Find out what Rejnak Coldspear wants to give you 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

You say, 'Hail, Rejnak Coldspear'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'Here it is: the gleaming eye I chipped from the throne of King Tormax. In his paranoid state, he will not miss it. In fact, this might ease the burden on his mind. Even holding it within this sack, the gem seems to burrow into my body and draw out the darkness within. Take it and go to the Iceshards. Let them be influenced by it. Let their minds be filled with its terror, and make them spill their secrets!'

You receive a "Dragon Eye Gem".

Your vision clouds, and a feeling of uneasiness enters your mind as you possess the Dragon Eye Gem. You feel as though your insides are about to leap out of your skin.

NOTE: While you are on this task and in possession of the "Dragon Eye Gem", it has a chance to make the apparitions in the zone (Coldains; wurms; drakes; etc.) to aggro you. This happens in a large aggro range, and you will be warned with an emote when it occurs:

The proximity to the Dragon Eye Gem attracts an apparition.

Enter Iceshard Manor 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

This is the building in the southern part of the zone. If coming from Zeixshi-Kar's Awakening, hang a left (south) after passing through the second archway.

Once you reach this area, you will be blinded and ported to the arena.

A sense of gut-wrenching dread overcomes you, and you collapse into unconsciousness.

Listen to the grievances of your skeleton 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: You have been overcome by the malevolence of the Dragon Eye Gem, and you feel as though a piece of you is missing.

A mob called "a skeleton (_____'s bones)" appears before you.

a skeleton says 'Don't look at me like you don't know who I am! Don't you recognize your own skeleton? Stupid wads of flesh like you should really be more grateful for people like me! How many years have I supported you now? You wouldn't be half the adventurer you are without me!'

a skeleton says 'But when's the last time you thanked me? You're always going on about your muscles and how much stronger you want to be. It makes me sick with jealousy listening to your brain!'

a skeleton says 'I've had it with you. I'm leaving, and you're not getting me back! Good luck standing upright or holding a sword! Maybe you should have shown me a little more appreciation!'

Kill your skeleton to reclaim your bones. To make it attack, get close to it 4 times when it stops moving 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: Your skeleton has run away, and you must kill it to reclaim your bones. It will not become angry enough to attack you unless you can get close to it four times when it stops running.

Follow your skeleton around to random locations throughout the zone. When it stops at a location, it will appear on your map and a mystical path will show you the way to it (just like the "Find" command). Go to it, and it will wander off again. You'll have to do this four times. The fourth time you do it, it attacks you. Kill it to update this step.

Upon the first update:

a skeleton says 'Too slow, meatbrain!'

...And then runs away. Upon the second update:

a skeleton says 'Can't catch me, fleshy!'

...And then runs away. Upon the third update:

a skeleton says 'Bite my coccyx, organsack!'

...And then runs away. Upon the fourth update:

a skeleton says 'That's it! I've had enough of you, stupid fleshbeast! I'm not going back on the inside! You'll never take me alive!'

...And it attacks you. It hits for a max ~13,000. Killing it updates the task.

You have slain a skeleton!
You hurriedly pick up your bones before they have a chance to escape again, and you feel them magically reabsorb into your body.

Speak to Klaggan Iceshard about his plans and the Dragon Eye Gem 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Speak to Vorken Iceshard about his plans and the Dragon Eye Gem 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: Now that your skeleton has been returned to your body, you can confront Vorken and Klaggan with the Dragon Eye Gem.

The Iceshard brothers (map) are found in the main area of Iceshard Manor (southern part of the zone).

You say, 'Hail, Vorken Iceshard'

Vorken Iceshard says 'You pathetic whelp of a creature! Return this at once! I want nothing to do with it, and if I see you bringing it around here again, I shall kill you myself!'

You say, 'Hail, Klaggan Iceshard'

Klaggan Iceshard says 'Where did you get that?! Thief! You have stolen from the throne of the King himself! Why would I want to hold what is not mine? If the kromzek were to see such villainy, they would remove our heads where we stand! Keep it away from me! And if you want to save your life, you will return that gem to King Tormax with haste!'

These above hails open the "Use the power..." steps below.

Use the power of the Dragon Eye Gem to discover Klaggan's plans 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Target Klaggan and right-click the gem. Klaggan's skeleton spawns.

Use the power of the Dragon Eye Gem to discover Vorken's plans 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Target Vorken and right-click the gem. Vorken's skeleton spawns.

Vorken Iceshard's skeleton is drawn from his body by the power of the Dragon Eye Gem.
Vorken Iceshard says 'Those who attack me in my own home will pay dearly.'

