The Silent Schism  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Spell
Time Limit:06:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Dec 30 17:53:56 2009
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This group task begins with Dvalger Quickwrench in Kernagir, the Shining City. He is located at approximately 645, 110, 55 (second floor).

To request this task, you must have completed Schelly Starflight's task arc.

You say, 'Hail, Dvalger Quickwrench'

Dvalger Quickwrench says 'What a disappointment. Kernagir is not the place I [thought] it was. Some Shining City experience this turned out to be.'

You say, 'You thought it'd be...?'

Dvalger Quickwrench says 'From the time we're wee little and still burning our hands on our family cookpot, we're told all about the Shining City of Kernagir and how wonderful it will be, even better than Brell's Rest. Brell takes only the smartest, boldest, and craftiest tinkerers and craftsmen into the Shining City when they are done with their mortal life. It is a place of supreme honor. Well, I've been here a week, and the place just isn't what was [described] to me.'

You say, 'How was it described?'

Dvalger Quickwrench says 'Imagine having this ultimate reward described to you. Imagine working hard your entire life to reach that reward. Imagine dying and then waking up in Brell's Rest with your toolbox in hand, hardly daring to believe that the gatekeeper of the Shining City might actually let you inside, then experiencing the unqualified honor and joy of reaching that ultimate goal; eternal tinkering and breakfasts with Brell Serilis himself. Then finding out Brell is not here, and that the delightful eternal [laboring] I was looking forward to, isn't allowed to happen!'

You say, 'Laboring?'

Dvalger Quickwrench says 'Yes, the enthusiastic pursuit of our dearest lifelong creative pursuits, and commune with the greatest genius tinkerers, engineers, and designers of all the ages. It is the reason we wish to come here. There are so many problems and quarrels and conflicts going on in the Shining City, that one can't even concentrate on their eternal endeavors, but instead fall into one or the other [faction].'

You say, 'The other faction?'

Dvalger Quickwrench says 'Yes, the Dogmatics and the Chromatics. From what I have been able to gather, first Brell disappeared, then the Church of Self has sent emissaries here to remind people of their individuality. At that point the Hierophant of Architects decided to undertake a great project, which, when finished, would allow us to summon Brell. Then the arguments began among the engineers and architects and designers, some of whom insisted we consider solutions Brell had forbidden, others insisting that Brell's [vision] must be followed even in his mysterious absence.'

You say, 'Brell's vision?'

Dvalger Quickwrench says 'The Dogmatics consider only what Brell would have wanted them to, and nothing else. They are starting to refer to the Chromatics as heretics. The Chromatics profess not the doctrine of the Self, yet they were certainly [influenced] to an extent by its emissaries.'

You say, 'How were they influenced?'

Dvalger Quickwrench says 'It is so bizarre. All of us are here to do the will of Brell and spend eternity in his fellowship. All of our goals are the same, yet when he disappeared, it is as if instant arguments over little things became inevitable, as if the Hierophant of Architects doesn't realize that it is his job to settle these disputes. Say, I just had a great [idea].'

You say, 'An idea?'

Dvalger Quickwrench says 'I'm not high enough profile to raise issues with the Hierophant or even get into his presence, but you are not bound by the same conventions, you are not a permanent resident, you have no risk of ruining your eternal existence here. Perhaps you could speak with the Hierophant and cause things to [change] in the Shining City.'

You say, 'I'll make a change'

Dvalger Quickwrench says 'That would be a most excellent solution to a difficult and vexing problem. I wish I could say something to the Hierophant, but I can't imagine a more awkward conversation. [Go] and find the Hierophant, Ugen Proudhammer, in the uppermost floor of the Tower of Recognition.'

You have been assigned the task 'The Silent Schism'.

The eternal reward that worthy creatures of Brell receive in the form of admission to the Shining City is being ruined by quarreling and infighting within the Creator's Guild. You must restore order to the Guild before it descends into chaos.

To zone in:

You say, 'Ready to go!'

Dvalger Quickwrench says 'Hurry, if the Creator's Guild rips itself apart, that will be the end of this place.'

You have entered Kernagir - The Silent Schism.

Find the Creator's Guild headquarters in the Tower of Recognition 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

Head up another floor or two until you come to the giant tower which takes up the middle of the zone. Go inside and all the way up the winding ramps to the top floor where you'll find Ugen Proudhammer (location 640, 665, 640).

