24th Anniversary: Misgnomer  

Quest Started By:Description:
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Money
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Era:Night of Shadows
Group Size:Solo
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Entered: Sun Mar 12 20:41:28 2023
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This 24th Anniversary task can be obtained by Captain Nalot the Fake in Steamfont Mountains at /waypoint 1680, -761, 2 in the far center cove in the northeast corner of the cove. He is also on the Find Tool (Ctrl F)

You say, 'Hail, Captain Nalot the Fake'

Captain Nalot the Fake says, 'Arrr! Ye don't be wantin' to be messin' with the ol' captain. Ye need time at [Iceclad] ta prove yerself! Leave me be.'

You say, 'You don't look like you've ever been to Iceclad yourself.'

Captain Nalot the Fake sighs in relief and his demeanor changes. 'That's precisely what I've been telling them! Ugh, I'm not really a captain, and I've never been to Velious, but I did get myself into a bit of a [jam].'

You say, 'Tell me more about this jam.'

Captain Nalot the Fake says, 'I... I said I was Captain Nalot for [free drinks] at the pub in Ak'Anon. They didn't believe me at first, but, erm, they don't call us rogues crafty for nothing!'

You say, 'It sounds like you made out like a bandit with the free drinks.'

Captain Nalot the Fake says, 'Yeah, about that... Well, we were laughing and drinking and having a merry time when someone snuck out to alert the clockwork guards. Apparently, piracy is illegal or something. I ran away, and I've been out here ever since. Do you mind helping me get my name back, my [real name]?'

You say, 'I can help. What is your real name, anyways?'

You have received a request timer for 'Misgnomer': 0d:0h:1m remaining.
You have been assigned the task 'Misgnomer'.

Captain Nalot the Fake says, 'Merryn. Merryn Wildgear at your service.' He bows deeply. 'Rogue extraordinaire. As for how you can help, do you know the real Captain Nalot? He should still be in Iceclad doing his thing. I could be safe and ensure that he never knows that I used his name, but on the other hand, he may be the positively best person to say, "He's not Captain Nalot, I am!" If you can go snag a statement from him that I can show the guards, it would help profusely.'

Merryn Wildgear is a devotee of Bristlebane, and in an effort to get free drinks at the pub, he introduced himself as the famous Iceclad Pirate Captain Nalot. To convince them, he had to prove himself, but now that he has, he can't un-prove himself and he's afraid the Ak`Anon watchmen will come to arrest him for "his" piracy on the open seas. They have the wrong gnome!

The best resolution is to touch base with the old captain himself, Captain Nalot in Iceclad. Perhaps he can provide a statement to clear Merryn's name.

Buy some Gnomish Spirits somewhere before you start this task.

  • 1. Interview the real Captain Nalot for his statement 0/1 The Iceclad Ocean

    You can find the real Captain Nalot in Iceclad ocean at /waypoint +4600, +1300 inside one of the igloos near Ami just a lil south of the StormFeather spawn.

    You say, 'Hail, Captain Nalot'

    Captain Nalot says, 'Oi.' He squints at _____. 'What 'ave we here? What do ye [want] wit' an ol' sea dog? N' make it quick. I got a crew ta run.'

    You say, 'I want help for a friend. Someone invoked your name.'

    Captain Nalot says, 'O'course it's me name.' The captain spits to the side, and looks over the adventurer. 'Bound ta get dem land blubbers in [trouble]. What'd they do in me name?'

    You say, 'He got you in trouble with Ak'Anon. They're looking for you.'

    Captain Nalot says, 'I've been in trouble there, kid. Ye say nothin' new. What else ya [need]?'

    You say, 'I need you to clear his name by saying you're not him.'

    Your task 'Misgnomer' has been updated.

    Captain Nalot says, 'Ya ask a lot o' bilge, but I'll oblige ye if ya bring me a Gnomish Spirits. Could use a taste o'home.'

    Captain Nalot's help in providing a statement doesn't come free, and he has requested Gnomish Spirits to get a taste of home again.

  • 2. Bring Captain Nalot some Gnomish Spirits 0/1 The Iceclad Ocean

    You offered 1 Gnomish Spirits to Captain Nalot.

    You have been given: Statement from Captain Nalot

    Your task 'Misgnomer' has been updated.

    Captain Nalot says, 'Thar we go. It e'en smells like home.' He scribbles a few things on a piece of parchment and hands it over. 'Now get lost before I send ya overboard meself!'

    You complete the trade with Captain Nalot.