Klaggan Iceshard's skeleton is drawn from his body by the power of the Dragon Eye Gem.
Klaggan Iceshard says 'Those who attack me in my own home will pay dearly.'

Ask Klaggan's skeleton what it knows 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Ask Vorken's skeleton what it knows 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Kill Klaggan's Unruly Skeleton 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Kill Vorken's Unruly Skeleton 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Task Window Says: Since the Iceshard Brothers will not assist you with your investigation, use the Dragon Eye Gem on them. Perhaps their skeletons will be more cooperative.

Hailing their skeleton turns the mob aggro. Note that you can do these fights one at a time.

You say, 'Hail, Klaggan`s Skeleton'

Klaggan`s Skeleton says 'Ah, this feels magnificent! I've been wearing those stuffy giant clothes for way too long! You want to know what Vorken has been doing? Selling out his city for a slice of power. He wants to use those purple weapons to amplify the fears of the King and kromzek, so Vorken and his brother can sweep in and save the city from itself. It's a stupid plan, and I don't want any part of it. All you flesh sacks are all the same: always vying for power and trying to climb on top. Well you're not going to get on top of me! I'm through being used like a puppet by fleshmasters like you!'

Klaggan's Skeleton hits for a max ~13,000; is immune to stuns; and casts "Skeletal Ire":

Skeletal Ire: Single Target, Magic (-940)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 35000 per tick (1 tick)
2: Mesmerize (1)

Kill his skeleton to update that step.

You say, 'Hail, Vorken`s Skeleton'

Vorken`s Skeleton says 'Disgusting -- all those things I've seen that giant do. You would NOT want to be his skeleton! Do you know how many baby walruses he's punched in Eastern Wastes? And now he's convinced his brethren to kill each other through fear and the lust for power. I'm not climbing back into that beast! You'll never take me alive!'

Vorken's Skeleton hits for a max ~13,000; AE rampages; is immune to stuns; and casts "Skeletal Fury":

Skeletal Fury: Unknown(32) 200', Magic (-940)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 47000

Kill his skeleton to update that step.

Tell Rejnak Coldspear what you discovered 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

Discover the Iceshard brothers' connection to the trouble in Kael 0/1 (Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness)

This last step is automatically updated.

You say, 'Hail, Rejnak Coldspear'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'So it was indeed the plan of the Iceshards to spread discord throughout the city! Thank you for making the inquiry. Fjokar will surely move against the Iceshards now that we have proof. But there is still the matter of cleaning up the mess that they have created. The weapons and gems have already been distributed around the city. Speak to Noble Helssen and see if he needs help restoring order.'

You have discovered that Vorken and Klaggan Iceshard have been using powerful crystal-forged weapons to alter the perceptions of the citizens of Kael Drakkel. This caused madness to descend upon King Tormax and unrest to break out within the city. Noble Helssen will want to know the cause of all this strife.

225 platinum
Experience (3 AAs + 2-3% in Level 96)
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# Apr 09 2023 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
7 posts
Unless you love frustration, do not chase the skeleton.

Just sit and wait. You'll see a few emotes of "You hear your bones rattling in the distance." that you can ignore.

After a few of those you'll see an emote of "The sounds of your skeleton's footfalls cease. Your skeleton must have stopped running." At that point, you can go towards the map marker to find your skeleton. Once you get to it it will say the phrase (was tell color text for me) and run off.

Just wait again until the emote about footfalls ceasing and the skeleton stopped running before moving.

I actively chased that stupid skeleton for 40+ minutes without seeing any of the taunt phrases and no updates. Finally, out of frustration, I looked at the comments here for guidance and didn't find any. When I went back to game I saw that while I was wasting time looking up what I was doing wrong the skeleton had run off and got to it's next spot without me chasing and I had the emote about it stopping.

Roughly 5 mins late I finally got to destroy that infuriating bag of bones and advance the quest.

I can only assume that you have to trigger the 4 phrases by approaching the skeleton only after it emotes about stopping so if you actively chase it, you're inside the approach range when it stops and it never emotes leading to a chain of failed updates and a pile of hair pulled off of your head as you slowly go insane.