Speak with Ugen Proudhammer about the concerns Dvalger raised 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

You say, 'Hail, Ugen Proudhammer'

Ugen Proudhammer says 'Right. You're who? Dvalger who? No matter. I can see you don't exactly belong here, but perhaps you can help us with some difficulties we're having with our Chromatic creatives. They think to resist my potent intellect and my wise decision-making. Well, they think wrong! They try, but fail, to produce an acceptable set of plans for the Audientium Orb. It is a concept for a magical device, that will allow me to speak to Brell Serilis, wherever he may have gone, and either convince him to return to us, or at least find out why he has departed and what we should do in his absence. A noble plan, ruined by that heretic Bvard, the malingerer Vardnek and the rest of those shiftless Chromatics! Tell him that my patience runs out, and that the revised Orb plans are needed NOW.'

Find Vardnek Tinkerheimer in the Tower of Recognition 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

Vardnek is one floor below (location 755, 690, 558).

Relate Ugen's demands to Vardnek 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

You say, 'Hail, Vardnek Tinkerheimer'

Vardnek Tinkerheimer says 'Ah, I see you've met our master, the Creator's Guild Hierophant, Ugen Proudhammer. First of a mighty line of Dwarven geniuses, from the age before the age when the gnomes created steam. He never lets us forget that he invented the axe, but you want to know something? He hasn't had an original idea in ages, and since Brell left and no longer counsels him, he declares everything we do to be a horrid abomination. Bvard and I have redone these plans for the Audientium Orb a thousand and one times, but Ugen thinks only of how our work offends him. Perhaps it is because he envies our work. Perhaps it is because he cannot admit to himself that he is not as innovative as we are. I care not; I, Bvard, and the other Chromatics simply wish the endless revision to end, and the work on the Orb to begin!'

Accept three revised Audientium Orb plans from Vardnek; tell him you'll agree to distrubute them 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

Hail him again to receive 3x "Revised Audientium Orb Plans". You'll need to deliver copies of these to Fnarda, Derv, and Ugen (all located on the top floor)

Deliver a copy of the revised Audientium Orb plans to Fnarda Scaldpot 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

On hand-in:

Fnarda Scaldpot says 'They have outdone themselves this time! This is perhaps the best success Vardnek and the other guildsmen have ever achieved! Oh, I do hope Ugen sees how wonderfully they've succeeded in fulfilling his goal!'

Deliver a copy of the revised Audientium Orb plans to Derv Mugglepocket 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

On hand-in:

Derv Mugglepocket says 'Wow, incredible! This must be Vardnek's team's finest work yet! Look at the added detail, the notes explaining the tiniest nuances of the Audientium Orb's purpose and design! Incredible, I say! It's now for Ugen to give it a look; I do hope he's in a better mood today.'

Deliver a copy of the revised Audientium Orb plans Ugen Proudhammer 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

On hand-in:

Ugen Proudhammer says 'Ah, the new plans, let me see. . . uh, no. Not at all good. Wretched, in fact. Worse by far than anything I could conceive on the worst moment of my worst day, while drunk and sick. An abomination!'

Talk to Ugen and find out what he doesn't like about the revised plans 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

You say, 'Hail, Ugen Proudhammer'

Ugen Proudhammer says 'Of course, this new version of the plans, well, it's just terrible. Like the more ignorant among the kobolds might have written it. Unacceptable. I won't tolerate this kind of sloppy attempt at design work! Take this back to that indolent Vardnek fellow, and tell him to do it over again, or I'll send people down there to see that it's done right if they have to start cracking heads. Also tell him I'm sick of hearing tales of woe about how I'm so unpleasant to deal with in Brell's absence. I was great in my day! I was a legend, greater than Vardnek, greater than any of them! By my shining brilliance alone does the Shining City get its inspiration!'

Give the bad news to Vardnek Tinkerheimer 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

Note: Hailing Vardnek at this point will make all non-KOS mobs in the zone KOS. None of them see invis, so you can invis before doing so.

