The Bubonians Are Coming!  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Faction
  • Loot
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 06:00:00
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:Seeds of Destruction
Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:6
Max. # of Players:12
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sat Oct 11 15:40:47 2008
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This mini-raid (3-12 players) begins with Jerom Bertrand, who may be found at -2561, 370, 6 in the Oceangreen Village (middle of the village, next to Apothecary Cadmael).

Pre-Requisites for Requesting:
- Completed "A Secret Hidden in Plain Sight" (solo task)
- Completed "A Corrupted Arch Priest" (group mission)
- Completed "Remove the Head and the Disease Will Die" (group mission)

You say 'Hail, Jerom Bertrand'

Jerom Bertrand says 'Ah yes. You're the one Cadmael has been speaking of; the one who's ventured into the temple and faced my former master! I shed no tears for his death _____, as death is the natural end of all things, but the day I stumbled upon the filth in the south wing, I knew I had been led astray, and I could no longer continue in my duties. I, and others like me thought we served the great plaguelord Bertoxxulous, yet it seems we were just pawns in some larger agenda. What that agenda is I cannot tell you, but I CAN warn you of the [coming dangers] in hopes someone like yourself can deal with it before it's too late.'

You say, 'Coming dangers?'

Jerom Bertrand says 'Bubonians I think they're called. Horrible vomitous abominations I say. Part man, part fly. I don't know what hell hole they were conjured out of, but their mere existence can only mean death for anyone nearby. I make no apologies for my service to the disease lord, but I never agreed to be part of this atrocity. Someone must [destroy them] before their infestation spreads to these hills and to the world beyond.'

You say, 'We will destroy them'

You have been assigned the task 'The Bubonians Are Coming!'

Though the cultists of the Temple of Bertoxxulous have fled its depths, the infestation of the fly-man creatures called the Bubonians must be removed. Adventurers would be wise to bolster their ranks as the escaped cultist Jerom Bertrand described them as having the strength of ten men.


Note: A named mob - "Swarm Mistress" - can spawn in this zone. It hits for a max ~2,400 and casts "Tsetsian Swarm":

Tsetsian Swarm: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Summon Pets: BTT_FlyLarvaeSwarm x 3 for 20 sec (summons 3x pets)

Among its possible drops (1 item per kill):

Putrid Antenna
Putrid Chitin Shard
Swarm Mistress Antenna

Task Steps

Destroy the growing menace within the Temple of Bertoxxulous 0/1 (Temple of Bertoxxulous)

Return to Jerom Bertrand in Oceangreen Village 0/1 (Oceangreen Village)

Task Window Says: In order to finally rid Oceangreen of this menace once and for all you must completely destroy the true leaders of this abomination. Plaguebearers Scil and Kalcik must be destroyed first, and once they have been dealt with Plaguelord Musca will be flushed from his hiding place. Destroy them all to save this place!

Zone & Setup

Due to the mechanics of the final mob encounter here and depending on your group/raid makeup, you may want to clear the entire zone of mobs before engaging the last mob (Plaguelord Musca).

Trash mobs here are standard difficulty, hitting for a max ~1,550 with no special abilities.

Note that mercenaries are not allowed in this instance.

The Plaguebearers

First, you'll need to find and kill two named mobs: Plaguebearer Scil (in the large room to the south) and Plaguebearer Kalcik (in the room just north of the zone-in).

Plaguebearer Scil hits for a max ~1,550; is immune to mez and stun; and buffs itself with "Acid Spatter":

Acid Spatter: Self 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Increase Damage Shield by 115

Plaguebearer Scil has been slain by _____!
Plaguebearer Scil's corpse sprays filthy ichor as it takes its final breath.

Plaguebearer Kalcik hits for a max ~1,550; is immune to mez and stun; and casts "Fetid Spittle":

Fetid Spittle: Single Target, Disease (-475)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 3000
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 250 per tick (6 minutes)

Plaguebearer Kalcik has been slain by _____!
Plaguebearer Kalcik's corpse sprays filthy ichor as it takes its final breath.

Upon killing the second of the two, you see an emote:

The cloud of pestilence and decay seems to thicken as a slumbering evil awakens.

Plaguelord Musca

Now, you'll need to seek out "Plaguelord Musca", whose spawn point may be random.

