The Etched Stone  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Spell
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Aug 6 12:17:57 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This quest is for the Shadowknight spell Life Leech.

It begins with Kazzel D`Leryt in the Mountains of Rathe (he roams the southeast part, south of the Feerrott zoneline), who will not speak with you unless you are at least level 50.

If you are not level 50, here is his response.

Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Begone you pathetic bug. You are not worthy of my presence.'

If you are level 50 and above,

Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Finally, a servant worthy of my needs! Apparently you are of high status, which perhaps means you might know a master [jeweler] capable of faceting a very magical, yet fragile stone?'

You say, 'jeweler'

Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'You must provide me with 2000 platinum pieces as a deposit, then you must take this stone to a master jeweler or [Darfumpel], have it faceted and return it to me along with an orb of pure crystal, a gold necklace the color of snow, and the [blood of Xenyari]. Do that and I will provide you with magic beyond that of most knights of darkness.'

He tells evil-aligned characters to give him 2,000pp in exchanged for an Uncut Hyacinth to be etched by a gnome shopkeeper named Darfumpel (also in the Mountains of Rathe). He tells you the gnome does not like the necromantic arts, so you will have to conceal your identity when dealing with him. Despite this warning, most evil characters seem to be able to talk to Darfumpel without a problem.

  • Give him 2000pp.

    Upon turn in:

    Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Very well, ______. Take this gem to a master jeweler and return it to me with the other three items.'

    Kazzel tells you to bring back: - (Need this dialog)

    1) The Faceted Hyacinth;

    2) A gold necklace like the purest snow (the White Gold Necklace found on the Froglok Noble in Lower Guk);

    3) An orb of the purest crystal (the Crystalline Orb from the Stone Spider in Nagafen's Lair); and

    4) The blood of Xenyari the druid. He tells you that the blood must be voluntarily given by Xenyari, so killing her will not suffice.

    You say, 'blood of Xenyari'
    Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Xenyari is a druid who inhabits these parts. She is rarely seen, however, I require a droplet of her blood. Here is the catch though, and one for which you may be well suited if you desire magic of the knights of darkness - Xenyari must give of herself willingly. In other words, you cannot take her blood by force. Rather, she must give you her blood of her own accord.'

    To get the Faceted Hyacinth, talk to Darfumpel. An Ogre SK worshiping Cazic-Thule, he will con indifferent to you.

    You say, 'Hail, Darfumpel Zirubbel'

    Darfumpel Zirubbel says, 'Hail, Thiccboi. I am Darfumpel, master jeweler and proprietor of this shop. How might I assist you today? Perhaps you need a stone [cut] or some jewelry [repaired]?'

    You say, 'hyacinth'

    Darfumpel Zirubbel says, 'A hyacinth, eh? That is quite a rare stone. Quite fragile and easily shattered, too. With my new technique, I can assure you I will not destroy the gem, however, it will cost you. 1000 platinum coins is my fee. Provide me with the coin and the gem and I will cut it for you.'

  • Give him a hyacinth and 1,000pp.

    Darfumpel Zirubbel says, 'I have not seen a gem such as this in quite some time! It was not since I dabbled in a bit of necro? Wait? What are you going to use this for? Never mind. I do not wish to know. Here, take your gem and leave!'

    You receive a Faceted Hyacinth.

    You may also do the combine yourself in a jewelry kit, trivial is at 235 and the Gem Cutter is not returned, even on failure. - (Recipe)

    To get the blood you must bring Xenyari Lisariel a Prickly Pear. The prickly pear drops off of an ice terror, one of Lady Vox's guardians. Be careful and place it deep in your inventory or you might eat it before you return it. As you hand in the pear:

    You say, 'prickly pear'

    Xenyari Lisariel says, "Prickly Pears! I just love Prickly Pears!! Thank you so much for getting these for me. I really, really appreciate your gift and I shall not OWW!! I hate when I stick myself with the needles. Oh look, I am bleeding now. Sigh. Can you hold this note for a moment please? My hands are full and I must clean up."

    You receive a Bloodied Piece of Parchment.

