Become the Vessel (Razorthorn Access)  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Quests:
Era:Prophecy of Ro
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Apr 21 23:10:22 2006
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This task is the third of three tasks for Razorthorn access, and is offered by Grand Librarian Maelin at the end of the "Preparing Your New Skins" task.

This task can be shared with up to six players. Upon completion, everyone in the task receives the flag for Razorthorn (regardless of whether or not they've completed the previous two tasks).

With that armor you might be able to appear as though you are one of those that belong in the Plane of Rage. If Sullon is willing and you prove yourself worthy, she might allow you into her tower. Gather some friends and return to maelin and he will set you on the proper course. Just let him know when you are ready to [become the Vessel].

You say, 'I am ready to become the Vessel.'

Grand Librarian Maelin says 'Ah, I see you have returned. Well, I wish you luck, _____. It's a crazy thing, you wanting to go into the heart of rage, but you adventurers are a crazy lot. Not like us librarians, who know the value of a good book and a warm fire. Still, good luck to you!'

You have been assigned the task 'Become the Vessel'.

Grand Librarian Maelin has concocted a plan that may allow you to get into Sullon Zek's tower. It seems like a crazy idea, but since he's not risking himself, Maelin seems enthusiastic about it.

Sit at the foot of the tower and wait for rage to over come you 0/1 (Sverag)

One task member must equip the five pieces of armor received at the end of the "Preparing Your New Skins" task. The correct spot is at the zone-in to Razorthorn, near +80, +5. Standing here will give you this emote:

You know that until you sit before the door in supplication to Sullon Zek you will never become the Vessel of Rage.

Sitting without wearing the enraged armor gives you this emote:

You sense that Sullon is ignoring your presence. You think this might be because you are not fully covered by the armor or Rage.

For the person who is wearing all 5 items of armor..

You sense the presence of rage as it seeps into you.

It takes 5 minutes for this stage to complete. Beware mob aggro.. if you stand, you will have to start over again.

Defeat entities in the Stronghold. Prove your rage! 0/60 (Sverag)

You have touched the spirit of rage! Now you must release your anger! Fight those that occupy the fortress until you feel you have vented all of your rage and perhaps it will be enough.

Kill 60 mobs in Sverag. These can include named mobs.

Sit at the foot of the tower and wait for rage to over come you 0/1 (Sverag)

The spirit of rage has left you. Return to the tower and sit before the door wearing the armor. Your judgement will occur there.

Do the same as you did in the first step.

Deliver the Enraged Flesh Leggings to Grand Librarian Maelin 0/1 (Plane of Knowledge)

Deliver the Enraged Flesh Sleeves to Grand Librarian Maelin 0/1 (Plane of Knowledge)

Deliver the Enraged Flesh Gloves to Grand Librarian Maelin 0/1 (Plane of Knowledge)

Deliver the Enraged Flesh Cap to Grand Librarian Maelin 0/1 (Plane of Knowledge)

Deliver the Enraged Flesh Tunic to Grand Librarian Maelin 0/1 (Plane of Knowledge)

Return the rage-touched armor to Maelin.

Follow Maelin's dialogue (needed) -- everyone in the task receives the following message, and can retrieve the charm:

Maelin says that he will convert the Enraged Flesh Armor you have given him into a charm that should be sufficient to allow you to pass into the tower. You and your group should come back and ask for the Enraged Flesh Charm. He will have them ready very soon.

Return to the Plane of Knowledge and say "enraged flesh charm" to him.

Grand Librarian Maelin says 'Ah, yes. Here is the charm that I promised you. I think I might be able to make the charm stronger. Because it gains its strength from rage and from the Plane of Rage, it might be possible to make it stronger by killing the greatest beings, the ones most attuned to the plane, and using their essence to strengthen the charm. I suppose we'll need body parts. Now I'm not a proponent of murder and gore, but if you bring me likely body parts I might be able to use the essence of the dead being to enhance the charm. While I work with the body part, you will have to hold the charm, to keep it attuned to you. Good luck!'

