Cruel Overseers  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Faction
  • Loot
Time Limit:06:00:00
Faction Required:
Toskirakk Slaves (Min: Kindly)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Era:Seeds of Destruction
    Group Size:Group
    Min. # of Players:3
    Max. # of Players:6
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Mon Jan 12 16:59:33 2009
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    This group mission begins with Trilyaris at the zone-in of Toskirakk.

    Pre-Requisites for Requesting:
    - Completed "Times are a Chainin'" task
    - Have at least "kindly" faction with "Toskirakk Slaves" (raised by doing tasks and killing Rallosian mobs in Rathe theme)

    You say, 'Hail, Trilyaris'

    Trilyaris says 'Hello, _____. You seem like you do not belong here, and yet you have helped us. This may mean that the slavers will begin to take more [notice] of you.'

    You say, 'Notice?'

    Trilyaris says 'Yes. They generally think we all look the same, but the ones that really catch their ire get noticed. One of our number, however, has found a [secret]. This is no [rumor] but simple fact.'

    You say, 'What about the rumor?'

    Trilyaris says 'There are several floating around here. For example, some say that there are [strangers] among the Rallosians. Others say that there is a [revolt] starting within the city itself.'

    You say, 'A revolt?'

    Trilyaris says 'Such a possibility frightens me. It would never succeed and many of us would die as a result. Please [find out] if the rumors are true.'

    You say, 'I'll find out'

    Trilyaris says 'Thank you. Let me know when you are [ready] and I'll alert my people that a friend is coming.'

    You have been assigned the task 'Cruel Overseers'.

    Several zealous overseers of the Rallosian army have taken to brutalizing helpless slaves for sport. Several slaves stood up to the overseers, but were quickly struck down. A few leaders among the slaves managed to escape and continue to hide, unable to organize a resistance. You must avenge the fallen slaves and deliver sealed gate potions to notable slave leaders who have hidden themselves around the perimeter of the great hall.

    Trilyaris also told you of Kendria, an alchemist that can help you and has asked that you speak to her as soon as you can.

    Say "ready" to zone into the instance.

    You say, 'Ready!'

    Trilyaris says 'Here you are...'

    You have entered Toskirakk.


    "Graknar the Bull" is a named mob that has a chance to spawn in this instanced zone. It hits for a max ~7,250; is stunnable and mezzable; has more hitpoints than the average mob here; and AEs "Rage of Rallos Zek":

    Rage of Rallos Zek: PB AE 70', Unresistable (0)
    1: Decrease Hitpoints by 9500

    It drops one item per kill, with a chance at dropping an armor piece as well:

    Graknar's Tiny Nose Ring
    Large War Boar Nose Ring
    Ring of the Bull
    Small War Boar Nose Ring

    Map Points

    While this is by no means a complete list (there are likely other spawn points), these are some map points of known slave spawn locations for your "toskirakk.txt" map file:

    P -1989.6669, 230.0352, 66.1635, 0, 0, 240, 1, slave
    P -2269.8149, 1009.1522, 67.0994, 0, 0, 240, 1, slave
    P -1389.6044, 1272.0313, 66.1237, 0, 0, 240, 1, slave
    P -1846.5359, 86.9707, 66.1268, 0, 0, 240, 1, slave
    P -1225.7103, 183.8891, 66.1320, 0, 0, 240, 1, slave
    P -1317.1371, 1248.8523, 66.1160, 0, 0, 240, 1, slave

    Which slaves spawn at which locations, is random.

    Task Steps

    Speak with Alchemist Kendria 0/1 (Toskirakk)

    Avenge the fallen slaves by killing the murderous overseers 0/15 (Toskirakk)

    Find Hrundar Frostgrip and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1 (Toskirakk)

    Find Llendal Indurian and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1 (Toskirakk)

    Find Beldar Grimforge and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1 (Toskirakk)

    Find Raill Maltase and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1 (Toskirakk)

    Find Loeryn Bloomtender and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1 (Toskirakk)

    Inform Tilyaris of your success 0/1 (Toskirakk)

    Alchemist Kendria

    You say, 'Hail, Alchemist Kendria'

    Alchemist Kendria says 'Hail, _____. I wish you success. I do not like all of my fellow slaves, but their deaths do me no good either. The more that survive the better for me. I have the [potions] you need. I can also provide you an exit when you are [ready].'

    You say 'I need some potions'

    Alchemist Kendria says 'Here you go! Good luck out there!'

