Access to Crystallos: Beyond the Barrier  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Secrets of Faydwer
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Nov 27 18:35:50 2007
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is the task that must be completed in order to access Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened. To finish this task, you will also need access to the non-instanced Meldrath's Majestic Mansion (granted midway through this task.

NOTE! Make sure to actually get the "Beyond the Barrier" task before picking up containers or doing any combines in this task.

For locations related to this task, see these maps:

Dragonscale Hills Loping Plains Hills of Shade Meldrath's Majestic Mansion Basement

"Beyond the Barrier" is the main task. It is obtained by speaking with one of the four siblings involved, all of whom are located in the Dragonscale Hills:

Aring: -25, +1815 (southwest alcove)
Jashy: +165, +375 (south area before brownies)
Tonas: +2200, -50 (middle of map)
Vesiss: +1860, +2275 (far midwest of map)

Each has the same dialogue:

You say, 'Hail, Tonas'

Tonas says 'Greetings _____. I pray that your days are [brighter] than mine, and I wish you well.'

You say, 'Brighter?'

Tonas says 'My heart is heavy with worry. I am here in these hills searching with my siblings for our lost brother. Our brother has always been rash and after a falling out with the rest of us he made his way here, alone. We have come to [search] for him for we fear what would happen if we did not.'

You say, 'Search?'

Tonas says 'My siblings and I all have a certain affinity for each other, one that is subtly magical in nature. No matter the distance we can always find each other. Or at least that was true until very recently, in the case of our brother. We sensed that he entered a stretch of hills in this area but he [vanished] from our sight sometime after. I cannot express to you the worry that this has caused us.'

You say, 'Vanished?!'

Tonas says 'In the south eastern area of this region there are strange prismatic hills of unknown origin. A strange substance has taken root there and pools of still prismatic liquid have collected in various locations. Beyond these hills is a barrier that we are unable to pass. It is our belief that our brother has somehow moved past this barrier and is [lost] to us now.'

You say, 'Lost?'

Tonas says 'Try as we might, my siblings and I are not strong enough to pierce this barrier, although we have divined a way that another might accomplish this feat, if that individual was stronger than we. Would you [dare] to try?'

You say, 'I'll dare'

Tonas says 'Excellent! To succeed you will need to assemble a ward that should provide you with the means to move beyond the barrier in the Prismatic Hills. Come, I will show you one of the small tasks you must perform to accomplish this feat. My siblings and I will each have such a task for you and when you have accomplished each the deed will be done. I beg of you to find our brother and bring back word of his health!'

You have been assigned the task 'Beyond the Barrier'.

(You are also assigned one of the 'Our Lost Brother - Find the Container' tasks.)

Locate Tonas and help him with the task of obtaining the crystal base. Locate Vesiss and help him with the task of obtaining the crystal base. Locate Jashy and help him with the task of obtaining the crystal base. Locate Aring and help him with the task of obtaining the crystal base.

Help Tonas by obtaining the Clear Crystal Base 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

This step updates when you pick up a Clear Crystal Base, a container groundspawn in Falrazim's cave in the Dragonscale Hills (marked on this map).

If you do not have the task Our Lost Brother - Find the Container I from Tonas, you can get it by saying the keyword "dare". While you MUST pick up the container, the sub-task itself isn't actually required for Crystallos access. It is only necessary to spawn some named golems later on.

Help Vesiss by obtaining the Cloudy Crystal Base 0/1 (Loping Plains)

This step updates when you pick up a Cloudy Crystal Base, a container groundspawn in the Loping Plains (marked on this map -- location -100.24, -2703.64, 334.74 in a minotaur cave - entered along the steep cliffs just west of the Steamfont Mountains zone).

If you do not have the task Our Lost Brother - Find the Container II from Vesiss, you can get it by saying the keyword "dare". Again, while you MUST pick up the container, the sub-task itself is not required.

Help Jashy by obtaining the Glowing Crystal Base 0/1 (Hills of Shade)

This step updates when you pick up a Glowing Crystal Base, a container groundspawn in the Hills of Shade (marked on this map -- in the undead caves in the southwestern part of the zone - the container is in the same 'room' with Bimbalicus the Soulbleeder).

If you do not have the task Our Lost Brother - Find the Container III from Jashy, you can get it by saying the keyword "dare". Again, while you MUST pick up the container, the sub-task itself is not required.