  • 3. Bring Merryn the Statement from Captain Nalot 0/1 The Steamfont Mountains

    You offered 1 Statement from Captain Nalot to Captain Nalot the Fake.

    Your task 'Misgnomer' has been updated.

    You complete the trade with Captain Nalot the Fake.

  • 4. Check to see if there's' anything else you can do 0/1 The Steamfont Mountains

    Captain Nalot the Fake eagerly takes the statement and opens it. '"There's only one Cap'n Nalot." Oh, how is this supposed to help me, ______? What does this prove? The King of Thieves certainly maintains his sense of humor. Oh gee, oh fizzlesticks... Oh! Oh oh oh! Perhaps there's [someone else].'

    You say, 'You mean someone else who can clear you?'

    Your task 'Misgnomer' has been updated.

    Captain Nalot the Fake says, 'Speaking of the King of Thieves, maybe you can ask my guild master in Ak'Anon, good ol' Welno Tanlonikan. He'll bail me out. I'm one of his best rogues, after all. He'll vouch for me and my true name.'

    Merryn has requested nudging the rogue guildmaster, Weino Tanlonikan, whom he has served under for many years. Perhaps he can help with a statement.

  • 5. Interview Welno Tanlonikan for his statement. 0/1 Ak`Anon

    Welno Tanlonikan is located in the Abbey of Deep Musing building. Step through the fake wall that looks like a curtain in the north room on the east wall, this will lead you down into the basement where you will find Welno at /waypoint 1241, -598, -52

    You say, 'Hail, Welno Tanlonikan'

    Welno Tanlonikan says, 'What do you [want]? What brings the likes of you down into the Ak'Anon underworld?'

    You say, 'I want to clear up a case of mistaken identity.'

    Welno Tanlonikan says, 'Oh, we all wear many faces, ____. Whose mistaken identity are you [concerned with]? And hurry it up, I don't have all day.'

    You say, 'I'm concerned with Merryn Wildgear.'

    Welno Tanlonikan says, 'I don't know no Merryn Wildgear. Who does this Merryn fellow say he's been [confused] with lately?' He mutters quietly, 'This oughta be good.'

    You say, 'People have confused him with Captain Nalot.'

    Welno Tanlonikan says, 'Oh, Captain Nalot. I heard he was back in town! Nearly had himself a [barfight], that old seadog.'

    You say, 'Almost in a barfight, you say?'

    You have been given: Statement from Welno Tanlonikan

    Your task 'Misgnomer' has been updated.

    Welno Tanlonikan says, 'Yeah, he got very insistent that he was Captain Nalot when a few of the crowd didn't believe him. But hey, he managed to earn himself enough drinks with his stories that the clockwork barkeep almost gave him a to-go cup.' The guildmaster pauses in contemplation. 'You say that he calls himself Merryn now? He must have had a lot to drink that night. But hey, we rogues know our way around changes in identity.' He writes up a long statement on a parchment and passes it over to ____. 'Now, I've got money to make, so unless you're joining our merry band of assassins, I recommend you skedaddle.'

  • 6. Bring Merryn the Statement from Welno Tanlonikan 0/1 The Steamfont Mountains

    You offered 1 Statement from Welno Tanlonikan to Captain Nalot the Fake.

    Your task 'Misgnomer' has been updated.

    Captain Nalot the Fake gasps in surprise as the letter bursts into flames within his hand. Desperate to not be burned, he drops the letter onto the ground and stomps the flames out. It is too late; the statement has been reduced to ashes. 'Oh no no no. OH!' His face turns beet red in realization of what his mentor had done. 'That man. Oh, gah!' The gnome furiously paces back and forth. 'I still owe him money and he won't let me forget that, will he? He's just milking it now. What to do, [what to do]...'

    You complete the trade with Captain Nalot the Fake.

    You say, 'I think I know what to do. Do you have any family?'

    Your task 'Misgnomer' has been updated.

    Captain Nalot the Fake says, 'Family? Me? Uh, uh... Yes! I do! Sparky! She's my sister, in the Lesser Faydark on some mission or another. Maybe she can help, but a maybe is better than nothing.'

  • 7. Interview Sparky Wildgear for her statement 0/1 The Lesser Faydark

    You can find Sparky Wildgear in Lesser Faydark at /waypoint 1353, 2889, -1 at the northwest corner of the zone in front of a pixie tower.

    You say, 'Hail, Sparky Wildgear'

    Sparky Wildgear says, 'Shh! Keep it down, my friend. We don't want to [disrupt] the locals.'

    You say, 'Oh, sorry, I'm not meaning to disrupt. I'm here about your brother.'

