Raid Expedition: The Defeat of Prexus  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Expedition
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Loot
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Veil of Alaris
Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:6
Max. # of Players:54
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sat Nov 26 03:23:33 2011
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Veil of Alaris Information & Guides: An Overview | Group Progression & Task List | Raid Progression | Visible Armor

This raid expedition begins with Guard Captain Naraind Reles in Sarith, located in the northwestern building (location 10, 620, 0).

Pre-requisites for participating in this raid:
- There are no task or language requirements.
- Your "Record of Tales" must be evolved to, at a minimum, its second level: "Record of Stories" (NOTE: See this raiding guide for information about VOA raid progression.)

Pre-requisites for requesting this raid:
- Completion of "The Governor's Plot"
- Completion of "Rescue Ranger"
- Completion of "Aid for Sarith"
- Completion of the group mission "Rebel Assault"
- Completion of the group mission "The Defeat of Prexus"
- Must be in possession of a "Record of Stories"
- Completion of Argath Raid: "Illdaera's Vengeance"
- Minimum skill level in Alaran: 70

You say, 'Hail, Guard Captain Naraind Reles'

Guard Captain Naraind Reles says, in Alaran, 'Well met, _____. I'm glad to see more of your kind coming to Sarith. You may be the [only chance] we have. After we take care of the issues at hand, we'll be launching a counter-attack, a [raid] on the city. I hope we can convince you to aid us. Is there anything I can do to help?'

You say, 'A raid?'

Guard Captain Naraind Reles says, in Alaran, 'This will be a big operation. Let me know when you are [prepared]. Bring as many of your outsider friends as you can.'

The Defeat of Prexus is now available to you.

You say, 'I'm prepared!'

Guard Captain Naraind Reles says, in Alaran, 'We'll be meeting at the Governor's office in Sarith City Hall. Follow me, _____.'

You have entered Sarith, City of Tides.

High Priest Vyers Rinad shouts, 'The time has come for us to talk. Come outside City Hall.'


- Answer Vyers' "question" to trigger the first wave.
- Kill the Captain and the Alaran adds.
- Hail Vyers and he teleports to the dock.
- Hail Vyers at the dock to spawn the second wave.
- Kill the named Hadal and its adds.
- Hail Vyers and he teleports to Rubak Oseka.
- Hail Vyers to spawn the three sharks; kill them.
- Set up at the top of the Oseka and hail Vyers to activate him.
- Kill Vyers while fending off his Hadal adds and clone.

Timers & Mechanics

Phase One has a timer of five minutes (beginning at the time of hail).

Phase Two also has a timer of five minutes (beginning at the time of the hail at the dock).

It's unknown if Phase Three (the shark phase) has a timer.

It's unknown if Phase Four (the fight with the High Priest) has a timer.

It's unknown if there is a timer in between phases. You have at least a few minutes to rest between phases.

If you run out of time, you'll see:

You have failed to act in time! High Priest Vyers has recovered, and Prexus' attacks on Rubak Oseka have come to naught.

This is a warning emote as time ticks down during the first phase:

High Priest Vyers Rinad is continuing his assault on Prexus undisturbed!

This is a warning emote as time ticks down during the second phase:

High Priest Vyers Rinad is at the southernmost section of the docks! Most of the kedge have been pushed back, and Vyers is now focusing on Prexus!

If at any point in the event, your raid wipes out or the event mobs are left idle for too long, the event resets back to the starting point and all corpses and live players are warped back to the zone-in area.

Phase One: The Captain

Set up inside the governor's mansion or towards the dock area. Someone should speak with Vyers to trigger the first wave of adds.

You say, 'Hail, High Priest Vyers Rinad'

High Priest Vyers Rinad says, in Alaran, 'Ah, _____. I was wondering when you were going to show up. Do you mind if I ask you a [question]?'

You say, 'What question?'

High Priest Vyers Rinad says, in Alaran, 'Why are you doing this? [Fame]? [Wealth]? [Excitement]? A misplaced sense of [justice]? Do you think it is [funny]? Or do you just enjoy [meddling] in other people's business? Tell me.'

You say, 'I really enjoy meddling in your business'

High Priest Vyers Rinad says, in Alaran, 'You must have a lot of free time on your hands. Did your parents not teach you to mind your own business? It looks like I'll have to instruct you myself.'

Captain Rysen spawns along with numerous Alaran soldiers. They don't auto-aggro and can be split-pulled if you need. Be aware of your five-minute timer, however.

Captain Rysen raises their blade. 'Attack! Show these outsiders what the City of Bronze can do!'

Captain Rysen hits for a max ~20,000 (no rampage; no flurry). He casts "Bronze Cross", "Neck Jab":

Bronze Cross: Single Target, (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 26000

Neck Jab: Single Target, (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 12000 per tick
2: Silence

The soldiers hit for a max ~10,000. Soldiers and assassins are known to be mezzable.

Once the Captain and his adds are dead, hail Vyers:

High Priest Vyers Rinad says, in Alaran, 'You'll have to do better than that! This isn't a game, outsider. Oseka's power will continue to grow. If you insist on staying on this path, I will be at the docks. I advise you not to follow me.'