Plaguelord Musca hits for a max ~2,400 (no flurry; no rampage); summons when under 97% health; is immune to mez and stun; and casts "Fetid Spittle":

Fetid Spittle: Single Target, Disease (-475)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 3000
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 250 per tick (6 minutes)

It spawns timed adds in waves of two: 2x "a tsetsian creeper". These adds hit for a max ~1,500; are mezzable and stunnable; and cast no spells.

At about 70% health, it goes non-aggro and moves to a random point in the zone.

Re-engage the Plaguelord. Here, it still casts "Fetid Spittle" and spawns adds in sets of two, only now the adds are "a festering ooze" (same melee difficulty; mezzable; stunnable) which proc "Lethargic Fever":

Lethargic Fever: PB AE 50', Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 60%
2: Inhibit Melee Attacks by 60%

At about 40% health, the Plaguelord again goes non-aggro and moves to a random location in the zone.

Re-engage the Plaguelord. It continues casting "Fetid Spittle" and spawning adds in sets of two. The adds in this final portion of the fight are "a tsetsian solder" (hit for a max ~1,550; mezzable; stunnable). At 15% Plaguelord eats a tsetsain soldier every minute which will restore its health back to 20%, you will see the emote "Plaguelord Musca consumes one of his soldiers to strengthen himself" if it eats a soldier. Killing both soldiers from each wave will negate the heal.

NOTE: The Plaguelord has relatively slow regeneration while it's out of combat, but you'll still want to re-engage it quickly after it's moved locations. If you allow it to regenerate too far above one of its previous health checkpoints (70% and 40%), it will move locations upon reaching those health points again.

Kill the Plaguelord to update the first task step.

Plaguelord Musca has been slain by _____!

Task Completion

Outside in Oceangreen Village, hail Jerom Bertrand to complete the task.

You say, 'Hail, Jerom Bertrand'

He says nothing in response, nor is there any closing text, but the task completes here.

Timeshear Purple Fragment Caza
A number of Chronobines

Completion of this task leads into the Queen Malarian raid.
Submitted by: Zrako, Triality, Maelin Starpyre
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# Oct 13 2022 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
105 posts
It should be noted that mercs are unusable in this instance!
# Oct 13 2022 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
401 posts
Because its a raid. :)
# Oct 13 2022 at 9:29 PM Rating: Good
105 posts
My DRU103 made it to the last guy before I ran out of MP and died! lol Killed everything else by herself with DoTs!

Edited, Oct 13th 2022 10:30pm by Arkitana
Additional info:
# Jul 16 2020 at 4:47 PM Rating: Excellent

Plaguelord Musca

At ~15% Plaguelord Musca "eats" a tsetsain soldier. (This appeared to happen every 1 minute) restoring back to ~20% health. Killing both soldiers negates this heal portion.

With 12 in the task, I doubt it would be an issue, or at higher levels... You just need to be able to take the Plaguelord from ~15% to dead, if you ignore the adds.

We did it, at level, with a group of 4. Paused at 20%, killed the 2 soldiers, and then just killed with ease.

Text: Plaguelord Musca consumes one of his soldiers to strengthen himself.

Also to note: Either there is a fixed number of adds that can be up, or Plaguelord ONLY summons 2 soldiers max. That is to say, only 2 soldiers were ever up at once. Plaguelord Musca kept resummoning 2 soldiers, replacing the existing ones, until we killed them, then did a burn from 15% down.
Fun fact
# Feb 28 2020 at 11:29 PM Rating: Excellent
190 posts
A small tidbit for those that care about the lore. Bubonians are the rodent-men in the Plane of Disease, not the fly-men, despite what the quest title and dialogue say. The name, of course, is a nod to the bubonic plague and it's association with rodents. Killing bubonians also counts as credit toward the rodent slaying achievements. They even have an achievement all of their own: Of Micelike Men!