Edited, Apr 9th 2023 1:44pm by noitallguy
hailing the final skeletons
# Apr 28 2021 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
41 posts
Repeatedly trying to hail the skeletons of the two mobs at the end failed....seems the quest is broken.
hailing the final skeletons
# Jun 14 2021 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
15 posts
I initially thought that I had this issue as well but then I realized that while I thought I was targeting the skeleton I was actually just targeting Klaggan or Vorken who were lying on the ground. I had to move my camera angle around in order to properly target their skeletons. At that point the hails worked just fine.
dont chase
# May 19 2020 at 1:07 AM Rating: Good
65 posts
If you have multiple people in your group with the quest, dont everyone go into iceshard manor. Everyone who has quest needs to the do the skelly part individually before moving on.
Once your skeleton starts to run away . #1: DONT CHASE IT. it will only give you an update when you see " the sounds of your skeleton's footsteps cease...." . If you follow it around, I promise you it wont say it. Took me like an hour to get the updates chasing it and took me like 10 min to get them not. *shrugs*. When you wait or follow it, the apparitions and ferries will attack you . You will get a message saying something and they will pop and attack. They are weak. Almost didn't need a healer for just one of them on me. I was 2 boxing. was easy on my nec, i just FD all of the attacks and kept going, I was worried about my Paladin, but she didn't have problems tanking them. I thought I would cause adds was the main reason why I was worried but I didn't have any problems. The last two skells are tough! good luck.
Lady Aivei Veil of Tarew Marr . Now Xegony
Getting the Skelly
# Jul 06 2019 at 10:41 PM Rating: Excellent
86 posts
Don't chase the skelly all over the zone. Once you start just sit down and wait for the X on the map to stop moving and then go to it. When it updates it'll take off again. Just sit there and wait for it to stop again, rinse and repeat till the 4th time and kill it. Much easier...
Fizen Dirtnap
Did they move Rejnak Coldspear?
# Oct 19 2017 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Did they move Rejnak Coldspear? I am at the location shown on the map, bith on Zam and EQResource, and he is not there...

Did they move Rejnak Coldspear?
# Oct 21 2017 at 4:58 AM Rating: Good
KSBeebe wrote:
Did they move Rejnak Coldspear? I am at the location shown on the map, bith on Zam and EQResource, and he is not there...

He is right there at the moment on the AB server, also he appears on Find.
# May 20 2016 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Although this is a solo task, I think you need a group, however only get the task one at a time complete it for a single character, and then repeat. Otherwise you get too many aggros around the zone, and the skeletons are in different places.
Easy faction.
# Feb 07 2016 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
We had killed Frost Giants to be able to request Deliver Us Unto Evil. Once we completed that quest we headed up to the Arena area, where the giants were indifferent to us, and killed the non-giant mobs like cruel wurmlings etc. This maxed out our faction with both types of giant in less than an hour. Made it a lot easier to chase our skeletons around the zone and made A Cure For Madness much easier too.
Faction: please do not recommend killing Frost Giants
# Jan 24 2014 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
Elves and prowlers and such do the job just fine, and don't wreck your iceshard manor faction to make you KoS as you run into the zone. I guess they can also fix the problem if you mistakenly kill some frost giant watchers and such following the advice in the text.
This is all I have to say about this quest...
# Dec 29 2013 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
This is all I have to say about this quest...

Faction requirement
# Nov 03 2013 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
I was able to request this quest at apprehensive faction tonight. Rejnak did not respond with any of the usual dialogue, but the quest window popped up when I gave him the line, "I am willing"
Can't sneak - must have faction
# Jan 19 2013 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
My faction was Threatening so I tried the /sneak trick.

I was able to run the entire conversation by sneaking for each step and waiting for him to face away again. It worked up to the quest start phrase "WILLING" then it bombs. Guess I'll have to work some faction.
Member of Luclin/Stromm's Morituri Te Salutamus
dragon eye gem
# Jan 06 2013 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
689 posts
The proximity aggro of the apparitions caused by the gem only seems to have happened when chasing your bones around the zone. I'm past that step and haven't had aggro at all since, even though I haven't done Vorken's or Klaggan's skeletons.
Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
# Dec 22 2012 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
1,028 posts
You say, 'Hail, Rejnak Coldspear'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'Wevek Redforge crafts the blades that have been the scourge of Kael? This confirms Fjokar's suspicions. The Iceshard brothers have long relied upon Wevek to forge their arms. He is the best steel smith in Kael, but his loyalty is not to the city. Klaagan once defeated him in hand-to-hand combat, and instead of killing him, Klaagan demanded Wevek's fealty. His skills would be for the Iceshards' benefit whenever they commanded. Of course, this is not the only [evidence].'

You say, 'evidence'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'Have you seen the King's throne? Mercenaries like you rarely approach it -- especially now in this time of the King's madness. The throne is the skull of Yelinak's mate, slain long ago by an ancestor of King Tormax. Its eye sockets, orbs dimmed and bereft of light, were given gems that flash with the fury the living dragon once held, reminding all of the valor required to slay her. Over time, though, the gems' luster faded. Perhaps that is why Tormax welcomed the Iceshards when they came to Dragondeath Keep bearing [gifts].'