You say, 'Hail, Vardnek Tinkerheimer'

Vardnek Tinkerheimer says 'Oh, for the love of Brell! Ugen wants yet more changes? He'll never be happy with anything we give him, and he never tells us what he does want! If any of the other artisans, engineers, and tinkerers hear of this outrage, they will certainly mutiny. . . oh, no, too late.'

Kill five Heretic Artisans 0/5 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

Kill five Heretic Engineers 0/5 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

Kill five Heretic Tinkerers 0/5 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

These mobs hit for a max ~8,000; there is nothing overly special about them in terms of difficulty or unique abilities.

Retrieve 15 Sacred Creator's Guild Amulets from the dead heretics 0/15 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

These have a 100% drop rate from heretics.

Deliver 15 Sacred Creator's Guild Amulets to Ugen Proudhammer 0/15 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

Speak with Fnarda Scaldpot 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

You say, 'Hail, Fnarda Scaldpot'

Fnarda Scaldpot says 'Yes, I know Bvard is innocent of what Ugen accuses him of, but I haven't the will nor the courage to stand up and confront Ugen. He is the legend, and he rules this place in Brell's absence. What you must do is find Bvard and cause him to accept Ugen's new restrictions. Yes, it means Bvard will be eternally miserable, but that can't be helped.'

Talk to Bvard the Heretic and find out if there is a way to avoid further carnage 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

Bvard spawns two floors below Ugen; one floor below Vardnek. He is alone.

You say, 'Hail, Bvard the Heretic'

Bvard the Heretic says 'You know, just as Ugen Proudhammer invented the notion of heretics trying to thwart his goals, to hide his own weakness as a master architect, so I too must reinvent myself as that heretic. None of us he labeled as heretics will ever have a moment's peace of mind as long as he stubbornly clings to this insanity. I, for one, choose not to live out the rest of eternity consumed by this aching resentment. I would rather pass to oblivion than be held forever as someone else's falsely-labeled threat. Do me the honor of killing me, if you please.'

Bvard immediately attacks.

Bvard the Heretic says 'If it's death ya seek, then I shall deliver it!'

Bvard the Heretic says 'It seems you came here to fight. I hope ya got what ya wanted.'

Kill Bvard the Heretic 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

Bvard hits for a max ~9,000 and is otherwise on par with the other mobs in the zone in terms of difficulty.

NOTE: There are conflicting reports as to when this task locks. Some say it's upon the death of this named; other says it's upon the hail in the next step.

Bvard the Heretic has been slain by _____!
Bvard the Heretic's corpse falls to the ground.

Tell Ugen Proudhammer of Bvard the Heretic's sacrifice 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

WARNING: This is where the task locks.

You say, 'Hail, Ugen Proudhammer'

Ugen Proudhammer says 'Bvard is dead! Bvard is dead? What have I done? When Brell returns, he will wonder what happened to so many of our artisans and engineers. I have done nothing but deny them their rightful reward, their endless pursuit of creation. All because I couldn't see that there could exist other viewpoints besides my own. Oh, I should die a thousand deaths! I should join my colleagues in oblivion, but alas, I will submit to Brell's own righteous punishment.'

The task locks.

Inform Dvalger Quickwrench that the Creator's Guild should run more smoothly now 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

You say, 'Hail, Dvalger Quickwrench'

Dvalger Quickwrench says 'You've settled the quarrel among the members of the Creator's Guild all right. Too bad so many of them had to die, again. Still, the silent schism would only have gotten worse until Kernagir itself would have been consumed in flame. That was an outcome worth avoiding. Oh, when will Brell Serilis return?'

Though Bvard certainly didn't deserve the fate he received, his selfless act of sacrifice nevertheless has returned a shaky peace to the Shining City. Of course, Brell knows all that happens in the Shining City, and if he returns, the Hierophant may find it uncomfortable to explain the deaths of so many 'heretics' whose souls now float in everlasting limbo.

