The Sword of Nobility  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Antonius Bayle (Min: Dubious)
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Related Static Containers:
Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Jun 13 14:02:36 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
We have a report as of September 12, 2013, that this quest may be broken due to a dialogue loop, making it impossible to progress.

This is the quest method of obtaining Ghoulbane. It is also a drop, which is described in the Ghoulbane quest.

Ryshon Hunsti is located in West Karana, on the shore in the southeast corner.

Hail Ryshon Hunsti

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'Hello _____. What brings you to the Karanas? Do you seek [enlightenment]?

You say, 'I seek enlightenment'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'Ahh, i could see by the look in your eyes that you are looking for something more than just enlightenment. Perhaps you are looking for a [sword] crafted by a noble man.

You say, 'What sword?'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'It is not just a sword friend. It is much more than that. This sword carries with it special [power], something unlike anything else within this realm.'

You say, 'What power?'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'It is an instrument fashioned together by noble man. It is said to be blessed by the gods themselves. Only a man who comes from nobility may wield it. Do you seek the [sword of nobility]?'

You say, 'I seek the sword of nobility'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'I see, then take this note to Kanthuk Ogrebane. I've been told he can be found fishing not far from the dwarven city.'

He gives you Note to Kanthuk.

Travel to Butcherblock Mountains to the boat docks. Once zoned in to Butcherblock; follow the path to the city and follow the path to the dock but on the north side. The same side you will find Walnan and Grindbar. Looking at your map; he is in between them. If you follow the wall down to the water and then follow the water line you should run into him. There is a big boat and he is standing right on the shore/water line at /loc +2202, +2996

You say, 'Hail, Kanthuk Ogrebane'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Hello'

Hand Kanthuk the note and get some experience.

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Ahh, I see you have spoke to Ryshon. You seem tired from your long journey. Sit with me as I tell you a tale. A tale about a true friend of mine, a great man known as [Amstaf Trunolis].'

You say, ' Who is Amstaf Trunolis?'

Kanthuk ogrebane says, 'Amstaf Trunolis was a good man. I've followed into [battle] many times. We've seen many of our friends die by the sword of others.'

You say, 'What battle?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane laughes, 'I remember the first time we charged into battle. I was so scared. My hands wouldn't stop trembling. Amstaf pulled me off to the side before the initial attack began. He held my hands within his. I saw his hands begin to glow and felt his energy pass into me. I felt [courage].

You say, 'What courage?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I'll never forget what he did for me that day. He gave me the courage to continue. No one's ever done anything like that for me. I vowed that day that I'd follow him into any battle. I'd be there alongside him, no matter what. As time went on we came across an elven woman named [Ambreen].

You say, 'Who is Ambreen?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Ambreen was younger than he and I. She knew of the powers of nature. She was able to control the rain which fell from the heavens and would call upon the spirits to aide her. It was obvious that Amstaf took a liking to Ambreen. She ended up coming with is on out crusades. The last I saw of Ambreen was when we went to the snow covered lands of Everfrost. We were wander the lands when a freak [snowstorm] hit us. We were seperated from one another for quite some time.'

You say, 'What snowstorm?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I don't know where it came from, but it was so sudden that it caught us all off guard. The snow quickly became unbearable. I tried to move to higher ground, but was unable to. I was stuck within the snowy confines. I didn't know what to do [next].'

You say, 'What happened next?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'As I laid there my body began to slowly freeze. I knew death was near and accepted the inevitable. Suddenly I felt something clutching at my cloak. I was being dragged upwards out of the snow. A hand pressed against my chest and began to glow. I felt energy pass into my body. Do you know [how] he had saved me?'

You say, 'How did he save you?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'He saved my life by laying his hands upon my body. A few moments later we found Ambreen lying in the snow, her body frozen by the harsh surroundings. We lifted her up off the ground and began to look for [shelter].'

