Qeynos Badge of Nobility (Badge #5)  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Jul 26 20:48:35 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is the Fifth Qeynos Badge Quest. I don't have the exact details yet, but here's what I know.

You say, 'Hail, Sergeant Caelin'

Sergeant Caelin says 'Hail, Limecherry. You have nothing to fear from the gnolls. My men and I have been sent from Qeynos to help defend Fort Jaggedpine should those worthless curs make the mistake of assuming this will be a place of easy plunder. I've fought and slain scores of gnolls in my time. Were I not bound to my post here I would go forth and drive them from their dark cave to the north myself. However, I can offer you a [bounty], should you choose to take such a mission upon yourself.'

You say, 'what bounty'

Sergeant Caelin says 'If you choose to go and fight against the gnolls, I shall offer a bounty for every gnoll canine that you return to me. You look a bit more adventurous then many of those that live in this settlement. They seem a bit [docile].'

You say, 'who is docile'

Sergeant Caelin says 'Perhaps it comes from living in harmony with nature for an extended period of time but they are more concerned with trading food recipes and doing arts and crafts. I have offered to give them some basic training in the arts of war but they seem to have no interest. This is a dangerous world in which we live and failure to acknowledge that has meant the downfall of many a society. I won't let this happen on my watch, provided my [men] are on their toes.'

You say, 'What men'

Sergeant Caelin says 'Guard Bossamir is a model soldier and a good man. I'm happy to have him watching my back. That Finewine character however, he is not worth the cost of the sword he wields! All he does is whine and complain. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and his family enrolled him in the guard to teach him some discipline but I've had no luck with him. He hasn't even turned in a [shift report] for weeks. Captain Tillin will bust me down to private if I don't deliver those soon.'

***Kills Gnolls and turn in Gnolls fangs otherwise Sergeant caelin will just say "you have not proved yourself worth to our cause". You need to be at least amiable to him. when you are...***

You say, 'what shift report'

Sergeant Caelin says 'You have been helpful in our defense efforts. However, I can not be too careful about whom I trust with carrying this information. If you truly consider yourself an ally to Qeynos then no doubt you have assisted the city in its defense before. Show me your Qeynos Badge of Honor and I'll know I can trust you fully. I'll place my mark upon it should anyone question your authority to do this service for me.'

***hand him your Qeynos badge of Honor and you will receive "Marked Qeynos Badge of Honor" in return along with "A warning note/report" to give to Guard Finewine. Sorry I don't have the dialogue for that but trust me***

*to your right and within eye site is Guard Finewine. He is standing by the other house back entrance*

You say, 'Hail, Guard Finewine'

Guard Finewine says 'Yeah. Hi. Lovely place this. Humid, dark, wild animals all over the place, man eating plants, snakes and bugs finding their way into my armor and biting me where a man ought not be bit. And if [Bossamir] is right, we're soon to be cut down by ravaging gnolls. Why-oh-why did I get assigned to this job? Why wasn't I assigned to Qeynos where a man can get a decent meal and sleep in a nice bed at night? Oh I'm sorry. Did I say that out loud?'

You say, 'What Bossamir'

Guard Finewine says 'Hmm. . . Yeah, I have this tendency to prattle on when I'm completely miserable. According to what my colleague Bossamir has heard, these gnolls may be tougher then we thought. But that would be par for the course anyway with the way my pitiful life is going. Woe is me. The people in this backward settlement hate me, Sergeant Caelin hates me and I assume Kane hates me too because he sent me to the armpit of Antonica on a suicide mission.'

*gave him the Warning letter/note*

Guard Finewine says 'So he wants to send me to jail simply because I'm not filling out some silly reports? How can I be expected to think in such a decrepit state? Maybe you could help me. If I had a meal worthy of someone of my breeding then maybe I could think. Bring me something elegant, I don't want anything dull and pedestrian. I don't know what I want though. Do you have any suggestions?'

Guard Finewine wants some dryad, potameid pate first before he will part with the report. Finewine then says he wants panther pate and will give you a no drop brandy for the dryad/potameid pate.

--Dryad, Potameid pate
-First you need Dryad meat (which will lower your faction with Dryads and they are everywhere in this zone) or Potameid meat (trivial 151)
-foraged plant shoots
-combine in an oven or spit which will result in a +4 wisdom banquet meal for the dryad recipe and +4 intelligence banquet meal for the potameid recipe.

