24th Anniversary Mission: Reetuk the Inexorable  

Quest Started By:Description:
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 06:00:00
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:Night of Shadows
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Mar 10 02:46:22 2023
Modified: Sat Mar 16 19:40:48 2024
This 24th Anniversary Mission starts with Historian Graya in Crescent Reach. You can find her at /waypoint -1449, -1642, -87 on the first floor not far from Historian Pewdri which is on the find tool.

You say, 'Hail, Historian Graya'

Historian Graya peeks over the top of the tome she was reading. She hesitantly dog-ears the page and closes the book.

Historian Graya says, 'Hello there. Are you looking for [someone]? Perhaps you need directions?'

You say, 'Yes. That someone is you.'

Historian Graya says, 'Me? People usually avoid me. I'm a tad....' Historian Graya's mouth quirks as she thinks. 'Excited? Passionate? Eccentric? I admit I am a wee bit hyperfixated on my [research]. I could talk for hours. Days, even. I've been told that for all the things I've learned in life, the sound of silence is not one.'

You say, 'What is your research about?'

Historian Graya squeals. 'You really want to know? I specialize in researching the [ogres] who once lived right here in Crescent Reach. Of course, it was called 'Nokk' back then.' She pauses. 'If I ramble too much, you can just walk away. I'm used to it.'

You say, 'Tell me more about the ogres.'

Historian Graya says, 'There were a total of four ogre chieftains here. The first was Dronuk Rockjaw, a fierce warrior. He had a child with a powerful ogre magi, Hemska Thoots. Their son, Reetuk, became a great magi and the second ogre chieftain. There are no publications about Reetuk's reign, so I've taken it upon myself to ensure his story isn't lost to time. I don't want to bore you while I blather on, so how about you close your eyes and [imagine] the story as I tell it?'

You say, 'Imagine it?'

Historian Graya says, 'Imagine it, yes. Surely you haven't lost your sense of imagination? This tale follows Reetuk commanding his ogre troops on the night of a surprise attack against Nokk. It's full of drama, blood, rage, and heroism! Take a seat, listen carefully, and get [ready] to picture this....'

You have been assigned the task 'Reetuk the Inexorable'.

You say, 'ready'

Historian Graya looks at you quizzically. 'I said: Sit down and listen carefully. Off to a bad start, aren't we? Surely you don't want to stand the entire time I talk at you.'

I /sit

You say, 'ready'

Historian Graya clears her throat before beginning the story.

Historian Garaya is studying the one-intelligent ogres who lived in Nokk many, many years ago. There were four chieftains, but one the first and last are well-documented. Graya has taken an interest in the second chieftain, Reetuk the Inexorable, and is writing a book documenting her research. She is nearly bursting at the seams to tell someone -- anyone -- about all the fascinating stories she's come across, but no one will stop to listen. She invites you to sit and relax while she narrates the story of Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw's most heroic moment.

  • 1. Tell Historian Graya you are ready for the story 0/1 Blightfire Moors

    You say, 'Hail, Historian Graya'

    Historian Graya says, 'Are you comfortable? Is your imagination buzzing? If so, I shall [begin] my narration. Otherwise, we can [stop] and try this again later.'

    You say, 'begin'

    Ahem! Once upon a time, on a dim and foggy night, Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw was awoken by his patrol leaders, Klugg and Sobuk. They shared a startling report.

    Historian Graya begins her narration.

    Your task 'Reetuk the Inexorable' has been updated.

  • 2. Join Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw's conversation 0/1 Blightfire Moors

    You say, 'Hail, Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw'

    Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw says, 'Am I to understand that our watchtower has been sieged and I'm only hearing about it when half our soldiers are dead? Were you asleep on your [watch]? Or are you simply more pathetic than I thought? I should kill you both where you stand.'

    You say, 'watch'

    Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw glares. Patrol Leader Sobuk says, '[Klugg] is at fault, not I. He was supposed to be watching the eastern perimeter.'

    You say, 'Klugg'

    Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw looks at Patrol Leader Klugg. Patrol Leader Klugg retorts, 'And yet, Sobuk, it is mostly your soldiers who are now [dead]. You disgrace Rallos Zek.'

    You say, 'dead'

    Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw says, 'SILENCE. There's no time for your idiocy. [Who] is our enemy? How many do we face? I shall rally our troops and show our foes no mercy.'

    You say, 'Who'

    Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw snarls at his men. Patrol Leader Sobuk reports, 'It's unclear. They flew no banners and wore no insignias. The fighting began so suddenly that we haven't got any [information].'