    Tell her "potions" five times for 5x "Sealed Gate Potion".

    Overseers & Slaves

    The Rallosian overseers are found in groups of three in the main part of the city. These hit for a max ~4,500, and are immune to pacify spells, but are mezzable and slowable. They proc "Ankle Trip":

    Your attempt to escape your enemy may not succeed.

    Ankle Trip: Single Target, Disease (-500)
    1: Stun (8.00 sec)
    2: Decrease Hitpoints by 1000
    3: Feign Death, 1% Success Rate
    4: Decrease Mana by 150
    5: Decrease Endurance by 150

    Each time you kill an overseer, a named slave (or multiple named slaves) has a chance to spawn (along with a mob who hunts down the slave) in a different area of the zone's main city. Since the slaves are hunted (by the additionally spawned mob), it is recommended you single-pull the overseers and kill them one at a time so that you don't have all five slaves up at once.

    A tracker is very beneficial for finding the slaves.

    When a named slave spawns, you have to find it and give it a Sealed Gate Potion before the slave hunters (boars) find them and kill them. If a slave dies, the task auto-fails and you are booted out of the zone.

    The named slaves ONLY spawn by killing the mobs called "a Rallosian overseer". The other mobs in the zone will not spawn any slaves, so you can kill them with no regard to the spawning mechanism.

    When named slave(s) spawn, you'll see these emotes in yellow:

    A horrid, load squeeling can be heard in the distance.

    a Rallosian warlord shouts, 'Hah! They've loosed a hunter. It will find the fools who think they can lead these pathetic slaves to rebel. I don't think those pigs have been fed in days!'

    Also at this time, "a Rallosian slave hunter" (war boar) spawns at a random location in the zone and slowly walks through the main city:

    a Rallosian slave hunter shouts 'Squeeeeeel! Snort. Sniffle.'
    a Rallosian slave hunter shouts 'Squeeeeeel! Snort. Sniffle.'
    a Rallosian slave hunter shouts 'Squeeeeeel! Snort. Sniffle.'

    If this mob finds one of the members of the revolt, it starts attacking them. You'll see this emote if that happens:

    Hrundar Frostgrip shouts 'I've been found! Keep away from me you smelly pig!'

    A slave can survive one-on-one against a boar for about a minute. If a slave dies, you see this emote as your mission immediately ends:

    One of the leaders of the revolt has been killed. Hopes have been dashed and your mission has failed.

    NOTE: The named mob "Graknar the Bull" can spawn in place of one of these slave hunters. If you get this mob, be prepared for a tougher fight. It hits for a max ~7,250; and is stunnable and mezzable. It has more hitpoints than the average mob here. If it encounters a slave, it kills it at a faster rate.

    As you turn in the gate potions, you'll see emotes like this:

    Hrundar Frostgrip says 'You are a blessing, indeed! Thank you for your help.'

    Llendal Indurian says 'Have you found the rest of us yet?'

    Beldar Grimforge says 'Thank you for your help, stranger. The Rallosians cannot stop us forever.'

    Task Completion

    Once you've gotten all kill and turn-in updates, return to Trilyaris in the non-instanced Toskirakk (the Alchemist will port you out if you say "ready" to her):

    You say, 'Hail, Trilyaris'

    Having avenged the dead slaves and provided the slave leaders their means of escape, they may now be able to organize some form of resistance against their Rallosian captors.

    Your faction standing with Mitius, Herald of Change got better.

    A number of Chronobines (varies)
    Faction with Mitius, Herald of Change
    Send a Correction
    Post Comment
    a few points
    # Jun 28 2014 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
    59 posts
    notice a few things missing from the comments .. that should help...

    1) slaves only spawn in the market area some are in the open and some are behind boxes and what not ....
    2) u cant get to the second floor ..there is a steel cage door blocking the path..
    3) slaves spawn with in seconds of the overseer dieing ... ( u can kill 3 -5 overseers and get no spawns )
    4) killing the hunters first is the easiest way to go gives u alot of time if 3 slaves spawn and 2 hunters
    5) i killed all trash mobs in the area took less then 45 minute to do the whole thing
    Amiable doesn't work
    # Dec 17 2013 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
    82 posts
    I am amiable with this mob and she will not give me this quest. Only tells me to talk to the injured slave. And I've already done that quest.
    Amiable doesn't work
    # Dec 18 2013 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
    I had this same issue. I went to Korascian Warrens and did the and and i was then warmly to Trilyaris and could request this task but its a group task so you will need at least 2 or 3 people to help.