  • Take the Faceted Hyacinth, note, necklace, and orb to Kazzel. In exchange, he gives you a Faceted Hyacinth Talesm.

    Upon turn in of the items.

    Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Quickly now, give me the rest of the ingredients for the telesm...'
    Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Quickly now, give me the rest of the ingredients for the telesm...'
    Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Quickly now, give me the rest of the ingredients for the telesm...'
    Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'You are quite cunning. After I fashion this telesm, take it back to Xenyari. She would 'enjoy' another 'gift,' eh?'

    You receive a Faceted Hyacinth Talesm.

  • Take this item to Xenyari.

    Upon turn in,

    Xenyari Lisariel bounces around with glee at the sight of your gift, smiles at you, and dons the telesm. As she clasps the telesm around her neck, she begins to writhe in agony, and slowly fades from sight leaving just the telesm, which is now pulsating with vibrant energy.

  • Loot Pulsating Hyacinth Telesm from Xenyari's corpse and bring it to Kazzel D`Leryt.

    Kazzel D`Leryt laughs heartily and whispers to you, 'Well done, worm, your servitude to my will has now expired...'

  • Upon turn in a level 53 zombie called "a monstrous zombie" spawns and attacks. Kill it, loot a Monstrous Zombie Heart, and give it to Kazzel to receive your spell.

    Kazzel: Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Oh! Umm... Well, I was just playing with you. Certainly you know I was joking! We had a deal and I will abide by the terms of our agreement. Here is my payment for your services. Bye...'

    (Missing dialogues and /locs needed.)

    Spell: Life Leech
  • Submitted by: Munch, with additions by Lias
    Send a Correction
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    Additional Dialogue
    # Jun 08 2023 at 5:53 PM Rating: Excellent
    120 posts
    I just completed this quest again, this time on Oakwynd, and have some additional dialogue as requested in the quest write-up above.

    Asking Kazzel for more information:
    [Thu Jun 08 19:06:18 2023] You say, 'jeweler'
    [Thu Jun 08 19:06:18 2023] Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'You must provide me with 2000 platinum pieces as a deposit, then you must take this stone to a master jeweler or [Darfumpel], have it faceted and return it to me along with an orb of pure crystal, a gold necklace the color of snow, and the [blood of Xenyari]. Do that and I will provide you with magic beyond that of most knights of darkness.'

    [Thu Jun 08 19:06:50 2023] You say, 'Darfumpel'
    [Thu Jun 08 19:06:50 2023] Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Darfumpel is a gnomish shopkeeper here in the Rathe Mountains. He apparently has a new technique for gemcutting, however, he will not deal with me due to my affiliation with necromancy. Speak with him. Perhaps he might be willing to aid you for a price, but make sure you hide your true nature. He despises dark magic.'

    [Thu Jun 08 19:06:52 2023] You say, 'blood of Xenyari'
    [Thu Jun 08 19:06:52 2023] Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Xenyari is a druid who inhabits these parts. She is rarely seen, however, I require a droplet of her blood. Here is the catch though, and one for which you may be well suited if you desire magic of the knights of darkness - Xenyari must give of herself willingly. In other words, you cannot take her blood by force. Rather, she must give you her blood of her own accord.'

    Asking Xenyari about prickly pears:
    [Thu Jun 08 19:01:00 2023] You say, 'prickly pear'
    [Thu Jun 08 19:01:00 2023] Xenyari Lisariel says, 'Yes, yes! Prickly pears! Do you have any? I just love prickly pears but Permafrost is just so far away even for us druids.'

    Edited, Jun 24th 2023 11:21pm by Venril
    Just did this on Coirnav
    # May 02 2018 at 11:24 PM Rating: Excellent
    120 posts
    I just did this quest on the Coirnav progression server and figured I'd share a few details:
    • The spell is level 47 now, not 49 as indicated in the description
    • Despite this, Kazzel will indeed not give you the quest until level 50. I tried at both 48 and 49.
    • As an Ogre SK worshiping Cazic-Thule, Darfumpel conned indifferent to me.
    • Xenyari wanders the druid ring in the northwest corner of the zone. Darfumpel is in the vendor huts nearby

    Dialogue when you approach Kazzel at any level lower than 50: Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Begone you pathetic bug. You are not worthy of my presence.'