Edited, Mar 1st 2020 5:49am by Valbrant
The bubonians are coming, Zoning in.
# Oct 02 2014 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
twice I have tried to zone in and been booted out. 4 box, 80 mage, 85 chanter, 87 ranger and an 85 cleric. mage and ranger have completed all the tasks up to this one. mage request the group task and all 4 get it in the task window. I start zoning them in, chanter first with his mezz DS on to give me time to get the others in. but they all get booted out. and I get the message that I can't have a merc. All merc's are suspended. does this mean that I can't even have a suspended merc? or is it the cleric and chanter not having done the task's up to this one, even though it shows up in there task window. or is there something else that I'am missing. From the message's I'am getting the fight is on. mezz ds seems to be working but when the screen comes up on the 4th character there all standing out side of bertoxx. The order was chanter, mage, cleric then ranger. If I try to switch between characters while zoning to see whats going on it tends to just freeze up till there all in, or out as the case may be. Any thoughts?
The bubonians are coming, Zoning in.
# Jan 08 2015 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
This might be a little late, but I think your issue is that not all of your toons have completed the tasks up to this point. I just attempted this task 3 boxing a warrior, druid and shammy. When I did the request all mercs were still out and were automatically suspended upon zoning in. I think if you get everyone at the same point you will be able to zone in with no issues.
Game mechanics have changed
# Feb 02 2014 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Looks like the game mechanics have changed. Pulling him to a side room no longer works.
If you are taking a group that is NOT over powered, the best way to beat this is to have some one that can succor.

The technique that I used was rather "brute force".
Clear the lesser named and the fountain room at the very least.
Engage the final boss and beat on him until he "wonders" out of the room ....
Immediately succor and as soon as you land, run to the fountain room.
Then keep on beating on the final boss until he is dead.

This strategy requires GOOD healing, and LOTS of DPS (assuming you are not over powering the mission).
# Nov 03 2013 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
Plaguelord Musca spawned in the room farthest Southeast, became immune at 60% and then
moved to the center of the Fountain room.
# Aug 08 2013 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
I am doing the Hero's Journey and came up against this one listed as a 6-12 person raid. I, as a 100 Druid, along with a 100 SK, and an out of zone 100 shaman were able to request this and get it. It showed as a shared task, not a raid. The two of us entered, completed the tasks, and after zoning out and hailing the NPC were indeed rewarded with the completion of this task and the Advancement Achievement for Cleansing the Temple.
No Mercs
# Jan 24 2013 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
I think someone said it earlier but it caught me offguard when I zoned in to the ambush of 4 mobs... mercs allowed in this instanced so be prepared to solo with heal pots or a healer in group.
Have to pull final named far away
# Nov 17 2012 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Just to clarify a point. When they say "pull far away", you need to pull the final named farther away from his spawn point then the next room over.
I tried killing him by just pulling him in to the next room over. After getting 40 adds, I finally died.
So I enlisted some more help and pulled him to the alter room (2 rooms away). The enlisted help were teasing me about how easy it was.

Then my brother figured he would do the same mission. He rushed the final named mob and after about 60 spawns, he died. So he asked me for some help. I pulled the final named over a couple rooms (I think it is called the throne room) and it was MUCH easier again.

Probably could be 3 boxed, if you pull him far enough away.
Have to pull final named far away
# Dec 20 2013 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
HolyCowPetter wrote:
Just to clarify a point. When they say "pull far away", you need to pull the final named farther away from his spawn point then the next room over.
I tried killing him by just pulling him in to the next room over. After getting 40 adds, I finally died.
So I enlisted some more help and pulled him to the alter room (2 rooms away). The enlisted help were teasing me about how easy it was.

Then my brother figured he would do the same mission. He rushed the final named mob and after about 60 spawns, he died. So he asked me for some help. I pulled the final named over a couple rooms (I think it is called the throne room) and it was MUCH easier again.

Probably could be 3 boxed, if you pull him far enough away.

This no longer works. We tried pulling him to 3 different rooms and always got adds spawning in the room we fought him in. We tried room to the far south, we tried hidden room behind library, and we tried hidden passage behind altar. Never worked. I guess we could try with more dps but healer bard enchanter is not going to cut it.
edit: Im told this is made for 12 players. doh

Edited, Dec 20th 2013 9:47pm by svann
Possible Namer Spawn
# Dec 28 2010 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Spawn Mistress spawned during this mission. Dropped Swarm Mistress Antenna.

Had same faction hits as any tsetsian mob in mission.
my notes
# Jun 14 2010 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
167 posts

We had problems with the elevator nonsense and some unexpected event script mechanics. It wasn't elegant and got a bit chaotic at times so I apologize some details may be sketchy. What I recall was this:

- Zone in to the ambush and kill named at entrance
- Clear south rooms, including second named
- Clear zone except final named
- Pull named away from his spawn pt (1) to some other spot (2)
- Fight named fast, ignoring adds at other spot (2)
- At 70% he fled back to spawn point (1). Let him go.
- Kill the adds he spawned at spot (2)
- Pull named away from his spawn point (1) again.
- Fight named fast, ignore adds, at spot (2)
- At 60% he fled back to spawn point (1) again
- This time he spawns a swarm around himself at spawn spot (1)
- Kill the adds he spawned away from spawn point (2)
- Rush him at his spawn (1) noting that he is surrounded by goos
- At 40% he fled back to fight spot (2) and started spawning adds
- Raid split: Group 1 finished off goos at spot (1)
- Raid split: Group 2 followed boss to spot (2) and engaged
- Group 1 joined Group 2, burn down boss
- Kill off remaining adds
Additional info if you wipe
# Apr 25 2010 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Just on the off chance that someone else (besides me and my husband) are trying this, if you fail, all three named respawn with the adds in the rooms. Least they did for us, they were up when we got back into zone after rezzing.

85 mage/cleric with chanter box (who just tashed, slowed and nuked) cleared the zone and got the first two named down. On the final named, we got through the first part (to 70% when he moves). But the named did NOT have slow regen. After he moved, we finished up the adds, and named was at 92%. We engaged and managed to get him to around 56% when we wiped to too many adds hitting the pet (so my heals weren't quick enough).
- Definitely suggest you bring more than we had for the final named.
Mistress Artisan Crystilla The Persistent Serving Wench, The Hand of Serilis
Phoenix Ascending / Erollisi Marr server
# Nov 15 2009 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
All mobs, including named, were light blue to level 85.

Three named in order were

- Plaguebearer Kalcik
- Plaguebearer Scil
- Plaguebearer Musca

Could mez all but the named.
# Oct 07 2009 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
What kind of gear drops from this? Havnt seen any links yet.
something to add
# Oct 02 2009 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
No Merc's can be used for this one. The Named have a good bit of HP versus previous tasks. Do not seem to hit all that much harder though. GL
# Aug 21 2009 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
# Sep 10 2009 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with this strat, and would like to add a few notes. Definately clear ENTIRE zone before killing last "mini" named and spawning final boss. With the final boss, espically on the last fight, best best is to have the majority of your force mega burn the named while having 1 or 2 folks somehow controll the adds he creates(ENC is best for this with AEmezz), as he spawns adds in large numbers way to fast to stand a chance of killing them then getting to the named. Hopefully he should die w/o creating too many adds to clean up after he goes down.
this one one fun task
# Dec 01 2008 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
heh just did this.

tryed one grouping it. super easy til you get to the main named.

then we had to call reinforcements.

the biggest help was a chanter lol.

also, once you get him below 40, he'll eat his two flys regaining health. they also repop instantly. for added DPS, they're charmable, but he still eats them lol. also, they can be in another room and he'll still gobble em down like a fine Christmas (or Kwanzaa?) ham.

biggest help for fighting him during that last 40% stretch? stuns. without stuns and charming our ragtag group and a half werent enough dps to keep up with his eatting which occurred i think every 30 seconds or so.

overall, quite fun!

Edited, Dec 2nd 2008 12:42am by XmoneenX
First 2 tasks...
# Nov 30 2008 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
The first two tasks you have to complete in order to request this raid are A Corrupted Arch Priest and Remove the Head and the Disease Will Die (which hasn't been added yet). Both given by Apothecary Cadmael in Oceangreen Village. I posted details on the second task under Apothecary Cadmael but here they are again.

"Remove the Head and the Disease Will Die"

Find the Scumlord - updates by touching the door to the flies (south eastern) section of Bertox.

Find a way past the locked door - Machinator Grengwar drops Pitted Key, spawned in room passed the library.

Find a way past the locked door - Prime Lector Quillok drops Rusted Key, spawned in the room on east side in front of fountain.

Open the door to the southern portion of the temple - Self explanitory, click on the locked door.

Kill 1 Scumlord Heyanti - Spawns in southern most room all alone, White con to lvl 82. Room before him and his room has an AE, Fog of Corruption (reduced) disease 16 counters, 100 a tick.

Speak with Apothecary Cadmael - just hail him.

Loot dropper was Putrid Assassin, dropped Tarnished Skullhead Ring, he was also in room past the library, but wasn't up when mission started, spawned sometime while we were clearing to the library.