    You say, 'information'

    Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw says, 'Are those brains you have just for show? You'd both be more useful as corpses fertilizing the soil. I'll [ask the soldiers] who are dying out in the field, all thanks to your ineptitude.'

    You say, 'ask the soldiers'

    The ogre watchtower had been compromised! But how? And by who? Chieftain Reetuk sought out firsthand accounts from his injured soldiers.

    Your task 'Reetuk the Inexorable' has been updated.

  • 3. Listen to reports from three injured ogres soldiers 0/3 Blightfire Moors

    There are 3 ogres lying on the hillside not far from Reetuk, hail each of them. Trooper Burta, Trooper Crokar, and Trooper Valuut.

    You say, 'Hail, Trooper Crokar'

    Trooper Crokar says, 'Chieftain. We have failed. By the time we knew we were under attack, the enemies were already beyond our defenses. Somehow they slipped by our guard patrols and no one raised the alarm.' Trooper Crokar groans in pain and clutches a bleeding wound on his side.'

    One soldier told Reetuk that the army seemed to appear out of nowhere.

    You say, 'Hail, Trooper Burta'

    Trooper Burta speaks with a shaky voice. 'They were dead. Crumpled, bloody, motionless. But something happened. They began to stand. Limbs twisted at odd angles, bones protruding from their skin. Their eyes... empty.' He shivers. 'They are no longer our comrades. They are monsters living inside their bodies. Be careful....'

    One soldier told Reetuk that once dead ogres began killing fellow ogres.

    You say, 'Hail, Trooper Valuut'

    One soldier described the enemy as something they'd never seen before.

    Your task 'Reetuk the Inexorable' has been updated.

  • 4. Kill stitchwork experiments 0/3 Blightfire Moors

    Head into the fog and kill "a stitchwork experiment"

  • 5. Kill reanimated ogres 0/6 Blightfire Moors

    Head into the fog and attack the "a twitching corpse" and "an odd corpse" ogres lying on the ground. These turn into "a reanimated ogre"

    The ground shook and a nightmarish monster emerged, blocking the ramp up to the tower.

  • 6. Defeat the Grotesque Colossus 0/1 Blightfire Moors

    Head towards the tower. Kill the Grotesque Colossus

  • 7. Expose who betrayed the ogres 0/1 Blightfire Moors

    You say, 'Hail, Patrol Leader Sobuk'

    Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw eyes Patrol Leader Sobuk with suspicion.

    Patrol Leader Sobuk says, 'Chieftain, do you think I'm the one who let these beasts in? I would never betray you. I will fight for our clan until my final breath.'

    You say, 'Hail, Patrol Leader Klugg'

    Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw eyes Patrol Leader Klugg with suspicion.

    Patrol Leader Klugg says, 'Heh. So you think I'm the one behind this [attack?]'

    You say, 'attack?'

    Patrol Leader Klugg says, 'Then I suppose you're smarter than I thought. However, you don't deserve the title of Chieftain. You may be a gifted mage, but this clan needs a strong, warrior leader. I could make us greater. The only thing standing in my way is [you].'

    You say, 'you'

    Patrol Leader Klugg says, 'A man came to me one day and helped me see that I deserve to lead this tribe. He helped me harness my hatred and turn it into strength. Then, he gave me an opportunity. The Teir`Dal are looking for something and he promised that if I helped them get it, they would help me assume control of the clan. I am the one who helped them slip beyond our defenses tonight. The chaos of their attack gave me the perfect opportunity to face you alone. And now, I shall [kill] you and take what I deserve.'

    You say, 'kill'

    Patrol Leader Klugg whirls around and stabs Patrol Leader Sobuk. His corpse hits the ground with a thud. Patrol Leader Klugg sets his sights on Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw.

    Patrol Leader Klugg says, 'Farewell, Reetuk.'

    Wanting to usurp control of the Spine ogre clan, Klugg attacked Reetuk. Klugg hoped to murder him and pin blame on the Tier`Dal invaders.

    Patrol Leader Sobuk died.

    Patrol Leader Klugg lunges with hatred in his eyes.

    Your task 'Reetuk the Inexorable' has been updated.

  • 8. Kill Patrol Leader Klugg 0/1 Blightfire Moors

    Kill Patrol Leader Klugg

    Patrol Leader Klugg's corpse lunges with hatred in his eyes.

    You have slain Patrol Leader Klugg!

    Patrol Leader Klugg has been slain by Thorque!

