The Sword of Nobility  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Antonius Bayle (Min: Dubious)
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Related Static Containers:
Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Jun 13 14:02:36 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
We have a report as of September 12, 2013, that this quest may be broken due to a dialogue loop, making it impossible to progress.

This is the quest method of obtaining Ghoulbane. It is also a drop, which is described in the Ghoulbane quest.

Ryshon Hunsti is located in West Karana, on the shore in the southeast corner.

Hail Ryshon Hunsti

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'Hello _____. What brings you to the Karanas? Do you seek [enlightenment]?

You say, 'I seek enlightenment'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'Ahh, i could see by the look in your eyes that you are looking for something more than just enlightenment. Perhaps you are looking for a [sword] crafted by a noble man.

You say, 'What sword?'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'It is not just a sword friend. It is much more than that. This sword carries with it special [power], something unlike anything else within this realm.'

You say, 'What power?'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'It is an instrument fashioned together by noble man. It is said to be blessed by the gods themselves. Only a man who comes from nobility may wield it. Do you seek the [sword of nobility]?'

You say, 'I seek the sword of nobility'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'I see, then take this note to Kanthuk Ogrebane. I've been told he can be found fishing not far from the dwarven city.'

He gives you Note to Kanthuk.

Travel to Butcherblock Mountains to the boat docks. Once zoned in to Butcherblock; follow the path to the city and follow the path to the dock but on the north side. The same side you will find Walnan and Grindbar. Looking at your map; he is in between them. If you follow the wall down to the water and then follow the water line you should run into him. There is a big boat and he is standing right on the shore/water line at /loc +2202, +2996

You say, 'Hail, Kanthuk Ogrebane'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Hello'

Hand Kanthuk the note and get some experience.

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Ahh, I see you have spoke to Ryshon. You seem tired from your long journey. Sit with me as I tell you a tale. A tale about a true friend of mine, a great man known as [Amstaf Trunolis].'

You say, ' Who is Amstaf Trunolis?'

Kanthuk ogrebane says, 'Amstaf Trunolis was a good man. I've followed into [battle] many times. We've seen many of our friends die by the sword of others.'

You say, 'What battle?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane laughes, 'I remember the first time we charged into battle. I was so scared. My hands wouldn't stop trembling. Amstaf pulled me off to the side before the initial attack began. He held my hands within his. I saw his hands begin to glow and felt his energy pass into me. I felt [courage].

You say, 'What courage?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I'll never forget what he did for me that day. He gave me the courage to continue. No one's ever done anything like that for me. I vowed that day that I'd follow him into any battle. I'd be there alongside him, no matter what. As time went on we came across an elven woman named [Ambreen].

You say, 'Who is Ambreen?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Ambreen was younger than he and I. She knew of the powers of nature. She was able to control the rain which fell from the heavens and would call upon the spirits to aide her. It was obvious that Amstaf took a liking to Ambreen. She ended up coming with is on out crusades. The last I saw of Ambreen was when we went to the snow covered lands of Everfrost. We were wander the lands when a freak [snowstorm] hit us. We were seperated from one another for quite some time.'

You say, 'What snowstorm?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I don't know where it came from, but it was so sudden that it caught us all off guard. The snow quickly became unbearable. I tried to move to higher ground, but was unable to. I was stuck within the snowy confines. I didn't know what to do [next].'

You say, 'What happened next?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'As I laid there my body began to slowly freeze. I knew death was near and accepted the inevitable. Suddenly I felt something clutching at my cloak. I was being dragged upwards out of the snow. A hand pressed against my chest and began to glow. I felt energy pass into my body. Do you know [how] he had saved me?'

You say, 'How did he save you?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'He saved my life by laying his hands upon my body. A few moments later we found Ambreen lying in the snow, her body frozen by the harsh surroundings. We lifted her up off the ground and began to look for [shelter].'

You say, 'What shelter?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'We ended up taking refuge within a deserted cabin not to far from our location. We knew that we didn't have much time left to bring life back into her body. However, the storm didn't pass through and we knew we couldn't venture to far without the fear of freezing. I warmed the cabin and rested for some time thinking about what we were going to do. It wasn't long before my exhaustion took over. I fell into a deep [slumber] that night.'