You say, 'What shelter?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'We ended up taking refuge within a deserted cabin not to far from our location. We knew that we didn't have much time left to bring life back into her body. However, the storm didn't pass through and we knew we couldn't venture to far without the fear of freezing. I warmed the cabin and rested for some time thinking about what we were going to do. It wasn't long before my exhaustion took over. I fell into a deep [slumber] that night.'

You say, 'What slumber?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'That night I dreamt of many things. Random thoughts kept swirling around my mind. I kept seeing the image of a cloaked being and of Amstaf circled around a fire. I saw Ambreen's body convulsing above the fire as if life was being brought back to it. I don't know what happened that night. I don't even know if what i dreamt was real, but before I awoke I saw a [strange image].'

You say, 'What strange image?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I saw Amstaf lower his head and walked away in silence. He was surronded by two beings carrying a torch. I don't know what it meant, but I swear it was so real. When I awoke both Amstaf and Ambreen were gone. Please find Llara and give this pendant to her. This pendant belonged to Amstaf. She too had a vision that night that may clear things up. If she asks where you got it from, mention my name.'

You receive a Pendant.

Next you need to find Llara. She is standing on a rock in Dagnor's Cauldron, just outside of the Estate of Unrest.

Llara says 'Oh my! This belongs to Amstaf. Where did you get it?

You say, 'Kanthuk gave it to me'

Llara says 'I take it you're here to find out more about [Amstaf].'

You say, 'Who was Amstaf?'

Llara says 'I've known Amstaf since he was a child. We grew up in the same city together. Ever since I've known him there's always been something [unusual] about him.'

You say, 'What was unusual?'

Llara says 'When we were growing up we used to venture outside the city gates. Some times we would encounter a wandering ghoul or an undead spirit of some sort. He was always able to quickly dismiss the undead being with very little effort. I [learned] many things growing up with Amstaf.'

You say, 'What did you learn?'

Llara says 'Amstaf told me many things when we were younger. Once Amstaf told me that life isn't about how you get there, it's about where you end up. I miss my dear friend. Its been a long time since I've seen him. The night of the snowstorm I dreamt about him. I remember seeing Amstaf's face. I saw something I've never [seen] before.'

You say, 'What did you see?'

Llara says 'I saw desperation. I spoke to many people who knew Amstaf trying to find out if anyone heard anything about that night. No one knew anything about it. When I had reached the dwarven hunting grounds I ran into a woman named Walnan. She kept rambling on and on about the power of the Orb and something about Magi`kot. I didn't understand what she was saying. She didn't know anything about my situation either, but she did tell me that there were others that may be able to help me. She told me that I should find [Ruathey].'

You say, 'Who is Ruathey?'

Llara says 'Ruathey is known for her ability to look into people's souls and find truth. Though I wasn't able to find Amstaf, I was able to recover his sword. I believe that by having his sword I am closer to finding him. Take this note to Ruathey and tell her that I sent you.

You can find Ruathey in Lavastorm Mountains, near the Nektulos Forest zoneline.

You say, 'Hail Ruathey'

Ruathey says 'Hello Chork .'

Ruathey says 'I see that you've spoken to Llara. She too came to me looking for Amstaf. Though she wasn't able to find her friend, she was able to recover his [sword].

You say, 'What sword?'

Ruathey says 'I've heard stories about a holy sword. There are many rumored to be hidden all throughout the world, yet only a few have actually been found. Amstaf had one of these swords. It is known for its ability to dismiss the undead. Perhaps by having this sword it'll bring you closer to finding your friend. Gather a ghoul's heart, Amstaf's Scroll, the Blade of Nobility, a noblemans hilt and place them in this [bag].'

You say, 'What bag?'

Ruathey says 'Take this bag and gather the items I've mentioned. I've been told that the Ghoul's Heart can be found in the estate of the undead, while the scroll can be found in the Keep not far from the Karanas. One of the others are rumored to be found near the dwarven city among the goblins. While the last should be found in the caverns of Najena.

For those of you who haven't figured it out, you will need to go to Butcherblock, HighKeep, Unrest, and Najena.

