The Triune God  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 06:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Veil of Alaris
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:12
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Dec 13 22:01:52 2011
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Veil of Alaris Information & Guides: An Overview | Group Progression & Task List | Raid Progression | Visible Armor

This is a mini raid (3-12 players) that begins with Sentry Stone of Illdaera in Sepulcher West (located at about 895, 1085, 8 -- in one of the large rooms in the north-central part of the zone).

Pre-requisites for requesting the task:
- Completed "The Fracturing of Order"
- Completed "Crafting the Triumvirate's Downfall"
- Completed "Resurrecting the Gods"
- Completed "Breaching the Barrier"
- 88 Skill Level in Alaran

You say, 'Hail, Sentry Stone of Illdaera'

You yet live. We see and remember you and your efforts with the [blind dreamers] and the [burial sites]. Our master wishes to speak with you now.' A different voice enters your mind. It has the distinct feeling of a fleshy voice and is not the same cold voice used by the sentry stone. 'You have proven a brave ally. Your help with [breaching the temple] was appreciated. Our desires still align with yours. We both stand the best chance of success if we continue to work together. If this is [acceptable], then my allies and I will meet you and your strange gods. There is a ritual planned in the sepulcher, and we must prevent it.

You say, 'This is acceptable'

Sentry Stone of Illdaera says 'The masters send their approval. I have been given the power to [transport] you when you are ready.'

You have been assigned the task 'The Triune God'.

You must confront the triumvirate inside the sepulcher and defeat them.

Task Steps

Speak to the gods regarding the situation 0/1 (Sepulcher of Order)

Find Illdaera, Lunanyn, and Kolos inside the sepulcher and confront the Triumvirate 0/1 (Sepulcher of Order)

Find a way to destroy the 8 shards that appear around the Triunity 0/1 (Sepulcher of Order)

Task Window Says: There must be a way to make the shards vulnerable to attack. You suspect it has something to do with the Avatars.

Destroy the remaining shards around the Triunity 0/1 (Sepulcher of Order)

Find the Triunity inside the Crypt 0/1 (Sepulcher of Order)

Defeat the Triunity 0/1 (Sepulcher of Order)

Claim your prize from the Chest 0/1 (Sepulcher of Order)


- Say "ready" to any god to trigger the event.

- Four sets of shards (two per set) need to be destroyed.
--- For each shard, four mobs spawn + two relics activate:
------ 3x "a defender of _____" + 1x "Avatar of _____" + 1x "The Relic of _____".
--- Attacking/killing the Relics may be optional and only for an achievement (this is not known).
--- The defenders and avatars will spawn from the relics and charge the raid.
--- Get the defenders down to 50% health, then use the pendant to charm them and attack the shards.
--- Once all three of a defender type are attacking a shard, the Avatar will become charmed and should be sent to attack the opposite shard.
--- First set of shards: Lunanyn/Fertility; Oseka/Tides
--- Second set of shards: Kolos/Beasts; Alra/Magic
--- Third set of shards: Ladrys/Splendor; Sholoth/Decay
--- Fourth set of shards: Illdaera/Battle; Ryken/Oratory
- After the four sets of shards are killed, the event progresses.

- Kill the eight Relics that spawn around The Triunity.
- Once the eight Relics are destroyed, The Triunity warps to the inner chamber.

- Engage The Triunity and DPS it.
- At random, the Norrathian gods on the upper floor will be charmed.
--- DPS the charmed god until its charm drops (to about 60%), then continue DPS on The Triunity.
- Continue this process until The Triunity is dead.

Triggering the Event

Hail any of the gods and say "ready" to initiate the event. There are about 5 minutes, 30 seconds, before The Triunity spawns and aggros.

You say, 'Hail, Rallos Zek'

Rallos Zek says 'Are you prepared to face the Triumvirate? Tell us when you are [ready]. If you wish to [leave], you may do so.'

You say, 'We are ready'

Rallos Zek says 'Then we shall enter the final moments of the Triumvirate's existence.'

Illdaera says, 'Norrathian gods, we know why you have come. We are not foolish enough to think you care if the Triumvirate were to subjugate Alaris and rule cruelly over its people. Lunanyn and I watched your arrival, lords of war and fire. You burned our crops and farmers, and waged battle against all Alarans you could find. But your actions make it clear: It is not conquest you desire; it is vengeance.'

Lunanyn says, 'We brought you here with trepidation. We are interlopers in this world -- your world. Long ago we escaped the destruction of our home and claimed a small piece of yours. But we cultivated the land; we cared for its creatures; and our bodies gave birth to the cities and cultures that flourish on Alaris. Would you begrudge us for being caretakers of...'