You say, 'What slumber?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'That night I dreamt of many things. Random thoughts kept swirling around my mind. I kept seeing the image of a cloaked being and of Amstaf circled around a fire. I saw Ambreen's body convulsing above the fire as if life was being brought back to it. I don't know what happened that night. I don't even know if what i dreamt was real, but before I awoke I saw a [strange image].'

You say, 'What strange image?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I saw Amstaf lower his head and walked away in silence. He was surronded by two beings carrying a torch. I don't know what it meant, but I swear it was so real. When I awoke both Amstaf and Ambreen were gone. Please find Llara and give this pendant to her. This pendant belonged to Amstaf. She too had a vision that night that may clear things up. If she asks where you got it from, mention my name.'

You receive a Pendant.

Next you need to find Llara. She is standing on a rock in Dagnor's Cauldron, just outside of the Estate of Unrest.

Llara says 'Oh my! This belongs to Amstaf. Where did you get it?

You say, 'Kanthuk gave it to me'

Llara says 'I take it you're here to find out more about [Amstaf].'

You say, 'Who was Amstaf?'

Llara says 'I've known Amstaf since he was a child. We grew up in the same city together. Ever since I've known him there's always been something [unusual] about him.'

You say, 'What was unusual?'

Llara says 'When we were growing up we used to venture outside the city gates. Some times we would encounter a wandering ghoul or an undead spirit of some sort. He was always able to quickly dismiss the undead being with very little effort. I [learned] many things growing up with Amstaf.'

You say, 'What did you learn?'

Llara says 'Amstaf told me many things when we were younger. Once Amstaf told me that life isn't about how you get there, it's about where you end up. I miss my dear friend. Its been a long time since I've seen him. The night of the snowstorm I dreamt about him. I remember seeing Amstaf's face. I saw something I've never [seen] before.'

You say, 'What did you see?'

Llara says 'I saw desperation. I spoke to many people who knew Amstaf trying to find out if anyone heard anything about that night. No one knew anything about it. When I had reached the dwarven hunting grounds I ran into a woman named Walnan. She kept rambling on and on about the power of the Orb and something about Magi`kot. I didn't understand what she was saying. She didn't know anything about my situation either, but she did tell me that there were others that may be able to help me. She told me that I should find [Ruathey].'

You say, 'Who is Ruathey?'

Llara says 'Ruathey is known for her ability to look into people's souls and find truth. Though I wasn't able to find Amstaf, I was able to recover his sword. I believe that by having his sword I am closer to finding him. Take this note to Ruathey and tell her that I sent you.

You can find Ruathey in Lavastorm Mountains, near the Nektulos Forest zoneline.

You say, 'Hail Ruathey'

Ruathey says 'Hello Chork .'

Ruathey says 'I see that you've spoken to Llara. She too came to me looking for Amstaf. Though she wasn't able to find her friend, she was able to recover his [sword].

You say, 'What sword?'

Ruathey says 'I've heard stories about a holy sword. There are many rumored to be hidden all throughout the world, yet only a few have actually been found. Amstaf had one of these swords. It is known for its ability to dismiss the undead. Perhaps by having this sword it'll bring you closer to finding your friend. Gather a ghoul's heart, Amstaf's Scroll, the Blade of Nobility, a noblemans hilt and place them in this [bag].'

You say, 'What bag?'

Ruathey says 'Take this bag and gather the items I've mentioned. I've been told that the Ghoul's Heart can be found in the estate of the undead, while the scroll can be found in the Keep not far from the Karanas. One of the others are rumored to be found near the dwarven city among the goblins. While the last should be found in the caverns of Najena.

For those of you who haven't figured it out, you will need to go to Butcherblock, HighKeep, Unrest, and Najena.

Your target is Crazed Ghouls in Unrest, Crazed Goblins in HighKeep and skeletons in Najena (named "a skeleton").

All the mobs that need to be killed are 25 to up to 35, and the items appear to be uncommon drops.

You combine these 4 items in the bag Ruathey gave you and You have fashioned the items together to create something new!

