Dwinn #8: A Working Crystal  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
Quest Items:
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Era:Secrets of Faydwer
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
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Entered: Fri Jan 25 18:22:10 2008
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is the eighth of nine tasks in a quest arc for a +25 Purity augmentation. It begins with Dwinn Axeheaver who can be found in the Loping Plains in the Fang Breakers camp near the zone-in from the Steamfont Mountains at -1407, -3264. You are assigned this task automatically upon completing the previous one.

You have been assigned the task 'A Working Crystal'

  • 1. Return to Kassaillia and ask her about the rituals

    You say, 'Hail, Kassailla Flameleaf'

    Kassailla Flameleaf says 'I'm glad you're still looking into this _____. As a matter of fact I have seen another ritual similar to the one we saw out on the island. I left the area quickly though so did not see much of what was occurring there. If you visit the crypt in the graveyard at night you may be able to catch the orcs using these crystals. You'll want to make sure they have what you're after before attacking, or else you may miss out on your only opportunity to retrieve a fully powered crystal.'

  • 2. Obtain a fully charged crystal from the ritual in the crypt

    The event including High Shaman Nirvag spawns at +860 +3840 +401. Location for your in game map file:
    P -3820.6194, -867.4306, 398.0454, 240, 0, 0, 3, High_Shaman_Nivag

    Spawn time is 7pm each game night and despawn time is 5am. A lost soul appears.

    High Shaman Nivag says "Begin the ritual. We must get this crystal charged for the prophet or it will mean our heads!"

    A lost soul disappears in a dark flash.

    High Shaman Nivag says "Excellent, the crystal is fully charged now. We must make haste back to the keep!"

    Kill Nirvag first at his spawnpoint while adds are kited, rooted, or offtanked (may be mezzable). Loot the Humming Black Shard from Nirvag. If you drag Nirvag away from his spawnpoint he may not drop the shards. You must kill him before 5am, otherwise he may despawn.

  • 3. Return the Humming Black crystal to Dwinn

    Dwinn Axeheaver stares intently at the crystal for several moments. 'This crystal is overflowing with terror and grief. You can feel the cries of souls trapped within it. The souls captured within these crystals must be what is boosting the power of these orcs spells. This cannot be tolerated. We must find the leader of these orcs and put a stop to this practice. Perhaps we can use this crystal as a [lure] for one of the higher ranking orcs.

    Completion of this task leads into a ninth and final task in the series.
  • Rewards:
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    RE: Random skeletons
    # Apr 27 2023 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
    105 posts
    Just in case anyone doesn't know, the skeletones that roam the area will make the orcs link with them!
    two attempts at event
    # Sep 10 2021 at 3:40 AM Rating: Excellent
    32 posts
    I have looked at this event twice, in which the second time completed it.

    First time, I've gone to the graveyard in the north west of the zone, having first talked to the elf as per quest instructions.

    No event mobs up, during the day, some skeleton mobs wandering so fought those for exp while waited.
    Sitting by the hill, looking north to the gravestones. The graveyard fence, to my right ( east ).

    Night time. 7pm came around, and understood this is perhaps later than the earlier night time event in "An Orcish Ritual" (Dwinn #4). Looking here on other discussions people had commented about waiting near midnight. Sure enough, it was after midnight and the shaman spawned with some of his buddies.

    With invis on, I walked up to the shaman and his first emote was given, about begin the ritual.
    I had backed away a little, and saw another emote about the lost soul. Then another, and the second lost soul was gone.
    Waited, but there were no more emotes, no lost souls visible and time ticked over another game hour.

    I decided to engage. The shaman died, no crystal drop. His buddies had died and there were some lost souls up. Thought, maybe I should have waited longer.

    Logged out, and did some other stuff on other characters for a little while, and relogged back in for 7pm.
    Low and behold, the event is ready! Shaman is up, and his buddies and the lost souls are wandering around.

    For this second attempt, with invis up, I went close and he again gave his first emote.
    He consumes 3x lost souls.
    Then he emoted about the crystal being fully charged.

    Now I attacked, the shaman ran at low health, he died a bit further north up the graveyard, and did have the crystal! yay!
    From this can think, doesn't need to be on the exact spot now.