Phase Two: The Hadal

Set up by the dock area and hail Vyers when ready for the next wave:

You say, 'Hail, High Priest Vyers Rinad'

High Priest Vyers Rinad says, in Alaran, 'So you intend on seeing this through to the end? I suppose that is your decision. Hadal, come to me! Oseka demands you stop these outsiders!'

Here, you'll have "Oseka`s Oracle Yesleth" and several Hadal adds. The Oracle hits for a max ~23,000 (no flurry; no rampage) and casts:

Forgotten Tides: Unknown(32) 100', Cold (-910)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 20000

Oseka's Lifeforce: Group v1 250', Magic (-910)
1: Increase Hitpoints by 100000

Tidal Pull: Single Target, Cold (-910)
1: Root

The lesser Hadal hit for a max ~13,000. The warriors are mezzable; the others are not.

Once the Hadal are all dead, hail Vyers:

High Priest Vyers Rinad says, in Alaran, 'I underestimated you. Very well. But I have that fool Prexus just where I want him. I will not let you weaklings be the thing that ultimately gets in my way! Stay away from Rubak Oseka, if you value your pathetic life.'

High Priest Vyers has teleported to Rubak Oseka!

Phase Three: The Sea Monsters

Set up at the bottom (above sea level) of Rubak Oseka and hail Vyers when ready for the next phase.

High Priest Vyers Rinad says, in Alaran, 'Can you not take a hint that you are not wanted here? I'd take care of you myself, but I have to deal with Prexus right now. Why don't I summon some playmates for you instead? Three legendary ocean terrors, all under my control. Nhron the Sea-Eater, Leveth the Shark King, and Desalin the Sea Terror. Have fun.'

A storm has started up. The rain starts coming down in a torrential downpour, and the waves of the sea become even choppier.

Three named sharks spawn around Rubak. You can engage them one at a time. As you kill one, Vyers transfers its power to the remaining sharks:

Vyers has transferred the essence of the dead sea beast to the remaining creatures!

Nhron the Sea-Eater hits for a max ~23,000 and casts:

Mutilate: Single Target, (0)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 29000
2: Decrease DEX by 1000
3: Decrease AGI by 1000
4: Decrease STA by 1000
5: Decrease STR by 1000
6: Inhibit Melee Attacks by (75%)

Sea-Eater's Grasp: PB AE 75', (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 8000 per tick
2: Root
3: Inhibit Melee Attacks by (10%)

Swallow: Single Target, (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 14000 per tick
2: Stun (1.50 sec)

Desalin the Sea Terror hits for a max ~23,000 and casts:

Mutilate: Single Target, (0)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 29000
2: Decrease DEX by 1000
3: Decrease AGI by 1000
4: Decrease STA by 1000
5: Decrease STR by 1000
6: Inhibit Melee Attacks by (75%)

Swallow: Single Target, (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 14000 per tick
2: Stun (1.50 sec)

Terror of the Seas: Single Target, Magic (-910)
1: Fear up to level 0
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 10000 per tick

Leveth the Shark King hits for a max ~23,000; spawns adds (2x "a great white shark" every minute or so); and casts:

Mutilate: Single Target, (0)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 29000
2: Decrease DEX by 1000
3: Decrease AGI by 1000
4: Decrease STA by 1000
5: Decrease STR by 1000
6: Inhibit Melee Attacks by (75%)

Shark King's Presence: Self 0', Unresistable (-650)
1: Increase AC by 300
2: Increase Attack Speed by 25%
3: Increase ATK by 50
4: Increase Chance to Dodge by 50%
5: Increase Accuracy by 25%

Swallow: Single Target, (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 14000 per tick
2: Stun (1.50 sec)

Once the three sharks are dead, you can set up your raid at the top of Rubak Oseka.

Phase Four: The High Priest

NOTE: Once you trigger the final phase, numerous adds spawn on and around Rubak Oseka. You'll want to keep the fight contained to the top of Rubak.

When ready for a fight, hail Vyers:

High Priest Vyers Rinad glares at you. 'I suppose this showdown was inevitable. You may be great at what you do, but with the power of Oseka and the power of Cazic-Thule, I think you'll find that I am a little bit more than you can handle!' The High Priest has teleported to the top of Rubak Oseka!

High Priest Vyers despawns and immediately reappears on the top level of the spiral. He hits for a max ~25,000 and does not appear to be leashed. He casts a few spells throughout the fight:

Flood: Area PC 100', Cold (-910)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 20000

Oseka's Lifeforce: Group v1 250', Magic (-910)
1: Increase Hitpoints by 100000

Tidal Pull: Single Target, Cold (-910)
1: Root

He spawns adds (2x "a Hadal warrior" -- hits for a max ~13,500; mezzable; stunnable) every 60 seconds or so. The first time these adds appear, you see this emote:

Vyers shakes their head, smiling a little. 'Prexus cannot stop Oseka. What makes you think that you can? Hadal, come forth and serve Oseka!' Hadal emerge from Rubak Oseka!