Rallos Zek raises his axe and points it at Lunanyn. 'You gave birth to treachery! Your cities may be fair, but beneath their foundations they are filthier than this tomb. You parasites fed on the minds of your worshippers, but they were not enough for you. Your hunger entrapped and killed Cazic Thule. You would spread over Norrath and consume every one of us! I should raze this continent to the very bedrock! I should find and dismember every one of your bodies! I should...'

Morell Thule holds out his hand to silence Rallos Zek. 'Should we judge them on the despicable acts of a few? I certainly would not want to be judged by your actions, Rallos Zek. '

Solusek Ro says, 'But they bring with them the taint of their fallen world. Already they have killed one of us. Will their desire for power be sated by this action alone?'

The Avatar of Prexus says, 'Could the Lord of the Ocean coexist with the tamer of Tides? I foresee nothing but strife.'

Tallon Zek says, 'And did they not first encounter Discord? Did these Alarans lead the world ravagers to Norrath?'

Kolos glares at the Norrathian gods, but is restrained by Illdaera's hand.

Morell Thule says, 'That is enough speculation. True, were it not for the deeds of Ryken and the Triumvirate, my father would be safe in his plane. But I too bear responsibility for listening to their words. And who among us harbors no enmity toward a fellow god? I judge the motives of Illdaera, Kolos, and Lunanyn to be upright. They wish to stop the war of conquest begun by the Triumvirate, as do we. Their advancement upon Alaris and Norrath shall be halted, their followers killed. Those who foster peace shall be spared.'

Illdaera says, 'Your words show restraint and judicious thought -- perhaps more than mine would in your circumstance. We do not consider it lightly that we must kill our own in order to save Alaris. We served for centuries under the Triumvirate, alongside Ryken, Alra, and Oseka. If there were a different path, we would take it. But there are only two possibilities: to live in servitude, or to kill and be free. For the sake of our people, for Alaris, and for Norrath, we will fight.'

Morell Thule says, 'Then it is settled. I feel the power of my father beyond these doors. The Triumvirate must be near. Let us join our arms and repair that which the Triumvirate has broken.'

Illdaera says, 'Wait. The Triumvirate has moved the crystal relics close to their tomb. In each of these crystals lies a piece of our bodies, and they contain a fraction of our power. The Triumvirate has the power of control. Now that they have stolen Cazic Thule's power, I cannot guarantee that we will maintain control of these bodies. As a precaution, we give these trinkets to your adventurers. They may be useful in the fight ahead. Now, let us enter first and assess the threat.'

Morell Thule says, 'Go. We will follow when needed.'

Everyone receives a "Pendant of Obfuscation".

Make your way into the central chamber where you'll see Galvos, Beloth, and Ragan (non-aggro):

Galvos says, 'Illdaera, Kolos, Lunanyn! You are not here to bow to us? Did your loyalties die along with your bodies?'

Ragan says, 'They broke their covenant with us.'

Beloth says, 'They should be punished.'

Galvos says, 'Whether they submit or not, their power is still ours.'

Illdaera says, 'You have now your flesh and your followers. You have been reborn. Is this not enough for you? Would you do to this world what Discord did to ours?'

Galvos bellows at Illdaera, 'You dare compare us to Discord? Your long slumber has robbed you of memories! We controlled much of our world, ruling with the power that comes from solidarity and collective vision. Yet still we were destroyed. Do you think standing alone you would have fared better? The more followers we have, the more power we have. But you will never be safe as long as there is someone more powerful than you.'

Galvos says, 'As individuals we were weak. Now, with the power we have taken from the Norrathian god, we will be strong.'

The Triumvirate says, in unison, 'We will become one flesh. With the triune nature of our power, we will conquer this world and create a bastion against any who would attempt again to destroy us!'

Illdaera looks at the adventurers gathered around. 'We do not have much time. The Triumvirate has become much more powerful than we imagined. We will not be able to maintain control of these bodies for long.'

Lunanyn says, 'We wish you no harm, adventurers, but the Triumvirate will use our relics and our power for its own ends.'

Kolos says, 'Kolos regrets ever serving the Triumvirate!'

Illdaera says, 'Adventurers, if the Triumvirate takes control of us, do what you must. If you can sway the minds of our followers, we will follow you. And do not hesitate to use our powers against each other.'

The Triunity says, 'It is time, wayward gods. Your autonomy is over. Here we begin our ascension. We will destroy all who stand against us!'

Avatar of Illdaera died.

Your task 'The Triune God' has been updated.

The Triunity appears in the middle of the ramp area and goes aggro.