    Those emotes for consuming lost souls, went by quite quickly. I think it depends how many are wandering around.
    I'd suggest, if you can see 3 when you go close to him to trigger the first emote, then the event should progress quite quickly.

    Another important thing to note as lessons learned.

    It looked to me that If the shamans buddies die while the shaman is still up, more immediately spawn to assist.
    However once the shaman is down, then his buddies can be taken care of with no further respawns.

    Edited, Sep 10th 2021 4:45am by Kanstorm
    Humming Black crystal
    # Jan 21 2016 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
    Is the Humming Black crystal prelootable or not ?
    Spawns at 11pm game time
    # Mar 09 2014 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
    31 posts
    Spawns at 11pm. Waited from 7pm until 11pm for him to appear.
    A few more notes
    # Aug 31 2013 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
    671 posts
    I have tried this a couple times now and this is what I've noticed....

    The time that I hail Kassailla doesn't seem to matter much, I've hailed before 7 and after 7 and achieved the same result. I believe it's Dwinn #4 that is time dependent, not this one.

    The ritual spawned at midnight for me both times now. Also, if you're not taking the time to add the point to your map, if you're looking at the map, it's the left hand side of the grave yard at the southern end. EDIT: On the third and fourth go at this one, it spawned at half 11 for me. I know the /time doesn't give half hours to game time, but I was pretty much spamming /time and I knew it had rolled over past 11pm, and then about a min later, the event spawned (on the fourth attempt, I noticed that the event spawned 1:17 after the time changed to 11pm). (also as side note, when I just zoned the event was "up", but it despawned at 4am.)

    The skellies in the area don't "despawn" there just aren't many of them and they are all pathers. They will wander back into your area after the ritual spawns if you haven't timed clearing them correctly.

    The Acolytes can be calmed, but they still seem to be aggro linked...that or I just waited too long to pull the high shaman out of the middle and they came because of that. I'm going to do this task for two more characters, I'll test again when I do it with them and update if I can single pull him out of the group.

    I pulled the high shaman out of the group and fought him on the hill at the southern end, he still dropped the crystal at the end.

    If I get anymore helpful hints when I do this for the next two characters, I'll edit the post.

    Good luck!

    Edit: Also in the third go at the event, I had trouble getting the emote to go off. I had invised my necro and just parked her at the gravestone while I waited for the event to spawn. The emote was not given no matter how much I ran around the area. I had to move far away from the mobs and THEN go back to them to get the emote to 'start the ritual'

    First attempt, I was interrupted by someone who was oblivious to what this event is/was for and he decided to just KS and pull all the mobs away before I could get the event started. I then repeated it three more times for three characters I have at 77/78.

    Edited, Sep 1st 2013 9:35am by Kynsh
    Aanuvane Bristlecone 350 Baking, Brewing, Jewelry Making, Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Fletching, Pottery, Research, 250 Fishing
    Muertenie Petitmort 350 Master Tinker
    Kadcea 350 Master Alchemist
    Orelinde 350 Master Poison Maker
    Kynsh/Rabon/Atracker and a whole host of additional alts
    Povar via Quellious via Rodcet Nife

    A few more notes
    # Sep 11 2019 at 6:14 AM Rating: Excellent
    131 posts
    Just to add my 2cp, I had him spawn twice - the first time was exactly at midnight but I was dumb enough to be fighting a wandering skelly that meant the HSN aggroed me before he'd subsumed any lost soul, which meant he didn't drop the humming crystal.