    Dialogue when you approach Kazzel at 50: Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Finally, a servant worthy of my needs! Apparently you are of high status, which perhaps means you might know a master [jeweler] capable of faceting a very magical, yet fragile stone?'

    Upon turn in of 2000 platinum pieces to Kazzel: Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Very well, Thiccboi. Take this gem to a master jeweler and return it to me with the other three items.'

    You say, 'Hail, Darfumpel Zirubbel'
    Darfumpel Zirubbel says, 'Hail, Thiccboi. I am Darfumpel, master jeweler and proprietor of this shop. How might I assist you today? Perhaps you need a stone [cut] or some jewelry [repaired]?'
    You say, 'hyacinth'
    Darfumpel Zirubbel says, 'A hyacinth, eh? That is quite a rare stone. Quite fragile and easily shattered, too. With my new technique, I can assure you I will not destroy the gem, however, it will cost you. 1000 platinum coins is my fee. Provide me with the coin and the gem and I will cut it for you.'

    Upton turn in of Uncut Hyacinth and 1000 platinum pieces to Darfumpel: Darfumpel Zirubbel says, 'I have not seen a gem such as this in quite some time! It was not since I dabbled in a bit of necro? Wait? What are you going to use this for? Never mind. I do not wish to know. Here, take your gem and leave!'

    Upon turn in of the four items to Kazzel: Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'You are quite cunning. After I fashion this telesm, take it back to Xenyari. She would 'enjoy' another 'gift,' eh?'

    Upon turn in of the Faceted Hyacinth Talesm to Xenyari: Xenyari Lisariel bounces around with glee at the sight of your gift, smiles at you, and dons the telesm. As she clasps the telesm around her neck, she begins to writhe in agony, and slowly fades from sight leaving just the telesm, which is now pulsating with vibrant energy.

    Upon turn in of the Pulsating Hyacinth Talesm to Kazzel: Kazzel D`Leryt laughs heartily and whispers to you, 'Well done, worm, your servitude to my will has now expired...'

    Upon turn in of a Monstrous Zombie Heart to Kazzel: Kazzel D`Leryt says, 'Oh! Umm... Well, I was just playing with you. Certainly you know I was joking! We had a deal and I will abide by the terms of our agreement. Here is my payment for your services. Bye...'

    Hopefully these details are helpful.
    # Apr 11 2017 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
    770 posts
    He tells evil-aligned characters to give him 2,000pp in exchanged for a Hyacinth

    ... in exchange for an Uncut Hyacinth.
    # Apr 11 2017 at 5:00 PM Rating: Good
    Tobynn wrote:
    He tells evil-aligned characters to give him 2,000pp in exchanged for a Hyacinth

    ... in exchange for an Uncut Hyacinth.

    Quest text updated, thanks!
    Life Leech
    # Dec 16 2016 at 12:26 PM Rating: Excellent
    157 posts
    This will cost you 3K (2K for deposit, which you don't get back, and 1K to transform the gem) for a lvl 47 spell (on phinigel).
    # Jul 09 2010 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
    70 posts
    After giving talisman to Xenyari Lisariel:
    Xenyari Lisariel bounced around with glee at the sight of my gift, smiled at me, and donned the telesm. As she clasped the telesm around her neck, she began to writhe in agony, and slowly faded from sight leaving just the telesm, which now pulsated with vibrant energy.
    # Oct 09 2006 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
    Solo'd 66 necro, for my 47 sk pretty easy quest would of had it done days ago but gave the final piece to my pet (doooohhhhh) so I camped the parts that I needed ( since i bought all the parts the first time in the bazaar 500pp) looks like the zombie's hardest hit was 168 just dotted him up and let pet have him , damn thing did summon only self buffed 3200 hp 780 ac
    # Mar 03 2007 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
    22 posts
    Where did you find Kazzel? Have had tracking help and cannot find him in Rathe Mtns. Suggestions?
    Small Correction
    # Apr 28 2006 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
    109 posts
    This is a minor adjustment but an adjustment none the less. The description needs to be changed to state that .... talk to Darfumpel and then give him 1000pp & the Hyacinth stone & he will give you the Faceted Hyacinth. (not Faceted Hyacinth Talesm). The Faceted Hyacinth Talesm comes from Kazzel who makes it using the Faceted Hyacinth, note,necklace, & orb.

