Giants, Giants, Giants  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Era:Seeds of Destruction
Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:54
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Aug 12 22:59:15 2009
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is a special raid in the style of the Living Legacy raids, which became available August 12, 2009. It periodically becomes available on live servers for weeks at a time. For much of the year, it is not available.

In 2014, it will be available from November 12 through to December 10.

It begins with Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan, in the Plane of Knowledge. It can be requested solo, or with a party (raid) with up to 54 players.

NOTE: One or more events may require more than one player present to trigger (Avalanche in Icefall Glacier, for example, is believed to require an unknown minimum number).

You say, 'Hail, Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan'

Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'Leave now, _____. I seek only those who crave [battle].'

You say, 'I crave battle!'

Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'Ah, does the lust for combat fill you, tiny one? I have been sent by Veeshan to search out the strongest mortals in Norrath and [allow] them to pay tribute to the lifegiver herself.'

You say, 'You'll allow it?'

Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'Of course! The honor of giving glory to Veeshan is not to be taken lightly, at least not by mortals that wish to remain in the world of the living! Will you accept this [honor]?'

You say, 'I'll accept this honor'

Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'The regal Veeshan has crafted mirror images of fearsome beasts of myth and legend from all over Norrath. If you are [brave] enough to face these giants you will venture from lair to lair, pitting yourself against the strength of ages.'

You say, 'Of course I'm brave enough'

Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'Excellent, _____! Fight well, and [die] with honor in service to Veeshan!'

You say, 'Die?!'

You have entered EQ Players Raid 6 - South Desert of Ro.
Your mercenary has been suspended.

You'll have to kill a number of giants one by one ranging from the Ancient Cyclops to Discord Tower's Lord Brekt.

Note: Mercenaries are NOT allowed in the instances.

After you kill a named, this Emissary spawns in the instance. You can use it to either continue on or to leave the instance.

You say, 'Hail, Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan'

Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'Well done, Tantelus! Now you must choose - do you wish to [continue] or has your courage run out and you wish to [leave]?'

You say, 'I wish to continue'

Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'Your bravery serves you well!'



This task works likes the Dragons, Dragons, Dragons event earlier this year. The further you get, the better your reward. If your raid makes it to the end, reward will scale based on how much time you took in comparison to other successful raids on your server.

The reward is a Platinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model of varying strength, "XX" being the best possible reward.

Kill Order

Kill the Ancient Cyclops 0/1 (South Ro)

Kill Cazel 0/1 (South Ro)

Kill Velketor the Sorcerer 0/1 (Velketor's Labyrinth)

Kill King Tormax 0/1 (Kael Drakkel)

Kill Derakor the Vindicator 0/1 (Kael Drakkel)

Destroy the Statue of Rallos Zek 0/1 (Kael Drakkel)

Getting this far rewards you with Platinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model VI.

Destroy the Avatar of War 0/1 (Kael Drakkel)

Kill Doomshade 0/1 (The Umbral Plains)

Kill Aten Ha Ra 0/1 (Vex Thal)

Kill Hulcror 0/1 (Wall of Slaughter)

Kill Grel Strongboom 0/1 (The Broodlands)

Kill Antraygus 0/1 (Sporali Caverns)

Destroy the Colossus of Skylance 0/1 (Arcstone)

Kill Avalanche 0/1 (Icefall Glacier)

Kill Beltron the Shade King 0/1 (Frostcrypt)

Destroy Commodus the Solar Construct 0/1 (Solteris)

Kill the Mining Behemoth 0/1 (Steam Factory)

Kill Pallorax the Soul Slayer 0/1 (Korafax)

Kill Lord Brekt, Rider of Discord 0/1 (Discord Tower)

Description with Lore from EQLive:

Angered by Norrathian adventurers' blatant disregard for Dragonkind, Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan, has called adventurers to battle Norrath's greatest and largest foes. Amongst these behemoths there are the giants themselves, foes of the children of Veeshan and one-time rulers of Norrath. Standing in your path will also be massive constructs built by some to protect their homes and by others to destroy the world. Regardless of their origin and purpose, these giants stand ready, unafraid of your tiny blades and feeble magic. Challenge them with your raid force or fight them with but a single group if you are feeling truly brave. Fight against the greatest "big" foes of Norrath, from the Ancient Cyclops to the powerful Lord Brekt. Seek out Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan, in the Plane of Knowledge and heed the call.