---panther pate
-no drop panther liver from JP panthers
-foraged plant shoots
-no drop brandy from guard (see above)
-combine in an oven or spit

I am not sure of the exact sequence from here, but here is the reward.

Need missing dialogues, faction hits if any, details of war, additional quest steps, etc.
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Current state of this quest
# Oct 09 2011 at 7:15 AM Rating: Default
215 posts
For what it's worth, I'd started this quest a long, long time ago and shelved it after the Qeynos Badge of Honor stage, because I didn't have good enough faction with Residents of Jaggedpine.

Went back today and found that I'd managed to get my faction up enough to finish the quest, and here's a couple of things I found while doing that:

(1) Plant Shoot is, in fact, a drop from the Potameids. I must've hit forage 20 times with no luck, got a drop of the second Potameid I killed.

(2) Killing panthers for the liver will damage your Residents of Jaggedpine faction, so you'll probably want to off a few poachers while you're out there just to keep things even.

(3) After I killed Barducks Darkpaw, he did his shout of "Avenge me", but the Gnolls did NOT attack the compound, at least not before I could run back invis and do the turn-in.


Quest Updates
# May 13 2007 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Just to clarify. After you give Guard Finewine the warning. Say to him, "How about some pate?" He'll tell you good, bring him some pate and let him see the warning again. This is confusing because you no longer have the warning. You have to give him some potameid or dryad pate and then he'll give you the Finewine Family Brandy and the warning back.

Here are the recipes

dryad or potameid pate
dryad or potameid parts
plant shoot (foraged in jaggedpine or kill potameids in the zone)
brandy (regular brandy)

red wine (available from inns in the commonlands)
vegetables (foraged or purchase in bazaar)
shotglass (storebought)
spices (storebought)

After you give him the dryad or potameid pate he'll give you the Finewine Family Brandy and the warning back. You'll use the Finewine Family Brandy to make the panther pate:

Panther Pate
Finewine family brandy
panther iver (rare drop from panthers in jaggedpine)
plant shoot

After you give him the panther pate he'll give you stack of shift reports. You give them to Sergeant Caelin and he'll give you a report to give to Captain Tillin. Captain Tillin gives you something for Sergeant Caelin. Sergeant Caelin gives you a writ of execution and a black satchel. You will stick the writ of execution and the head of barducks in the black satchel and hit combine. You will then give the black satchel and your marked qeynos badge of honor to Sergeant Caelin and he will then give you the Qeynos Badge of Nobility.

Just an FYI, if you're a binding class, it's a good idea to bind in front of Sergeant Caelin. After you kill Barducks, quickly loot his head, do the combine, gate to Sergeant Caelin, and do the turnin before the gnolls wipe out the town. Or you'll have to wait an hour or so for Sergeant Caelin and the rest of the town to respawn.

Faction for turn-in
# Dec 29 2005 at 8:43 AM Rating: Default
There are no faction hits for doing the turn-in. No exp either. Everything else is as Temperance wrote it.
Amiable Faction with Guards of Qeynos
# Jun 11 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
I got the Orders for Sergeant Caelin and went to turn them in, but he handed them back to me. I was so upset and almost petitioned it when I remembered that you need amiable faction to do this quest. I must've killed dozens of panthers looking for that stinkin' liver and I lost that amiable faction doing so. So, if you get stuck, try doing a /con on Sergeant Caelin. All the info here is accurate, so if you get stuck, it's probably because you lost the amiable faction. Hope it helps!
The book.
# Jan 20 2005 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
Adding some more text...

( give Guard Finewine the Official Warning )

Guard Finewine says 'So he wants to send me to jail simply because I'm not filling out some silly reports? How can I be expected to think in such a decrepit state? Maybe you could help me. If I had a meal worthy of someone of my breeding then maybe I could think. Bring me something elegant, I don't want anything dull or pedestrian. I don't know what I want though. Do you have any suggestions?'

You say 'How about some pate?'

Guard Finewine says 'Oh yes! That would be great. Bring me some Pate and let me see that warning again and maybe I can actually read the whole thing without feeling faint.'