An ornate chest spawns with loot (1 item per task). Known drops:
Algid Ice Cube
Backdigging Martel
Beguiler's Last Answer
Club of Spores
Discarded Wand
Dwarven Martel
High Priest War Staff
Jewel of the Flame Alchemist
Mad Sizentist Shield
Rager's Beating Stick

Rewards (everyone in task):
105 platinum
Experience (1.1 AAs at level 85)
~40 Brellium Tokens

Some classes (not all) also receive a spell or skill:

Bard - You'll get nothing and like it!
Beastlord - Spell: Haergen's Feralgia
Berserker - You'll get nothing and like it!
Cleric - Spell: Glorious Denunciation
Druid - You'll get nothing and like it!
Enchanter - You'll get nothing and like it!
Magician - Spell: Surge of Thaumacretion
Monk - You'll get nothing and like it!
Necromancer - You'll get nothing and like it!
Paladin - You'll get nothing and like it!
Ranger - You'll get nothing and like it!
Rogue - Tome of Assault
Shadowknight - You'll get nothing and like it!
Shaman - You'll get nothing and like it!
Warrior - You'll get nothing and like it!
Wizard - You'll get nothing and like it!

You may also optionally earn the "Burn The Heretics" achievement: "Defeat all of the heretics using only fire spells."
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Find Vardnek Tinkerheimer
# Apr 26 2021 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
30 posts
When trying to do this step if you can't get it to read either levitate or put on a tall illusion. There seems to be a height filter so that the task will not update if you are shrunk too small.
July 2018 Patch changes
# Jul 19 2018 at 7:06 PM Rating: Excellent
- The Silent Schism - Spells that do not have a mana cost will no longer cause the achievement 'Burn the Heretics' to fail.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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Task lock
# Mar 21 2018 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
2,602 posts

NOTE: There are conflicting reports as to when this task locks. Some say it's upon the death of this named; other says it's upon the hail in the next step.

I JUST did this one.

I can confirm that the lock happens with the final hail of Ugen.

Edited, Apr 24th 2018 6:04pm by GOMN

# Oct 08 2012 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
228 posts
This task locks right when you hail Ugen at

Tell Ugen Proudhammer of Bvard the Heretic's sacrifice 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)
You just GNOMED THAT!.

Hoarder Stickietoes Budderfingers Debt Collector of the Freeport Militia - 105 Froglok Paladin, Luclin
Mats 105 Magician of Luclin
Fillip 105 Bard of Luclin

"Man who runs in front of car is tired, Man who runs behind car is exhausted"
Task Locks
# Sep 02 2011 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
770 posts
NOTE: There are conflicting reports as to when this task locks. Some reports suggest it locks when Bvard dies while some say the task locks when you hail Ugen in the next step.

Tell Ugen Proudhammer of Bvard the Heretic's sacrifice 0/1 (Kernagir, the Shining City)

Confirming the task locks at the above Hail, and not when Bvard dies.
Burn The Heretics achievement
# Aug 30 2011 at 7:20 PM Rating: Excellent
1,312 posts
Burn The Heretics is an optional achievement in this mission. "Defeat all of the heretics using only fire spells."

It's not as easy as it sounds. The game is super picky about succeeding this achievement so you have to be paying attention and may have to restart the mission several times after you find out what doesn't work.

The first person to cast or proc a spell that screws up the achievement will get this message: You have failed to use fire on the heretic. The achievement 'Burn the Heretics' can not be completed.

No one else in your party will see the message, and no further spells will cause the message. So it's a good idea for everyone in the party to set up an audio trigger for that message -- when someone in the party gets it, you can't win the achievement, and you only get one chance at seeing the message. It also helps to run a log file to see exactly what was cast or procced right before the message so you can avoid that effect next attempt. It's crazy.

If you succeed, the achievement will be granted on the second to last step when you hail Dvalger Quickwrench. You do not have to kill all the heretics in the zone, only the ones that progress the task.

I played rogue and shaman.

Some things that FAIL the achievement:
  • Anything magic or unresistable such as slow, malo, poison dots, root/snare, mez.
  • Shaman group heal: Qirik's Resource. (work-around: use only HoT and single heals)
  • Any offensive procs in your melee weapons that aren't fire.
  • Rogue innate proc "Massive Strike". (work-around: use non-piercer in main hand so it can't proc)
  • Rogue poisons.
  • Warrior innate proc "Infused by Rage". (so I hear)

Some things that are OK:
  • melee damage (make sure all weapons have fire procs only, or no procs at all)
  • tank merc
  • cleric merc
  • shaman pet
  • arrows (no proc on bow)
  • escape / fade / feign death
  • normal damage shield buff
  • Finishing Blow
  • and I assume Fire-resist-based nukes and dots, which I don't have