Your target is Crazed Ghouls in Unrest, Crazed Goblins in HighKeep and skeletons in Najena (named "a skeleton").

All the mobs that need to be killed are 25 to up to 35, and the items appear to be uncommon drops.

You combine these 4 items in the bag Ruathey gave you and You have fashioned the items together to create something new!

You are holding a Ghoulbane.
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Can a troll SK do this?
# Feb 04 2002 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
OK, so camping Guk is hell - can a troll SK do this quest or in typical VI fashion did they make sure that all the NPCs are KOS to us and are on factions that would require us to hose our dark contacts to deal with them?
RE: Can a troll SK do this?
# Mar 02 2002 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
All the NPC's are indifferent to everybody so yes a troll SK can do it.
RE: Can a troll SK do this?
# Mar 16 2002 at 7:45 PM Rating: Default
All the npc's are indifferent to everybody?? I don't think so.... or do you mean all the npc's for this quest? And also, if the ghoulbane is nodrop, then why would a SK do this quest anyway?
RE: Can a troll SK do this?
# Mar 18 2002 at 1:36 AM Rating: Default
The Ghoulbane's a required item for the Shadow Knight Epic.
how do i get the scroll from Llara
# Feb 02 2002 at 3:11 PM Rating: Default
I have got all the items for ghoulbane right now. The heart, the hilt, blade, and scroll. I make it through with Kanthuk and get the pendant from him. Then i give it to Llara. I make it all the way through her talking and get to the part where Ruathey is bracketed like this [Ruathey]. I said everything in the world i could think of to her. I said things like who is ruathey, where is ruathey, where can i find ruathey, etc. Nothing happened. She never gave me a note to take to Ruathey. I have done this twice and nothing has happened. Does anyone know if you have to have faction towards her, or what i might say to get the note from her.

Baleon Bloodstone
Dwarf Paladin lvl 22
RE: how do i get the scroll from Llara
# Feb 09 2002 at 10:09 AM Rating: Default
When Llara didn't respond to me, I finally tried "do you know Amstaff" and IIRC that worked.
Good Luck

Level 28 Paladin
Tribunal Server
RE: how do i get the scroll from Llara
# Feb 02 2002 at 4:12 PM Rating: Default
I had the same problem. Retarget the NPC and it should come out fine.

I recieved my Ghoulbane.

Wolfin Sylvermane
Knight of Truth
for 26 Seasons
NPC's and Goblins
# Feb 02 2002 at 12:55 AM Rating: Default
Here goes:
I had a friend camp the gobs for like 5 hours straight and the blade never dropped (yes, it is the right spawn point). I'll just have t wait, I guess...
On another note, I noticed that whenever give the NPC the letter or whatever you are supposed to give them, they become un-targeted. It took me four trips from BB to WK just to figure this out...

Froogus (I know, it's stupid)
20th Half Elf Paladin

P.S.: If anyone is on Quellious, I could really use some help with this quest... I have a crappy GMLS...
# Feb 01 2002 at 8:16 PM Rating: Default
whats the question for the strange image?
# Jan 30 2002 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
Llara stands at neg 1750, neg 940 in Dagnor's Cauldron
Just completed quest
# Jan 30 2002 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
I know there is a walkthrough already but the responces are incorrect or have been changed since the patch. This is what I used to get him to respond.

Hail Ryshon Hunsti

You say, 'Hail, Ryshon'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'Hello Crotendor. What brings you to the Karanas? Do you seek [enlightenment]?

You say, 'I seek enlightenment'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'Ahh, i could see by the look in your eyes that you are looking for something
more than just enlightenment. Perhapsa you are looking for a [sword] crafted by a noble man.

You say, 'What sword'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'It is not just a sword friend. It is much more than that. This sword carries with it special [power], something unlike anything else within this realm.'

You say, 'What power'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'It is an instrument fashioned together by noble man. It is said to be
blessed by the gods themselves. Only a man who comes from nobility may wield it. Do you seek the
[sword of nobility]?'