Find a way to destroy the 8 shards: The Triunity

During this part of the task, The Triunity is permanently rooted in place; hits for a max ~10,000 (?); does not summon; does not flurry; and does not rampage. It cannot be damaged.

It casts "Touch of the Triune God", an emote-based charm (avoidable):

10-second warning (seen by everyone): The Triunity says, in Alaran, 'Approach and bow before us, _____!'
Success emote: The Triunity says, in Alaran, '_____ has obeyed us by prostrating themselves in our presence.'
Failure emote: The Triunity says, in Alaran, '_____ did not bow before us! We will force them to serve our will!'

A failure results in:

Touch of the Triune God: Single Target, (0)
1: Charm up to level 200 (60 seconds; can be broken early)
2: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1000000
3: Increase HP when cast by 1000000
4: Increase corruption counter by 95

NOTE: Your Alaran skill level must be at least 90 in order to see emotes properly. Any lower than 90, and text will be garbled.

It also casts "Traitorous Retort", but this spell doesn't affect players. It's only cast on charmed NPCs:

Traitorous Retort: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 75000

If you attempt to leave the event area, you'll be hit with "Triunity's Wrath":

The Triunity says 'There is no where you can hide from us, _____.' (summons you to its location)

Triunity's Wrath: Single Target, Unresistable (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 66486

In addition to the above three spells, The Triunity has unique spells for each set of shards up. These are detailed in the sections below.

Find a way to destroy the 8 shards: Lunanyn/Fertility & Oseka/Tides

During this part, The Triunity casts "Vine Crawl"; "Waterlogged"; and "Vine Encasement":

Vine Crawl: Targeted AE 30', Poison (-900)
1: Trigger on Cast: Vine Crawl (7000 dmg)
2: Limit: Spell Type (Beneficial only)
3: Decrease Movement by 300%
4: Decrease Attack Speed by 50%
5: Increase Poison Counter by 20

Waterlogged: Single Target, Cold (-900)
1: Empathy
2: Limit: Spell (Raging Vortex allowed)
3: Increase Curse Counter by 35

Vine Encasement: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Stun (20.00 sec)
2: Root
3: Increase Poison Counter by 125

This emote is seen as "Vine Encasement" is cast on a target (no known warning ahead of time):

The Triunity squeezes the vines around _____, crushing them

In addition to the above, it spawns "a raging vortex" on top of random players. This is a whirlpool similar to those in the Rubak missions (push/pull effect + damage if you stay in it). This is emote you see when this happens (no known warning ahead of time):

The Triunity creates a raging vortex of water on top of _____.

Once this phase begins, The Relic of Lunanyn and The Relic of Oseka become attackable. It's not known if it's necessary to attack or kill them, aside from gaining an achievement for preventing them from regenerating.

NPC spawns are staggered, but you'll get in total:

3x "a defender of tides" (hits for a max ~1,550; casts "Strike of Tides")
1x "Avatar of Oseka" (hits for a max ~4,000; casts "Detriment of Tides")

3x "a defender of fertility" (hits for a max ~1,550; casts "Strike of Fertility")
1x "Avatar of Lunanyn" (hits for a max ~4,000; casts "Detriment of Fertility")

Strike of Tides: Targeted AE 30', Magic (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 6625

Detriment of Tides: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Empathy
2: Limit: Spell (Strike of Fertility allowed)
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 6142 per tick
4: Increase Curse Counter by 25

Strike of Fertility: Targeted AE 30', Magic (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 6625

Detriment of Fertility: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Empathy
2: Limit: Spell (Strike of Tides allowed)
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 6142 per tick
4: Increase Curse Counter by 25

In order to progress to the next phase, you need to beat the defenders down to 50%, then charm them (using the "Pendant of Obfuscation" received at the beginning of the task). Once charmed, they should be sent to attack the shards that spawned next to The Triunity.

If all three defenders of a certain type are charmed and attacking the shards, their Avatar will assist them (the Avatar becomes someone's pet; that person needs to send them to attack the opposite shard).

NOTE: As the charm effect on the Pendant only lasts 3 minutes, you may need to coordinate your DPS so that all defenders can be charmed at once. If any of them break early, the Avatar will not assist.

If a defender dies, it respawns at 100% health. If an Avatar dies, it respawns at 100% health.

Once the Avatar is in its charmed state, that Avatar and its opposing shard should be defeated. Player DPS can now assist in killing the shard at this time.

A Shard of Lunanyn has been slain by _____!
A Shard of Lunanyn is visibly shaken by the exploding shard, but maintains its shielding

A Shard of Oseka has been slain by _____!
A Shard of Oseka is visibly shaken by the exploding shard, but maintains its shielding

Upon the deaths of the two shards and the deaths/despawning of the avatars and defenders, the task progresses to the next part.