Ancient Cyclops
In the southern Desert of Ro, the Ancient Cyclops marches across the sands. He, along with his kindred that wander across Norrath, is widely known for their ancient rings.

Cazel is a Sand Giant that lurks the southern desert of Ro. He is often referred to as “the Mad” due to his insane nature and unusual collection of trinkets; though others believe there is more truth yet to be uncovered about him.

Drovrag Velketor the Sorcerer
This supreme storm giant wizard was banished from Kael Drakkal and now resides in a castle built onto the side of a glacier. He is served by arctic kobolds, ice golems, and shard spiders. He is enemies with the Coldain and servants of Veeshan, but he holds a special hatred for the Kromzek who banished him for reasons that are unclear. His ultimate agenda is unknown but his continued experiments birthing ice creatures suggest the possibility that he may perhaps be intending to harm the Kromzek in a way they hadn’t thought possible – one giant against an entire army.

Avatar of War
The Avatar of War is merely a host for Rallos Zek. Rallos embodies through this form to watch over the activities of the giants in Kael and to challenge their strength and tactics.

Derakor the Vindicator
One of King Tormax’s agents, Derakor the Vindicator is responsible for unleashing justice upon those who oppose or betray the Storm Giants and King Tormax.

King Tormax
As the leader of the Storm Giants, King Tormax rules over both the Kromzek and the Kromrif. His lasting desire is to see every last Velious dragon crushed beneath a giant’s maul. To punctuate this fact, Tormax sits upon a throne carved from the skull of Hsagra, the mate of Yelinak of Skyshrine, who was felled by Kromzek hero’s blade.

The dragons of Velious are not Tormax’s only enemies, however, as the Coldain dwarves despise him and his people with a comparable passion. It was Tormax’s blade that killed Dain Frostreaver III, the great War King, a deed that has earned him eternal infamy among the Coldain.

The Statue of Rallos Zek
The Statue of Rallos Zek watches over the arena of Kael Drakkel, the storm giant city on Velious.

Doomshade is a dark and spectral creature that siphons the life from mind and body of unsuspecting explorers of the Umbral Plains.

Aten Ha Ra
Kyth Ha Ra, the ruler of Vex Thal ruled from within the great palace called the sacred heart, Vex Thal in their language. He was respected as a prophet of Luclin. It was thought that the prophets of Luclin spoke with her voice, their bodies merely a vessel that carried the voice of the great mother. Kyth had a vision of expanding the Akhevan Empire across the entire twilight region of Luclin. He instructed a great temple to be built within the Maiden’s Eye in honor of the great mother.

Wanting to oversee the building of the Akhevan high temple personally, Kyth created a shadow of himself and proclaimed it a prophet as he was. This allowed him to travel to the Akhevan high temple while utilizing his shadow to maintain order within the sacred city of Vex Thal. Before venturing to the building site of the new temple, Kyth created two talismans to link himself to Aten Ha Ra, his shadow prophet. He put the power to seal and open the gates of the city within this talisman. Kyth’s sentience was shared with both entities.

Standing watch in the Wall of Slaughter, Hulcror is a guardian of the Muramite Proving Grounds. This Bazu is charged with keeping outsiders away from the trials.

Grel Strongboom
Long ago, just as the giants had been created, a scout was sent from a group of giants known as the Kromian sect. This giant, known as Grel, who had been one of the most revered soldiers and scouts amongst his peers, had been tasked to find a new place for his brethren to move to and conquer.

His mission of exploration failed. In a great sundering, he was rent from the lands of the barren tundra of Everfrost into a land he'd not seen before. Numerous icons depicting dragons and their power were in front of his eyes, but he had never seen this place on any map known to man -- or giant. Shortly after he came to realize that he was stuck in this long-forgotten place of the dragons, he began to believe that he had lost his hat.

It was a hat he'd long since cherished as it was given to him by the leader of the Kromians and he was devastated that he'd lost it. He had begun that quickly to lose touch with reality because he felt he was doomed to be alone in this foreign land with no support for the rest of his life.