You say, 'gifts'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'Vorken Iceshard presented to King Tormax two gleaming purple gems cut precisely to fit the eye sockets of the throne, and a great axe forged of the same type of gem. The gems were set into the throne, and Tormax raised the axe in honor, dedicating the gifts to the bravery his ancestor showed in overcoming Yelinak's mate. The Iceshards left the court amid cheers and praise for the generosity and honor they showed to the family of King Tormax. But the good [spirit] did not linger within Dragondeath Keep.'

You say, 'spirit'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'Fjokar thought it might have been the ghost of the dragon that visited the court the next night. As Tormax sat upon the throne, deliberating with his retainers, hot water fell upon his head. Then more drops splashed around him. He looked up and saw not the bones of the dragon but a roof of red flesh, dripping saliva. The retainers backed away from the throne, seeing not a skull but the living, scaly head of Yelinak's mate, its eyes darting and gleaming with hate. King Tormax had barely leapt from within its mouth before the jaws clamped around the royal chair. The King stood and brandished the [axe] that had been gifted to him.'

You say, 'axe'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'King Tormax swung the axe toward the dragon's head. But as the blade connected, no blood was spilled. A clang rang throughout the court; the axe had struck bone. The living dragon had disappeared, and in its place was the skull that had sat within the court for decades. It was after this incident that the [madness] consumed King Tormax.'

You say, 'madness'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'He rarely eats or sleeps. He clutches always the frightening axe and fears the encroachment of dragons and coldain upon Kael. He has predicted the coming of Yelinak and Dain Frostreaver, and he has fortified the city in preparation of their arrival. It is obvious to Fjokar that the Iceshards are behind the King's descent into madness, for their gifts preceded the awakening of the dragon throne. And now you tell me that Wevek has been forging the weapons being distributed around Kael, crafting them from strange gems gleaned in the Eastern Wastes. It is clear the Iceshards have devious [plans] for Kael, but I do not know yet what they are.'

You say, 'plans'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'The weapons given to the King and the kromzek are dismantling the order of the city. The kromzek have begun fighting the kromrif, and we are all hallucinating. We must reveal the heart of this matter, and Fjokar suspects it lies within Iceshard Manor. You have been invaluable to our cause thus far, and you are the only one I can trust with this matter. You must [prove] that the Iceshards have instigated this treachery. If you can do so, we can move against them.'

You say, 'prove'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'You would be [willing] to do so? Then I have something to give you -- something that will frighten the Iceshards and make them regret bringing strife to Kael.'

You say, 'willing'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'Thank you. Ask me, and I will tell you what needs to be done.'

You have been assigned the task 'Them Bones'.

You say, 'Hail, Rejnak Coldspear'

Rejnak Coldspear says 'Here it is: the gleaming eye I chipped from the throne of King Tormax. In his paranoid state, he will not miss it. In fact, this might ease the burden on his mind. Even holding it within this sack, the gem seems to burrow into my body and draw out the darkness within. Take it and go to the Iceshards. Let them be influenced by it. Let their minds be filled with its terror, and make them spill their secrets!'
Broken part
# Dec 11 2012 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
If you die while fighting Vorken's or Klaggen's skelly, the quest is broken, and you'll have to start over. You can go back, use the Dragon Eye Gem to spawn the skelly, but you can't hail him or otherwise get him to turn kos. It's a pain, especially after spending 30 minutes following a stupid skelly around the whole zone. And it's easy to die there if, to get Dragon Death Keep faction, you kill frost giants, like I did. Might be better to concentrate factioning on the fear creatures, which raise faction with both sides. For me, i will raise my Iceshard Manor faction before I do this again, by killing the fear creatures in Kael, so i'm not kos in a room full of giants where i have to kill the skelly.
Broken part
# Sep 09 2013 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
This doesn't seem to be broken any more. I died to klaggan's skelly, then came back, used the crystal, hailed and aggrod normally.
Killing Vorken's Unruly Skeleton - work around
# Dec 06 2012 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
I was boxing my chanter and shadowknight, and I got distracted a bit, so the dps was low when killing Vorken's Skel.

During the fight, Vorken himself re-spawned, so I thought I'd get the gem clickie done on my chanter as well (I had done it first for my sk). A second skeleton spawned, but would not agro until I hailed him. Anyway, I hailed the one I was already fighting, to get the update -- so my chanter and sk got the kill update from the one skel mob. And the second skeleton just ended up sitting there.

In short, if you have a group of multiple people doing this task, you can slow down your dps on the first skel mob long enough to repop the living mob to get the gem click done and do the hails only on the skel mob you're already fighting.
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