    Edited, Dec 18th 2013 1:00pm by icemagi01
    Amiable doesn't work
    # Apr 25 2015 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
    188 posts
    The solo missions on Kor. Warrens will also raise faction. See Toskirakk Slaves for information on the faction. It will show you what quests will raise it. Also the group missions apparently have some mobs that raise it, but I couldn't find any outside of the instances that would. It says amiable here, but maybe it has to be on the high end of amiable? Also it strikes me as very strange that you have to go to a different zone to raise the faction, since all the slaves are here. You would think killing the slavers would raise it, but it only lowers the Slavers faction. Way to go SOE!

    Edited, Apr 25th 2015 7:00pm by Romen

    Edited, Apr 25th 2015 7:02pm by Romen
    ** Visit **

    Romen Orgi of Sojourners / Magician, Brell Serilis (Cazic Thule) server magelo
    Romen of Fippy's Revenge / Magician, Fippy Darkpaw server
    Fiella / Magician, Firona Vie server
    Mentas of Cursed Asylum / Magician, Test Server magelo

    Aphalia of The Bronze Age / Wizard

    Darkaura / Warlock, Scarlet Crusade
    # Oct 20 2011 at 4:02 PM Rating: Default
    147 posts
    Don't make my mistake and start killing overseers before you hail the alchemist - the kills won't count towards the 15 required. And since the overseers don't seem to repop, there's no way to finish the mission. Well, at least I got some XP and learned a lesson...
    # Jun 16 2010 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
    167 posts
    We were a little nervous, not knowing what to expect. This task was incredibly easy. It took a half hour to complete. We zoned in, got ehe five potions and ran to the center circle. Most of the overseers were in clumps of two DB and one even con. We pulled three at a time. The ranger checked track non-stop., Once one popped we held off on killing any more until he ran out and rescued them. The mage followed him, just in case a hunter had found the slave first - this happened twice.

    Ignore the slave hunter emotes. You will hear them and they will be on track, but they are not visible nor targetable UNTIL a slave pops.
    No Experience
    # Nov 08 2009 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
    33 posts
    Upon finishing this shared task, the reward does not include experience.

    Edited, Nov 9th 2009 12:53am by keebosabi
    Slave /loc's?
    # Sep 28 2009 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
    Anyone have the locations of the slaves spawn points? I know they are random, but how random are they? Do they have like 2 or 3 places they can spawn, or is just totally random? Trying to 3 box this thing to farm essences since Hiding in Plain Sight sucks after awhile. Anyway, without a tracker this thing is a real PITA, so if anyone can help out with some slave spawn locations that would be greatly appreciated, thanks

    Edited, Sep 28th 2009 1:22pm by Knightmare
    Full text
    # Jul 22 2009 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
    29 posts
    A horrid, load squeeling can be heard in the distance.
    a Rallosian warlord shouts, 'Hah! They've loosed a hunter. It will find the fools who think they can lead these pathetic slaves to rebel. I don't think those pigs have been fed in days!'

    Find Hrundar Frostgrip and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1 (Toskirakk)

    Your task 'Cruel Overseers' has been updated.

    Hrundar Frostgrip says 'You are a blessing, indeed! Thank you for your help.'

    Find Llendal Indurian and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1 (Toskirakk)

    Your task 'Cruel Overseers' has been updated.

    Llendal Indurian says 'Have you found the rest of us yet?'

    A horrid, load squeeling can be heard in the distance.
    a Rallosian sentinel shouts, 'Another pig? You slaves had best pray to your worthless gods now, you're as good as dead.'

    Find Beldar Grimforge and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1 (Toskirakk)

    Your task 'Cruel Overseers' has been updated.

    Beldar Grimforge says 'Thank you for your help, stranger. The Rallosians cannot stop us forever.'

    Find Raill Maltase and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1 (Toskirakk)

    Your task 'Cruel Overseers' has been updated.

    Raill Maltase says 'You are a blessing, indeed! Thank you for your help.'

    Find Loeryn Bloomtender and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1 (Toskirakk)

    Your task 'Cruel Overseers' has been updated.

    Loeryn Bloomtender says 'You are a blessing, indeed! Thank you for your help.'

    Inform Trilyaris of your success 0/1 (Toskirakk)

    You say, 'Hail, Trilyaris'

    Your task 'Cruel Overseers' has been updated.

    Having avenged the dead slaves and provided the slave leaders their means of escape, they may now be able to organize some form of resistance against their Rallosian captors.