    Sparky Wildgear says, 'My brother? [Merryn]? What does that little trickster need now?'

    You say, 'Yep, it's about Merryn. He's being confused as a pirate.'

    Sparky Wildgear says, 'Oh, serves that guy right.' Keeping her voice low, she adds, 'You know what? I'll help. What do you [need] from me?'

    You say, 'We'll need a statement saying he's not Captain Nalot.'

    Your task 'Misgnomer' has been updated.

    Sparky Wildgear says, 'Captain Nalot? Now that's a big reach for him, isn't it? Well, I can get you that statement.' She reaches into a pack, pulls out a small paper, and begins to scribble down the statement. Once done, she offers it, then rescinds it. With a flash, she rips it into three pieces and throws it into the air. 'Go get it, lapdog of my little brother!' Within moments, pixies arrive and snatch the pieces out of the air and take off in giggles and glitter.'

  • 8. Collect the 3 missing parts of her statement from pixie pranksters 0/3 The Lesser Faydark

    Sparky wrote a statement, alright... and then threw it to the wind. The pixies took advantage and now they have the pieces of the statement! Gather the three pieces for Captain Nalot the Fake.

    Loot 3 "Segment of Sparky's Statement" from a pixie prankster.

    If you want the bonus loot item Pocket Pixie Prankster, you will need to look around the tower where Sparky Wildgear is for some ground spawns that look like a purple globe. These are Sprinkled Pixie Dust.

  • 9. Fasten the statement together with adhesive 0/1 ALL

    This is the next part of the bonus loot. Outside of Ak'Anon, look for Cleanwork MMM, it's a mech rat. Give it the Sprinkled Pixie Dust and it will give you Pocket Pixie Prankster.

    Then continue with the below.

    With the pieces of Sparky's statement collected, it's time to fasten them together. Fasten them together however you can.

    Right click one of the pages, they will merge together to form "Statement from Sparky Wildgear"

    While you're in Lesser Faydark, be sure to loot a Sprinkled Pixie Dust, it's a ground spawn at various locations around Sparky. Give it to Cleanwork MMM in Steamfont Mountains to get the bonus reward, Pocket Pixie Prankster.

    Cleanwork MMM alerts, '*DINGDING!* Attention! Tracking dust. Tracking dust. *BZZ-WHRRR!* Pixie dust is scattering everywhere. Find and return to Cleanwork MMM.'

    You offered 1 Sprinkled Pixie Dust to Cleanwork MMM.

    Cleanwork MMM says, 'WHRRR!* Processing... Processing... Pixie dust verified. Thank you for your assistance.'

  • 10. Bring Merryn the Statement from Sparky Wildgear 0/1 The Steamfont Mountains

    The statement is whole again. Bring Sparky's statement back to Merryn to see if it helps.

  • 11. Check to see if there's anything else you can do 0/1 The Steamfont Mountains

    You offered 1 Statement from Sparky Wildgear to Captain Nalot the Fake.

    Your task 'Misgnomer' has been updated.

    Captain Nalot the Fake gives one glance at the note and crumples it into a tight little ball. 'Oh dear, oh dear.' The little gnome is a bundle of nervousness as he furiously digs in his pockets. 'Uh, erm.' He pulls out a coinpurse, heavy with coin. 'I guess there's only one [thing] I can do.'

    You complete the trade with Captain Nalot the Fake.

    You say, 'What thing is that?'

    Captain Nalot the Fake says, 'I need to [bribe] the establishment's gnome barkeep to clear my name.'

    You say, 'You're going to bribe him?'

    You have been given: Merryn's Coinpurse

    Your task 'Misgnomer' has been updated.

    Captain Nalot the Fake says, 'Precisely. Take this to Barkeep Eddrix. He's likely off on another business trip - the kind you do when you have a clockwork to cover twenty hours of your day.' He counts on his fingers and looks up at the sky to gauge the time. 'By my calculations, he'll be at Highpass Hold. Likely pottery shopping since my friend broke the barnut canister last week. Here,' he offers the whole coinpurse to _____. 'I trust you with what's in there after what you've done so far. Just, uh, make sure he knows it's a bribe.''

  • 12. Bring Merryn's "bribe" to Barkeep Eddrix in Highpass Hold 0/1 Highpass Hold

    You can find Barkeep Eddrix in Highpass Hold at /waypoint 226, 587, 40 in front of the bar in the top o' the world building in the west part of the zone.

    You offered 1 Merryn's Coinpurse to Barkeep Eddrix.

    You have been given: Notice of Debt Paid

    Your task 'Misgnomer' has been updated.