Receive Enraged Flesh Charm. This is the key to Razorthorn, Tower of Sullon Zek. You can now participate in group tasks and the raid instance without being flagshared.

The following must be completed if you would like request the Sullon Zek raid. It is not required for anything else except the raid request.

Collect three Legendary Berserker Bones:

- Bone of a powerful bazu (from a chest after Titanothon's death in The Devastation)
- Bone of a great military commander (from a chest after mini-bosses' deaths in The Devastation)
- Bone of a bold invader (from a chest after bosses' deaths in Sverag)

With your Enraged Flesh Charm in your possession, turn the three bones in to Maelin in the Plane of Knowledge. This in turn allows you to request the Sullon Zek raid task.

Grand Librarian Maelin says 'You have indeed found an item in harmony with the charm we have created. It will not be difficult to allow the charm to absorb the rage it desires from this bone.' The gnome breaks the bone in two, with some difficulty, while almost singing words of power. The bone turns to dust and the charm glows briefly. 'Here is your charm.'

Grand Librarian Maelin says 'Ah, yes, this bone causes your charm to radiate a bit more magical energy. I shall join the bone with the charm and we shall see what happens.' The gnome presses the bone to the charm and speaks words of magic. The bone crumbles to fine dust and for a moment you feel a wave of heat come from the charm. 'Here you go. The charm is infused with even more rage.'

Grand Librarian Maelin says 'Yes, the charm is reacting to this bone. It is a simple thing to magically infuse the bone with the charm.' The gnome mutters a few magical phrases and then hands you the charm. 'Simple. I don't know how much anger can be infused in this charm or what it can be used for, but I can guess that the more rage it holds, the greater your affinity with the goddess of rage.'

You can now request the Sullon Zek Razorthorn expedition.
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Repeat from this step, or start over?
# Jun 02 2022 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Once you've completed this, can you take another group through it right from this step, or do you have repeat saga skins again?
# Jul 11 2011 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, just did this quest, real wierd.. heres what happened

Started this quest ahwile ago, wanted to finish it up, so me and a friend came to the part of where it says:

Defeat entities in the Stronghold. Prove your rage! 0/60 (Sverag)

Not every mob counted, it was more like 1 in every 15 or more mobs counted towards the total. It didnt seem to matter weather we pulled singles, tripples, or half the zone. It took us close to 4 hours to comelete this part with ( *me* 90 shm w/90 cleric merc, 90 Druid w/tank merc, 90 Mage *boxed* w/tank merc )

Managed to complete even with the handicap anyway.
Perhaps this quest is broke./shrug.

# Mar 18 2021 at 9:08 PM Rating: Excellent
150 posts
Old post but just to clear up the confusion. Updates in this task depend on a player in the task getting the final kill shot on the mob. Pets count, mercenaries do not. If you are doing the quest in a competitive environment on a TLP, you don't even need to win the xp for the kill in order to get the update. The only thing that matters is the player who lands the final killing blow must be in your task.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2021 8:50am by Xyroff
# Mar 18 2021 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
606 posts
confirmed on mangler during the PoR rush.
# Jun 09 2012 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
770 posts
I ran through this task today for some alts. Experienced the same weirdness with most kills not being counted. Suspended all the mercenaries and kills counted up just fine. Brought the mercs back out and it returned to most kills not counting. Seems if merc gets killshot = no go.
# Nov 27 2011 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
633 posts
Fixed/worked fine on this date. Got a one to one kill to credit ratio.
# Nov 26 2007 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
I was able to get this task alone on Erollisi Marr today.
Maelin dialogue
# Aug 11 2007 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
After you get done handing all 5 enraged flesh pieces you get a yellow text emote:

Maelin says that he will convert the Enraged Flesh Armor you have given him into a charm that should be sufficient to allow you to pass into the tower. You and your group should come back and ask for the Enraged Flesh Charm. He will have them ready very soon.