You are holding a Ghoulbane.
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My experience with quest
# Aug 05 2002 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
I finished the quest last night, with some help from my 47 Ranger. I used him to kill the skeletons in Najena (5th one dropped the hilt) and the crazed goblins in BB (3rd one, blade). The blade could've been done by my 30 Paladin himself with little trouble (although it would've hurt), but the hilt probably would've been his undoing with all the trains he would've caused. The scroll and heart were fairly quick pickups for the paladin himself, and both were accompanied by some good experience in HighKeep and Unrest.

Sure, there are better ratio 1HS weapons than the Ghoulbane out there, but under normal conditions I use 2HS anyway. This is all the 1HS I need until I can afford a Sword of the Morning. My dexterity is nothing special at 115, but even so I usually get a proc or two from the Ghoulbane per fight. And on two occasions so far, I was able to get the Ghoulbane AND Instrument of Nife to proc on the same hit. 373 points of damage. Ouch. :)

Rychiss SpiritSabre
30 Paladin
Tunare Server
# Aug 12 2002 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
Regarding Instrument of Nife and the Ghoulbane procing together for 373 points of damage... before your flames find me, let me clarify.

Ghoulbane: 150 damage
IoN: 223 damage (at level 30)

I didn't get one combined proc message. I got two separate ones, one for the Ghoulbane (150) and the other for IoN (223). However, I am positive hat both procs occurred in the same round. And in fairness, I would much rather NOT have them proc this way, I'd rather it be one or the other throughout the fight. (2cp)

#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 24 2002 at 12:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) DIG BURY ME UNDERNETH EVERYTHING THAT I AM RE ARRAGEING DIG
# Jul 25 2002 at 5:02 PM Rating: Default
Man, you Mudvayne fans are pretty silly. I can only imagine the destruction you would leave behind in November when the new album hits stores...
name of no drops items
# Jul 24 2002 at 6:33 AM Rating: Default
what is the name of the four items that i need combined in the bag?

Ximolero 28 pally
antonius bayle server
RE: name of no drops items
# Jul 30 2002 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
From the above quest description....

" Gather a ghoul's heart, Amstaf's Scroll, the Blade of Nobility, a noblemans hilt and place them in this [bag].' "
Perfect Location
# Jul 22 2002 at 6:04 PM Rating: Default
His exact spawn is: -4241.69, -15169.16, -166.10

After a little bit of coast searching, I was able to find him during the evening hours.

Almost done.

27th Paladin of Brell
Druzzil Ro

RE: Perfect Location
# Jul 22 2002 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts

Ryshon Hunsti in West Karanas is of whom I speak.

The dwarven ale keeps well even after the longest travels. *hiccup*

27th Paladin of Brell
Druzzil Ro
RE: Perfect Location
# Nov 22 2002 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
having bumped into Calibrok the other week i would like to point out he was drunk then too 8)

Edited, Fri Nov 22 06:31:32 2002
Amstaf's Scroll
# Jul 19 2002 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
I killed about two dozen crazed Gobbies in High Keep with no luck on the scroll. Then just a plain one "a goblin" spawned outside the Raiders room and he dropped the scroll. Keep this in mind as the quest states it drops on the crazed or thief.
RE: Amstaf's Scroll
# Jul 22 2002 at 1:21 PM Rating: Excellent
It's true. I killed crazed gobby's and goblin thieves for a week and it never dropped. But it dropped off "a goblin" 2 days in a row. Be sure to make friends; I was just sitting at the bank and sending occasional ooc's for the scroll and got it.

Bonebrake Stormguard
29th Season Paladin of The Rathe
Orbis Fi
RE: Amstaf's Scroll
# Jul 21 2002 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
The scroll is dropped by any "non - Pickclaw" variety of goblin in High Keep. That said, you will find it on "a goblin" as Balemek did, "a crazed goblin" as my Paladin friend Terma did, and on "a goblin thief" as I did. The best place to find them is just as you come down the stairs into the goblin - infested basement area. "A goblin whatever" will spawn on the opposite wall and one will spawn in the small room along the right hand wall. Another spawn point for "a goblin whatever" is in the sloped hallway heading toward the raider / seer room. All goblins appear to be on 15 minute timers, Pickclaw types included.