    Barkeep Eddrix says, 'Well, if it isn't Merryn's payment. Wowee.' The barkeep excuses himself from the transaction with the Highpass merchant to inspect the contents of the coinpurse. 'It's about time he took responsibility and pay his tab. This looks to cover the full amount.' He makes up a quick receipt and passes it over to _____, but takes a pause. 'Did [he tell] you?'

    You complete the trade with Barkeep Eddrix.

    You say, 'Did he tell me what?'

    Barkeep Eddrix says, 'Did [Merryn] tell you that this was payment for his tab?'

    You say, 'Merryn told me it was a bribe.'

    Barkeep Eddrix says, 'Well, I was hoping I'd make an honest gnome out of the man, but what can you say?' He shrugs. 'All he had to do was pay his tab and he'd be off the hook. I figured he was enjoying a taste of his own medicine. Ha! Well, a deal's a deal. You have your receipt and I'll nudge the bar patrons to get off the "Captain's" back and let Merryn be Merryn again. Thanks for this, friend.'

  • 13. Bring Merryn the Notice of Debt Paid 0/1 The Steamfont Mountains

    With the tab repaid, Eddrix has written a notice of debt repayment and wants you to take the receipt back to the fake captain. this should be sufficient to earn his real name back.

    You offered 1 Notice of Debt Paid to Captain Nalot the Fake.

    Your task 'Misgnomer' has been updated.

    With the bar tab finally resolved, Merryn is once again Merryn Wildgear and his (rather tarnished) reputation remains intact.

    You receive 5 silver.
    You receive 2 gold.
    You receive 2 platinum.
    You received 10 Commemorative Coins.

    Captain Nalot the Fake looks the receipt over and grins. 'Bribe accepted, I see. All's well and good now. I guess I'll just enjoy the fresh air for a bit before getting back into the, erm, spirit of things.' He throws a smug smile at _____. 'Thanks for your help.'

    You complete the trade with Captain Nalot the Fake.

    2p 2g 5s
    10 Commemorative Coins
  • Submitted by: Gidono
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    Faction with Welno Tanlonikan
    # Apr 17 2023 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
    44 posts
    I'm dubious with Ak'Anon, but the rogues are KOS. I have no way around the task to interview Welno. So, I grabbed the Sprinkled Pixie Dust and turned it in for the familiar/pet illusion, which gave me the 24th Anniversary Hidden Items ACH. But I'll have to find a way to build faction with the gnome rogues to finish the quest, because he only says the usual "Oh, look, a talking pile of refuse," and other statements along that line.
    The Good Lord gave us whiskey only to keep the Irish from taking over the world.
    Faction with Welno Tanlonikan
    # Apr 18 2023 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
    376 posts
    They did update the faction issue in a test patch on April 11th

    Misgnomer - While on the quest, Captain Nalot in Iceclad and Welno Tanlonikan in Ak'Anon now have a greater threshold for talking to people they may otherwise dislike.

    Or you can also

    Shroud with goblin rogue and sneak up behind Mr. Wenlo from the side of the waterway (i.e. through the wall) until a conversation is established. you have to do each text response after waiting to con indiff again.

    Edited, Apr 19th 2023 9:43am by Dogpaw
    Faction with Welno Tanlonikan
    # Apr 18 2023 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
    44 posts
    You can build faction with Deepmuses by killing the gnomes on the hill behind the dirigible transport to Argath for 1 each. Khrix in Unrest gets you 5 (10 if you use a double faction potion), but if you're at "Scowls," forget about the Special Duty quest. The POC will scowl at you as well. There are more you can kill for faction inside Ak'Anon. See the link below.


    Edited, Apr 18th 2023 6:55pm by Llyrin
    The Good Lord gave us whiskey only to keep the Irish from taking over the world.
    Faction with Welno Tanlonikan
    # Apr 17 2023 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
    44 posts
    Correction, I'm Kindly with King Ak'Anon, but dubious with Gem Choppers
    The Good Lord gave us whiskey only to keep the Irish from taking over the world.
    Don't have to do the task to get the pixie
    # Apr 13 2023 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
    185 posts
    I just ran to LFay, got the pixie dust, then went to steam front and turned it in. I got the pixie prankster. It would appear that the pixie prankster and the misgnomer quest are not directly related.
    - Vu~
    Haven's Edge
    Don't have to do the task to get the pixie
    # Apr 13 2023 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
    185 posts
    To clarify, I did absolutely none of the misgnomer quest and got the bonus. Just got the dust and handed it in.
    - Vu~
    Haven's Edge
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