    lvl 47 spell?
    # Nov 28 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
    SoE, I don't know how you can see in the dark. Must be hard with your head up your.....anyways its a lvl 47 spell but Kazzel wont talk to you unless you're 50? Tried SK, froglock, innoruk. wont talk to me at 47.
    A day in the life of Mischievous ...
    # Aug 19 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Excellent
    <out of character stuff: This was done today, after the revamp of the RM zone. All the quest mobs conned indifferent and there were no faction hits whatsoever. xp was granted three times in this quest, but not enough to make much difference (not even 1% total). The quest was done with a 51 SK, with a 63 2 box cleric in healing support. The fight wasn't tough at all really, easy to box even with a level 51 tank. The dialogue below is all directly quoted from the in game dialogue... with a couple of added bits and piece to make it a more interesting read...>

    My mentor (may Innoruuk torment his soul) had given me a clue. Just a small one, but it was all my considerable intelligence required to bring it all to its inevitable conclusion. I stole the items I needed from the pitiful bloodstained room the old wretch had called home, and made my way the the Rathe Mountains to complete the task which was now before me.

    My journey took me to the south eastern part of that shudderingly green area. It did not take me very long to find the object of my search - a fellow dark elf, and necromancer Kazzel D'Leryt. A hand on the hilt of my weapon, I greeted him.

    'Hail, Kazzel D`Leryt'

    The necromancer looked up from his musings, a glint of humour in his eye as his eyes crawled over me, sizing me up. I sighed impatiently.

    Kazzel D`Leryt says 'Finally, a servant worthy of my needs! Apparently you are of high status, which perhaps means you might know a master jeweler capable of faceting a very magical, yet fragile stone?'

    'I know a jeweler.' Actually I knew several. My own sister Tamina was a skillful jeweler and powerful enchanter. How she managed to attain such power after forsaking the Prince of Hate is a secret I will torture from her some day.

    Kazzel D`Leryt says 'You must provide me with 2000 platinum pieces as a deposit, then you must take this stone to a master jeweler or Darfumpel, have it faceted and return it to me along with an orb of pure crystal, a gold necklace the color of snow, and the blood of Xenyari. Do that and I will provide you with magic beyond that of most knights of darkness.'

    This sounded interesting. The price, however, was steep. I bought myself some time to think it over by asking him further questions.

    'Who is Darfumpel?'

    Kazzel D`Leryt says 'Darfumpel is a gnomish shopkeeper here in the Rathe Mountains. He apparently has a new technique for gemcutting, however, he will not deal with me due to my affiliation with necromancy. Speak with him. Perhaps he might be willing to aid you for a price, but make sure you hide your true nature. He despises dark magic.'

    The fool. 'Where can I find this ... Xenyari?'

    Kazzel D`Leryt says 'Xenyari is a druid who inhabits these parts. She is rarely seen, however, I require a droplet of her blood. Here is the catch though, and one for which you may be well suited if you desire magic of the knights of darkness - Xenyari must give of herself willingly. In other words, you cannot take her blood by force. Rather, she must give you her blood of her own accord.'

    By now I had reached my decision, and handed over the two thousand gold the necromancer asked for. Even as I counted out the coins I knew he was taking me for a ride.

    Kazzel D`Leryt says 'Very well, Mischievous. Take this gem to a master jeweler and return it to me with the other three items.'

    He handed me a dark blue stone. It glittered and danced in the light in a way that was almost mesmerising. I broke my eyes away and nodded curtly at Kazzel, only to see him already striding away.