Zahmlikker Cheekeemunkee
34th season Dwarven paladin of Vazaelle

Sisslakk Atroxmagus
39th season Iksar necromancer of Torv

Edited, Sun Jul 21 08:30:38 2002
where is hilt
# Jul 08 2002 at 11:58 PM Rating: Default
me and a lvl 34 pally went into nagena to kill skells. we camped at bottom of stairs and room with skell at top after about 4 hrs and over 30+ kills we got no hilt we both decided it was either bugged or we are killing wrong skells. Is it just skells we kill or a specific named skell. please help this is the last item for both of us
RE: where is hilt
# Jul 23 2002 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
346 posts
Just to be a little more specific...

If you are in your low to mid 20s, get a group of players in your level range, the more the better, and one having experience in the zone really helps. Work your way back to approx loc 0,0. (make sure you kill everything on your way that does not con green). The rectangle room at this loc makes a great base, and the spawns there are very easy to kill.

At this point, you can start pulling from the room that is the first left (NORTH). I got my hilt off of the first "a skelleton" that hangs by the Ogre guard. However, people seem to report better success killing the "a skelleton"s near the pool just to the North (at approx. loc 250,0).

It does take some people a while to get the hilt, but there is a lot of experience and good loot to be taken in the process. Head to some of the other rooms while waiting for skellies to spawn.

One final note: PRINT UP THE EQATLAS MAP OF THIS ZONE, and use it. Be very careful of the pits, 6 on the map.

BTW, If there is anyone on the Bristlebane server who needs a little help with this, send a "tell" to me, and if I am not already in a group I would be happy to help out. You can catch me most nights between 10pm and midnight Central Time. Fun zone.
RE: where is hilt
# Jul 15 2002 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
The hilt drops fairly often (at least once per hour when I was in Naj.). The skellies that drop it are the ones that you come to first when you go under the archway that actually says "NAJENA". When you get to the zone, just shout out that you need the hilt. The best thing to do is to get in a group with some other PCs in their mid-late 20's or higher. These skellies conned red to me at 22.
RE: where is hilt
# Jul 11 2002 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
I was killing Najena the other for smithing components and came across a nobleman's hilt. It does indeed come off the skeletons in Najena. It came off a random skeleton I was killing there. Note I said "skeleton" not a large, darkboned, greater, or any other skeleton. Just off the skeletons. They also seemed to drop random drops of ringmail so if you kill these skeletons and they start dropping ringmail for you, you're on the right track. Best of luck to you and your friend. :)
RE: where is hilt
# Jul 10 2002 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
I saw 3 skeles there just called "a skeleton" or "skeleton"... the ogre guard stands at the top of the stairs and in the circular room one skele spawns (does not drop hilt that i know of) if you go straight out from the ogre guard at the top of the stairs you will come to a pool with a froglok ghoul. if you are mid 20s or so, just after you cross the pool you will get an aggro from a skeleton! oh joy... this one dropps the hilt VERY often from my experience. and the 3rd which i wasn't sure dropped the hilt was just off the round room to the left.. instant aggro when i turned the corner.

RE: where is hilt
# Jul 10 2002 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
I saw 3 skeles there just called "a skeleton" or "skeleton"... the ogre guard stands at the top of the stairs and in the circular room one skele spawns (does not drop hilt that i know of) if you go straight out from the ogre guard at the top of the stairs you will come to a pool with a froglok ghoul. if you are mid 20s or so, just after you cross the pool you will get an aggro from a skeleton! oh joy... this one dropps the hilt VERY often from my experience. and the 3rd which i wasn't sure dropped the hilt was just off the round room to the left.. instant aggro when i turned the corner.