    Your faction standing with Mitius, Herald of Change could not possibly get any better.

    the first message happened for me after i killed 5 overseers, the second message, 4 overseers, and the last message, after 3, also when i killed the 15th, it spawned another slave hunter that i just ignored.
    Missing dialogue with Alchemist Kendria
    # Jul 22 2009 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
    29 posts
    Alchemist Kendria says 'Hail, Godhilikus. I wish you success. I do not like all of my fellow slaves, but their deaths do me no good either. The more that survive the better for me. I have the [potions] you need. I can also provide you an exit when you are [ready].'

    Your task 'Cruel Overseers' has been updated.

    You say 'Potions'

    Alchemist Kendria says 'Here you go! Good luck out there!'

    On a side note, like all other names throughout the expansion, he can drop any essence of his tier, being tier 4. So any medial Luminessence or Incandessence

    Edited, Jul 25th 2009 9:19am by TheKoolaidMan
    # Jun 03 2009 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
    50 posts
    I was able to get this mission at amiably so you don't haft to be kindly for this one.
    mission requirements?
    # May 01 2009 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
    85 posts
    Trilyaris cons as kindly to me, but she will not speak to me about any missions. When I hail her she responds by hailing me back. I even tried "notice" and "find out" but got no response. I am sure I was not invis.

    Are there other requirements for this mission? I had one other player and two mercs in my group at the time. Do I need to do Times are a Chainin to get access? I con amiably to Mitius. Is kindly also required for his faction?

    I've spent most of my time in this theme in Warrens so far doing progression and working Slaves faction there, I haven't done any of the Toskirakk based tasks yet.
    5 kills
    # Apr 24 2009 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
    Kill 5 overseers and either ph slaver or named spawns.
    Not right faction
    # Feb 23 2009 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
    56 posts
    I don't think this is on the Mitius, Herald of Change faction. I am ally with Militus, but only different to the quest giver. I can not request the mission, yet I can see all items on the Mitius merchant.
    Not right faction
    # Feb 23 2009 at 1:21 PM Rating: Excellent
    6,998 posts
    mold wrote:
    I don't think this is on the Mitius, Herald of Change faction. I am ally with Militus, but only different to the quest giver. I can not request the mission, yet I can see all items on the Mitius merchant.

    Updated, thanks. If someone knows the required faction, please let us know what it is.
    Not right faction
    # Feb 27 2009 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good
    56 posts
    Just got to kindly with Rallosian Slave faction, and I was able to get the quest.
    Not right faction
    # Mar 07 2009 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
    667 posts
    I could actually get this one before I was kindly, but I could not get Hiding in Plain Sight until I was kindly. Kindly was not hard to get - doing the Void E tasks twice pretty much got me to ally, might have done one of them three times (Find your allies is not repeatable).
    Aanuvane Bristlecone 350 Baking, Brewing, Jewelry Making, Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Fletching, Pottery, Research, 250 Fishing
    Muertenie Petitmort 350 Master Tinker
    Kadcea 350 Master Alchemist
    Orelinde 350 Master Poison Maker
    Kynsh/Rabon/Atracker and a whole host of additional alts
    Povar via Quellious via Rodcet Nife

    Not right faction
    # May 01 2009 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
    Seems to require having done Times are a Chainin' before you can request it.
    Not right faction
    # May 10 2009 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
    757 posts
    I've done Times are a Chainin' task and have amiable slave faction yet she refuses to offer me any tasks - Any suggestions? I'm void F flagged and ally to every main faction.
    Cruel Overseers (Solved)
    # Feb 17 2009 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
    Faction: Mitius, Herald of Change
    Cruel Overseers (Solved)
    # Feb 16 2009 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
    Starts Toskirakk with Triyaris, located at the zone in.
    Kindly faction required.
    Group Task 3-6 players required.
    6 hour time limit

    [Mon Feb 16 21:53:40 2009] You say, 'Hail, Trilyaris'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:53:41 2009] Trilyaris says 'Hello, Froakah. You seem like you do not belong here, and yet you have helped us. This may mean that the slavers will begin to take more [notice] of you.'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:53:44 2009] You say, 'notice'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:53:45 2009] Trilyaris says 'Yes. They generally think we all look the same, but the ones that really catch their ire get noticed. One of our number, however, has found a [secret]. This is no [rumor] but simple fact.'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:53:48 2009] You say, 'rumor'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:53:48 2009] Trilyaris says 'There are several floating around here. For example, some say that there are [strangers] among the Rallosians. Others say that there is a [revolt] starting within the city itself.'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:54:06 2009] You say, 'revolt'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:54:07 2009] Trilyaris says 'Such a possibility frightens me. It would never succeed and many of us would die as a result. Please [find out] if the rumors are true.'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:56:03 2009] You say, 'find out'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:56:03 2009] Trilyaris says 'Thank you. Let me know when you are [ready] and I'll alert my people that a friend is coming.'