Help Aring by obtaining the Light Blue Crystal Base 0/1 (Meldrath's Majestic Mansion)

This step updates when you pick up a Light Blue Crystal Base, a container groundspawn in the graveyard of Meldrath's Majestic Mansion (marked on this map). The quickest way to get here is through the entrance from the Steam Factory. Head straight through a door, all the way down the hallway. The door at the end leads to the graveyard. As most mobs see invis and are high density, you will need either a very solid group, a small raid, or a Divine Aura cast upon you to train your way through.)

If you do not have the task Our Lost Brother - Find the Container IV from Aring, you can get it by saying the keyword "dare". Again, while you MUST pick up the container, the sub-task itself is not required.

Continue to help Tonas by creating the Clear Crystal

This step updates when you combine the Essence of Decay and Essence of Life in the Clear Crystal Base to produce a Clear Crystal.

For more details, see the sub-task Our Lost Brother - A Clear Crystal. This sub-task is not technically required, and is only used to spawn the named golems involved. As they each drop six essences, you don't have to have this task as long as someone else does.

NOTE: Essences can be pre-looted.

Continue to help Vesiss by creating the Cloudy Crystal

This step updates when you combine the Essence of Water, Essence of Thunder, and Essence of Arcana in the Cloudy Crystal Base to produce a Cloudy Crystal.

For more details, see the sub-task Our Lost Brother - A Cloudy Crystal. Again, this sub-task is not technically required.

NOTE: Essences can be pre-looted.

Continue to help Jashy by creating the Glowing Crystal

This step updates when you combine the Essence of Fire and Essence of Icicles in the Glowing Crystal Base to produce a Glowing Crystal.

For more details, see the sub-task Our Lost Brother - A Glowing Crystal. Again, this sub-task is not technically required.

NOTE: Essences can be pre-looted.

Continue to help Aring by creating the Light Blue Crystal

This step updates when you combine the Essence of Rage, Essence of Sadness, and Essence of Mana in the Light Blue Crystal Base to produce a Light Blue Crystal.

For more details, see the sub-task Our Lost Brother - A Light Blue Crystal. Again, this sub-task is not technically required.

NOTE: Essences can be pre-looted.

Locate Laiyken 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

Laiyken is located at +1984, -1090, +362 in Dragonscale Hills. NOTE: You must have all four crystals on your to get the appropriate response. You will also receive a container, so have a slot ready.

You say, 'Hail, Laiyken'

Your task 'Beyond the Barrier' has been updated.

Laiyken says 'I see you have spoken to all of the others and now have the crystals. Place them within this container and you should have what you seek. Remember however, that as long as you are within the barrier you will need to keep the Prismatic Crystal with you. The only thing I ask of you in return is that you return to me once you have ventured past the prismatic barrier and have explored the area thoroughly.'

You have been assigned the task 'Exploring Crystallos'.

Receive Master Crystal Base, a 4-slot container. Combine the four crystals to produce a Prismatic Crystal Charm. You now have access to Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened.

Note: Don't delete this charm, otherwise you won't be able to complete the remainder of the task.

You now have access to the base Crystallos zone (non-instanced group version). The remainder of this task is for access to the raid instance of Crystallos.

Explore Crystallos 0/1 (Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened)

Complete the sub-task Explore Crystallos.

Return to Laiyken with your discovery 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

You say, 'Hail, Laiyken'

Your task "Beyond the Barrier" has been updated.

Laiyken says 'Hmm, it would seem as though he is elsewhere. By now, you must know that the four individuals you have spoken to were the warders bound to Kerafyrm. I wonder if he has found the power to phase himself from our sight. The only other way I fear we may be able to locate him is by finding a crystal shard that he lost when he first arrived. Bring this shard back to me and I should be able to fashion you a more powerful charm to locate him.

Find the lost crystal of Kerafyrm 0/1 (Meldrath's Majestic Mansion)

An Oil Stained Crystal drops from Meldrath the Malignant himself. He drops 12 crystals per kill.

NOTE: Reportedly, you can be 85'd into the MMM raid zone, loot the Oil Stained Crystal, and get properly flagged for Crystallos raids. The MMM raid flag itself is apparently not required for Crystallos raids, as long as you're able to loot this crystal. (A confirmation of this would be appreciated.)

