Coalition Trader Next Task  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Creatures:
    Era:Planes of Power
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    Appropriate Races:
    Entered: Fri May 10 17:11:45 2002
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    You say, 'Hail, Tovan Tenlah'

    Tovan Tenlah says 'I suppose you're one of Nestrals new employees, eh? Well if that's the case I can help get you outfitted with some [gear] necessary for people in this [line of work].'

    You say, 'What gear'

    Tovan Tenlah says 'The first thing you need is a suit of sturdy traders clothing. Take this note to Verona Rankin and she'll help you with a suit tailored to your needs. Once you have been outfitted in your traders clothing return to me and I will inform you of your [next task].'

    You say, 'What line of work'

    Tovan Tenlah says, 'We specialize in the acquisition and redistribution of rare and exotic goods. It may not sound like a very exciting job, but I assure you it is.'

    You say, 'What next task'

    Tovan Tenlah says 'Ready to get to work are you? Listen carefully. Outside Freeports South gate you will find one of our employees, Rigg Nostra, who is acting as an intermediary between the Coalition of Tradefolk and some recently acquired business associates. Give him this card so he knows I've sent you and he will give you further instructions. Do not mention any of our names in public. The Freeport Militia would likely impose high taxes on the Coalition if they found out about the goods being exchanged to us by our new associates.'

    To find Rigg Nostra, head out the west gate of Freeport and find him under a tent with some vendors. Hand him the card.

    Rigg Nostra says 'Excellent I've been waiting for the Coalition to send me some assistance. I have an associate waiting for some supplies that have not yet been collected. I need you to acquire a [crate of pick heads] and a [bundle of hardwood shafts] and bring them to me so that I may prepare them for delivery to my associate.'

    You gain experience!!

    You say, 'What crate of pick heads'

    Rigg Nostra says 'I've heard that a dwarf who calls himself Grendig and has not registered with the Coalition of Tradefolk has recently arrived in Freeport and is staying at the Freeport Inn just inside the South Gate. He has brought to Freeport pick heads from his home city of Kaladim. Find Grendig and 'convince' him to 'donate' a crate of pick heads to the Coalition of Tradefolk as tax for peddling his wares in our city.'

    You say, 'What bundle of hardwood shafts'

    Rigg Nostra says 'There is a halfling named Jimble Woodentoe that occasionally visits Freeport to peddle his woodcrafts. He can be found traveling through the Commonlands from the direction of Rivervale. Find Jimble and 'convince' him to donate a bundle of hardwood shafts to the Coalition of Tradefolk as tax for peddling his wares in our city.'

    After you get the pick heads and the shafts (by killing or as Rigg put it "convincing" them to "donate") you hand them to Rigg Nostra.

    Rigg Nostra dumps the axe picks and hardwood shafts into a crate and then passes the crate to you. 'Very good, _____.' Glad to see that Jimble and Grendig were feeling generous enough to donate to our cause. Now give this Filled Crate of Mining Supplies to the man in green standing behind you.'

    Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk Underground has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Carson McCabe has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with The Freeport Militia has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!

    You receive Large Crate of Mining Supplies. Turn around and give the crate to the orc standing behind you named Grug Deathfist. He despawns quickly if you don't turn in anything to him so do it quickly. After you give him it, he hands you a Rough Blue Gem and then despawns.

    Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk Underground has been adjusted by 3.
    Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk has been adjusted by 3.
    Your faction standing with Carson McCabe has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with The Freeport Militia has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!

    Return the gem to Tovan Tenlah.

    Tovan Tenlah says, 'I appreciate your discretion in this matter. Now take this Coalition Dirk and sharpen it in a forge with a sharpening stone. It may take you several attempts if you are unfamiliar with smithing. Once you have completed this, take the dirk, this faceted gem, and a rattlesnake skin to Verona Rankin. She will reward you for your efforts.

    Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk Underground has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Carson McCabe has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with The Freeport Militia has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!

    You receive a Dull Coalition Dirk and a Faceted Blue Gem. Combine the Dull Coalition Dirk with a Sharpening Stone in a forge (trivial 19) to make a Sharpened Coalition Dirk.

    Head to North Ro and hunt rattlesnakes until you get 1 Rattlesnake Skin.

    Come back to East Freeport and give the Sword, the Gem and the Rattlesnake Skin to Verona Rankin.

    Verona Rankin secures the gem into the hilt of the dagger and crafts a grip from the rattlesnake skin. 'Here is your new dirk, _____. Congratulations.'

    Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk Underground has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Carson McCabe has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with The Freeport Militia has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!

    Coalition Traders Dirk
    Send a Correction
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    # Feb 11 2019 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
    458 posts
    The sole function of Grug Deathfist is to receive the crate that you are supposed to give him. Give it to him immediately. (Should something call you away after turning in the shafts and the pick axe heads you will not find him available later.) Start the quest over.
    Where's the text?
    # Feb 14 2015 at 11:14 PM Rating: Excellent
    Trying this on the Firiona Vie server and there is no text after I hand in the pick staves and heads. Rigg just tells me, "Great work ______. Perhaps we will meet again."

    When I try to hand in the gem, now a Rough Blue Gem, Tovan Tenlah hands back the gem without any text whatsoever. If I try to give the Gem to someone that isn't supposed to get it, they hand it back with a text response.
    Where's the text?
    # Feb 17 2016 at 1:17 PM Rating: Excellent
    756 posts
    RikardtheBard wrote:
    Trying this on the Firiona Vie server and there is no text after I hand in the pick staves and heads. Rigg just tells me, "Great work ______. Perhaps we will meet again."