    Your task 'Reetuk the Inexorable' has been updated.

  • 9. Clear the tower of Tier`Dal invaders 0/10 Blightfire Moors

    Chieftain Reetuk was blind with rage. Though he had no soldiers to him back up, he entered the tower and killed every Tier`Dal invader he could find.

    Work your way up the tower killing "a Teir`Dal invader," "a Teir`Dal knight," and "a Teir`Dal necromancer"

  • 10. Speak with Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw 0/1 Blightfire Moors

    You say, 'Hail, Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw'

    Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw says, 'The signal fire is lit. Good. That means the rest of our troops should be aware of the attack. Soldier, what [happened] here?'

    You say, 'happened'

    Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw turns to the injured soldier, who manages to open an eye. 'These... elves... they are twisted with darkness. They mentioned a woman... looking for something at our shrine. We fought hard to get this fire lit... but it took too long. It is probably... too late to protect the [shrine].'

    You say, 'shrine'

    Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw says, 'The shrine? What could they possibly want? I won't make it in time on foot. I'll have to [teleport] myself there.'

    You say, 'teleport'

    Chieftain Reetuk mustered his energy into a spell that transported him away from the tower. He needed to stop the Teir`Dal, though he wasn't sure what they were looking for.

    You are teleported to the shrine.

    Your task 'Reetuk the Inexorable' has been updated.

  • 11. Confront Ralisa S`Lain about her motivations 0/1 Blightfire Moors

    You say, 'Hail, Ralisa S`Lain'

    Ralisa S`Lain says, 'Fool! I thought ogres were supposed to be smart? You fell right into my trap, like a pitiful insect caught in a spiderweb. [Innoruuk] will be pleased.'

    You say, 'Innoruuk'

    Ralisa S`Lain watches with glee as Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw fights against her magic. Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw growls, 'Innoruuk? What could that beast want with us? Who and [what] are you?'

    You say, 'what'

    Ralisa S`Lain says, 'I am Ralisa S`Lain, an envoy of Innoruuk. We are the Tier`Dal. Innoruuk created us in the image of elves, but we are stronger. You can be too, if you comply. [Surrender] yourself to Innoruuk and he will use your body and spirit to create a stronger race of ogres. Ones freed from the shackles of Rallos Zek, and can instead harness the power of their hatred.'

    You say, 'Surrender'

    Ralisa S`Lain smiles, but Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw spits in her direction. 'You speak of freedom, but it sounds like you are slave to a fickle emotion. The only thing that will be freed today is your head from your neck. You did not know I was a magi, did you?' Chieftan Reetuk Rockjaw begins to cast something that appears to be slowly [breaking] the dark magic tethers.

    You say, 'breaking'

    It was a trap! After teleporting, Reetuk found himself tethered by dark magic and unable to move.

    Ralisa S`Lain says, 'Fool! I thought ogres were supposed to be smart? You fell right into my trap, like a pitiful insect caught in a spiderweb. [Innoruuk] will be pleased.'

    Your task 'Reetuk the Inexorable' has been updated.

  • 12. Destroy the dark magic tethers 0/4 Blightfire Moors

    The dark magic tethers cast (Ralisa's Broken Shackle) when killed, blind plus deals 150,000 AE around itself with 3 second stun and 8 second blind. So range it down if you can.

    You are impaired from breaking the tether.

    Your task 'Reetuk the Inexorable' has been updated.

  • 13. Kill Ralisa S`Lain 0/1 Blightfire Moors

    It was a trap! After teleporting, Reetuk found himself tethered by dark magic and unable to move.

    Ralisa S`Lain raises her weapon and cackles with unmistakable haughtiness.

    Ralisa S`Lain's corpse collapses. Her skin becomes a pallid gray color.

    You have slain Ralisa S`Lain!

    Your task 'Reetuk the Inexorable' has been updated.

    Chieftain Reetuk Rockjaw stood triumphantly over Ralisa S`Lain's corpse. He could not be bound by her twisted magic, and thus was fittingly titled 'Reetuk the Inexorable.'

  • 14. Loot the abandoned Teir`Dal cache 0/1 Blightfire Moors

    /open the Abandoned Teir`Dal Cache

    Your task 'Reetuk the Inexorable' has been updated.

    You have received a replay timer for 'Reetuk the Inexorable': 0d:6h:0m remaining.

    Historian Graya closes her book with a satisfied smile. 'I hope you enjoyed the story of Reetuk the Inexorable. Come by again any time if you'd like to hear it again. Hopefully you'll see my name on bookshelves soon!'