And at about 25% health, you'll see this emote which signifies the spawn of a Vyers clone:

High Priest Vyers raises their hands. 'Waters of Oseka, come forth!' Vyers vanishes in a flash of light, appearing at the top of Rubak Oseka, leaving behind a pool of water that slowly forms into a clone of the High Priest!

"a High Priest Vyers tidal clone" appears and attacks. It's immune to mez and stun and appears to be of the same strength as Vyers himself. Killing the clone is not necessary for winning, so you can concentrate your DPS on finishing off Vyers.

Note that this also appears to start a timer. If you take too long to kill the High Priest from this point, an additional clone spawns. It is assumed that additional clones continue to spawn on a timer, but this timer is not known.

Throughout the fight, you'll see the following emotes unfold. These emotes in particular do not appear to have any effect on the event:

Vyers chuckles darkly. 'You weak outsiders can keep struggling. Prexus will never receive the essence of Cazic-Thule.'

Vyers hacks up some blood and spits it off to the side. 'I admit, you've gotten a lot further than I had thought. But as usual, you overestimate your accomplishments! With the powers of Oseka, you're not really going to be able to do much more!'

High Priest Vyers raises their hands. 'Even Prexus, the so-called Lord of the Ocean, cannot control the sea creatures here. That ability still resides with me!'

Event Completion

Kill the High Priest to complete the event.

High Priest Vyers Rinad has been slain by _____!
High Priest Vyers Rinad's corpse collapses from their wounds.

High Priest Vyers has been defeated, and his forces have been decimated. Victory has been achieved in Sarith, but the essence of Cazic-Thule may still reside in Rubak Oseka.

All adds (including any clones alive) despawn upon winning.


NOTE: In addition to chest loot, everyone in the zone receives 10x "Rebellion Chit" (used as an alternative way obtain raid drops, from Riallion Cassand in the dock area of Sarith).

Chest loot consists of 4 armor pieces (first list) + 5 other items (second list) + 6 spells (third list) + 1 (Sputtering) Trophy of Icy Shielding + 0-1 Shifting Sphere of Veiled Ascension (cultural aug) + 0-1 Scuffed Containers (fourth list):

Elegant Armwraps of Oseka
Elegant Footwraps of Oseka
Elegant Handwraps of Oseka
Elegant Headwraps of Oseka
Elegant Legwraps of Oseka
Elegant Stole of Oseka
Elegant Wristwraps of Oseka (see this guide for information about putting together VOA armor)

Cowl of the High Priest
Darkwater Pauldrons
Greatbow of the Waves
Greathammer of the Currents
Hammer of the Deep
Heart of the Hadal
Mark of the Tides
Mask of Oseka
Ocean-Formed Greatblade
Ritual Blade of the Tides
Sarith Emblazoned Shield
Scepter of Oseka
Vyers' Engraved Ring
Vyers' Sigil
Vyers' Stud
Water Ward Earring

Minor Alaran Periapt
Lesser Alaran Periapt
Median Alaran Periapt

Scuffed Journeyman's Pocketed Rucksack
Scuffed Journeyman's Rucksack
Scuffed Traveler's Rucksack
Scuffed Weapon Crate of the Mercenary

If this is the first Veil of Alaris raid completion you're a part of, you also receive a "Record of Tales" (used to track your raid flags).
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Event Mechanics
# Mar 01 2012 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
234 posts
so when you zone in you'll find yourself in a room with 3 other guys. dont worry about these guys, set your raid up outside city hall in the courtyard in one of the city hall corners against a wall. when you start the event ~20 mobs will spawn, have someone train them away and tag the named "captain rysen". kill the captain, he does nothing special that i know of. after the captain is dead near the docks spawns ~20 mobs and "Oseka`s Oracle Yesleth". again, split them and pull the oracle to your raid and kill him. again, not sure of any AoE's we just won this event recently for our first time. after the oracles dead move your raid to the docks and hop into the water, first you may pull the shark king, he spawns 2 adds every so often (we were told ~20 seconds). after that pull and kill the last 2 sharks, they do nothing special i dont believe. after all of that happens, move your raid to the VERY TOP of Oseka by the zoneline and have your raid leader trigger the final fight. the final boss spawns 2 adds every so often that if not killed quick enough heal him. he hits quite hard (unknown how much), and as the fight continues on the add spawn rate increases. around 27% he'll put a shield on himself that increases AC by 300, cold resist by 10,000, and magic resist by 5,000 and also start spawning "a High Priest Vyers tidal clone" around him which cast a knockback. push needs to be controlled and people cant be falling into the water because adds will be spawning in the ocean, and if you fall you wont be able to rejoin the fight without training the raid. kill "High Priest Vyers Rinad" to complete the event and spawn chest.
Additional Loot
# Feb 03 2012 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Chest dropped Scuffed Weapon Crate of the Mercenary ( tonight
# Jan 25 2012 at 8:24 PM Rating: Default
I did not get the raid myself so do not have the dialogue. What I did say to get in to Captain Naraind was, "Prepared"

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