In these apparent lands of the dragons in the far north, he would spend the rest of eternity, alone, waiting for the time when his brethren would find him and free him from this hellish place.

In the time while he waited, a rift had formed between the Kromian giants. They quarreled constantly and eventually formed two separate sects. These two sects became the Kromrif and the Kromzek. To this day, they are left on Velious to battle the scourge of the dragons and dwarves in that region and have all but forgotten their brother Grel.

Now that the nest has been breached, Grel sees his opportunity to exit back into the world and retake his place among his Kromian giant brethren. He has spent his time usefully though, gathering several small clans of goblins to aid him in his attempts to take control over the nearby icy lands and to rid some of the immediate area from the dragon influence. In addition, he is ever vigilant to find his hat, which he though he had lost ages ago in the great sundering that left him in this place, and won't let anyone stand in his way to retrieve it, even if it is still on his head.

Long ago, a sporali spore settled into the groundwater via a pool in the Clan Runnyeye goblin lair, before it eventually leaked into Underfoot itself. The first sporali colonies began to harvest corathus, a strange resource secreted by the corath worms that caused sporali to grow and evolve at an alarming rate. Sporali shaman used corathus to feed their living weapons and, before long, shiliskin alchemists learned it can also be used to lower the melting point of many rare alloys. Sporali had primary access to the corathus resource because the Haru burrowed extensively through the soft earth of the Creep. For this reason, the sporali quickly became the target of raiding shiliskin.

Before the shiliskin could drive the sporali to extinction, the sporali shaman decided to pool their corathus and feed it to a single spore king. Thus, Antraygus the Root Father was born. The corathus made Antraygus near invulnerable and any sporelings he created were also unnaturally resilient. Antraygus and his offspring led a fierce resistance against the shiliskin raiders who eventually gave up on corathus altogether and turned their attention to harvesting nargilor, the coral with magical properties that grows below Illsalin. During the Shiliskin-Sporali Wars, the sporali bred many plants to use against the shiliskin, including mindspore and retchweed.

Ur-Gorlach is one of the many protectors and guardians Dreadspire Keep: Demi-plane of Blood and The Master: Lord Mayong Mistmoore.
(NOTE: Ur-Gorlach does not actually appear in this task.)

The Colossus of Skylance
The Colossus of Skylance is guardian that protects Skylance the castle out in Arcstone, Isle of Spirits.

It is not possible for the Shades of Zek to hunt their kindred during the day, but they desire to keep those kindred from escaping the Serpent’s Spine Valley. Sometimes the Shade King sends Avalanche into the great glacier to ambush any Strakt that he finds there during the day. Avalanche is a huge ice golem with power over shadow and ice given to him by his master, the Shade King. Adventurers may encounter Avalanche and his prey. Avalanche is as single-minded about killing Strakt as his master is, but should anyone interfere he will crush them.

Beltron the Shade King
Then came the curse of Rallos Zek cast upon his own giants because they refused to participate in his war on the Plane of Earth. When King Beltron Wulfnor—the king who turned his back on the war—was being taken into the tomb, the voice of Rallos Zek was heard. The dead king's body rose up and attacked the procession. As each person was slain, they rose again as Shades of Zek and turned on those that still lived. Few survived that day, but the current king—Odeen Wulfnor—was one of them, and he will never forget that evil day.

Currently the Shade King rules the crypt. His followers are the Shades of Zek and the zombie minions made from the corpses of their ancestors. The Shades sent war parties to assault the city every evening, and hide within the crypt during the day. No living giant has set foot inside the tombs since the day the curse turned their king into the Shade King.

Commodus, Solar Construct
The Solar Construct, one of Solusek’s magma giants, stood guard over the Zenith Ring inside the Temple of Light and was ordered to prevent any from entering. The Construct and its attendants held fast against the invading army, but were unable to prevent Mayong from passing through the Zenith Ring to the Cusp of Suns, the island bearing the Throne of Ro. They are stung by their failure to contain Mayong and are even more determined that no one and nothing else will make it past them to threaten their god.

Mining Behemoth
The Mining Behemoth is the workhorse of the Steam Factory mines.