    You receive coin.

    You receive experience.

    You received 20 Commemorative Coins.

    20 Commemorative Coins
  • Submitted by: Gidono
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    Quest updates
    # Mar 24 2023 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
    186 posts
    Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
    - Vu~
    Haven's Edge
    Quest updates
    # Mar 24 2023 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
    186 posts
    There are a lot of bugs with the quest text. I got some messages up to 4 times and some repeated during the exchange.
    - Vu~
    Haven's Edge
    Lockout timer
    # Mar 17 2023 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
    12 posts
    6:00:00 Lockout timer
    Vilforn Majel
    Level 125 Paladin of Mithaniel Marr
    Crimson Tempest Guild / Drinal Server
    step 4 and 5 mobs
    # Mar 17 2023 at 11:48 AM Rating: Excellent
    141 posts
    P -2912.9331, -991.4645, 181.7653, 240, 0, 0, 2, 24
    P -3079.9788, -984.5626, 192.5340, 240, 0, 0, 2, 24
    P -3303.1279, -1012.4954, 207.0847, 240, 0, 0, 2, 24
    P -3299.6526, -1124.1488, 200.6160, 240, 0, 0, 2, 24
    P -3301.1558, -1264.9718, 200.6123, 240, 0, 0, 2, 24
    P -3325.2983, -1283.4346, 200.6099, 240, 0, 0, 2, 24
    P -3249.1423, -1381.9156, 199.6472, 240, 0, 0, 2, 24
    P -2849.4431, -1514.6075, 205.2009, 240, 0, 0, 2, 24
    P -2875.9390, -1406.8127, 195.4653, 240, 0, 0, 1, 24
    P -2896.1289, -1326.3894, 190.5883, 240, 0, 0, 2, 24
    P -2943.9197, -1165.1511, 189.9329, 240, 0, 0, 2, 24
    P -3100.0916, -1380.2529, 211.8299, 240, 0, 0, 2, 24
    # Mar 16 2023 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
    430 posts
    These mobs are found in the NW corner of the map, the undead/witch area.

    Stitchworks and odd/twitching corpses are 112.

    The corpses you can kill are odd or twitching, either work to fulfill Kill reanimated ogres 0/6 Blightfire Moors. They turn into reanimated ogres shortly after you aggro them and they stand up.

    The Grotesque Colossus is 114.

    Tier`Dal invaders are 113.

    dark magic tethers are 110 and there are 4. They did assist if you were in their melee range but did not summon. They cast an AE upon dying which lasts what seems to be 8, sometimes 9, but sometimes 10, so 8-10 seconds. Ralisa's Broken Shackle Could just be lag.

    Ralisa S`Lain is 115 and becomes active and attacks when the dark magic tethers are destroyed.

    Acolyte's Ventral Defense of the Selenelion

    Acolyte's Enhancement of the Selenelion

    Acolyte's Assaulting Magic of the Selenelion

    Acolyte's Soothing of the Selenelion

    Acolyte's Defense of the Selenelion

    Acolyte's Defending Magic of the Selenelion

    Acolyte's Attacker of the Selenelion

    Are what I have seen so far.

    Edited, Mar 27th 2023 11:03am by hotrod
    Life needs more cowbell.

    # Mar 30 2023 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
    430 posts

    Acolyte's Warding Magic of the Selenelion
    Life needs more cowbell.

    kill 6 not 3
    # Mar 16 2023 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
    172 posts
    Kill stitchwork experiments 0/3 Blightfire Moors

    # is incorrect - you need to kill 6 ogres AND 6 stitchworks

    Edited, Mar 16th 2023 4:27pm by dagnarok
    what i came across
    # Mar 16 2023 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
    12 posts
    9. Clear the tower of Tier`Dal invaders 0/10 Blightfire Moors
    2. Destroy the dark magic tethers 0/4 Blightfire Moors
    the dark magic tethers cast (Ralisa's broken shackle) when killed, blind plus deals 150,000 AE around itself with 3 second stun
    and chest drop was:
    Acolyte's Defense of the Selenelion
    Lore Equipped, no trade, Augmentation, prestige charm ear head face neck shoulders arms back wrist hands fingers chest legs feet waist
    AC 30 HP Mana End 270 heal amount 9 spell dmg 9 clairvoyance 13 and +7 to all base stats
    Line 9 kill count...
    # Mar 16 2023 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
    42 posts
    9. Clear the tower of Tier`Dal invaders 0/? Blightfire Moors - 10/10 needed
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