Find a way to destroy the 8 shards: Kolos/Beasts; Alra/Magic

During this part, The Triunity casts "Deprivation"; "Feral Reversion"; and "Casting Pain":

Deprivation: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Fading Memories

Feral Reversion: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Illusion: Unknown(482)
2: Casting Level (-30)

Casting Pain: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Trigger on Cast: Casting Pain (AE 35' 24682 dmg)
2: Increase Curse Counter by 30

In addition to the above, The Triunity will spawn selyrah adds in sets of two at a time. These spawn and despawn very quickly (no known warning emote):

The Triunity unleashes a pair of deadly selyrah on _____.

Once this phase begins, The Relic of Kolos and The Relic of Alra become attackable. It's not known if it's necessary to attack or kill them, aside from gaining an achievement for preventing them from regenerating.

NPC spawns are staggered, but you'll get in total:

3x "a defender of beasts" (hits for a max ~1,550; casts "Strike of Beasts")
1x "Avatar of Kolos" (hits for a max ~4,000; casts "Detriment of Beasts")

3x "a defender of magic" (hits for a max ~1,550; casts "Strike of Magic")
1x "Avatar of Alra" (hits for a max ~4,000; casts "Detriment of Magic")

Strike of Beasts: Targeted AE 30', Magic (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 6625

Detriment of Beasts: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Empathy
2: Limit: Spell (Strike of Magic allowed)
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 6142 per tick
4: Increase Curse Counter by 25

Strike of Magic: Targeted AE 30', Magic (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 6625

Detriment of Magic: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Empathy
2: Limit: Spell (Strike of Beasts allowed)
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 6142 per tick
4: Increase Curse Counter by 25

The event must be progressed in the same manner as the previous phase.

A Shard of Kolos has been slain by _____!
A Shard of Kolos is visibly shaken by the exploding shard, but maintains its shielding

A Shard of Alra has been slain by _____!
A Shard of Alra is visibly shaken by the exploding shard, but maintains its shielding

Upon the deaths of the two shards and the deaths/despawning of the avatars and defenders, the task progresses to the next part.

Find a way to destroy the 8 shards: Ladrys/Splendor; Sholoth/Decay

During this part, The Triunity casts "Countdown" and "Taint of Sholoth":

Countdown: Single Target, Prismatic (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 2000 per tick (6 ticks; death touch if not cured)
2: Trigger Effect: Countdown on Fade
3: Increase corruption counter by 40

Taint of Sholoth: Single Target, Disease (-900)
1: Trigger on Cast: Taint of Sholoth (AE 40' 43448 dmg)
2: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints allowed)
3: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints v2 allowed)
4: Limit: Effect (Complete Heal (with duration) allowed)
5: Limit: Effect (Percentage Heal allowed)
6: Limit: Effect (Unknown(400) allowed)
7: Limit: Effect (HP when cast allowed)
8: Limit: Effect (HP to Mana allowed)
9: Limit: Minimum Mana Cost (20)
10: Increase Disease Counter by 40

Also during this phase, damage auras spawn upon random players. One appears as a white cloud; the other, a green cloud (both chain nuke their effects). These are the emotes seen as they appear (no warning notice):

The Triunity creates a blinding light near _____.

The Triunity creates a cloud of filth near _____.

Blinding Lights: Single Target, Prismatic (-940)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 27000
2: Blindness (1)

Filth Cloud: Single Target, Disease (-940)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 23000 per tick
2: Negate Hitpoints Effect
3: Trigger Effect: Filth Cloud on Fade (triggers feign death)
4: Increase Disease Counter by 25

Once this phase begins, The Relic of Ladrys and The Relic of Sholoth become attackable. It's not known if it's necessary to attack or kill them, aside from gaining an achievement for preventing them from regenerating.

NPC spawns are staggered, but you'll get in total:

3x "a defender of splendor" (hits for a max ~1,550; casts "Strike of Splendor")
1x "Avatar of Ladrys" (hits for a max ~4,000; casts "Detriment of Splendor")

3x "a defender of decay" (hits for a max ~1,550; casts "Strike of Decay")
1x "Avatar of Sholoth" (hits for a max ~4,000; casts "Detriment of Decay")

Strike of Splendor: Targeted AE 30', Magic (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 6625

Detriment of Splendor: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Empathy
2: Limit: Spell (Strike of Decay allowed)
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 6142 per tick
4: Increase Curse Counter by 25

Strike of Decay: Targeted AE 30', Magic (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 6625

Detriment of Decay: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Empathy
2: Limit: Spell (Strike of Magic allowed)
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 6142 per tick
4: Increase Curse Counter by 25

The event must be progressed in the same manner as the previous phases.