Where do I find the book "Elegant Pates"?
Lucy has it so somebody had one for the collector.
I'm not seeing one in JPF. Maybe Qeynos? )


( you have pate info alrady, splice it in here )

( give Guard Finewine either a Potmeid Pate or Drayd Pate )

Guard Finewine says 'Hmm. . . This is interesting. . . The tast is very refined but sort of. . . odd. . . We're almost there but I don't think you have the recipe quite right. Rather than that peassant Brandy, use this in your recipe instead. And rather than whatever other 'meat' you were using before use a Panther Liver. You do seem to have some skill as a chef, mayhaps you could work for me some day. Prepare some Panther Pate for me. Give me the Panther Pate and let me read that warning again.'


( you have the panther pate recipe, splice here. )

( give Guard Finewine the Official Warning and you will get the same response as before. also give him the Panther Pate to complete this step. )

Guard Finewine says 'So he wants to send me to jail simply because I'm not filling out some silly reports? How can I be expected to think in such a decrepit state? Maybe you could help me. If I had a meal worthy of someone of my breeding then maybe I could think. Bring me something elegant, I don't want anything dull or pedestrian. I don't know what I want though. Do you have any suggestions?'

Guard Finewine says 'Ah yes, this is perfect! I feel my head clearing already. Wait, is that the sun poking through the trees there or the moon? Hard to tell in this hideous jungle. . . Oh wait yes. My shift reports for teh last few weeks. Why don't you go ahead and turn these into Sergeant Caelin for me. I'm going to enjoy this fine pate.'

( receive "Stack of Shift Reports" - Lore Item, No Trade )


( to Sergeant Caelin )

Seargeant Caelin says 'Oh praise Karana, how did you manage to get these out of him? Never mind, I don't really care. Here, take this Compiled Report to Captain Tillin in Qeynos at once.'

( receive "Compiled Report" - Lore Item, No Trade )


( give the Completed Reports Captain Tillin in South Qeynos,
he is on the balcony of the Warrior guild hall. )

Captain Tillin scans the report with a furrowed brow. 'So the threat is worse then we had anticipated. The intelligence we have gathered is true. We have little time, return to Seargeant Caelin and give him these orders. Time is of the essence. Hurry now, these people are in grave danger and something must be done to stop this!'

( receive "Orders for Seargeant Caelin" - Lore Item, No Trade )


( Give the Orders to Sergeant Caelin in JPF )

Sergeant Caelin face grows pale as he reads the orders. 'Bossamir was right. The gnolls are far stronger than we expected. We lack the resources for a frontal assault sa we have no choice to but to resort to covert operations and strike the gnolls at their heart. Their leader must fall and you look like the one for the job. Take this Writ of Execution and carry out the sentence. Your target is the leader of the gnolls, Barducks Darkpaw. Affix the Writ of Execution to the Head of Barducks Darkpaw and seal it in this Black Satchel. Return to me with the Closed Black Satchel and your Marked Qeynos Badge of Honor for your just reward.

( Receive a Black Satchel and a Writ of Execution. )


( Kill Barducks Darkpaw, level 52-53, in the northern caves. He is an undercon. )

Your faction standing with Darkpaws of Jaggedpine got worse.
Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine got better.
Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk got better.
Your faction standing with Protectors of the Pine got better.

You gain party experience!!

Barducks Darkpaw's corpse shouts 'A Curse upon you pitiful manlings! Avenge me my brothers and raze their pathetic settlement! Ruin their lands as they have ruined ours!'

( Loot the Head of Barducks Darkpaw. )


( Combine the Head and the Writ in the Black Satchel to make the Closed Black Satchel )

( Give Sergeant Caelin the Satchel and your Marked Qeynow Badge of Honor. )

Sergeant Caelin says 'A job well done! Perhaps now that will throw the gnolls into disarray and show them that we are not to be trifled with! The people of Qeynos and it's surrounding territories are in a great debt to you. You have proved time and again your willingness to take great risks to protect those who can't protect themselves. I am hereby empowered to grant to you an honorary rank of nobility. Take this and wear it proudly.'

( Receive your Qeynos Badge of Nobility. )


Oh drat! I think I forgot to record if there were faction hits for the final turn-in.

Edited, Mon Jul 18 23:08:09 2005
~ Muse Temperance the Elf
~ Lyricist of <Mystic Coercion> on Erollisi Marr
~ with a <Variety> of alts to keep me busy
Complete Quest
# Nov 21 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
2,605 posts
I have the complete 5-Badge Quest. Was fun.