    Once you say ready you are zoned into an instance version of Toskirakk.

    Mission Steps:

    Speak with Alchemist Kendria 0/1
    Avenge the fallen slaves by killing the murderous overseers. 0/15
    Find Hrundar Frostgrip and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1
    Find Llendal Indurian and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1
    Find Beldar Grimforge and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1
    Find Raill Maltase and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1
    Find Loeryn Bloomtender and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1
    Inform Trilyaris of your success 0/1

    Reward: 135 Chronobines, Faction and experience

    When you hail Alchemist Kendria she prompts you to say [potions] or [ready] to be sent out. Tell her potions 5 times for the 5 Sealed Gate Potions. (Best to have a tracker so you can find the NPC's fast enough.

    Setup and start killing overseers. It is important they be single pulled as after any kill a, or multiple, named NPC's for the task may spawn. They cannot be pacified but they can be mezzed and slowed.

    When the named slaves pop you have to find them and give them a sealed gate potion before the slave hunters (bores) find them and kill them. If they die you loose and are kicked out of the zone.

    The named slaves ONLY spawn by killing Overseers. You can clear the boars and other mobs without any problems with timing or having the named slaves pop.

    The possible named in this mission is 'Graknar the Bull'. He dropped

    Large War Boar Nose Ring(Click the name for a screenshot)
    Magic, Lore, No Trade
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL


    Size: Tiny
    Wight 0.3
    Rec Level: 85
    Req Level: 80

    AC: 32
    HP: 580
    Mana: 595
    End: 595

    Strength: 20 +1
    Stamina: 29 +2
    Intelligence: 30 +1
    Wisdom: 12 +2
    Agility: 14+5
    Dexterity: 20 +2
    Charisma: 28 +5

    Magic: 25
    Fire: 28
    Cold: 29
    Disease: 26
    Poison: 13

    Attack: 15
    HP Regen: 1
    Mana Regen: 3
    Spell Shield: 1
    Combat Eff: 3
    Shielding: 1
    Dmg Sheild: 2
    DoT Shield: 1
    Dmg Shld Mit: 1
    Avoidance: 3
    Accuracy: 4
    Stun Resist: 1
    Strike Thr: 1
    Heal Amount: 2
    Spell Dmg: 4
    Clairvoyance: 2

    Effect: Sharpshooting V (Worn, Casting Time: Instant)
    Focus: Jaled Dar's Implacable Tenacity IV

    Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)

    He can also drop: Graknar's Tiny Nose Ring

    Spiritwalker's guild leader

    Edited, Feb 16th 2009 11:22pm by SpiritwalkerGuild

    Edited, Feb 16th 2009 11:23pm by SpiritwalkerGuild

    Edited, Feb 21st 2009 7:28pm by SpiritwalkerGuild
    Cruel Overseers (Solved)
    # Feb 17 2009 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
    20 posts
    One thing I noticed. When the slave hunters spawn there is only one that will pop. Also, on the last overseer kill all named slaves that have not yet spawned will pop. The one time I did it I had 2 on the last kill and the other time 3. So you can have as few as possibly 1 slave hunter spawn and at most 4. I personaly saw 2 and 3.

    So you have 1 to 4 shots at seeing the named during this event.

    Edited, Feb 17th 2009 10:29pm by Jiha
    Cruel Overseers (Solved)
    # Feb 17 2009 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
    Faction with Mitius, Herald of Change
    Cruel Overseers (Solved)
    # Feb 16 2009 at 3:22 PM Rating: Excellent
    6,998 posts
    SpiritwalkerGuild wrote:
    Starts Toskirakk with Triyaris, located at the zone in.
    Kindly faction required.
    Group Task 3-6 players required.
    6 hour time limit