A Shard of Ladrys has been slain by _____!
A Shard of Ladrys is visibly shaken by the exploding shard, but maintains its shielding

A Shard of Sholoth has been slain by _____!
A Shard of Sholoth is visibly shaken by the exploding shard, but maintains its shielding

Upon the deaths of the two shards and the deaths/despawning of the avatars and defenders, the task progresses to the next part.

Find a way to destroy the 8 shards: Illdaera/Battle; Ryken/Oratory

During this part, The Triunity casts "Loss of Steel"; "Buffeting Gusts"; "Forgetful Silence"; and "Fighting Will":

Loss of Steel: Self 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 7000

Buffeting Gusts: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 12842
2: Decrease Agro Multiplier by 100%
3: Trigger Effect: Buffeting Gusts on Fade (Decrease Agro Multiplier by 150%)

Forgetful Silence: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Silence
2: Amnesia (Silence vs Melee Effect)
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 22468 per tick

Fighting Will: Single Target, Fire (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 10000 per tick
2: Decrease Endurance by 1000 per tick
3: Increase Curse Counter by 35

Once this phase begins, The Relic of Illdaera and The Relic of Ryken become attackable. It's not known if it's necessary to attack or kill them, aside from gaining an achievement for preventing them from regenerating.

NPC spawns are staggered, but you'll get in total:

3x "a defender of battle" (hits for a max ~1,550; casts "Strike of Battle")
1x "Avatar of Illdaera" (hits for a max ~4,000; casts "Detriment of Battle")

3x "a defender of oratory" (hits for a max ~1,550; casts "Strike of Oratory")
1x "Avatar of Ryken" (hits for a max ~4,000; casts "Detriment of Oratory")

Strike of Battle: Targeted AE 30', Magic (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 6625

Detriment of Battle: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Empathy
2: Limit: Spell (Strike of Oratory allowed)
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 6142 per tick
4: Increase Curse Counter by 25

Strike of Oratory: Targeted AE 30', Magic (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 6625

Detriment of Oratory: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Empathy
2: Limit: Spell (Strike of Battle allowed)
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 6142 per tick
4: Increase Curse Counter by 25

The event must be progressed in the same manner as the previous phases.

A Shard of Illdaera has been slain by _____!
A Shard of Illdaera is visibly shaken by the exploding shard, but maintains its shielding

A Shard of Ryken has been slain by _____!
A Shard of Ryken is visibly shaken by the exploding shard, but maintains its shielding

Upon the deaths of these two shards and the deaths/despawning of the avatars and defenders, the "destroy the 8 shards" task step updates, opening up the next step and progressing the event to the next phase.

Destroy the remaining shards around the Triunity

For this part of the task, The Triunity will remain permanently rooted in place; hit for a max ~10,000 (?); and it DOES summon. It doesn't flurry or rampage, and still cannot be damaged.

It casts "Scream of the Triune":

Scream of the Triune: PB AE 300', Unresistable (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 24762

It also casts spells unique to the Relic that is live for this phase (for instance, if The Relic of Ryken is active, it casts "Buffeting Gusts" and "Forgetful Silence").

NOTE: There is no charm emote in this phase.

After the last of the shards are destroyed in the previous step, a few moments pass before you see:

The Triunity appears to be recovering

The Triunity says, 'Hear us, Alaran gods: As long as we control your bodies, these pathetic mortals can never hope to defeat us!'

Illdaera's thoughts project from their relic, 'You must destroy the relics. Do not worry about us. Our bodies are still safely buried under this continent. We are willing to sacrifice these pieces of ourselves so that Alaris and Norrath can be saved.'

Kolos's thoughts project from their relic , 'You have much strength, adventurers! Sometime Kolos would like to test alis strength against yours!

Lunanyn's thoughts project from their relic , 'We are honored that you would fight with us and sacrifice yourselves for our sake! When this is over, I will be watching silently beneath the green of my valley. I will one day see you there.'

Illdaera's thoughts project from their relic, 'May the valor of Argath infuse your blades. Think of me as you strike your foe, and I shall be there!'

At this point, the eight Relics appear around the Triunity. The Triunity will call out which one you are to attack:

The Triunity says, in Alaran, 'Do you think you can stand against us? Test your strength against The Relic of Lunanyn, or we shall decimate every one of you!'