    My earlier career saw me well. I had spent some time in this area many years before, drinking of the blood of the gypsies who were foolish enough top set up camp in the area. Near to them were a few fortified huts and a trading store. It was in one of these huts I knew I had seen some gnome, and heard others call him by this Darfumpel name. I quickly donned my Journeyman Boots and sprinted to him.

    I was prepared for a hostile welcome, but as I loomed through the doorway he merely glanced at me, as though expecting to see a dark elf standing there, and went back to his work.

    'Hail, Darfumpel Zirubbel'

    Darfumpel Zirubbel says 'Hail, Mischievous. I am Darfumpel, master jeweler and proprietor of this shop. How might I assist you today? Perhaps you need a stone cut or some jewelry repaired?'

    His head was big, but at least he got to business fast.

    'I need a stone cut.'

    Darfumpel Zirubbel says 'Yes, I use a new gemcutting technique I designed myself. It will bring out the beauty of any gem. However, as arrogant as this may sound, I do not cut just any ordinary stone. They must be rare or of extraordinary quality. Have you an exceptional stone that requires faceting? If so, what type of gem is it?'

    'It is a hyacinth'

    Darfumpel Zirubbel says 'A hyacinth, eh? That is quite a rare stone. Quite fragile and easily shattered, too. With my new technique, I can assure you I will not destroy the gem, however, it will cost you. 1000 platinum coins is my fee. Provide me with the coin and the gem and I will cut it for you.'

    My jaw dropped. One thousand platinum for a service that would take him but a minute or two to render? Then I saw the corner of his mouth tug in a smile and I wondered what kind of a deal he and Kazzel had with each other. Maybe I would torture that from them later. Starting with this thieving little gnome. I could expect it from one of my own race, but from this short.... it was almost too much. Gritting my teeth, I counted out another thousand - my pouch was getting very light by now - and handed it and the stone over to him. As I had thought, the stone cut and etched easily, and moments later he was done.

    Darfumpel Zirubbel says 'I have not seen a gem such as this in quite some time! It was not since I dabbled in a bit of necro? Wait? What are you going to use this for? Never mind. I do not wish to know. Here, take your gem and leave!'

    I took the stone from him, holding his gaze for just a moment longer than I really needed to, and had the satisfaction of seeing a small flicker of fear cross his face.

    As I was already nearby, I went to the most logical place to find a druid - at the massive druid circle on top of the hill. I prowled around, flinching at the treehugging druids as they made small talk with each other. Then my sharp hearing heard one of them call a greeting in the name of Xenyari, and I quickly tracked down my mark. Even as I approached she was muttering to herself. Clearly all the dancing around and stroking small furry animals had gone to her brain.

    Xenyari Lisariel says 'Oh, I wish I had a prickly pear. I just have this insatiable craving for a prickly pear. But Permafrost is just so far!' She sighed deeply.

    I smiled wickedly. I too enjoyed prickly pears and I had a couple even now, buried at the bottom of my pack. This could be easier than I thought.

    'Hail, Xenyari Lisariel.'

    Xenyari Lisariel says 'Hello, Mischievous.'

    She didn't seem too bothered to see a dark elf either. The sun had definitely gone to her head.

    'I couldn't help but overhear. Do you like prickly pears?'

    Xenyari Lisariel says 'Yes, yes! Prickly pears! Do you have any? I just love prickly pears but Permafrost is just so far away even for us druids.'

    Smiling in the false way that had always served me so well, I carefully removed the prickly pears from my pack and handed them to the wood elf.

    Xenyari Lisariel says 'Prickly pears! I just love prickly pears!! Thank you so much for getting these for me. I really, really appreciate your gift and I shall not.. OWW!! I hate it when I stick myself with the needles! Oh look, I am bleeding now! *Sigh*. Can you hold this note for a moment, please? My hands are full and I must clean up.'

    She handed over a bloodstained note to hold on to, the writing obliterated by the red drops. I took it and ran while she was cleaning up the blood - She was so scatterbrained I doubt she even realised I had gone.

    I made my way back to Kazzel, and without a word, handed over the items he had asked for, two of which I had stolen from my old mentor's rooms - a white gold necklace and a crystalline orb. Kazzel smiled as I handed over the bloody paper.