    Came back a RL day later and waited (invis) until he spawned just before 1am, I saw him dispose of a couple of souls and was able to pull him to the hillside and get a couple of DoTs on him before his gang arrived. Killed him and grabbed the crystal then ported out while the acolytes killed my merc.
    works fine now
    # Aug 18 2012 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
    485 posts
    I went through this task recently for the hero achievement. It works fine. The mobs will spawn as posted in the graveyard. Before they spawn the undead in that immediate area will despawn so you don't have to worry about them. The only way to get the emote working is to have some one that has the task run up to the named mob while invisible. This will trigger the emote stuff. As already posted he will mention when the ritual is complete and talks about returning to the keep. Kill him at this point. He drops 1 stone only. So if your boxing this in my case 4 boxing this you will have to do this over again. Only one spawn a night. I went each night around 7pm game time and just waited. At least once he spawned at 8pm game time and another time i had to wait until 1am game time. The other 2 times i showed up he was already spawned. This was after 12am game time. Hard to believe so many people had problems with this task and didn't figure out they had to actually have the task and go up to the named mob to see the emotes. Though knowing SOE it may really have been broken at the time of those posts.
    works fine now
    # Dec 18 2015 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
    463 posts
    As others have noted, the key seems to be "move up to the high shaman". I feigned death and waited at the spawn point, and the mobs spawned (at various times, but mostly between 11pm and midnight) but never began the ritual until I got up (invis) and moved north past the graveyard entrance and then back. I killed the skellies that had noticed me, then re-invised and ran up to the shaman to FD again. This was at about 3am. As I ran up he immediately began the ritual, the three lost souls vanished very quickly, and he declared the ritual complete.
    Sukrasisx (105 monk) / Terrwini (67 druid) / Teviron (59 shadowknight) / Wizbeau (36 wizard)
    -- Mystic Coercion, EMarr
    works fine now
    # Dec 18 2015 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
    463 posts
    As others have noted, the key seems to be "move up to the high shaman". I feigned death and waited at the spawn point, and the mobs spawned (at various times, but mostly between 11pm and midnight) but never began the ritual until I got up (invis) and moved north past the graveyard entrance and then back. I killed the skellies that had noticed me, then re-invised and ran up to the shaman to FD again. This was at about 3am. As I ran up he immediately began the ritual, the three lost souls vanished very quickly, and he declared the ritual complete.
    Sukrasisx (105 monk) / Terrwini (67 druid) / Teviron (59 shadowknight) / Wizbeau (36 wizard)
    -- Mystic Coercion, EMarr
    spawn time
    # Feb 06 2011 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
    1,308 posts
    spawn time was 1 AM
    no emote
    # Sep 11 2010 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
    10 posts
    I've been through 8 or 9 spawns of this guy and he has yet to give his emote. Any suggestions? I'm tired of waiting an hour between spawns
    # May 21 2010 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
    44 posts
    Shaman, 4 acolytes and 3 lost souls spawned at approx 1am game time.
    Shaman and acolytes stood around and watched the lost souls randomly wander around until approx 5am game time when everything despawned.

    No emote at all.

    Repeated quest, same result.
    Killed shaman and acolytes, no Humming Black Crystal of course.

    Spawn time
    # Nov 07 2009 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
    228 posts
    It didnt spawn for e until 12am game time.
    Spawn time
    # Dec 06 2009 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
    spawned for me also at 12:00 am. I pulled and killed the 4 adds, then invised up and went in to him, he spit out the emote and poof disappeared. The time was about 4am.
    # Sep 01 2009 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
    133 posts
    P -3820.6194, -867.4306, 398.0454, 240, 0, 0, 3, High_Shaman_Nivag
    map file name: lopingplains

    Got quest then hailed Kassailla Flameleaf after 7pm gametime (didn't read quest info entirely), High Shaman Nivag didn't spawn until 12am and didn't drop the crystal. Waited for next spawn which again didn't pop until 12am, no crystal dropped again. Finally read information further then dropped quest and got a new one (hail Dwinn) then went and hailed Kassailla Flameleaf. High Shaman Nivag spawned at 7pm and even though he walked pretty far away from his spawn point once low health and before I could kill thim, he did indeed drop the crystal.

    Edited, Sep 2nd 2009 2:04am by Jyyn
    This is suck
    # Jun 14 2009 at 12:32 AM Rating: Default
    This task is super irritating. I've got the high shaman to spawn 3 times now, once he just depopped, 2nd time i couldn't get him to start the ritual, and 3rd time he did everything and I got the right messages and he didn't drop the crystal. Each time you have to wait over an hour to do it again.

    Make sure when you kill him you keep him very close to his spawn point, I'm guessing the last time I killed him he was just too far away. I don't understand why they make quests like this.
    This is suck
    # Jun 28 2009 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
    As of this date (6-27-09) this event is still @#%^ed up. Popped only at 1am, no emotes, poofed at 5am

    Dropped task as suggested, renewed task, hailed Kassailla for update, ..no pop at 7pm...yet another pop at 1 AM.

    Waited till 3 am...no emotes..no nothing again, killed High Shaman Nivag..no drop.