Pallorax the Soul Slayer
This dark and mighty winged creature embraces the darkness of the void. During battle he draws from the Riftseekers' power and consumes the slaves of the rift. Consuming the rift slave, dark energy crackles from Pallorax's fingers as his chaotic magic grows in power.

Lord Brekt, Rider of Discord
Lord Brekt is the leader of the Discord army. Serving Overlord Mata Muram’s wishes, he hovers throughout the realm of Discord and leads the armies to devour other demolitions.
(NOTE: Lorewise, Lord Brekt is actually superior to Mata Muram.)
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Beltron the Shade King - bring a FIRE/ICE caster (or weapon)
# Nov 26 2023 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
The fight with Beltron himself is probably easy for an undead specialist.

We never got that far, however, because to get him to spawn you have to kill the two ice golems in his room. They have a billion HP but are resistant to all but fire spells (and later, after they change, ice spells to turn them into a "reformed golem"). Melee is completely useless - 1HP hits (except for the enchanter's dagger pet, who managed to land 100-150 HP hits). No other spells, marks, debuffs, stuck on them. We ultimately gave up after about 15 minutes of trying everything and with the two mobs still at 99 and 100%.

So if you're going to do this with a group (we did), you need a fire/ice caster in your group *from the beginning* (or, theoretically, a weapon that has these as a proc) to get past Beltron (you cannot /taskadd players to this event.)

Edited, Nov 26th 2023 7:07am by DaiaSpiritlight
Bright Blessings to All!

Lady Daia Spiritlight
High Priestess of Quellious, Rathe Server
High Priestess of Quellious, Mischief Server
Avalanche trigger
# Nov 21 2014 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
171 posts
FYI, you only need 3 people to trigger Avalanche in this raid instance. I don't know if you still need 6-7 for the regular version but for GGG you can trigger him with 3.
If you don't have a Ranger, Don't waste your time
# Nov 19 2014 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
If you don't have a Ranger, Don't waste your time - I wandered around the first zone South Ro for about an hour and found one of the two named giants. It's a 6 hour timer and about 20 giants to find and kill.......

Quite Annoyed, walked off.
Solo run
# Oct 05 2013 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
236 posts
Could not get Avalanche to spawn ( I know normal avalanche requires raid to spawn..suspect instance was bugged, but could be the fact I was solo..dropped instance..same result)..yielded after Colossus. Even the type XX at this point would be a downgrade to any aug I have..sad..still fun to do though..good luck! I would've liked to finish this raid solo..ahh well c'est la vie!
Solo run
# Oct 19 2013 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
I, too, could not spawn Avalanche solo. Ran up to the trapped Wraithguard and went through the text several times, but to no avail. All he tells me is, "You are too few. You would certainly perish in this snow trying to save me. Return once you have found more help and free me from this place!"


Edited, Oct 19th 2013 8:29am by codered311
Solo run
# Oct 13 2013 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
125 posts
Did you start Avalanche event by talking to the trapped wraitheguard? he's a giant on the lake. He triggers the event, 2 waves of shield of ice (golem spawns) then block of ice which split to 2 smaller ones when you kill the bigger ones. after cleaning that mess up, avalanche should spawn.

100 Gnomish Enchanter
Final Assault
Boxed 90's
# Sep 26 2011 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
90 Rogue 1600 AAs and box 90 Shaman 1100 AAs, made it passed the Icefall event. Took forever to DPS Avalanche, but won the event, knowing from that point I was done. No way I would have been able to keep up with the FC event. Was a fun run thought! Took about an hour and a half to complete up to Avalanche. Recieved the Model XIII aug- 21 AC, 110 hp/mana/end, and +1 Clairvoyance. Have fun!!
breaking the seal
# Nov 17 2009 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
anyone knows anything about the 3rd mission "breaking the seal"?
breaking the seal
# Nov 22 2009 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
761 posts
No way this can be done SOLO level 73 let alone rating it at level 50.... so ro no problem...vector..can not solo giant there....
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
breaking the seal
# Nov 18 2009 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
2,467 posts
# Oct 08 2009 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
How far do you have to go to qualify for the pre expansion?
# Nov 17 2009 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent

the exact copy/ paste from soe boards :
"How can I gain early access to Underfootâ„¢, to begin stomping and crushing things as soon as possible?
As with all good things, a moderate amount of bloodshed is required. You will need to pre-order the expansion and participate in the required Road to Underfootâ„¢ events in order to gain early entry.
Pre-orders must be submitted before 11/30/09 at 11:59pm PST in order to qualify for the early access play. Billing for early access pre-orders will begin on 12/8/09.
How do I pre-order the Underfootâ„¢ expansion?
You may submit your pre-order request here.
Pre-orders for early access to the Underfootâ„¢ must be submitted before 11/30/09 at 11:59pm PST. Any pre-orders submitted on or after 12/1/09 will not be elligible for early access to Underfootâ„¢.
What Road to Underfootâ„¢ events are required for early access?

* Participation in any of the Giants, Giants, Giants missions or raids with credit for defeating at least one giant.
* Completion of at least one Ancient Heroes mission or raid, given by Old Man McKenzie in the Plane of Knowledge.
* Completion of at least one task from the Breaking the Seal events.

How can I check to make sure my account is flagged for early access?

You will need to log in to your Account page on our website at and log in to your account page.

* Click the "My Account" link at the top of the page
* Sign in using your Station Name and password
* On the Account Management page, click the "Subscriptions Info" button
* Locate "EverQuest" in your subscriptions list, and click the "Details" button to the right

Accounts which are flagged for early access should have these 4 features, which coincide with the 4 requirements:
Enabled Features: Corresponding Road to Underfootâ„¢ Events
Underfoot Preorder Pre-order of the Underfootâ„¢ expansion
In-Game Item: The Road to Underfoot 1 Credit for killing 1 giant for "Giants, Giants, Giants"
In-Game Item: The Road to Underfoot 2 Credit for completion of 1 classic mission or raid for Old Man McKenzie
In-Game Item: The Road to Underfoot 3 Credit for completion of 1 task from the Breaking the Seal event
For more details and information about this expansion, feel free to check out these articles!
Underfoot: Unfolding the Lore – Brell’s Arena
Underfoot: Unfolding the Lore – The Foundation
Underfoot: Unfolding the Lore – Brell’s Rest
Underfoot: Unfolding the Lore – Pellucid Grotto
Underfoot: Unfolding the Lore – The Underquarry

How well did this answer your question?

100% 75% 50% 25% 0%

Users who viewed this answer have also viewed

• [EQ] Overview: Underfoot™
• [EQ] How to Order Underfoot™
• [EQ] How to Pre-Order Underfoot™
• [EQ] EverQuest - Top Known Customer Service Issues
• [TECH] Stuck characters and/or crashing after pre-ordering the Secrets of Faydwer or Rise of Kunark expansions"
# Nov 07 2009 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
I think you only have to beat the first part, which qualifies you for the lowest reward upon task update, to be eligible for the early quest sets... I cannot confirm this myself though, sorry. Going off the word of guildies/friends.
# Sep 21 2009 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
You have to participate in GGG, the new Classic missions, and a third event to be eligible for the early entry to the expanion.

What I want to know is, how far into GGG do you need to go to get recognition? I have done Cazel and AC (wooo!) but no further. Will that suffice?
Thanks Sony
# Sep 15 2009 at 1:48 PM Rating: Default
In answer to the 'tard Latang below I posted below to inform players and to communicate with the Devs for this and later quests. And the devs just scaled the rewards to make the aug more useable for nearing completion. Now, I have a nice aug for getting to Para. Thanks Sony! Awesome job! Back to WOW Latang.

Edited, Sep 15th 2009 5:50pm by Div
Dialog for Giants, Giants, Giants
# Aug 26 2009 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
You say, 'Hail, Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan'
Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'Leave now, Tantelus. I seek only those who crave [battle].'
You say, 'battle'
Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'Ah, does the lust for combat fill you, tiny one? I have been sent by Veeshan to search out the strongest mortals in Norrath and [allow] them to pay tribute to the lifegiver herself.'
You say, 'allow'
Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'Of course! The honor of giving glory to Veeshan is not to be taken lightly, at least not by mortals that wish to remain in the world of the living! Will you accept this [honor]?'
You say, 'honor'.
Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'The regal Veeshan has crafted mirror images of fearsome beasts of myth and legend from all over Norrath. If you are [brave] enough to face these giants you will venture from lair to lair, pitting yourself against the strength of ages.'
You say, 'brave'
Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'Excellent, Tantelus! Fight well, and [die] with honor in service to Veeshan!'
You say, 'die'

You have entered EQ Players Raid 6 - South Desert of Ro.
Your mercenary has been suspended.