    [Mon Feb 16 21:53:40 2009] You say, 'Hail, Trilyaris'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:53:41 2009] Trilyaris says 'Hello, Froakah. You seem like you do not belong here, and yet you have helped us. This may mean that the slavers will begin to take more [notice] of you.'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:53:44 2009] You say, 'notice'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:53:45 2009] Trilyaris says 'Yes. They generally think we all look the same, but the ones that really catch their ire get noticed. One of our number, however, has found a [secret]. This is no [rumor] but simple fact.'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:53:48 2009] Fargaan tells General:5, 'Archaic Leather Cowl'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:53:48 2009] You say, 'rumor'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:53:48 2009] Trilyaris says 'There are several floating around here. For example, some say that there are [strangers] among the Rallosians. Others say that there is a [revolt] starting within the city itself.'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:54:03 2009] Imyoor says out of character, 'CC?'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:54:06 2009] You say, 'revolt'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:54:07 2009] Trilyaris says 'Such a possibility frightens me. It would never succeed and many of us would die as a result. Please [find out] if the rumors are true.'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:56:03 2009] You say, 'find out'
    [Mon Feb 16 21:56:03 2009] Trilyaris says 'Thank you. Let me know when you are [ready] and I'll alert my people that a friend is coming.'

    Once you say ready you are zoned into an instance version of Toskirakk.

    Mission Steps:

    Speak with Alchemist Kendria 0/1
    Avenge the fallen slaves by killing the murderous overseers. 0/15
    Find Hrundar Frostgrip and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1
    Find Llendal Indurian and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1
    Find Beldar Grimforge and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1
    Find Raill Maltase and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1
    Find Loeryn Bloomtender and give him a Sealed Gate Potion 0/1
    Inform Trilyaris of your success 0/1

    Reward: 135 Chronobines, Faction and experience

    When you hail Alchemist Kendria she prompts you to say [potions] or [ready] to be sent out. Tell her potions 5 times for the 5 Sealed Gate Potions. (Best to have a tracker so you can find the NPC's fast enough.

    Setup and start killing overseers. It is important they be single pulled as after any kill a, or multiple, named NPC's for the task may spawn. They cannot be pacified but they can be mezzed and slowed.

    When the named slaves pop you have to find them and give them a sealed gate potion before the slave hunters (bores) find them and kill them. If they die you loose and are kicked out of the zone.

    The named slaves ONLY spawn by killing Overseers. You can clear the boars and other mobs without any problems with timing or having the named slaves pop.

    The possible named in this mission is 'Graknar the Bull'. He dropped

    Large War Boar Nose Ring(Click the name for a screenshot)
    Magic, Lore, No Trade
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL


    Size: Tiny
    Wight 0.3
    Rec Level: 85
    Req Level: 80

    AC: 32
    HP: 580
    Mana: 595
    End: 595

    Strength: 20 +1
    Stamina: 29 +2
    Intelligence: 30 +1
    Wisdom: 12 +2
    Agility: 14+5
    Dexterity: 20 +2
    Charisma: 28 +5

    Magic: 25
    Fire: 28
    Cold: 29
    Disease: 26
    Poison: 13

    Attack: 15
    HP Regen: 1
    Mana Regen: 3
    Spell Shield: 1
    Combat Eff: 3
    Shielding: 1
    Dmg Sheild: 2
    DoT Shield: 1
    Dmg Shld Mit: 1
    Avoidance: 3
    Accuracy: 4
    Stun Resist: 1
    Strike Thr: 1
    Heal Amount: 2
    Spell Dmg: 4
    Clairvoyance: 2

    Effect: Sharpshooting V (Worn, Casting Time: Instant)
    Focus: Jaled Dar's Implacable Tenacity IV

    Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)

    He can also drop: Graknar's Tiny Nose Ring

    Spiritwalker's guild leader

    Edited, Feb 16th 2009 11:22pm by SpiritwalkerGuild

    Edited, Feb 16th 2009 11:23pm by SpiritwalkerGuild

    What faction is Trilyaris on?
    probally broken
    # Feb 03 2009 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
    I have tried several of the so called BONUS tasks / every one of them i have tried / every step is broken be it loot an item / kill XX etc.
    little of nothing
    # Jan 25 2009 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
    22 posts
    Task is recieved from the human npc at Korafax/Discord zone in. Was one of the first tasks I was able to get. Now that I am Void F flagged its listed as Bonus: Cruel Overseers in my quest log. There is only one objective. Text reads "Avenge the fallen slaves by killing the murderous overseers." ... Status 0/15 , Zone Toskirakk. I have been in Tosk several times since getting the quest and nothing that I have killed updates it, neither do mobs in the far. I havent looked really hard but I guess that what I am about to do. Let you know if I find anything.
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