    Kazzel D`Leryt says 'You are quite cunning. After I fashion this telesm, take it back to Xenyari. She would 'enjoy' another 'gift,' eh?'

    A moment later he had bvonded the pieces by magic, and handed me back some kind of talisman. I could feel the fell magics pulsing through it, and even touching it I feld somewhat drained. Quickly, I hurried back to Xenyari. She was still standing in the same place, grinning like an idiot as she watched a butterfly's flight.

    The flashing light off the talisman caught her eye though, and as I held it out to her she was clearly captured by the mesmerising beauty of the gemstone. Unthinking, her hands reached out for it, and I let her take the thing away.

    Xenyari Lisariel bounced around with glee at the sight of my gift, smiled at me, and donned the telesm. As she clasped the telesm around her neck, she began to writhe in agony, and slowly faded from sight leaving just the telesm, which now pulsated with vibrant energy.

    I raised an eyebrow. Potent magic indeed. I picked up the talisman and took it back to Kazzel. It was a nice enough piece of work - I could sense an enchantment now on the item, but it was not the power beyond other knights that Kazzel had promised.

    I found him close to where he had been before, and angrily thrust the talisman at him.

    'Give me the power you promised, old man.'

    Kazzel D`Leryt laughed heartily and whispered to me, 'Well done, worm, your servitude to my will has now expired...'

    Even as I was drawing my weapon to strike him down, the final word of a prepared conjuration slipped from his mouth. Immediately the skeleton of a giant rose from the ground, and I was barely able to dodge the unholy light that had gathered in his skeletal hand that would sap my life energy.

    'Two can play at that game,' I muttered, returning the favour with a Harm Touch.

    The battle was long and hard, requiring me to make use of much healing magic. But eventually, as |I was about to drop from exhaustion, the creature turned and started lumbering away. Did it realise it could not defeat me? I chased after it, hacking and chipping away at its bones with my sturdy blade. And soon, it fell.

    The mockery of a heart, beating amidst writhing coils of dark energy, was ripped from the abomnination's chest. I angrily took it back to Kazzel, who had wandered off, unconcerned, thinking his creation enough to finish me, and threw the thing at his feet, my sword to his throat.

    Kazzel D`Leryt says 'Oh! Umm... Well, I was just playing with you. Certainly you know I was joking! We had a deal and I will abide by the terms of our agreement. Here is my payment for your services. Bye..'

    Even as his lips completed the gate spell, I forgot him. I snatched up the parchment that was drifting to the ground, my hands almost shaking with my excitement.

    A spell! And a powerful one, allowing me to train the life force of victims and add it to my own. This was much better than that puny talisman! I quickly copiued it into my spellbook and commited it to memory.

    And then I made my way back to that thieving little gnome ........
    spell droppable
    # Aug 13 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
    135 posts
    did this quest with my 70 chanter today for my 48 sk, was surprised when the spell was not no drop. so if u want/need this spell get it with your main then send it to alt through shared bank =D