As the Relics are destroyed, small shards appear around the area ("an explosive shard"). These will explode, AEing "Shard Explosion":

Shard Explosion: PB AE 30', (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 62664

Once all the Relics are destroyed, The Triunity warps to the inner chamber and the event progresses:

The Triunity shouts as the final relic is destroyed, dropping the barrier of protection they had projected around the tomb. 'Do you think we are weak without the relics? Do you think we have any fear at all? We conquered fear! We destroyed your god, the very embodiment of fear! Our words, our vision, and our control are more powerful than any one of your gods could hope to be.'

The Triunity says, 'Come, gods! All of you cowering outside the gates, face us in the tomb! Whether it be now or once we have conquered all of Norrath, you will bow before us!'

Find the Triunity inside the Crypt

At this point, you can take a med break. There is no known time limit to engage outside of the task timer itself. On approaching, you see:

Morell Thule says, 'This is not the first time we have met. I know you by your insidious words once whispered in my ear, and in the ear of Terris Thule. I know you by your insidious plot that claimed the life of my father, that nearly cost me my sanity. Murderer! I can feel his power radiating within you!'

The Triunity says, 'And soon your power will be added to alis. Norrathians are remarkably easy to control, especially their gods. You speak a word, and their own jealousies and desires do the work for you. And now you have brought yourselves to us and offered your powers. We thank you!'

Rallos Zek says, 'We offer nothing but your utter destruction! Discord might have driven you here, but their onslaught is nothing compared to what I have in store for you. My axe shall finish what they started!'

The Triunity says, 'You speak too lightly of things about which you know little. Do you know the full power of Discord? Without a unified world, how could you hope to withstand such a force? What we offer you is the safety of numbers. You join us, and you join an ordered whole that can withstand any force in the universe.'

Solusek Ro says, 'Norrath once weathered the advent of Discord. It did not break us with fear as it broke you.'

The Avatar of Prexus says, 'Do you think your consumption of Cazic Thule has conquered your fear? We listen to your words and know it has consumed you.'

Morell Thule says, 'You have taken something which does not belong to you. I hold myself partially responsible for this, but now I am here to undo the damage caused. Cazic Thule's power will be the last thing you take, for now your life truly ends. There will be no resurrection for you!'

The Triunity says, 'Do you think you are strong of will, that nothing can conquer you? Then you underestimate our power!'

Morell Thule says, 'Adventurers, we will attempt to weaken the Triumvirate with our collective strength. If we become distracted or confused by our enemy, do not hesitate to help us regain our senses through force, if necessary. And you must defeat the Triumvirate's healers. If you can convince them to attack us, we will handle them.'

Defeat the Triunity

The Triumvirate attacks. It's permanently rooted in place; hits for a max ~20,000 (does not flurry or rampage); and casts "Triune Spear", "Ascendant Traitor", and "Aerial Crucifixion":

Triune Spear: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 42884
2: Add effect: Triune Mana Destruction
3: Add effect: Triune Endurance Destruction

Aerial Crucifixion: Single Target, Magic (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 8265

Aerial Crucifixion: Single Target, Unresistable (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 10842

Aerial Crucifixion: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Root
2: Stun (5.00 sec)
3: Silence
4: Amnesia (Silence vs Melee Effect)

Ascendant Traitor: Rag'Zhezum Special 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Charm up to level 200
2: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2000000
3: Increase HP when cast by 2000000

NOTE: The "Ascendant Traitor" charm is another emote-based charm:

10-second warning: The Triunity says, in Alaran, 'We grow tired of your worthless efforts, _____. Begone from our sight!'
Check: The Triunity says, in Alaran, 'Or perhaps you are a more worthy opponent for your companions!'

The target needs to get out of line of sight of The Triunity (or at least 60' range away). If the target does not, they get charmed.

As the fight goes on, random gods will be charmed and begin attacking players (note that they are also permanently rooted in place):

Vallon Zek begins to feel the thoughts of the Triunity seep into his consciousness.

Vallon Zek's mind has been conquered by the Triunity.

Whichever god is charmed must be DPS'd until the charm ends (to about 60% of the god's health):

Vallon Zek regains control of his mind, severing the link with the Triunity and rendering it vulnerable.

Note that each god has its own abilities and emotes to follow:

Morell Thule

Emote: Morell Thule begins to gather mist around _____
--- Specified player should get away from other players (viral AE).

Sleeping Sickness: Single Target, Magic (-900) Viral Range: 25'
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 9853 per tick (4 ticks)
2: Stun (5.00 sec)
3: Blindness (1)

Avatar of Prexus

Emote: Avatar of Prexus draws the ocean waters around himself.
--- Everyone should back away from Prexus until he casts "Ocean Swell".