# Jul 04 2002 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
This quest is simple actually. I was lvl 14 when I quested it. Pretty much I started in WK and started ther quest. Traveled to HHK and managed to getthe scroll within 5min of my arrival. Then I caught the boat to BB and headed to Ogrebane and continued the quest. While in BB I ran across the goblin camp and asked if I could loot the blade. Within 15min blade dropped. (Sweet) Then I continued down to Dagnors to further the quest. While there I ran in Unrest and the minute I was in zone I did a shout for the heart. Sure enough there was one rotting. So I ran in the house real quick, got it and ran out. (I am still surprised tot his day I didn't die in the house) Then I caught the boat back to Antonica and headed to Najena just to make the final stop and get the bad from the chica in lava. Walked into Najena. Only person in zone was a lvl 35 Paladin. (Nice guy btw) He killed the skellies for me. Third kill, hilt. Combine and I was a tanking machine. At lvl 14 I hit on average for 25, with a high of 31.
Spawn Times
# Jul 02 2002 at 4:26 AM Rating: Default
camped Ryshon for almost 5 hours tonight and he never spawned. Don't know if this is normal but i was sure dissapointed, ruined my night. And i really hope they rest of the NPC's arnt as bad
i need help
# Jun 30 2002 at 2:31 PM Rating: Default
im a level 13 in unrest i have amstaff scroll but need ghoul heart im on lanys tyvl sever name smally im totally stuck i cant gain past this level because cant find group and wep max is 15 dam 30 dealy and have no money
everything easy so far...
# Jun 28 2002 at 8:29 PM Rating: Default
I just happened to wander upon this quest one day and decided to try it when I got to a higher level (being only lv 18 at the time). I found that while wandering through butcherblock mountains people were always shouting or OOC that the blade dropped. at about 22 I went to HHK, didn't enjoy the exp because i had bad groups and died ALOT, but i got amstaf's scroll just as i was about to leave. I camped for almost 2 weeks for the ghoul heart and no drop, once i finally got it they seemed to drop every other kill. The only item I have had to really do some running on for was the hilt, which was VERY easy to get, I was with another pally and in about 6 pulls of the second skeleton that is past the pool across the room both of us got the hilt. all that is left is the running around to the different zones just to get the bag :(. basically if you are a low level and want the ghoulbane, just hang around in any of these zones long enough and don't get killed. I have found that this is VERY boring but is a good time to raise a craft like cooking or fletching. good luck to anyone trying this quest as i have seen the power of the ghoulbane against undead :)
Glahm 25 paladin
Tholuxe paels
RE: everything easy so far...
# Jun 30 2002 at 9:20 AM Rating: Default
346 posts
Thats pretty much how I did it. I dccided to go after it right after my pally dinged 20. Here are my observations (pretty similar to what others saw, in order of completion):

Scroll: Kinda boring. Mostly because there was nothing in the area where it drops that I could easily kill solo. I just shouted out that I needed it, and asked groups camping it if I could hang with them and loot the scroll. The "regulars" told me it falls once per hour.

Blade: Here is a great tip. The goblin camp is a nice place for low - mid 30s to hunt. 4 gobbies spawn there once every 13 mins or so. They can easily be pulled one at a time, and drop nice loot. So, just ask for help. Everyone I asked was willing to hunt them for me, take the loot, but let me have the sword.
I think it took about an hour before one dropped.
Fletching skill improved a few points!

Heart: Easy. Just /shout or ooc that you need one. Ask the high levels (there are usually only a few in Unrest at a time) to look out for it. Big plus, you can solo or join a group. Awesome place for Pallys anyway, lots to hunt (ward undead rocks). Had one that night. BTW, don't go unassisted up the tower to get a heart. If one does drop up there, have someone invis you.

Hilt: Easy, and fun. I just joined up with a group of high teens, low 20s. Make sure you have a good healer, the skellies you need to kill are tough. Otherwise, just ask the high levels to help you out. I was in group with 2 pallys, a mage, and a cleric. It tooks us a 1/2 or so to get back to the spot, and another hour to get 2 hilts (one for each pally).

As a fun side note, I dinged 21 on the skellie that droped my hilt! *ya ya, my signature is wrong.

If you are on Bristlbane, and need help with the heart or hilt, look me up, I would be glad to help.

Edited, Sun Jun 30 21:22:11 2002
Sword of Nobility
# Jun 26 2002 at 4:47 PM Rating: Default
How do you get the Sword of Nobility? They give the quest information for the Ghoulbane and it says you can continue the quest or this is an alternative way to get the ghoulbane. So what about the Sword of Nobility.