You say, 'I seek the sword of nobility'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'I see, then take this note to Kanthuk Ogrebane. I've been told he can be
found fishing not far from the dwarven city.'

Recieve a Note for Kanthuk, lore, nodrop, and totally unreadable.

Next, travel to High Keep. You need to find 'Amstaf's Scroll", it drops off a Crazed Goblin.

Being a Dark Elf Shadow Knight, I Gathered Shadows upon myself and ran through High Pass and Into the basement in High Keep. There were 2 group of hunters in there, so I sent an /ooc through the zone asking to loot the scroll if someone found it. About 15 minutes later, I got a /tell and looted the item. I was in such a good mood, I gave the entire group 60pp to split. They were very happy about the money! The Crazed Goblin is a random spawn in the basement and can appear anywhere the other goblins spawn.

Next, Travel to Butcherblock Mountains to the boat docks (I was also invis here). Go to the North dock and jump in the water, swim north around the wall and get on the beach. There is a guys standing there next to the wall but he's not your man. Continue north along the beach and you
will find Kanthuk Ogrebane standing there with a fishing pole.

You say, 'Hail Kanthuk Ogrebane'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Hello Crotendor'

Hand Kanthuk the note you recieved from Ryshon and get experience.

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Ahh, I see you have spoke to Ryshon. You seem tired from your long
journey. Sit with me as I tell you a tale. A tale about a true friend of mine, a great man known
as [Amstaf Trunolis].'

You say, ' Who is Amstaf Trunolis'

Kanthuk ogrebane says, 'Amstaf Trunolis was a good man. I've followed into [battle] many times.
We've seen many of our friends die by the sword of others.'

You say, 'What battle'

Kanthuk Ogrebane laughes, 'I remember the first time we charged into battle. I was so scared. My
hands wouldn't stop trembling. Amstaf pulled me off to the side before the initial attack began. He held my hands within his. I saw his hands begin to glow and felt his energy pass into me. I felt [courage].

You say, 'What courage'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I'll never forget what he did for me that day. He gave me the courage to
continue. No one's ever done anything like that for me. I vowed that day that I'd follow him into
any battle. I'd be there alongside him, no matter what. As time went on we came across an elven
woman named [Ambreen].

You say, 'Who is Ambreen'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Ambreen was younger than he and I. She knew of the powers of nature. She
was able to control the rain which fell from the heavens and would call upon the spirits to aide her. It was obvious that Amstaf took a liking to Ambreen. She ended up coming with is on out crusades. The last I saw of Ambreen was when we went to the snow covered lands of Everfrost. We were wander the lands when a freak [snowstorm] hit us. We were seperated from one another for quite some time.'

You say, 'What snowstorm'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I don't know where it came from, but it was so sudden that it caught us
all off guard. The snow quickly became unbearable. I tried to move to higher ground, but was unable to. I was stuck within the snowy confines. I didn't know what to do [next].'

You say, 'What happened next'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'As I laid there my body began to slowly freeze. I knew death was near and
accepted the inevitable. Suddenly I felt something clutching at my cloak. I was being dragged upwards out of the snow. A hand pressed against my chest and began to glow. I felt energy pass into my body. Do you know [how] he had saved me?'

You say, 'how did he save you'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'He saved my life by laying his hands upon my body. A few moments later we found Ambreen lying in the snow, her body frozen by the harsh surroundings. We lifted her up off the ground and began to look for [shelter].'

You say, 'what shelter'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'We ended up taking refuge within a deserted cabin not to far from our
location. We knew that we didn't have much time left to bring life back into her body. However,
the storm didn't pass through and we knew we couldn't venture to far without the fear of
freezing. I warmed the cabin and rested for some time thinking about what we were going to do. It
wasn't long before my exhaustion took over. I fell into a deep [slumber] that night.'