Edited, Aug 30th 2011 9:31pm by nytmare
Burn The Heretics achievement
# Oct 05 2013 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
757 posts
Arcane Fusion (wizard passive AA from RoF) makes this no longer possible for a wizard PC to complete.
Lock Confirmation
# Jul 17 2010 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
From Log:

[Fri Jul 02 12:57:08 2010] Ugen Proudhammer says 'Bvard is dead! Bvard is dead? What have I done? When Brell returns, he will wonder what happened to so many of our artisans and engineers. I have done nothing but deny them their rightful reward, their endless pursuit of creation. All because I couldn't see that there could exist other viewpoints besides my own. Oh, I should die a thousand deaths! I should join my colleagues in oblivion, but alas, I will submit to Brell's own righteous punishment.'
[Fri Jul 02 12:57:08 2010] Your task 'The Silent Schism' has been updated.
[Fri Jul 02 12:57:08 2010] Your shared task is now locked. You may no longer add or remove players.
Lock Confirmation
# Jul 24 2010 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
Ya they changed it since my post. I had to do it twice the first time cause it locked on boss kill. Did it again yesturday after not doing it for like 2 weeks and its now back on the hail.
Lock Confirmation
# Sep 19 2010 at 10:50 PM Rating: Good
56 posts
I completed this mission again tonight and it locked on the hail
i.e. step Tell Ugen Proudhammer of Bvard the Heretic's sacrifice
# Jul 06 2010 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
BTW This locks on the Kill of Bvard not on the final Hail. Might want to update that.
# Jul 15 2010 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
This is wrong. You can kill Bvard and sit on your bum waiting for the next 3 hours and then invite someone. The task only locks when you hail Ugen after killing Bvard.
# Jun 11 2010 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Mission details above are wrong. Well almost right. Can confirm on 6/11/10 of when mission locked.

After KILLING BVARD, I didnt get a lockout emote.
I went to HAIL UGEN, and thats when mission locked.
No War Weapons yet.
# May 18 2010 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
309 posts
Done this one a dozen times or so and yet to see a war weapon...
# May 05 2010 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
this task gives 40 brellium tokens.
Chest name
# Apr 10 2010 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
"an ornate chest"
Egat the Dedicated Artisan
Imperator of <Phoenix Ascending>, Erollisi Marr
Chest Loot
# Mar 31 2010 at 1:07 AM Rating: Good
94 posts
Club of Spores

Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 26
DMG: 70 Dmg Bonus: 20 AC: 31
STR: +23 DEX: +29 STA: +27 CHA: +24 WIS: +22 INT: +16 AGI: +28 HP: +935 MANA: +895 ENDUR: +895
Combat Effects: +4 Shielding: +1% Spell Shield: +1% Avoidance: +4 Accuracy: +7 Stun Resist: +1% Strikethrough: +1% DoT Shielding: +1% Attack: +24 HP Regen: +3 Mana Regeneration: +2 Damage Shield: +2 Clairvoyance: 9 Spell Dmg: 5 Dmg Shld Mit: 1 Heal Amount: 6
Required level of 85.
Effect: Life Sap III (Combat, Casting Time: Instant)
WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL except ERU HIE
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)

Task locking
# Mar 30 2010 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Task locked for us upon final hail of Ugen, rather than the others listed here.
# Mar 25 2010 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
54 posts
Cleric - You'll get nothing and like it!

this is wrong. clerics get Spell: Glorious Denunciation
Chest loot
# Mar 24 2010 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
Discarded Wand on 3/24/10

Beguiler's Last Answer 3/25/10

Edited, Mar 25th 2010 3:43pm by Nickolus
More Chest Drops
# Mar 16 2010 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
Few more items to add to the possible chest drops.

Jewel of the Flame Alchemist

Algid Ice Cube


Backdigging Martel

Also, the task locks as soon as you hail Ugen after killing Bvard

Edited, Mar 16th 2010 7:44pm by bstube
More Chest Drops
# Mar 18 2010 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
Also drops:

Mad Sizentist Shield
chest drop
# Mar 16 2010 at 12:19 AM Rating: Good
Dropped Dwarven Martel for us last night. War only weapon.
Task Lock
# Jan 18 2010 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Task locks when you 'Hail, Bvard the Heretic'
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