Edited, Mar 12th 2019 2:13pm by GOMN

Barducks Darkpaw, the War, and final turn-in
# Mar 28 2004 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
167 posts
Sadly, my group could not manage to prevent village wipeout. However, after the townsfolk respawned in 30-45 minutes, all was ok. I turned in the closed satchel with the marked Qeynos Badge of Honor and (trumpet fanfare), I received the prize. So do not worry if you are unable to hold back the flood of critters against the village. It will just take a little longer for turn-in. Just my 2cp. May this note serve you well.

Edited, Sun Mar 28 22:18:59 2004
RE: Barducks Darkpaw, the War, and final turn-in
# Apr 01 2004 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
The way i did it is once i got the head i ran over to the guy and did turn in before the gnolls started spawning but i was surew to announce to zone that was about to happen.
a 6th??
# Feb 08 2004 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone ever managed to kill the Gnolls in the was after and keep all the citizens alive?? could this lead to a 6th part of the quest? Really hope this gets continued, if anyone has any news or info plz post. Perhaps talking to the guy in Qeynos or giving him the Nobility badge?
Jinar Darkbow 65 Ranger, forget that Necro below my name, just at a friends house.

Edited, Sun Feb 8 23:57:03 2004
RE: a 6th??
# Feb 09 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
Here's what I remember when we did this as a guild thing some time ago.
Firstly, killing the gnolls raiding the town does NOT lead to a 6th badge. Currently, the 5th badge is it. Further badge quests usually appear after an expansion. Perhaps tomorrow's expansion will include badge quest#6. I hope so, I like my badge & the quests, they're great fun.
Next, after killing Barducks, our (smallish)guild valiantly defended the town. Some of the mobs dropped items (I forget if they were no drop or no rent), which you could hand in to the captain or sergeant for a reward. Rather nooby type stuff, as I recall.
BTW, it's quite a battle, the buggers keep coming in waves, but they're not very high lvl.

Moeman (64 druid) Terris Thule
It ate my Qeynos Badge of Honor
# Feb 01 2004 at 9:31 AM Rating: Default
After spending countless hours redoing the quest (at several stages earlier on I ran into problems moving forward on the quest so had to start completely over several times), I finally made it to Jaggedpine. I have conned Amiable in JPF for a while now, but just to be sure I went to BB and walked through the whole place nuking every gnoll that I could see before talking to the Sergeant. I handed in the badge and he handed me the warning letter but no marked badge. I petitioned it, but got no answer within the last 2 hours that I could keep my eyes open. I'm hoping to get this fixed. I'm on Karana, BTW, in case it's a server specific error.
RE: It ate my Qeynos Badge of Honor
# Feb 05 2004 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
BB gnolls don't raise Protectors of the Pine or Residents of Jaggedpine.

Perhaps that is your problem.

RE: It ate my Qeynos Badge of Honor
# Feb 09 2004 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
They do too raise your faction with residents of JP. Trust me, as an iksar monk working for my epic the hard way, I've killed thousands of stinking gnolls, and they do indeed give residents of jagged pine faction.

They do not, however, give faction with protectors of the pine, don't know what does. Mebbe the infamous muffin quest or something.
RE: It ate my Qeynos Badge of Honor
# Apr 01 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
No, they do not. The Blackburrow gnolls give faction with Jaggedpine Treefolk (Surefall druids). The Darkpaw gnolls in the Jaggedpine caves give faction with Jaggedpine Treefolk, Protectors of Pine (Surefall rangers), and Residents of Jaggedpine.

You can also turn in the Darkpaw teeth for more faction with the Treefolk, Protectors, Residents, and Guards of Qeynos.

If you just need Residents faction for the badge, the poachers in JP are lower level than the gnolls, are easily single pulled, and none wander.

Edited, Thu Apr 1 14:59:54 2004
RE: It ate my Qeynos Badge of Honor
# Feb 09 2004 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
They do too raise your faction with residents of JP. Trust me, as an iksar monk working for my epic the hard way, I've killed thousands of stinking gnolls, and they do indeed give residents of jagged pine faction.

They do not, however, give faction with protectors of the pine, don't know what does. Mebbe the infamous muffin quest or something.
It ate my Qeynos Badge of Honor
# Feb 01 2004 at 9:31 AM Rating: Default
*Edited for double posting*
Said internal server error, so I posted again just to be sure.