    lvl 50 to get the quest, so could not do it at lvl 48. and the spell is lvl 47 now.
    quest info
    # Feb 15 2005 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
    I just wanted to say i recently finished this quest my sk was 50 at the time, and for me the froglok noble was cake in a full 50's group the stone spider wasnt that bad (except for his awesome stun) the hardest trouble i had was getting into Permafrost without agro'ing Lady Vox, i went with 2 52 pally's and a 55clr and myself 50sk and the first round VOX banished the cleric and wiped the rest of us out. after the second shot i managed to get an icy terror far enough away from lady vox herself and BAM got me a prickly pear (burried deep in my inventory behind some 10lb halas meat pies) After my experience in Vox's lair i decided to be cautious attempting the zombie(skelly) went with a 46druid 52pally 55cleric 48 ranger and myself 52sk and the Zombie went down like a punk, 2 complete heals on me (im a good agro holder) after the druid took the initial HT 800hp from the zombie. the spell is well worth the hassel for me at 50 and i still keep it loaded instead of my 75hp tap spell at lvl 52. I say if u got the support to get it done and the time to do it Go for it!
    # Feb 15 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
    lol got this spell finally. I underestimated the freakin zombie and brought just myself (52 SK), 54 palli, and a 52 ranger... we got thrashed and I died twice... luckily a 65 mage friend was on and she stepped all over it for me. If we would have brought a healer we would have been fine. The important fact here is that the zombie does not despawn. He was there until he was killed, and he paths back to wherever you first spawn him. I had no troubles turning in the heart and got my spell. my suggestion to anyone trying this is that you try to pull him a ways away from spawn point, that way if you do die you can get your corpse and not get killed again (my mistake) also he has a pet which noone bothered to post before. just wantd to put my 2cp in and brag about my new spell. thanx for listening lmao.
    # Dec 31 2003 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
    i meant to say when i was lvl 49 i turned in the heart lost 3k
    i lost 3k
    # Dec 31 2003 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
    man i lost 3k doing this spell becouse in the middle of everything i went from lvl 50 to lvl 49 and turned in the heart when i was lvl 50 big mistake do quest all over.
    Very quick fight
    # Oct 28 2003 at 12:36 AM Rating: Good
    Myself (51 SK), a 65 SK, 65 Ranger, 63 druid, 50 warrior and a 44 druid dispatched the zombie in about 30 seconds. The zombie HT's the 65SK for 791 so the 65SK returns the favor with a 7272 HT for the zombie. A few seconds later he was dead and I was mem'ing the spell. No one got hit and I think we were all able to hit the zombie at least once. :)
    Life Leech
    # Aug 27 2003 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
    Weather or not this is worth 3K, I don't really care, I wanted to do it anyways, just to say I did it. Anyways, I did it on Cazic last night with a little bit of help from a friend. A lvl 65 mage solo'd the zombie that looks like a skelly. Thanks Poe

    Edited, Wed Aug 27 14:35:34 2003
    3K! what a waste
    # Aug 04 2003 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
    At the cost of 3k, you can pay a ton of visits to your local cleric for virtue and enchanter for c3. There is no way I can justify this cost! Not to mention forking over another 2K in pp just to get started on your epic. Talk about the shaft!

    Siphon life is level 51 spell just 2 levels later. Siphon gives you 75heal at the cost of 72 mana. If my math is correct this saves you 28mana and gets you another 20hp in just 4 casts. At level 50 when mobs are hitting for 3-4 times at 90+ it's not gonna matter imo. Better have some other means of staying alive like a healer or FD.

    Edited, Mon Aug 4 16:19:20 2003
    RE: 3K! what a waste
    # Oct 10 2004 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
    1,117 posts
    At the cost of 3k, you can pay a ton of visits to your local cleric for virtue and enchanter for c3. There is no way I can justify this cost! Not to mention forking over another 2K in pp just to get started on your epic. Talk about the shaft!

    ummm, keep in mind that this is an original era spell. There was no Virtue, there was no KEI. Heck, Clarity 2 didn't even come along until Kunark.

    Even then, from what I have been told, this spell is quite useful. (My SK isnt high enough to get it yet, so can't say first hand.
    RE: 3K! what a waste
    # Jan 13 2004 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
    Yeah Siphon Life is more mana effiencient but the whole idea is this heals you more (and does more damage) meaning you can either not have to cast your lifetap spell as much and instead attack the mob or heal/damage a mob in shorter time (just takes more mana but less time to do so).