You say, 'what slumber Kanthuk Ogrebane '

Kanthuk Ogrebane says 'That night I dreamt of many things. Random thoughts kept swirling around
my mind. I kept seeing the image of a cloaked being and of Amstaf circled around a fire. I saw
Ambreen's body convulsing above the fire as if life was being brought back to it. I don't know
what happened that night. I don't even know if what I dreamt was real, but before I awoke I saw a [strange image]. '

You say, 'What did the strange image look like'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says 'I saw Amstaf lower his head and walk away in silence. He was surrounded
by two beings carrying a torch. I don't know what it meant, but I swear it was so real. When I
awoke both Amstaf and Ambreen were gone. Please find Llara and give this pendant to her. This
pendant belonged to Amstaf. She too had a vision that night that may clear things up. If she asks
where you got it from mention my name. '

You Recieve a pendant, magic, lore, nodrop,

Next I went to the goblin camp in Butcherblock to get the Blade of the Nobleman that drops off
the Crazed Goblin. It's around +1320, -1500 (Or # 6 on map). There are 3 goblins that
spawn there on a 15 minute timer. One in front of the stone, one next to the tree and one in the
back on the hill. Either a Goblin or a Crazed Goblin will spawn. I killed about 15 Crazed before the Blade of Nobility dropped.

Next travel to Dagnor's Cauldron to find Llara. She is standing on a rock above the entrance to

You say, 'Hail, Llara'

Llara says 'Hail, Crotendor.' '

Llara says 'Oh my! This belongs to Amstaf. Where did you get it? '
You gain experience!!

You say, 'Kanthuk gave it to me'

Llara says 'I take it you're here to find out more about [Amstaf].' '

You say, 'Who was Amstaf'

Llara says 'I've known Amstaf since he was a child. We grew up in the same city together. Ever
since I've known him there's always been something [unusual] about him.' '

You say, 'what was unusual'

Llara says 'When we were growing up we used to venture outside the city gates. Some times we
would encounter a wandering ghoul or an undead spirit of some sort. He was always able to quickly dismiss the undead being with very little effort. I [learned] many things growing up with
Amstaf.' '

You say, 'what did you learn'

Llara says 'Amstaf told me many things when we were younger. Once Amstaf told me that life isn't
about how you get there, it's about where you end up. I miss my dear friend. Its been a long time
since I've seen him. The night of the snowstorm I dreamt about him. I remember seeing Amstaf's
face. I saw something I've never [seen] before.' '

You say, 'what did you see'

Llara says 'I saw desperation. I spoke to many people who knew Amstaf trying to find out if
anyone heard anything about that night. No one knew anything about it. When I had reached the
dwarven hunting grounds I ran into a woman named Walnan. She kept rambling on and on about the
power of the Orb and something about Magi`kot. I didn't understand what she was saying. She
didn't know anything about my situation either, but she did tell me that there were others that
may be able to help me. She told me that I should find [Ruathey].' '

You say, 'who is ruathey?'

Llara says 'Ruathey is known for her ability to look into people's souls and find truth. Though
I wasn't able to find Amstaf, I was able to recover his sword. I believe that by having his sword
I am closer to finding him. Take this note to Ruathey and tell her that I sent you. '

She gives you a Note to Ruathey. Magic, lore, no drop and unreadable

Next I went in to Unrest to Find the Ghoul's Heart. As I entered the zone, there was a dead ghoul there with the item on it. I looted and left. (I got lucky)

I then went to Najena to recover the 4th piece.

Next you find Ruathey she is in Lavastorm, near the Nek zone -- a little to the west

(In Najena any Skeleton will do, I was near the jail when I found this piece)

You slash a skeleton for 114 points of damage.
You have slain a skeleton!
Your faction standing with Najena got worse.
You receive 1 platinum, 5 gold, 5 silver, 2 copper as your split.
--You have looted a Hilt of the Nobleman.--

Next you find Ruathey she is in Lavastorm, near the Nek zone. She is right by the entrance on a
hill in a odd stance.

Ruathey regards you indifferently -- You could probably win this fight.

You say, 'Hail, Ruathey'

Ruathey says 'Hello, Crotendor.' '

(Give her the note)

Ruathey says 'I see that you've spoken to Llara. She too came to me looking for Amstaf. Though
she wasn't able to find her friend, she was able to recover his [sword]. '
You gain experience!!