Edited, Sun Feb 1 09:32:48 2004
easy kill
# Jan 12 2004 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
hardest part was beating out repops. 65 druid, with decent gear. (little VT, soem ornate, most old stuff) DC a snake and u can single pull every mob without harmony all the way in. i pulled barducks and he promptly beat down my pet. then just root/rot and hope to beat repops. i did go OOM tho, had to rely on clickies for last 20% or so. (Tanglewood Shield, Wanderer's Sylvan Legs, Elder Spiritists Vambraces, Naturewalker's Scimitar) in the end, i had two repops parked when they aggroed, looted and egressed.

BTW, i was only hunting faction to finish the Gale Weaver i started oh so long ago. had now idea that i had started a war, so i was surprised to find all the people in town dying and a dozen or so green gnolls beating me senseless when i came back from the bathroom =P
Offical Warning
# Dec 21 2003 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
Does anyone have a clue as to if there is anything that this part needs to be saved for. Possibly another Quest? Upgrade to the Nobility..perhaps..that would be awsome, this has been one of the best progressive quests I have completed.

Talissia Moonchyld

Miolla Stargaze
RE: Offical Warning
# Jan 03 2004 at 3:05 AM Rating: Good
104 posts
I have no idea if they are planning to extend this quest for Discord or "later" expansions but I assure you as one of the original discoverer's of this quest from Part 1, I'll see to it that the rest is uncovered if there be a 6th part. =)
Offical Warning
# Dec 21 2003 at 9:14 AM Rating: Default
sorry for double post

Edited, Sun Dec 21 09:17:53 2003
# Dec 05 2003 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
218 posts
I completed this quest the other day. It was a lot of fun.

I'm a level 60 Druid and I soloed Barducks. None of the techniques listed here worked for me though. When I tried snaring him and invising to run out, he would never follow, or I would run by a see invis Defiler, who would aggro me.

Here is what I did: I invised up and ran into the caves. I looked for any a Darkpaw Defilers (these are the only ones that see invis) and harmonied them. I made my way back to the area Barducks is in (it's a great big open room in the cave). Barducks is at the back of the room. I harmonied the gnolls around him, then pulled him with snare to the back of the room.

There is just enough room to root/rot him there without aggroing the others. It is a very small area so you will need your regen running on you and have some luck with landing root.

I then succored and went and finished the turn ins. When finished, I quickly invised up and watched the mass slaughter that ensued.

Good Luck on your quest!
Quest works
# Oct 25 2003 at 7:50 AM Rating: Good
24 posts
I just finished this Quest yesterday with the help of a 65 Ranger (thanks Grimscythe...first Quest of mine he HASN'T died on). The Quest does work and is no longer broken.

A hint that some people overlook? Look in the bazaar for the Potameid Pate, or any of the parts for it. You'd be surprised at the stuff people sell in there, and you may benefit from it. I bought the Potameid Pate for 50plat, which was more than worth it to me, as my baking is 143 and the triv for it I have seen listed from 151 to 193. Buying it is less of a headache.

The Panther Pate seems to be a no fail combine, though I cannot confirm this.

Also, while not a part of the Quest you MUST complete, the Gnoll Army raiding Jaggedpine after BArducks dies is a lot of fun for a small group to try and turn back, especially when they come running into town like gangbusters two or five at a time to wipe the town out. Even when they con green to you, it's still fun trying to keep the little buggers out of the town.

Sir Enhmet Silvershield
65 Lord Protector of Marr
Twists of Fate
Povar Server
Fixed or never broken
# Aug 27 2003 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
Did this today and everything went as shown , no eaten items , no rejected ones..

Made the mistake of asking druid to evac to PoK instead of to the town and had to wait 1 game day for town to respawn..

Other than that everything went smoothly

Edited, Wed Aug 27 19:31:11 2003
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 26 2003 at 8:39 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ***WARNING*** ***WARNING***
# Sep 04 2003 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
I turned in my Qeynos Badge of Honor on Sept. 1, and am now wearing the MARKED Qeynos Badge of Honor. If it was broken, it seems to be ok, now. A guildmate also acquired his Badge of Nobility over the weekend.
# Sep 10 2003 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
Has anyone on Ayonae Ro successfully done this Quest since my post? I really want to complete this, but would not be at all happy if I had to /petition again, hehehe
Fought the war
# Jul 11 2003 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
Has anyone successfully fought the gnoll war afterwards? I am getting ready to take down Barducks and really want to see what happens if I win the war - and if in fact it leads to another quest. However if its just a 1/2 hour of killing gnolls I don't want to bother my friends and go the the hassle of a raid force. If anyone has successfully won the war and talked to Caelin afterwards let me know please.