    Nice of Sony to wait until step 8 out of 9 to bug the quest, now that hours have been put into it. I guess it could have been worse...they could have waited until step 9 to **** me off.


    Edit 6-28:

    Two more attempts: 1. As always he pops at 1 am, never at 7PM. This time he finally gave message that "the crystal is fully cahrged blah, blah, blah"
    I rooted him at his spot, took adds away and AE rooted them, went back and killed him....No crystal.

    2. I went afk and came back 2 eq days later, waited for pop. He pops...at 1 am, no emotes, I wait until 4am and kill him at his spot...no crystal.

    On none of the 4 atempts has he ever used the first emote, and only one time did he emote having the crystal...(of course he lied as he didnt have it on him after I killed him).

    On all attempts I have approached him, sat at his feet and run circles around him to "trigger" the event.

    So...I will get a new task and try it again, as evidently you need to renew this task to even have a chance of him emoting about having the crystal.

    Edited, Jun 28th 2009 3:43pm by dirht

    Edit 6-29:

    Today's first attempt...same crap...no 7PM pop, just the 1AM pop. I invis to him, he never emotes anything, I wait till a couple minutes past the 4AM point and kill him....no crystal.

    I spend about an hour doing a petition on this BS event, I hit continue on petition...says...you fail...forgot catagory...hit the back button....there aint no friggin back button on there dumbass petition window and my normal back button for browsers is on my mouse #5 button, which, of course, Sony doesnt recognize. So...now I'm even more pissed than ever. I check Norrath time and its about 6pm, so I head back over to event area. I get there and lookie there! The event has popped. Not at 1 AM this time. I invis up to him, he immediatly does emote number one. After he catches about 3 souls, he does emote number 2. I root him at his spot, drag adds off and ae root them, go back and kill him and ...finally...the needed item drops.
    So...I still have no idea on how to offer any useful advice on completing this part of the quest other than it requires blind luck.

    Edited, Jun 29th 2009 10:33am by dirht

    Edited, Jun 29th 2009 4:34pm by dirht
    This is suck
    # Nov 26 2015 at 2:00 AM Rating: Default
    77 posts
    And devs wonder why we want to beat the crap out of them. Most of them are pricks who must have been picked on in grade school so they get their kicks doing crap like this.
    approach the shammy
    # Jun 02 2009 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
    221 posts
    Invis up and approach the shammy (use normal invis). This will trigger the event. Wait for the emote telling you it is fully charged and then attack. Shammy drops ONLY 1 crystal.

    * If you do not approach the middle of the ritual taking place it will never progress to the point where you get the emote so you may then loot. Also do not kill the Shammy before you get the emote or you will once again not get the crystal you are seeking.

    Edited, Jun 2nd 2009 7:04pm by tripodvi
    # Mar 09 2009 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
    222 posts
    Found that if the person with the task, walks into the center of the ceramony invised, you will get the emote.
    # May 27 2009 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
    240 posts
    If you don't wait for this emote, High Shaman will not drop the crystal... Then you get to wait another 24 game hrs :(
    # Jan 08 2009 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
    183 posts
    Named is rootable/snareable, which I wish I had realized early on; I got him low health and didn't even see him start to walk away with the other mobs on top of my head.

    Additionally, killing an add (acolyte) causes another to instantly respawn, so don't waste your time trying to get the adds dead first if you go solo as I did.
    Only drops one crystal?
    # Oct 01 2008 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
    A guildie and I were both working on this quest, except I've had mine open and at this stage for some time. When we killed the namer, though, he only dropped one Crystal.

    If more than one person is doing this, I suggest all of them drop the quest if they have it, and reacquire it from Dwinn. If that doesn't work, then maybe it's just been changed. I don't see how we could have done anything wrong...we fought him right on his spawn point and he never ran more than a couple feet in any direction.
    The Hail is Important!
    # Sep 17 2008 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
    45 posts
    A few additional notes:

    It seems that hailing Kassaillia causes the next shaman/orc/lost souls spawn to appear at 7PM instead of 1AM. Otherwise they just spawn at 1AM and you will see the first message, but never see the second. I saw this several times, until I decided to start the task over and redo the Kassaillia hail.

    If you miss the 7PM-1AM initial spawn window, you can remove yourself from the task and get it again from Dwinn by just hailing him.