Then the text you get after saying "enraged flesh charm:"

Grand Librarian Maelin says 'Ah, yes. Here is the charm that I promised you. I think I might be able to make the charm stronger. Because it gains its strength from rage and from th Plane of Rage, it might be possible to make it straonger by killing the greatest beings, the ones most attuned to th plane, and using their essence to strengthen the charm. I supposed we'll need body parts. Now I'm not a proponent of murder and gore, but if you bring me likely body parts I might be able to use the essence of the dead being to enhance the charm. While I work with the body part, you will have to hold the charm, to keep it attuned to you. Good luck!
Group or Raid now?
# May 28 2007 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
When i first did this mission it was doable in a raid, is it now only a group task?
Group or Raid now?
# Jun 01 2007 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
group now. minimum 3, maximum 6.

also, it locks after the 60th mob is killed IIRC. so make sure you add people before that if you plan to add people before finishing.

Edited, Jun 1st 2007 4:07pm by DukeLatan
Group or Raid now?
# Jun 02 2009 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
It doesn't lock. Just added someone after 60th kill.
Group or Raid now?
# Jun 01 2007 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
It was only doable with a raid for a short period of time when PoR was first released.
Legendary Bones
# May 19 2007 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
2,605 posts
Can the bones be handed in one at a time as you get them? Or you need all three at the same time?

Edited, May 20th 2007 1:13am by GOMN

Legendary Bones
# Jun 26 2007 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,605 posts
Confirmed -- you can turn them in as you get them.

# Apr 15 2007 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
Was sitting at the door last night getting spammed with emotes when a bolvirk popped right next to me, killing me in one round of course. New feature or buggy pathing?
loc for the "sit at the door" step
# Apr 06 2007 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
158 posts
p81 p3 p33 is where I got the emotes...
DK access
# Oct 10 2006 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
DO we need finish this quest before turn in Glowing Shard of mana? for DK access
DK access
# Feb 25 2008 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
69 posts
you must have this before you can turn in glowing shard of mana for red shard of mana

not really sure on this point but I think you also you need the enraged flesh charm in order to be piggied into DK and in order to loot the harp string for the back-flag
{confirmation on this is required please}

Unflagged people may enter Deathknell by being "raided in". Backflagging is then done by looting a Twisted Harp String. All four Deathknell events drop a chest with 3 loots + 1 string. Upon looting the Twisted Harp String...
DK access
# Nov 19 2006 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
well according to this post, yes . though i do not know for sure for myself as i am not DK flagged;page=1;howmany=50#116181210454065692

"Yes, you need the Enraged Flesh Charm in order to get Deathknell access. If you do no complete it, your Shard of Mana will turn into the Glowing Shard of mana when you kill Sullon Zek, but giving it to the shrine will not give you the Red Shard of Mana. I don't remember the exact text, but it's something along the lines of saying that you killed Sullon Zek with the help of your friends, and to return when you can enter on your own."

Edited, Jan 27th 2007 7:29pm by DukeLatan
Few Questions.
# Aug 31 2006 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
1. The 60 mobs you need to hard are they hitting?
2. Can this be done in a raid fashion or is it 1 grp instance?

Can you skip this whole Becoming the Vessel ******** and turn in the 3 Legendary Bones and get the charm?
Finally, if you fail, can you request this again?

Could someone please let me know. Thanks in Advance.
RE: Few Questions.
# Aug 31 2006 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,087 posts
It's non-instanced. It takes place in the regular Rage zone.
The mobs always hit like they are bolvrik, regardless of model, but some of the named are weaker. If you fail, you can get it as many times as you want.
it's a 6 hour max per attempt.

Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr
Dark Elf Shadow Knight
Drinal (Tarew)
Retired after 500 days /played
Retired again
Terrible Pathing
# Aug 24 2006 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
Tried this last night.

We got crushed. Couldn't seperate the mobs, and sometimes we weren't getting credit for killing them. Any help anyone has on pulling this or a good camp in Sverag, would be much appreciated. Really any help would be good.
# Jul 31 2006 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
After turning in the five skins for "Preparing Your New Skins", this message appears:

With that armor you might be able to appear as though you are one of those that belong in the Plane of Rage. If Sullon is willing and you prove yourself worthy, she might allow you into her tower. Gather some friends and return to maelin and he will set you on the proper course. Just let him know when you are ready to [become the Vessel].