RE: Fought the war
# Dec 30 2003 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
332 posts
When the war starts, LOTS of gnolls descend on the town - about 4-6 at a time. All the gnolls are called "a gnoll" except for an occasional "a gnoll assassin". The assassins are slightly larger than the regular gnolls so you can easily identify them. They are a bit harder and I believe they may backstab as well. Only the assassins drop the no-rent items that you need to turn in later.

Gnolls will come in waves of 4-6 and begin to attack the residents. They come from all different sides of the town. Once a resident is killed, a gnoll will take its place. As long as there is a villager alive, gnolls will keep spawning. At one point, there were about 20 gnolls chasing our kiter.

The gnolls are green to 65's but they have a lot of hitpoints, hit pretty hard for greenies, and come in large numbers from everywhere. The three of us were quickly getting low on halth and mana after about 10 minutes of chasing gnolls around. The no-rent drops are lore and can be traded. We saw three different types of no-rent items.

After the war was over, we decided to log-in our twinks so they could do the turn-ins. As fate would have it, the logon server crashed and no one was able to relogon for 45 minutes - causing all the no-rent items to poof. So, we never got to see what the rewards were, but it was kinda fun.

Edited, Tue Dec 30 17:45:12 2003
Duke Ardnahoy
Noble Lord Protector of the 70th Crusade
Fennin Ro - EQ I

Ardnahoy II
Fearless Guardian of the 40th Tour
Mistmore - EQ II
RE: Fought the war
# Jul 15 2003 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
The gnolls drop, at random, no rent statless items. If you successfully defend the town, there is an NPC you can then had the items to for a reward. I've never actually gotten that for, but I've seen the no rent items. They aren't no drop, so you can swap them around before the turn-ins.
RE: Fought the war
# Jul 24 2003 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
Does successfully mean that one person is left standing or EVERYONE is left standing. It sounds that, if indeed there is another quest, that EVERYONE (or specific NPCs) would need to survive.
RE: Fought the war
# Sep 02 2003 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
To be successful you have to keep Sergeant Caelin alive. If he dies, even if you keep some other NPCs alive, you wont get your rewards when turing in the No Rent items to the respawned Sergeant.

The rewards aren't really worth it. They are items with one-charge of various spells. The war is fun though, and the gnolls who invade are slightly higher level than those in the caves, so the exp can be good too.
Very useful
# Jul 06 2003 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
207 posts
Ok, I did this quest a couple levels ago, 55ish, and I still use the badge today at 65. This is a highly under-rated item, particularly for casters.

Best neck item in the game? No. And I'm prolly gonna be replacing it soon. But I've been using the badge line in my neck slot for about 30 levels now and I can tell ya, this is a very nice item and an extremely fun quest.

Consider. 40 mana = about 6 1/2 int. That plus the 6 real int makes this equal to a 12 int neck. Plus it has 6 str which is nice for carrying stuff, if nothing else, AND it has see invis which trust me, comes in very handy.

So maybe not a great tank neck, but great for hybrids and casters. Particularly considering that I did this at around 50ish solo, up until the gnoll cave. It's a damn nice item to quest for.

Faelawen Starfyre the Mad Mage of Povar

PS: considering that you can raise baking to 180ish just off of vendor items pretty cheaply... not really something that requires a heck of a lot of ******** about.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 23 2003 at 8:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) compare it to the first 4 and then look at this one. this quest sucks. why add the backing garbage to it? i could see if the other quests involved baking or if the skill requirement was lower but no you need around 191 baking for a very small upgrade to the quality of the item. if they don't add another badge or two i see very very few people doing this quest.
The rest of the text
# Jun 09 2003 at 12:30 AM Rating: Excellent
OK, here is the rest of the test given for the quest:

This is after you give in the Panther Pate:

Guard Finewine: Ah, yes, this is perfect! I feel me head clearing alredy. Wait, is that the sun pulling through the trees there or the moon? Hard to tell in this hideous jungle... Oh wait, yes. My shift reports for the last few week. Why don't you go ahead and turn the into Sgt. Caelin for me. I'm goin to enjoy this fine pate.