Rewards were 180 Chronobines, Timeshear Purple Fragment Beza, and faction with Cirtan, Bayle's Herald

Edited, Dec 1st 2008 7:20am by Arkmaster
re on coin
# Oct 13 2008 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
192 posts
The system does not provide for exact coin amounts. The current system provides a number of coins based on usage. This system is identical to the system used in TBS missions. The factions are therefore related to the amount of coin. As an estimate depending on quests and other factors the range for ally has been between 1900 - 2600 chronobines.
In days gone by, I remember the flowers and the sky
killed on fenninro 10/11/08
# Oct 11 2008 at 12:41 PM Rating: Default
This event has serious issues with the script but is doable with 2 groups fairly well equipt ( solt/mmm ) This is a 12man raid

A few things:

Sometimes when you get instance one of the nameds spawns to close to zone in and auto aggros and trains on zone in - get a new instance

The first two nameds (Plauge Bearer "soandso") both extremely easy but High hp's
when they are both downed Plaguelord Musca spawns,


He is pretty weak melee but a ton of hp, He seems to spawn adds on a timer (4 flies first) then 2 sets of 6 oozes then more flies (ae mez) at 70% he gates to another location in zone and adds will stay where they spawned (do not depop)

Reengage Musca, at 40% he will gate to another location ( he will summon a few before mem bluring ( SO BUGGY )

We were able to kill him at this location with minor adds, event was buggy but in total I think we got 24 oozes (to high of hp to kill while offtanking named)
and 8 Flies, When he died he Dropped no loot and spawned no chest ( much to my dismay )

Reward was 45 chronobines and + faction to Irregulars, Citran, bayles Herald, residents of oceangreen

I will get more exact information next time we kill him ( if there is indeed any reason to do this, I can get 45chronobines in 15mins so the risk versus reward on this task is very dissapointing

Was a three hour lockout on this task so I doubt a chest will be implemented.

I could not find another task after this.
killed on fenninro 10/11/08
# Oct 17 2008 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
125 posts
well from what i saw when i tried this event there wasnt a named that spawned too close to the zone in its a random zone mob and easy to kill. I have only done this twice and the same mob agroed both times.

Mucus will spawn 2 bugs every 3 ticks or so untill he hits 70% then he will run to his spawn point and go inactive for a few seconds. When he becomes active again he will start spawming goos. At 40% he will run out of the room and to the right and go inactive in that room for a few seconds. When he becomes active again he spawns a few more sets of adds then i believe he stops but there were way too many mobs to be able to keep track of the adds.

I had a chanter ae mezzing and a sk ae agroing while the rest of the raid burns mucus down. At then end the sk kited adds around while we peeled them off and killed them.. until i ae taunted and furioused/defensived them and we killed them that way.

This event is definatly ment for lvl 85's or very talented people. I think it is way too hard for the reward but after i finished this and all the group tasks in the hills i was allowed to request raids but cant do it untill expansion goes live.
killed on fenninro 10/11/08
# Oct 12 2008 at 11:58 AM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
mallorian wrote:
This event has serious issues with the script but is doable with 2 groups fairly well equipt ( solt/mmm ) This is a 12man raid

A few things:

Sometimes when you get instance one of the nameds spawns to close to zone in and auto aggros and trains on zone in - get a new instance

The first two nameds (Plauge Bearer "soandso") both extremely easy but High hp's
when they are both downed Plaguelord Musca spawns,


He is pretty weak melee but a ton of hp, He seems to spawn adds on a timer (4 flies first) then 2 sets of 6 oozes then more flies (ae mez) at 70% he gates to another location in zone and adds will stay where they spawned (do not depop)

Reengage Musca, at 40% he will gate to another location ( he will summon a few before mem bluring ( SO BUGGY )

We were able to kill him at this location with minor adds, event was buggy but in total I think we got 24 oozes (to high of hp to kill while offtanking named)
and 8 Flies, When he died he Dropped no loot and spawned no chest ( much to my dismay )

Reward was 45 chronobines and + faction to Irregulars, Citran, bayles Herald, residents of oceangreen

I will get more exact information next time we kill him ( if there is indeed any reason to do this, I can get 45chronobines in 15mins so the risk versus reward on this task is very dissapointing

Was a three hour lockout on this task so I doubt a chest will be implemented.

I could not find another task after this.

Logs would be particularly useful.
killed on fenninro 10/11/08
# Oct 16 2008 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
192 posts
as a side note to the admin -- most of the new quests are blocking reacquisition of them, so once someone completes the request they are often not capable of reacquiring it. As for pathing I can provide some detail but I do not have raid directions as it was not needed due to the zone named bug we had.
In days gone by, I remember the flowers and the sky
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