Ocean Swell: PB AE 20', Cold (-900)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 15543 per tick (3 ticks)
2: Slow Push (350)

Rallos Zek

Emote: Rallos Zek raises his foot.
--- Everyone should back away from Rallos Zek until he casts his stomp AE.

Earthshaking Stomp: PB AE 25', (-100)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 34779
2: Stun (5.00 sec/200)

Solusek Ro

Casts "Demonic Flames" and the emote-based frontal AE "Beam of Char":

Emote: Solusek Ro begins to radiate heat.
--- Everyone should get behind Solusek Ro until he casts "Beam of Char".

Beam of Char: Unknown(44) 25', Fire (-900)
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 16266

Tallon Zek

Emote: Tallon Zek nocks several arrows against his bow and marks his target
--- Spawns something on the ground; avoid it / get away from it.

Cloud of Arrows: Unknown(45) 20', (-100)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 38775

Vallon Zek

Emote: Vallon Zek points his sword at _____
--- Specified player should run away from Vallon Zek.

Failure results in "Haywire Nerve":

Haywire Nerve: Single Target, (-100)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 19848

Continue this process with the gods until The Triunity is dead:

The Triunity has been slain by _____!

Your task 'The Triune God' has been updated.

Morell Thule raises his head and watches the essence of his father breaching the sepulcher, surging into the open sky. 'It is over. The Triumvirate is dead. Cazic Thule's essence is freed. Perhaps soon it will find its way back to its plane.'

Open up the chest to complete the task:

You have defeated Triunity and brought freedom back to the Alaran people.

Vallon Zek says, 'But what of these Alarans? Can they be left here unattended? After all, they have already caused us much trouble.'

Solusek Ro says, 'No doubt, we must remain vigilant. I will watch them from above. Prexus will observe from the sea. Their bodies are still buried beneath this land, and they still have followers who at least believe in the powers of their gods. The more Alarans or Norrathians that pray to them, the more strength they will gain. Some day they might again walk with their own flesh on the continent of Alaris.'

The Avatar of Prexus says, 'Their leaders are now dead. Surely this will give pause to any Alaran desirous of following their example. And the dragons circling above will surely watch for any Alaran that attempts to further obtain that to which they have no claim.'

Rallos Zek says, 'I think you are fools. Why should we leave living those who might do us harm?'

Morell Thule says, 'Because of hope -- the hope that they will choose the right path. The Alarans do not speak with one voice. With the Triumvirate dead, they have the freedom to live as they wish, good or bad. I will not condemn them before their choice has been made.'

Morell Thule says, 'Lunanyn put it well: The days of the Alaran gods have ended. The Triumvirate is no more, and the people live not for their gods but for their own happiness. With their people at peace, the Alaran gods can slumber beneath the earth, content to dream of the verdant forests that have grown from the sacrifice and ashes of their former home.'

Morell Thule says, 'Come, let us [leave] this place.'

Experience (about 3 AAs at Level 95)
450 platinum
Eltarki's Diary - Altar of Blood

Possible Chest Loot (1 Item + 1 Cantrip per task)

Archon War Satchel
Cracked Shard of the Brute
Envenomed Geode
Signet of the Silent Hopper
Spernal Fetish
Spernal's Spiraled Sceptre
Wavecrasher's Conch-Mace

Greater Alaran Cantrip
Glowing Alaran Cantrip
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The Triunity is dead.
# Aug 05 2020 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
I am a lvl 115 Paladin from Xegony and I have just soloed this on (August-5-2020) 3:35pm.

I skipped all the charm part from phase 1 by destroying the shards using "Valorous Rage" and "Pure forge" together with "Velium Infused Great Sword" if you have a better weapon is way better, I was doing enough damage to destroy every shards. Still a P.I.A to do. You have to wait until both abilities are up to do it again, they both have a 20 minutes refresh timer. So basically it is was an endurance test specially on the third pair of shards, you need to cure the death touch like spell (I used the lvl 106 Sanctify Rk II) .

Phase II and Killing the The Triunity was easy.

Good luck.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2021 2:41pm by ioms
attempt at simplifying
# Sep 05 2019 at 4:30 AM Rating: Excellent
1,076 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
at 110 charming mechanic can be broken with dps
# Feb 05 2019 at 4:23 AM Rating: Good
Got past this today with 2 enc 2 clerics and a ranger + some merc split into 2 groups ...