Return to Laiyken with the crystal 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

You say, 'Hail, Laiyken'

Your task 'Beyond the Barrier' has been updated.

You have helped the warders break the seal on Kerafyrm's Lair. All that is left is to face the beast.

You gain experience!! (A lot - anywhere from 4-6 AAs worth)

Laiyken says 'You have proven to be stronger than I originally had thought.'

Laiyken says 'Interesting. It seems as though this is not actually a crystal at all. It is a scale from Kerafyrm. He truly has grown to be very powerful. With this scale I should be able to channel my magic through it to protect you without the need of the previous charm anymore. You will also be able to see the lair of Kerafyrm. If you are [ready] to venture into Kerafrym's Lair, please let me know.'

You are now flagged for (and can request) the Crystallos raid.

Access to Crystallos Raid Instances
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cant comlete task
# Aug 12 2023 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
now they took the charm and put it in your key ring. cant complete the task now because i cant have it on my person anymore

Sorry this was wrong, I had just returned to the game and was told I needed to have the necklace, which I did. However, what you need is the completion of the beyond the barrier task, which I had forgotten about, all I recalled was the search for the ultimate story. Once you complete this task you get the prismatic scale charm which is the actual key to request the raids, not the necklace, which is similarly named prismatic crystal charm, haha.
So to check /ach >> Secrets of Faydwer >> progression >> prismatic scale charm. Best of luck and sorry for misinformation!

Edited, Sep 19th 2023 9:49pm by keifmcconnell
Crystal base locs
# May 21 2023 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
10 posts
Clear Crystal Base - Northwest section of Dragonscale Hills. Copy and paste the following into your Dragonscale_1 map file: P -2067.6406, -3922.9514, 99.0169, 240, 240, 240, 2, Clear_Crystal_Base(GS)

Cloudy Crystal Base - In a minotaur cave on the winding path in Loping Plains. Copy and paste the following into your LopingPlains_1 map file: P 2699.9389, 86.7003, 331.4251, 240, 240, 240, 2, Cloudy_Crystal_Base(GS)(In_Cave)

Glowing Crystal Base - Deep in the crypts in Hills of Shade. Copy and paste the following into your HillsofShade_1 map file: P -486.9279, 316.2142, -108.3513, 240, 240, 240, 2, Glowing_Crystal_Base(GS)

Light Blue Crystal Base - In the graveyard of Meldrath's Mansion. Copy and paste the following into your Mansion_1 map file: P -54.2442, -693.8378, -92.7119, 240, 240, 240, 2, Light_Blue_Crystal_Base(GS)
Raid Piggy Confirmation
# Nov 12 2018 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
67 posts
"NOTE: Reportedly, you can be 85'd into the MMM raid zone, loot the Oil Stained Crystal, and get properly flagged for Crystallos raids. The MMM raid flag itself is apparently not required for Crystallos raids, as long as you're able to loot this crystal. (A confirmation of this would be appreciated.)"

I can confirm that this is correct. Once you have the Prismatic Crystal Charm in your inventory you can zone into the group version of Crystallos and you can be piggied into the raid version of Crystallos. You can loot your Oil Stained Crystal and turn it in whenever to complete the quest and be fully raid-flagged.
# Sep 06 2013 at 8:53 PM Rating: Good
171 posts
The Oil-Stained Crystal can be prelooted. Hand the crystal to Laiyken, then cancel the trade and that will update the task. Also, you cannot do later hails in the task without having the Prismatic Crystal Charm ON YOU. :)
Access to Crystallos: Beyond the Barrier
# Oct 06 2010 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
It appears that they have changed this to a sequential quest.
I had gotten the crystals from the golumns on the path to chrystallos on my druid back when people were fighting and clearing these on a regular basis.
Picked up the quests, then got the crystal bases and did the combines, but got no credit.
Had to actually destroy those, and spawn and kill each mob to get flag, then combine in bases the looted crystals.

The killing of each pool guardian is now a flag in the process, so while it might still be possible to pre-loot the crystals its rather pointless, as you have to kill the mob and get the flag to finish.

Access to Crystallos: Beyond the Barrier
# Nov 08 2021 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
All you have to do is run your character to each pool if you already looted the crystals in the past. This will fix the quest.
Prismatic Crystal Charm
# Jun 21 2010 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
A word of caution, you will need the Prismatic Crystal Charm in order to continue past the part where you "Explore Crystallos" otherwise "Laiyken" will not update the quest and as far as I could find out without deleting this quest, there's no way of getting the sub-quests again to make another charm.