After saying "become the Vessel" to Maelin:
Grand Librarian Maelin says 'Ah, I see you have returned. Well, I wish you luck, <yourname>. It's a crazy thing, you wanting to go into the heart of rage, but you adventurers are a crazy lot. Not like us librarians, who know the value of a good book and a warm fire. Still, good luck to you!'
You have been assigned the task 'Become the Vessel'.
Run down
# May 15 2006 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
2,605 posts
In order to get this task yourself, you must do the Saga Skins and Samples of Corruption tasks 1st.

Otherwise you will have to gimp in a group with someone who has.

Say Become the Vessel to Maelin to get the mission.

Head to Rage, put on the 5 Rage Armor items you got from the previous task and sit at the instanced zone line at the foot of the tower (in the center).

You will have to sit there 2 or three minutes while getting spammed by emotes, until the task updates.

Then just kill 60 of any MOB's in the zone (you can put back on your normal armor).

Once done -- put the rage armor back on and go back and sit in the same place for another 2 or 3 minutes for the task update.

Then go back to Maelin and give him the 5 pieces of armor.

Zone out of PoK and then head back to Maelin again and say Enraged Flesh Charm to get the charm.

Everyone in the group can say this to get the charm.

Edited, Apr 17th 2019 5:52pm by GOMN

RE: Run down
# May 30 2006 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
Can somebody confirm that only 1 person in the group needs to have done the Preparing Your New Skin quest in order for everybody in the group to get the reward?
RE: Run down
# May 16 2006 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
285 posts
In order to get this task yourself, you must do the Saga Skins and Samples of Corruption tasks 1st.

Becoming the Vessel is a pre-requisite for Samples of Corruption. You must have Saga Skins and Preparing Your New Skins tasks completed to be able to request this task. You must have this task completed (but not necessarily the other two) in order to request Samples of Corruption.

You need to have at least Becoming the Vessel and Samples of Corruption completed in order to request the task for access to Sullon Zek.
RE: Run down
# May 30 2006 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
So if I'm reading these posts correctly,only 1 person in the group needs to finish Preparing Your New Skins, this person can then get the Becoming the Vessel quest for the group & the entire group will receive the Enraged Flesh Charm.
RE: Run down
# Jun 01 2006 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent person being able to get the mission is enough. Only that person needs to have finished the pre-req's.
upgrading the charm 1st change
# May 10 2006 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
192 posts
This is what I got when Iturned in my first legendary bone from Rage. The charm must be in your inventory not turned into maelin.
- Turn in Legendary Bone
Grand Librarian Maelin says," You have indeed found an item in harmony with the charm. It will not be difficult to allow the charm to absorb the rage it desires from this bone. 'the gnome breaks the bone in two, with some difficulty, while almost singing words of power. The bone turns to dust and the charm glows briefly.' Here is your charm.'
In days gone by, I remember the flowers and the sky
RE: upgrading the charm 1st change
# Jun 20 2006 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
238 posts
Here is the text I got after turning in the Legendary Berserker Bone I got off Trolgar the Tremendous (lives in Devastation) -

"Ah, yes, this bone causes your charm to radiate a bit more magical energy. I shall join the bone with the charm and we shall see what happenes.' The gnome presses the bone to the charm and speaks words of magic. The bone crumbles to fine dust and for a moment you feel a wave of heat come from the charm. 'Here you go. The charm is infused with even more rage.'"

Now, I had the charm on my cursor (cuz I thought you were supposed to "hold" it like I read. I did get the "tada" sound effect, but the charm is still AC3 WT1.0 Small all/all. Is it supposed to have a visible change after each turn in? This was my first turn in
Become the vessel
# Apr 26 2006 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
301 posts
If you declined the task when offered and you get the armor from preparing the skins, you get it by saying "become the vessel" to maelin
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