Sgt. Caelin:
Oh Praise Karane, how did you ever manage to get these out of him? Never Mind, I don't really care. Here, take this Compiled Report to Captain Tillin in Qeynos at once.

"Hail Captain Tilin"
Captain Tillin says "Hail Folcromer" Spend your time wisely in the city of qeynos. Do not let your mind wonder to thoughts of bravado or crime. My guards can easily put to rest any outbreaks. Good day to you, citizen!"

[give Book of Reports]

Captain Tillin scans the report with a farrowed brow. So the threat is worse then we had anticipated. The intelligence we have gathered is true. We have little time, return to Sgt Caelin and give him these orders. Time is of the essence. Hurry now, these people are in grave danger adn something must be done to stop this!

[Give Orders the Sgt Caelin to Sgt Caelin] (duh!)

Sgt Caelin's face grows pale as he reads the orders/ "Bossumir was right. The gnolls are far stronger than we expected. We lack the resources for a frontal assault so we have no chouce but to resort to covert operations and strike the gnolls at their heart. Their leader must fall and you look like the one for the job. Take this Writ of Execution and Carry out the sentence. Your target is the leader of the gnolls, Barducks Darkpaw. Affix the writ of execution to the head of Barducks Darkpaw and seal it in this black sachel. Return to me the Closed Black Sachel and your Marked Qeynos Badge of honor for your just reward.

You recieve a black sachel, i think it says open

[kill Barducks Darkpaw, combine head and writ of execution in sachel]

Give Sgt Caelin the Closed black sachel and you marked qeynos badge of honor and you recieve the Qeynos Badge od Nobility

I do not have the last sentences of Sgt Caelin writtin down, but your done by then

Just remember Faction must be done to talk to Sgt Caelin, easiest way is just go kill the gnolls in the cave in Jagged Pine and get the fangs that drop from these. This is the fastest way i know
# May 12 2003 at 7:28 PM Rating: Excellent
85 posts
How do you get to the area that Barducks spawns in? I know its the Gnoll caves, but where in them?
RE: Where?
# Jun 05 2003 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
Just a quick follow up to how hard Barducks is. I am a 65 druid with VT loot and 30ish aa's. ( not bragging just making a point that he is a tuff mob) It took me two tries but I managed to solo him. The first time I ran out of agro range to root an add and he popped full health after I had him down to 67 percent root rotting.
The 2nd time I simply cleared the left side of the area he is in, and harmony of nature all the rest of the right side. I then root rotted him. I had 1 blue mana left, I had to heal myself one time. This quest is much easier now with higher levels and not a bad neck item for the effort.

65 Druid
Ayonae Ro server
Sphere of Transcendence
RE: Where?
# Jul 15 2003 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent

And I took him second try with primarily Thurg and Elysian gear at 60. Killed the one spawn on the hill outside his alcove, invised to the far wall in the alcove, rooted, then snared him, re-invis, wait for him on the hill. Root and dot, rinse, repeat. There's enough room to kite him back and forth, just try to avoid getting hit, he'll pound you. The one downside to this is the one you cleared first likes to re-pop just as you're finishing up, so epic and manaless Drones of Doom really helps speed things up.
RE: Where?
# Jun 03 2003 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
Barducks is located in the large room towards the back of the gnoll cave system...here's a rough map sketch that may help out.

barducks not that hard
# May 10 2003 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
i've just killed him yesterday at lvl 48 with the help of a 48 ranger, if you wanna know how, i ve posted my method on barducks page... it will just take lot of time... hope this help someone...
# Apr 01 2003 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
Just done Barducks with 63 mage, 59 Druid, 58 Druid and 54 Ranger. Walked right into the cave with amazing 60 pet killing everything in the way, then the mage killed Barducks while we watched for adds. Was cake with the mage.

Sharpish hand in, then we watched the war after /ooc'ing it. Killed quite a few gnolls, but then they got alot harder and we had to leg it when the pet died, lol!
trivial on dryad pate
# Mar 16 2003 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
When I did the combine with 175 baking I didnt get the message I cannot further my baking with it, so I guess eqtraders is right that the trivial is 191.
RE: trivial on dryad pate
# May 10 2003 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
i don't know but at least at 192 baking i can assure you i got both trivial message
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