Edited, Jun 21st 2010 3:27pm by Transen
Re: First "NOTE" above
# Mar 11 2010 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
633 posts
You can pre-loot the containers and golem gems, you just can't do the combines before getting the quest or it won't give you credit, (as it can no longer "see" the container), & needs to "see" you do the combine to get credit for that/those task step(s) as well. [While I don't agree it "should" work this way without some in game announcement/warning type text, especially at this point since you do have the crystal(s) as proof that you completed those steps. But that's the actual mechanics of it as of this date]

Edited, Mar 11th 2010 10:55am by KathleenF
Raid Access without Meldrath Raid Access
# Jul 21 2009 at 7:38 AM Rating: Default
155 posts
I actually got the meldrath drop before I was MMM key'd. I used guild portal to the guild banner got the Meldrath drop. Got my Meldrath/Crystallos key later, did the Beyond the Barrier Quest, turned in the Drop and got Crystallos Raid Flag without MMM raid flag.

# Jun 02 2009 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
Considering there are so many raid cryst flagged now... Kerafyrm must shed a lot of scales :P
Raid access
# Apr 26 2009 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
It should be noted that You can get Raided into MMM to loot the crystal and still finish the task to get Raid access to crystallos and never finish the MMM raid task. I just did it on my cleric.

Raid access
# Apr 29 2009 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
I dont know how accurate this is ive tried it in the past and it did not work.
Raid access
# Nov 29 2009 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
Just did it 2 minutes ago on my 80 monk, he's had the oil stained crystal rotting in the bank for a fair while, does not have MMM raid access. Got 12 AAs for it too.
Graeme Faelban, 125 Barbarian Shaman, Erollisi Marr
<Phoenix Ascending>
# Feb 06 2009 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
Petition. A gm WILL restore it.
Any help plz
# Jan 31 2009 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
I've got the Oil Stained Crystal from MMM, but I found I had removed the "Beyond the Barrier" quest by fault beofore looting the flag~.~..

How can I get the Crystallo raid access without redoing the whole quest from start? Or must i redo it?

Thanks for any infomation.

Edited, Feb 1st 2009 12:29am by wingtre
Number of drops of "An Oil Stained Crystal" changed
# Jan 07 2009 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Recent patch notes have stated that Meradith the Malignant will now drop 12 x "An Oil Stained Crystal" instead of the original 6.
Number of drops of "An Oil Stained Crystal" changed
# Feb 10 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
He does infact now drop 12 so a mod can update this quest please.
still bugged for some
# Nov 02 2008 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Still bugged at "exploring crystallos"

Have been crystallos flagged for months, but never camped in Fire that much.
Never really saw a reason to run and get the update since not raiding it anytime soon.

Now just to complete old quests... I tried to complete it... completed exploring crystallos, and go back to Laiyken to hail. Gives me the same message about.

"I am sorry but I am currently seeking out someone. I have no time to make idle conversation."

Any idea why the task is bugged? I did not shortcut the task... I picked up each base with the appropriate task.
still bugged for some
# Sep 17 2009 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
If you have prelooted the Oil Stained Crystal prior to doing "Exploring Crystallos", follow these directions. Finish the "Exploring Crystallos" sub quest, then have your Prismatic Necklace and Oil Stained Crystal in your inventory. Now go to Laiyken, hand him the Oil Stained Crystal, he will then hand it back to you, your "Beyond the Barrier" quest will update once. Now hail Laiyken, he subsequently updates then completes the "Beyond the Barrier" quest. He then automatically takes the Oil Stained Crystal from your inventory and gives you the requisite AA and flag access. Voila~!