You say, 'what sword'

Ruathey says 'I've heard stories about a holy sword. There are many rumored to be hidden all
throughout the world, yet only a few have actually been found. Amstaf had one of these swords. It is known for its ability to dismiss the undead. Perhaps by having this sword it'll bring you closer to finding your friend. Gather a ghoul's heart, Amstaf's Scroll, the Blade of Nobility, a nobleman's hilt and place them in this [bag].' '

You say, 'what bag'

Ruathey says 'Take this bag and gather the items I've mentioned. I've been told that the Ghoul's
Heart can be found in the estate of the undead, while the scroll can be found in the Keep not far
from the Karanas. One of the others are rumored to be found near the dwarven city among the
goblins. While the last should be found in the caverns of Najena. '

Take the 4 item:

Amstaf's Scroll
Blade of Nobility
Ghoul's Heart
Nobleman's Hilt

Put them in the bag that Ruathey gave you and hit the combine button.
You have fashioned the items together to create something new!
You say, 'woot'

YOu know have the Ghoulbane

Damage: 15
Delay: 34
Ratio: 2.266 Excellent

Weight: 9.5
Weapon Skill: One Hand Slash
Classes: Paladin
Races: Dwarf Erudite High Elf Half Elf Human
Inventory Slot: Either Melee
Can be stored in Medium and larger containers

Effect: Dismiss Undead
Type: Random
Charges: Unlimited
Level for Effect: 20


Crotendor d'Treemma Alur
Drada del Sargtlin
Velnarin d'Philith
RE: Just completed quest
# Mar 02 2002 at 11:02 AM Rating: Default
The Stats are a little wrong...It is NO DROP now also....I have a mage hat has one...I can't use it either....Can I give to pet?
SoB I wish I had sold it for the last offer...ACK

Luclin Server
Gnome Nation
gb status
# Jan 29 2002 at 11:09 PM Rating: Default
must be quest is working now. found that if conversation stalls with npc if i hailed them and continued i had no problem. Got my bag, scroll, blade now on to the heart and hilt.

22nd Paladin
# Jan 29 2002 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
I dunna want te make any of ye silly pallys cry. but all of de Ghoulbanes is gonna be be no drop. but dun worry. ye can always start a warrior :)
an cause the quest aint class sensative, ye can still do da quest.
Bulvar Biggins
Dwarven Warrior
# Mar 02 2002 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
Err why. it a pally only sword!!! only other use apart from the Pally epic is the SK epic. What on earth would a warrior want with a Ghoulbane that he cant use.
# Jan 29 2002 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
I can't believe that Verant would have changed the Ghoulbane to No Drop!....Ahhhhh
I started the Quest with my main; lvl 35 Warrior, And was going to Equip my Pally with it.

I started the quest while the Sword of Nobility Quest was down. I then waited with all the parts and the note from Ryshon Hunsti.

I get all the way to BB to find !Kanthuk Orgebane Not working properly. 4 weeks later, after the patch he's repaired, I complete running all over the world to get the bag, Only to Find the Sword has been made NO DROP. And in Verant fashion,,,Petition got me now where. This is unexceptable....Get your crap together Verant!
# Mar 02 2002 at 5:14 AM Rating: Decent
Err do the quest with your pally and stop moaning. Verant made it no-drop to stop lame farmers camping all the spot's to get one and sell it. Now they have stopped that us legitimate paladins can fianlly get in there and do it ourselves.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 27 2002 at 2:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) gfygfy
# Jan 27 2002 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
# Jan 27 2002 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
Nobleman's Hilt
# Jan 26 2002 at 7:05 PM Rating: Default
Ok I've been in Najena for many hours now looking for a nobleman's hilt. All the research I've done online has amounted to naught, but it seems no one else has had this problem. What is the exact name of the mob that drops the hilt? where does it spawn? I've kept most of Najena broken (not hard with the horrible respawn time) and have nothing to show for it except a few cloth items and heavy coinage. A little guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance : P

Glonus Axehammer
31 Dwarf Paladin
RE: Nobleman's Hilt
# Jan 27 2002 at 10:29 PM Rating: Default
Well i just Found the Noblemans Hilt, and its call "The Hilt of a Nobleman" found it off the skelly mob under the stairs to the caver with the spiders and Najena herself. I was searching for 2 days straight so just be patient. Well im off to kill come crazed goblin in BB and HighKeep.....Good Luck..