After Killing the mobs in the zone you are in, The Emissary of Veeshan will spawn nearby,

You say, 'Hail, Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan'
Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'Well done, Tantelus! Now you must choose - do you wish to [continue] or has your courage run out and you wish to [leave]?'

You say, 'continue'
Tzudani, Emissary of Veeshan says 'Your bravery serves you well!'

He then sends you to the next zone on your list and you need to hunt down and kill the mob(s) and the cycle will repeat

Tantelus Manydeaths
Paladin of Marr
Heart Of Amber
Tunare Server
# Aug 22 2009 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
What's the point of making an aug that blows to an 85th player except in final form? The only players that can complete this are the high end guilds--why have aug that blows crap even if you get to last two or three encounters? And group events that groups can't complete? Fun idea, neat idea but massively crappy aug for any non-end game guild. Like GM events, Halloween events, great Sony idea that they ***** up by giving weak pos reward. Go to FOS and farm the 25ac/100hp aug unless you are in end game guild. What a disappointment. Grats to 5% of players for final aug... POS for 95% of gamers. It just kills Sony to give an event reward to regular players/guilds that does not blow. And God forbid actually putting some AC on an aug...Can defeat MB and get 17ac 120hp aug? Welcome to the trash for any tank... Less AC than RSS augs...
# Sep 01 2009 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Do you see that the required lvl is only 75 ? You basically have to just kill AC, and Cazel to get a 5 AC 80hp/mana aug at level 75 that sounds pretty good to me.
# Aug 23 2009 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
195 posts
lol! I 100% agree with every single thing you said. Granted it is a nice aug (at final form), the events to get to it is worth much more then 27 ac. True, as well, that this is for big raiding guilds though most the high level people in those guilds have WAY better augs that are quested/looted (ex. Bayle's Heraldic Crest/Geartop Gear/ect.) Also, this aug (imo) is not worth it unless you are a tank.
Good Post Div

Edited, Aug 23rd 2009 11:29pm by Ademaro
# Aug 22 2009 at 11:30 PM Rating: Default
6 posts
So don't do it you whiney girl. Seriously.
# Aug 22 2009 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
As a group, I got as far as Antraygus. How the hell is a group supposed to take this guy down? That was painful. From what I've seen and read, it's the full strength raid mob for a single group. If anyone's done this guy, please post a good strat, and tank information.

# Sep 09 2009 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
309 posts
He wasnt to bad with a War1.9kAA 4500AC/Wiz4k+/Brd4k+/Shm1.6K/Mag1.6K(all group geared). Just got to be carful with the knock back and clear all the trash mobs first.
# Aug 24 2009 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
228 posts
Have an uber shammy like me =p
I <3 Beltron
# Aug 21 2009 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
85 posts
Like a lot of people I've done Beltron before many times.When I went on a pickup raid the other night I knew when we got to him we were in for a ride. Despite 10 levels, lack of knowledge of how the raid functions(people on platforms need lev off,etc)boxed cleric(s) and not being a well disciplined raid force hurt chances from the start.Better luck next time. =(
# Aug 19 2009 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
Colossus of Skylance seems to be working now with the wednesday patch
Possible fix
# Aug 17 2009 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
9 posts
Still bugged, same spot as everyone else. Apparently rumored to be Wed patch this will be fixed.
Not bugged???
# Aug 17 2009 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
sent petition. GMs said it's new content and nobody knows what to do yet so keep trying and good luck. bunch of tools!!
# Aug 16 2009 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
Colossus still bugged. sigh
Zynfandel Bleushelot
Illusionist of the Nameless
# Aug 15 2009 at 12:32 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
I think on the EQlive boards they say that you're killing Colossus too quickly and the EQPRarcstoneinvisman will pop and wipe raid. Kill him slower, he'll break into multiple pieces and kill those instead. :)
# Aug 15 2009 at 6:58 PM Rating: Good
1,312 posts
We did kill Colossus slow, he broke into pieces, but the pieces never stopped respawning and we couldn't win it.