Lauvyen Thelionhearted,26 Paladin of Heroes Transcendent. Vazaelle
RE: Sword of Nobility
# Jun 28 2002 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
the sword of nobility quest is for the ghoulbane! it is the same item...
Sword of Nobility
# Jun 26 2002 at 4:45 PM Rating: Default
How do you get the Sword of Nobility? They give the quest information for the Ghoulbane and it says you can continue the quest or this is an alternative way to get the ghoulbane. So what about the Sword of Nobility.

Lauvyen Thelionhearted,26 Paladin of Heroes Transcendent. Vazaelle
Ryshon hunsti
# Jun 24 2002 at 12:55 PM Rating: Default
What is the loc of Ryshon's spawn, and how ofetn does he spawn?
RE: Ryshon hunsti
# Jun 28 2002 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
He is located on the beach near the North Karna Zone. Easy to find.

I don't think he despawned after I talked to him. The others did. Also, everytime I have passed through that area, he has been there.

Edited, Fri Jun 28 15:05:57 2002
Is it worth the Time?
# Jun 24 2002 at 9:20 AM Rating: Default
I have a 36 44 wep but I kinda wanna work on my 1hs, should I do the quest, or just go off an buy a wurmy?

36 paladin
Rallos Zek
Boy that was easy
# Jun 23 2002 at 10:07 PM Rating: Default
Did it at lvl 22 and had no problem, im glad i didnt go for the froglok :D

27 Paladin
Working Fine
# Jun 23 2002 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
Another Pally & I just completed this on Tholuxe Paels, everything works fine. A couple of bits of advice to future questors: (1) Llara apparently gives the note on a timer, the two of us went to talk to her at the same time & after giving the note to my pal she wouldn't talk to me. We went to BB & started camping the ruins in BB, I came back another night & she gave me the note. (2) All of the drops seem to be fairly rare, the hilt in Najena was easiest, the heart seemed to be most difficult. (3) Most importantly, you can start this at a lower level than 30, Ryshon gave it to my partner at 24 or 25; BUT (IMHO)to survive in Unrest you will need to be at least 30 or have a very potent group, the trains can be very bad. Our 1st attempt was a failure and most of our groups members had to go to High Pass Keep to get to the 28-30 range. With two level 30 Paladins, a 29 Wizard, a 28 Cleric, a 29 Mage and a 31 Rogue we did just fine most of the time, BUT the Wizard still had to Evac us occasionally when the trains were overwhelming. All in all this is a great quest, we made money & gained experience all along the way. I haven't used Ghoulbane enough yet to know how often it procs.
# Jun 10 2002 at 5:01 PM Rating: Default
wow, old messages