Quinum 37 Paladin
Saryn server
RE: Nobleman's Hilt
# Jan 31 2002 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
How many skellies did you have to slay? I'm getting sick of killing them and hope to get the hilt before I hit lvl 30.

Edited, Thu Jan 31 06:57:01 2002
RE: Nobleman's Hilt
# Feb 02 2002 at 1:59 AM Rating: Default
You are looking for "a skeleton". Not dark boned skeletons or greater skeletons, only skeletons, who despise the name, are higher level than the others.

There are only 2 of them as far as i can remember. They are constant spawns. One is down the stairs leading to Najena and beyond. The other is just past the water leading to Najena.
# Jan 26 2002 at 12:32 AM Rating: Default
Quinum...the same happened to me when i spoke with Llara not 2 dyas ago (1/23/02). When it came time to ask about Ruathey i got no rsponse....until I realized that she wasn't targeted anymore. Make sure she is targeted and I don't think that you will have any problems.
# Jan 25 2002 at 1:54 PM Rating: Default
Just tried to do this quest with my 37 paladin and got to the part where you ask Llara "who is Ruathey" and there is no reply! So im guessing the Quest is still broken! If anyone gets past this part plz post b/c im not going to waste my time questing it again, i'll just go to Upper Guk and get the Ghoulbane.

Quinum 37 Paladin
Saryn Server
RE: Quinum
# Jan 25 2002 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
Just make sure she is targeted .... I think for a few of the NPC's at various times for whatever reason they become "untargeted" during the conversation - and generally close to the end. Get them back in your sites so to speak and they will respond bcak with everything you need.

(I logged on after the patch, had camped my Pally by Kanthuk in BB a week before when heard they were fixing and proceeded to get everything now except for the heart which I'm looking for in Unrest now so the quest works.)
# Jan 25 2002 at 7:26 AM Rating: Default
its about LLARA. in all the ghoulbane guides i have read its stated that she is stood on a rock pillar, outside the unrest tunnel, a little bit in the water. this is WRONG. she (now?) stands a little bit ABOVE the unrest tunnel, to the LEFT when FACING tunnel. i had a guide lead me to her yesterday.
SK epic
# Jan 24 2002 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
551 posts
I am a ShadowKnight and care not for the history of some Paladin... Obviously he resorted to the Necromantic arts when his powers were of no use, and payed the ultimate price for his foolishness. Can I simply get the bag from his grieving friend and combine what I need?


Can I just say "what bag?" to Ruathey and start getting the stuff? I mean, the traveling storyline is a bit much when all I'm going to do is corrupt it anyway!

Edited, Thu Jan 24 14:00:25 2002
Pain Lord Darknyss Grimscale
92 Iksar Crusader of the Greenmist
RE: SK epic
# Jan 25 2002 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
I talked to this 'Ruathey' the other night. She was very tight lipped about this paladin. No matter what I said, she would not respond. Killing her seemed a pointless waste of time, so I went on to High Keep to find more about this 'Holy Knight' pathetic as the tale is. Associates of mine wish the sword, and they won't take no for an answer.

/ooc Ruathey won't say anything till you do the rest of the parts of the quest. I plan on collecting the pieces on my way throgh the quest, since most NPC's you need to talk to are near zones where the pieces drop.

Goridnak Nadrak
52nd Reaver
<Minions of Death>
# Jan 24 2002 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
As of last nights patch, the ghoulbane is NO DROP. That means quested or recently purchased.
Oh well.
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