The charming for first part we completely ignored and used burns on the shards...
after 4 shards were down it seemed the named got some kind of dt
once the 8 shards were down ...

the relics after the shards we just ae tashed to see which was active then killed it ...

last stage we didnt even have to kill gods we just burned the boss.
How does killing relics work?
# Oct 14 2014 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
We have now tried this mission several times and failed when trying to kill the first Relics. We get one Avatar charmed and sent it against a Relic, killed Relic but the Relic just respawns and Avatar stays as a pet. I understood that the Avatar dies/disappears when Relic dies and we can do the other Relic/Avatar?

All these walkthroughs tell that we get 3 x defenders, 1 Avatar and one Relic, but when it's actually 6 defenders, 2 Avatars and two Relics at the same time.

How exactly the charming and killing is supposed to happen? Is this possible with 4 people and 2 mercs, or do we absolutely need atleast 5-6 real players to have enough people to charm the defenders?
How does killing relics work?
# Oct 15 2014 at 9:08 AM Rating: Excellent
1,088 posts
It's been a long time, but if I recall:

Four players may be the minimum since you need three defenders charmed at a time (plus someone tanking the Avatar who would become the Avatar's owner). The defenders should be sent to attack the shards next to The Triunity - "A Shard of _____" where the blank is the opposing god's name. With all three defenders charmed and attacking one of the Shards, the Avatar will auto-charm and assist them.

The Relics don't get "killed" until the next phase in the event. You can kill them in the first phase, but I don't think that's actually supposed to happen (don't know for sure), and that's why they instantly respawn at that time.
Achievements broken
# Sep 16 2012 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Achievement - "Healthy Relics":
"Prevent any relic from gaining full health"

We had one person on each of the two active relics carefully keeping their health down. At no time did they ever get near 100% health on any of the first four phases.

Achievement - "Divine Charm":
"Norrathian gods must be charmed at least ten times"

They can't possibly mean each one must be charmed 10 times (if you do, then it needs to clearly say "EACH Norrathian god must be charmed at least ten times"). There's 6 of them and they are chosen at random...I don't even want to think how many hours that would take. So we let 13 gods become charmed and didn't get the achievement...

01...Solusek Ro
02...Rallos Zek
03...Morell Thule
05...Vallon Zek
06...Solusek Ro (second)
07...Tallon Zek
08...Morell Thule (second)
09...Prexus (second)
10...Tallon Zek (second)
11...Morell Thule (third)
12...Rallos Zek (second)
13...Tallon Zek (second)

Then Triunity died.

...neither achievement won. Petitioned and bugged.
Chest drop
# Jul 29 2012 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Dropped Cracked Shard of the Brute and Glowing

What a Pain in the A$$ mission!

Cant wait for the raid version!
Some Updates
# Jul 20 2012 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
757 posts
To enter the instance, say "Transport" to Sentry Stone of Illdaera.

Upon zone-in, hail the NPC's directly in front of you (I hailed them all, so not sure which ones specifically start the event).

Find a way to destroy the 8 shards that appear around the Triunity 0/1 (Sepulcher of Order)

This part is split into two phases, each phase having 4 shards to destroy. The trick here is to venture up a ramp and spawn 3 of the same defender type mobs. The defender mobs spawn at or around the crystals (not sure if they spawn at associated crystal or not). Get the three defenders to 50% and have 3 members of the raid each click one with the clicker you get upon zoning in. This charms the defenders and you control it as a pet. Send all three defenders on to attack the appropriate Avatar. Once the Avatar hits 50%, it will become charmed and a pet for whoever it had highest agro on. Whomever now has the Avatar as a charmed pet must send it to attack the opposite shard. The whole raid can now assist on killing this shard.

Repeat this pattern 4 times to complete the first Phase and get a yellow text message across the screen. Then do it 4 more times to complete all 8 of the shards and move on to the next step of the raid.

There are associated emotes with most Avatars. I do not have those at this time.

If the entire raid dies at any given time, the event resets to the current step and bodies pop at zone in. There is no raid associated OOC timer in this event so it helps recovery time.

Edited, Jul 20th 2012 9:59pm by Cylius
Chest Drop
# Mar 01 2012 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
2 posts
Treasure Chest
# Feb 19 2012 at 4:05 PM Rating: Excellent
2,467 posts
Dropped a Cracked Shard of the Brute
and a Greater Alaran Cantrip

Edited, Feb 19th 2012 2:06pm by Byren
Remaining Steps as follows
# Feb 19 2012 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
5 posts
-- Destroy the remaining shards around the Triunity

-- Find the Triunity inside the Crypt

-- Defeat the Triunity

-- Claim your prize from the Chest.
Chest drop
# Feb 06 2012 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
Dropped an Envenomed Geode
Chest drop
# Jan 25 2012 at 1:20 AM Rating: Good
85 posts
Dropped Barrier of Coalesced Clouds
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