its fixed, btw
# Jun 10 2002 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
Well, for those following I have been trying to get Kanthuk to work/be in right spot for a while on Rathe. See prior posts. On Sunday, June 9, 2002 it all fell in place. He was there (in Butcherblock), Llara was there (Dagnor), and after three hours Ruathey spawned in Lavastorm. Put all the components in the bag and received my GB. I do have to admit, however, that I thought it would proc more often... does it get better as I get better? Regardless, just wanted to let people know it was working on The Rathe again.
RE: Kanthuk
# Jun 14 2002 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
Proc rates are dependant on dex only, as far as I know.
# Jun 09 2002 at 11:50 PM Rating: Default
So far as I know, Kanthuk Ogrebane doesn't spawn in butcherblock anymore. He spawns on the moon, Dawnshroud Peaks to be specific. The question is, do we take the note from Ryshon to the moon?
RE: Kanthuk?
# Jun 10 2002 at 4:14 AM Rating: Default
Saw Kanthuk in BB last night (9th June), so he's still there. I think you have to keep the conversation going though. Any pause and he stops talking to you and you have to go back to Ryshon Hunsti in WK. What a pain!
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 09 2002 at 7:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) well i saw all this stuff and im get kinda of sad i was just wanta know if it is a no drop so i can guess but one can some one help me out
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 06 2002 at 2:00 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sorry i am Fearn Dwarven Paldin on Vazaella
I did it 2 juni
# Jun 06 2002 at 1:53 PM Rating: Default
I did it with small problems as a lvl 31 paladin in dwarf siez. And the Sword is realy wounderfull got my damge up 10 point per hit. My main problem was the nobelmans hilt witch took me 35 mob to find and there are tre spot in Najena ther they drop her are som of the location that i mised a loot when i read this forum for my self before the quest.
Ryshon in WK neg 4234, neg 15 173 he will spawn at a long time interwall maybve tre houres.
Llara neg 1744 neg 935 pos 148.
Ruathey neg 1528 pos 225
camp 6 in bb is were they goblin drops the blade not a crazed goblin.
Join the stairs groupe for the amstaff scroll its more common ther from the craezed goblin.
I find a perfekt craezed ghoul on second floor in unreast. get a good skill in invisibility tu undead and walk in thrue the front gates take the nearest stairs to second floor the openstairs in the big room just inside the front gate, up the stairs and around to the front side of the house ther is a small closet ther inside ther is a spawn point for crazed ghoul. Walk in closed the door kill the ghoul loot wait for next untill you found it. No mob walking around and aggr from outside or something and you even get room for your friendly barbarien shaman behind you for some neede healing if neede or only for summining food.
Finaly Najena the first spawn point is as said before the next is just under stairs leading to the great caverns were the pound leading to Najenas own room is, and the last is somweree longer in in the same caverns beyond najenas pound. I got my from the mob spawns under the stairs.
How to get them to talk.
# Jun 02 2002 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
I Hot keyed each line needed. Found I had to do each line twice to go onto the next.

Hope that helps.
Parts are no drop.
# Jun 01 2002 at 9:47 AM Rating: Default
Aye, I can confirm that the parts are no drop.
I have them all but the darn hilt.

If you are wanting to get these parts, use your higher level to kill the mobs and loot with the pally. Amstaf's scroll is fairly easy to come by in HHK. Just OOC that you are looking for it for GB quest. The others you will need at least a high 20's character for and will be much easier if you are in your low to mid 30's.

I started the quest at 24 and grouped to get the Crazed Ghoul heart. Had 31 druid root and rot Crazed Goblin in BB Mountains. Grouped in HHK for Afstaf's Scroll and am currently 27 in Najena.

Morell-Thule is pretty empty in najena and have gone back and forth between 25 and 26. A Skeleton can hit upwards of 80 pts damage. Luckily I found a group and got to 27 and am still trying to solo them. Only way is to root them and ward undead till root breaks. If root does not stick off the bat, I end up having to LOH, which makes me much more cautios on the next one till it is back.

Trust me - You can solo them at 26 but be prepared to die, alot.
# Jun 01 2002 at 9:39 AM Rating: Default
Was wondering if quest is working? I have all the parts but the hilt. Have Killed at least 50 Skeletons in Najena and not a hilt. Grouped with another pally last night that said he had killed over 30 and no hilt for him either.

Is this piece the one that drops the least?
RE: Najena
# Jul 01 2002 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
Im sure this is just a random drop so dont expect to have it as easy as i did. All i know is I went in Najena as a lvl 30. The only skellys that would give me problems were simply called "a skeleton" and conned blue to me. These seem to be the toughest skeletons in the whole dungeon as most all the others were gtm and wouldnt even aggro. They are also quite troublesome to solo. Had to root and heal just to keep from wasting LoH. I got the Hilt to drop on the second kill of one such skelly and he was located near the stairs which lead down to the dungeon pond. (Near where Najena the NPC room is)

Hope this helps if you hav'nt gotten Hilt yet.
RE: Najena
# Jul 01 2002 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
This is a random drop, that's for sure. I camped the three spots that "A Skeleton" spawns near the pond (under stairs, across from pond, and by the room with the ogre guards and camp fire) and with the group I was with it took us close to 50 mobs before the hilt dropped. At level 25 I could only solo one spot and had the same problem of rooting and healing. But the bigger problem is the add-ons from Ogre guards while fighting the skeletons solo. They hit hard and break your concentration causing you not to be able to cast your root spells or ward undead spells. I suggest take a group that includes a healer and be patient, it will drop.
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