Stuck at Colossus.
Colossus bugged
# Aug 16 2009 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
125 posts
My group got as far as Colossus too. Beat on him, got the 2 spawns, killed them, then the shards spawned and colossus died. cleared the spawns, about a minute later got 2nd wave of shards, killed them and no update. UGH.

85 Chanter
Blades of Law, Povar
Colossus bugged
# Aug 17 2009 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
My Group killed Colossus and then the Shards. After this no Repops and no Taskupdate. We wait around 10 Min. and nothing no Mobs, no taskupdate.
Lore mistake?
# Aug 14 2009 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
263 posts
"Lord Brekt, Rider of Discord
Lord Brekt is the leader of the Discord army. Serving Overlord Mata Muram’s wishes, he hovers throughout the realm of Discord and leads the armies to devour other demolitions."

Is this worded correctly? I thought Brekt was THE LORD of the Discordant realm, which would make Mata Muram HIS SERVANT.

Edited, Aug 14th 2009 2:58pm by Braikkarrii
Lore mistake?
# Aug 14 2009 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
622 posts

short answer: "That's an error. Brekt is indeed the superior to Mata Muram."
did this last night
# Aug 14 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
I did this last night with a group and killed everything up to Hulcror but not Hulcror. Not too difficult up to that point. I was falling asleep or I would have attempted it. I had an aug before I even tried it. The aug wasn't much and I destroyed it thinking that I would get one better. The abacus popped up in my inventory so I clicked and got better aug.

Edited, Aug 15th 2009 8:00pm by Rachelnedoirah
Platinum Plated Worn Pinion Gear Model XX
# Aug 13 2009 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Darkstar Alliance - Fennin Ro completed this tonight and the reward is the Platinum Plated Worn Pinion Gear Model XX.

Will post image and stats when update is done.

27 AC
160 HP
160 MANA
160 END

+2 to all Hero Stats

+2 Dmg Shield Mitigation
+2 Heal Amount
+2 Spell Damage
+4 Clairvoyance
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"
Platinum Plated Worn Pinion Gear Model XX
# Aug 13 2009 at 9:14 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
sodguild wrote:
Darkstar Alliance - Fennin Ro completed this tonight and the reward is the Platinum Plated Worn Pinion Gear Model XX.

Will post image and stats when update is done.

27 AC
160 HP
160 MANA
160 END

+2 to all Hero Stats

+2 Dmg Shield Mitigation
+2 Heal Amount
+2 Spell Damage
+4 Clairvoyance

Please upload this to Lucy.
Platinum Plated Worn Pinion Gear Model XX
# Aug 14 2009 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
757 posts
Lucy Item Collector is not working after the patch.
Platinum Plated Worn Pinion Gear Model XX
# Aug 21 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Duchess Cylius wrote:
Lucy Item Collector is not working after the patch.

Is this still the case? If so, please send a log of the output to so we can correct it ASAP.
# Aug 13 2009 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
He's not part of this event, at all.
# Aug 13 2009 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
Replace Ur-Gorlaach with Colossus of Skylance and the list is correct.
Doesn't Scale
# Aug 13 2009 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
31 posts
The aug doesn't scale based on speed. It only scales based on how many mobs you killed. The "Group" version of the task (Accessed by requesting it with 6 or less players) gives you +1 to the scaling though. So if you only kill Cazel and the Ancient Cyclops... You'll get stats based on if you killed Velketor also.

Also, it's flagged as no-merc. And, according to Devs, this is intentional.
# Aug 13 2009 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
After South Ro, we were stuck there and didn't end up going anywhere. Someone mentioned in General chat that we go back to the and hail him. Nothing. Is the task bugged?
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
# Aug 14 2009 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
You just go back to PoK and say "die" again to him and he'll port you to velk's.

From there he spawns upon deaths of the particular giant you are killing and you can just say "continue" to get to next. Didn't check if he popped anywhere in Sro but probably not.
# Aug 16 2009 at 12:25 AM Rating: Excellent
232 posts
He does pop in South Ro. He spawns near the wizard spires.
Nyvina Nytemare
Arrowhawk Meanehsobee
Nytera Nytemare
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