You say, 'Hail, Leramas Feston'
Leramas Feston says 'I hope your first teachings have taught you well, Kinil. It is time for your next lesson. The accumulation of knowledge requires exploration and study. If you explore the cave system in the Plane of Disease, you may eventually discover a foul being by the name of Rallius Rattican. You are to bring me his head, along with your Beginner Stealth Manual. Once done, we may proceed with your next lesson.'
Leramas Feston says 'Good work, _____. I must say I am quite impressed with your recovery of this. Clearly you have shown you are ready to begin your next lesson. Take this new book and when you are ready, speak to Ethoach Trokith. And remember, difficult tasks are put in our way not to stop us, but to call out our strength and resolve.'
You gain experience!!
You receive 5 silver from Leramas Feston.
You receive 3 gold from Leramas Feston.
You receive 6 platinum from Leramas Feston.