Edited, Sep 19th 2009 7:39pm by Calyndria
still bugged for some
# Nov 03 2008 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
yah need to have the neckless in you inventory to get update
MMM question
# Aug 20 2008 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
271 posts
Are you required to finish the second half of the MMM raid key or will just access to non-raid MMM suffice for Crystallos key?
MMM question
# Aug 20 2008 at 2:30 PM Rating: Excellent
1,088 posts
You only need access to the non-instanced Mansion zone to gain access to the non-instanced Crystallos (edited the above description for clarity).
MMM question
# Aug 22 2008 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
271 posts
But it appears that in order to get the Oil Stained Crystal you must loot from Meldrath in the raid instance, or am I reading this wrong?
MMM question
# Aug 22 2008 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
1,088 posts
The Oil Crystal is for the Crystallos raid instance. You get access to non-instanced Crystallos as soon as you hit the "Explore Crystallos" step of this task.
to finish this task
# Aug 07 2008 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
The last part of the quest is:

Return to Laiyken with the crystal

[Tue Aug 05 19:51:54 2008] You say, 'Hail, Laiyken'
[Tue Aug 05 19:51:55 2008] Your task 'Beyond the Barrier' has been updated.
[Tue Aug 05 19:51:55 2008] You have helped the warders break the seal on Kerafyrm's Lair. All that is left is to face the beast.
[Tue Aug 05 19:51:55 2008] You have gained 4 ability points! You now have 8 ability points.
[Tue Aug 05 19:51:55 2008] You gain experience!!
[Tue Aug 05 19:51:55 2008] Laiyken says 'You have proven to be stronger than I originally had thought.'
[Tue Aug 05 19:51:55 2008] Laiyken says 'Interesting. It seems as though this is not actually a crystal at all. It is a scale from Kerafyrm. He truly has grown to be very powerful. With this scale I should be able to channel my magic through it to protect you without the need of the previous charm anymore. You will also be able to see the lair of Kerafyrm. If you are [ready] to venture into Kerafrym's Lair, please let me know.'

The task is then finished. :-) Hope this helps!
Kerran Vas`Sagio
Fire and Fury
Firiona Vie
And then?
# Jun 27 2008 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
Is there any more on what the rest of this quest involves? Obviously people have completed it since we know some of the loot in the raid zone, no one can fill in the blanks after looting the piece from MMM raid zone?
And then?
# Jun 30 2008 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Last step is talk to Laiyken I think.

Not sure on this.. any confirmations?
The Rathe
Krosar Shadowflame - 125 Necro
Rasork - 120 Druid
Inarraa Serra - 120 Shadowknight
Imacatlol - 120 Bard
Yaldax Toknight - 120 Rogue
Savi Yorr - 120 Paladin
# Jun 09 2008 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
If you're having trouble locating Laiyken for the Master Crystal Base he is in the cave at the beginning of the valley.
lvl 75
# May 31 2008 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
I just finished MMM key and access to Crystallos on a alt that is lvl 75 ...was freaking out the whole time....but its proven now :D

Edited, Jun 1st 2008 1:57am by Nidachi
# May 27 2008 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Well, beyond the barrier seems to be bugged ATM. I just completed the "Exploring Crystallos" subquest, returned to Laiyken and he gave me some, " I am sorry, but I am currently seekiung out someone. I have no time for Idle conversation" nonsense. "Exploring Crystallos" is clearly updated on my quest, so either there's is something more to reporting back to him or I am bugged.
# Jun 09 2008 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
We, like most guilds, discovered that people have to remove their Beyond The Barrier quests for the raid because you will spawn multiple golems back-to-back. My first 4 toons which did Crystallos reported to Laiyken with the 4 crystals on their person with no problem. This week, a 5th one tried it and Laiyken gave her the same response you got. I got Beyond the Barrier again, gave the crystals to an npc after I got the base again and it updated. I asked SoE to update the other quests (so I wouldn't have to go through the MMM one again) and this was their response:

This is Senior GM Anuhadu, thank you for contacting Sony Online Entertainment. The original intent of the task was to visit the four NPCs, pick up Beyond the Barrier and the Our Lost Brother from them and run the tasks. Beyond the Barrier would update as each of the Our Lost Brothers was updated, so that when the player reached Laiyken, they had the first 8 steps of Beyond the Barrier completed. Since then, players have found shortcuts and the task has been reduced to players now only picking up an Our Lost Brother task long enough to get the Beyond the Barrier, and working from there.

Simply put, there is a work around in place now that players can perform in order to obtain the updates they need. We GMs are not helping players with these work arounds, as the original intent is to pick up the Beyond the Barrier task, and then do all of the work. Your characters will need to visit each of the locations and pick up the ground spawn items. Once that's done, you should be able to turn in the proper containers to the NPCs and get the next four steps updated.