    When I try to hand in the gem, now a Rough Blue Gem, Tovan Tenlah hands back the gem without any text whatsoever. If I try to give the Gem to someone that isn't supposed to get it, they hand it back with a text response.

    I can confirm this. You get a Rough Blue Gem that Tovan simply returns. Quest is broken as of now.
    Where's the text?
    # Feb 22 2016 at 1:26 PM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    KC13 wrote:
    RikardtheBard wrote:
    Trying this on the Firiona Vie server and there is no text after I hand in the pick staves and heads. Rigg just tells me, "Great work ______. Perhaps we will meet again."

    When I try to hand in the gem, now a Rough Blue Gem, Tovan Tenlah hands back the gem without any text whatsoever. If I try to give the Gem to someone that isn't supposed to get it, they hand it back with a text response.

    I can confirm this. You get a Rough Blue Gem that Tovan simply returns. Quest is broken as of now.

    Another casualty of the Freeport revamp?

    Updated, thanks.
    Rigg Nostra moved
    # Mar 29 2011 at 10:57 PM Rating: Good
    340 posts
    Rigg Nostra is now outside the west gate of freeport, under a half tent with the vendors.
    # Jul 28 2002 at 12:07 PM Rating: Default
    where can i find Tovan Tenlah??
    what the..
    # Jul 19 2002 at 3:49 AM Rating: Default
    i never got a dagger, im on Druzzil Ro server, lvl 9 barbarian rog. my diety is bristlebane. someone tell me whats wrong?
    # Jun 30 2002 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
    They must have changed this after you guys posted because it is no longer only Innoruuk specific..It can now be used by any diety rouge but is still human half elf only..I also found out for us who dont have duel wield yet that it can be equipped in the range slot for those added lil bonus's it has..I was just doing this for faction and exp but found out they changed it..WOOHOOO..nice will go rather well with my stiletto of the bloodclaw when I hit 13..its very quick..

    11 Rouge on Tarew Marr

    Coalition Trader Dagger
    Human Half Elf
    dam 3 delay 21
    str +1 dex +2
    fits in range slot!!
    (even though it doesnt say it does *wink*)

    Edited, Sun Jun 30 18:48:40 2002
    # Jul 12 2002 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
    I have a lvl 8 Half elf Rogue, With Bristtlebane as the diety, on the Prexus server.....
    When I hand the card to Rigg Nostra, nothing happens. I con amiable. When I hail him he says something about being very busy.
    I am thinking this means that, at least on the Prexus server, you still have to be a follower of Innoruuk....
    You want... MORE?!
    # May 19 2002 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
    I'm betting that there is even more to this, VI is fond of their sequential quests. I'll go poke around and return with more info... (55 Rogue with a 3/21 dagger is rather silly, but if it keeps you new people from begging it will be worth it)
    Lousy stats
    # May 12 2002 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
    3/21 Str +1 Dex +2 Wt 3.0

    A real waste for all but a few rogues well under 12th level. Buy yourself a Walrus Tooth
    Quest Continues
    # May 11 2002 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
    The quest continues... After you get the pick heads and the shafts (by killing or as Rigg put it "convincing" them to "donate") you hand them to Rigg Nostra, who gives you a Filled Crate of Mining Supplies and tells you to give it to the "man in green behind you". Turn around and give the crate to the orc standing behind you (he despawns after you give him it) and he hands you a blue gem.
    Return the gem to Tovan Tenlah and he gives you a dull dirk and a faceted blue gem. He tells you to buy a sharpening stone and sharpen the dirk and return the sharpend dirk, the faceted gem, and a rattlesnake skin to Verona Rankin.
    She in turn gives you a Coalition Traders Dirk 3dmg 27dly 3dmg bonus 2str 2dex prim/sec that is equipable by HUM and HEF who worship Innouruk only. Very disappointing in general, especially if you don't worship innouruk...if you do however have fun with the quest it is rather simple. It took me maybe 10 minutes and that was because i couldn't find a rattlesnake skin, only giant ones that don't work...Good Luck

    -Vespis Pursecutter
    34th level rogue
    Solusek Ro
    RE: Quest Continues
    # May 11 2002 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
    A few additional points...

    Both the Dwarf and the Halfling /conned even to my lvl 12 Rogue... and you will take negative faction hits for Rivervale and Kaladim.

    An Innoruuk only dagger kinda sucks... Inny isn't the ONLY god worshipped by Freeport Rogues... and E. Marr worshipping, Human rogues can ONLY start in Freeport, so they get the short deal.

    Not that I'm that bothered... Agnostic, and proud of it :o)
    RE: Quest Continues
    # Jul 24 2002 at 10:46 AM Rating: Default
    Not true. Human/Half-Elf rogues can start in Qeynos. And there is a different set of quests for rogues there.
    RE: Quest Continues
    # Jun 29 2003 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
    53 posts
    no it is true, if you choose a diety your city choice is limited, i made a Karana worshipping half elf rogue and was only allowed to start in qeynos, freeport was not an option. Similarly the tunare half elf rogues only are allowed to start in gfay.

    So when they say that an erollisi marr half elf rogue can only start in freeport that makes sense to me as there is no temple to marr in qeynos.
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