    I waited until 1AM to agro the orcs. When I agroed them, the 2nd message "Excellent, the crystal is fully charged now. We must make haste back to the keep!" appeared immediately. Killed the shaman only, and died to the other orcs. I ran back to loot his corpse and the crystal was on him.
    Dwinn #8
    # Sep 10 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
    7 posts
    For those of you /loc challenged like myself and prefer landmarks , the spawn point is near HoS zoneline, graveyard on the left(if heading to HoS) , the absoloute back of the graveyard.

    I confirmed spawn time is 1am game time and despawn time is 5am game time. High Shaman Nirvag spawns in the middle of 4 even con orc and it is a yellow con named at 80. I saw no scripting emotes whatsoever , so am assuming can be attacked right away. Clear any skellies that may be roaming prior to spawn helps. The 3 lost souls that also spawned did not desapwn at any point in time accept at 5 am , that is when everything despawned.
    # Jul 03 2008 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
    This event now spawns at 1:00 am gametime in most cases.

    The mobs are inactive until they go through a chanting script. During the script, the named captures the three lost soul sprit mobs inside a crystal. Once all three are gone, the named and his four orc guards become active.

    Don't kite him too far or the lost spirits escape from the crystal and he drops nothing but air when killed.
    Sometimes bugs.
    # Mar 06 2008 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
    102 posts
    Nothing at all spawned at seven, nothing spawned until 1am. The shaman, the four adds, and a few ghosts spawned. The shaman gave his first message, but never the second one about 'the crystal is fully charged now.' Waited as long as we could for the second message, but it never came, and when we decided to just go for it, we didn't get him dead before 5pm and they all despawned.

    Hooray for bugged events.
    A Working Crystal
    # Mar 06 2008 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
    This event does spawn at 7 pm game time.Once it starts you must wait until 1 pm and at this point you will see the named say some text-High Shaman Nivag says "Excellent, the crystal is fully charged now. We must make haste back to the keep!" Now you are ready to kill the named while you cc adds.If you try and kill the named before you see the text he will not drop a crystal.
    # Feb 18 2008 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
    91 posts
    You say, 'Hail, Kassailla Flameleaf'

    Kassailla Flameleaf says 'I'm glad you're still looking into this Bozacks. As a matter of fact I have seen another ritual similar to the one we saw out on the island. I left the area quickly though so did not see much of what was occurring there. If you visit the crypt in the graveyard at night you may be able to catch the orcs using these crystals. You'll want to make sure they have what you're after before attacking, or else you may miss out on your only opportunity to retrieve a fully powered crystal.'


    on turn-in

    Dwinn Axeheaver stares intently at the crystal for several moments. 'This crystal is overflowing with terror and grief. You can feel the cries of souls trapped within it. The souls captured within these crystals must be what is boosting the power of these orcs spells. This cannot be tolerated. We must find the leader of these orcs and put a stop to this practice. Perhaps we can use this crystal as a [lure] for one of the higher ranking orcs.'
    Dwinn #8
    # Feb 09 2008 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
    110 posts
    Nirvag spawns at p860 p3840 p401. Kill him first at spawn. kite, root or offtank adds. They might be mezzable. Dragged him down to road twice and he did not drop crystals.

    Edited, Feb 9th 2008 7:06pm by twoma
    # Jan 29 2008 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
    23 posts
    Event spawns 7pm, despawns 5am.

    Invis, watch event begin, you will see a lost despawn, accompanied by the following text:

    High Shaman Nivag says "Begin the ritual. We must get this crystal charged for the prophet or it will mean our heads!"

    A lost soul disappears in a dark flash.

    High Shaman Nivag says "Excellent, the crystal is fully charged now. We must make haste back to the keep!"

    At this point the charged crystal can be looted from High Shaman Nivag. Dropped 2 for us, along with a rk2 spell. Killed him near the HoS zoneline, and did not see the prophet in either hit.

    A second attempt tonite, no spawn from 7-12, it did however spawn at 1am. It dropped a single part. The Lost Soul mobs stayed up through the day. My first attempt, which began at 7pm, the Lost Souls were also up. Perhaps the event starts at 1am, but if the Lost Souls are spawned, due to a wipe perhaps, they remain active and the event spawns earlier? Still unsure about the multiple drops.

    Edited, Jan 30th 2008 5:53am by ironhands
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