Once you have the first 8 steps done, Laiyken should react favorably to you. If there is anything else that we can help you with, or if you have any further questions, please feel free to reply back to this petition within the next 24 hours. Good luck to you and safe journeys.

Senior GM Anuhadu
In-Game CSR - EverQuest
Sony Online Entertainment

So, it's not a bug, it's a feature! I suggested to them that perhaps they put in a 2 min respawn timer on each golem to give us a chance to get people out of the pool!

Fight smarter not harder.
# May 29 2008 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
Need to have Prismatic Crystal charm on you - was mentioned in post under Laiyken
# May 03 2008 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
144 posts
I prelooted the MMM ground spawn on my main and alt thenI went to get the quest. I had the spawn in inventory on one and not on the other. On the one that I had the container in inventory I got the update when I got the task. I did notget the update on other character when I pulled the container out of the bank so I dropped quest, put container in the inventory and got the quest again. This time, it updated :)

Pre Created Crystal FIX
# Apr 23 2008 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
I did the same thing...created crystal before getting Beyond the Barrier task. I went back and looted the base in MMM again and both parts updated for me.
Multiple Spawn.
# Apr 15 2008 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
Just time yourselves so that you get there at the about same time. I don't know if you can actually spawn multiple golems at once, but I'd play it safe. I don't imagine the results would be pretty if it happened.

You WILL spawn multiple. After you kill the first one another will appear, after you kill that one, if someone else has another quest, another will appear. We had 4 people spawn the same golem, one right after another last night. We killed 3, the 4th was the straw that broke the proverbial camels back.
Pre Created Crystal FIX
# Apr 13 2008 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
Me and Some guildies just found out!!!

if you create your Crystals too soon, you can give the appropriate crystal to the appropriate NPC and he will Back Credit your Beyond the Barriers mission!

Thank god... we had been petitioning like crazy and one of us figured it out!
Pre Created Crystal FIX
# May 26 2008 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
May 27th -

Looted the base in MMM
Got Beyond the Barrier task
Updated Help Aring by obtaining the Light Blue Crystal Base

Base was on my person at the time of getting task
Pre Created Crystal FIX
# May 26 2008 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
FYI - As of this posting, neither dying and looting, or giving back to the quest giver will update. Guildie had to re-loot the groundspawn in order to get the update. Final questtasker will not give last container unless updates are done.
Pre Created Crystal FIX
# Apr 23 2008 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
Do you have to pick up the container again? I tried giving the Light Blue Crystal to Aring and he said he has no use for it and didn't update anything for me.
Pre Created Crystal FIX
# Apr 21 2008 at 5:53 PM Rating: Default
You can also just loot your corpse with those combined bases on them when you are at that spot in the quest. You'll get the update that way also.
# Apr 13 2008 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
Very confusing.

Rogue shroud works for HoS. Use sneak/hide at same time...took me awhile to work it out cos never played a rogue.
Soloed MMM ( Necro )....use the nec DA.
Went in from Mech to Steam to MMM. Invis is fine in Steam.
Hard part is getting across to door from MMM zone in. I waited for mobs to move aside a bit and ran straight across, works most times even though i was in aggro quick )
There are 2 pathers in next corridor, fd and wait until they go, then DA, pick up crystal and die.

One crystal did'nt update with vessis, so gave it to him, he gave back and i got update.

Shroud won't work for MMM btw.

Edited, Apr 13th 2008 8:09am by sirthomo

Edited, Apr 13th 2008 8:25pm by sirthomo
# Oct 04 2008 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
69 posts
rogue shroud has worked for me several times in MMM...i always use the Steam factory Entrance...AND JUST AVOID THE "A BIODISPOSAL MASS" in that first room where you zone in...also, if you turn your heighth filter on...set your LOW to 50...your in game mAP will look just like the one posted in the allakhazam read-up.

~Azgoth of Halo Guardians of Drinal

Edited, Oct 4th 2008 2:31pm by exsplicit
# Apr 24 2008 at 3:23 AM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Getting the MMM base is fairly easy as long as you know the path. More importantly, you also bring along a Cleric that has the Bestow Divine Aura ability or you use a LoN Divine Potion. 18 seconds is long enough to actually run in, get the base and run back out. Be sure you know there is nobody coming into MMM from the factory though. They will get pasted.

I recommend using a stalking probe (see your local gnome tinkerer) to look at where you are going first before running in.
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