    You could even justify the less mana efficiency of this spell by saying that since it does more damage that the mob will die faster and since it died faster you can get more med time and still pull at the same rate. You can't look at spells and just compare mana efficiency but you have to look at how the spell might preform over a longer period of time (such as one battle.)
    RE: 3K! what a waste
    # Oct 28 2003 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
    Yes, your math is right as it concerns mana and healing amount. The difference is this spell is cast in 2.5 sec (un-hasted). The use of this spell is when you are solo'ng or in a duo and want to give yourself some spot heals and let the healer med. In the same time as 4 casts of Siphon Life instead of having 300 pts healed you have 1120 pts healed. There in lies the difference.
    # Jun 26 2003 at 2:04 PM Rating: Default
    Is there any way to get this spell before level 50? is it MQable at all? or is the spell droppable?
    # Jun 21 2003 at 8:37 AM Rating: Default
    Most all the required items are sold in the Bazaar. I think I paid 80p for the prickly pear, like 65p for the orb and the necklace was like 25p or so. Kazzel cons indiff to all now it appears, and the druids at the druid ring are dubious to my SK, so getting Xenyari was simply a short chase (she is much slower than Hasten!). All in all spent like 10 minutes getting to the final fight to claim the spell, which I will get later today.
    Final tunr in
    # Apr 24 2003 at 11:32 AM Rating: Default
    Not sure if this was a bug or not but after we killed the zombie and looted the heart the turn in of the heart to Kazzel spawned ANOTHER zombie, if it's not a bug only 1 person would need to pay the 3k for it sinceyou can get heart after heart.

    Edited, Thu Apr 24 11:55:22 2003
    Added Text and Questions
    # Mar 01 2003 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
    Here is the text from Xenyari about when she receives the Telesm.
    "Xenyari Lisariel bounces around with glee at the sight of your gift, smiles at you, and dons the telesm. As she clasps the telesm around her neck, she begins to writhe in agony, and slowly fades from sight leaving just the telesm, which is now pulsating with vibrant energy."
    Here is his finishing words after you give him the heart.
    "Oh! Umm... Well, I was just playing with you. Certainly you know I was joking! We had a deal and I will abide by the terms of our agreement. Here is my payment for your services. Bye.."

    How the heck did they figure out this quest? The white gold necklace and Orb I can see from finding stuff but getting Xenyari to prick herself with a pear off an Icy Terror. HUH? And then returning the Telesm you just spent 3k and a lot of work getting back to Kazzel. There is no reference to that. At the time this was solved NPC's just kept what you gave them. Is there some quest solving secret I'm missing here?

    I finished this quest today and one note of warning. The zombie spawns right on top of you as soon as you hit trade. So hit escape after trading so you don't accidentally attack Kazzel. He will kill you.

    Edited, Sun Mar 2 21:15:15 2003
    Not NO DROP
    # Dec 13 2002 at 9:18 PM Rating: Default
    I just did this quest tonight, and I would like to report that the quest scroll is MAGIC, but neither LORE nor NO DROP.

    The no drop flag has been removed.
    turn in???
    # Nov 05 2002 at 6:02 PM Rating: Default
    i UNDERSI understand this while quest but one part...after you kill the zombie...who is the necro I need to turn the heart into? Kazzel?? The gnome in Rathe Mts.??? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Gifon Tinkertot
    Fennin Ro
    Crimson Dragons
    RE: turn in???
    # Dec 30 2002 at 7:19 PM Rating: Default

    turn it into Kazzel
    turn in???
    # Nov 05 2002 at 6:02 PM Rating: Default
    i UNDERSI understand this while quest but one part...after you kill the zombie...who is the necro I need to turn the heart into? Kazzel?? The gnome in Rathe Mts.??? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Gifon Tinkertot
    Fennin Ro
    Crimson Dragons
    Life Leach---some information
    # Sep 24 2002 at 1:14 AM Rating: Good
    31 posts
    Ok...I just finished this quest tonight. Here is some info that I did not see. (Wish I did).

    1) After the final turn in to Kazzel the Monstrous Mummy does pop and HT's for 791.(U knew that already)


    2) I was not able to Fear fear kiting is not an option.

    3) He summons!!! So Root N' Nuke tactic is out.

    We went after him, Me 52 Shadow Knight and a 60 Druid buddy. Almost did not survive, if not for the timely passing of Klooer (sp) sorry bro.... a shammy we would have been toast. He slowed the mob and healed me. WTFG Shammy!

    I got my scroll and it rocks, All you need is 50+ Warrior, SK, and a Cleric....and this mob will fall easy. Wish I knew that an hour ago.

    Good luck and be safe.

    Sallar 52 SK
    Servant of Innorukk
    Keeper of Dark Secerets
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