14th Anniversary: Big Gnomes, Big Problems  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Rain of Fear
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Mar 15 17:46:03 2013
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Anniversary events tend to run from mid-March to mid-April (sometimes to mid-May) each year. They are not available during the "off season".

For an overview and list of EverQuest Anniversary events, see this quest entry.

This is an anniversary group mission introduced with EverQuest's 14th anniversary. It begins with Sheriff Knotter Botter in the Steamfont Mountains. He is found outside the minotaur caves in the far northeastern part of the zone.

In order to request AND participate in this task, you must have credit for his solo task, "Ogres at the Gates".

You say, 'Hail, Sheriff Knotter Botter'

Sheriff Knotter Botter says 'Now that we have the traps, will you [accompany] me as I set them? We have to do something about these [skeletons]!'

You say, 'We'll accompany you!'

Sheriff Knotter Botter says 'Good gnomes are dying while we wait. As soon as you're ready to move, let's [go].'

You have been assigned the task 'Big Gnomes, Big Problems'.

Giant skeletons have started assaulting the gates of Ak'Anon. You must discover the source and find a way to defeat them against impossible odds.

You say, 'Let' go!'

You have entered The Steamfont Mountains.

Note: While inside this instanced zone, you will have a buff on you that grants ~9.5 million extra hitpoints and a 75,000/tick regeneration.

Speak with Sheriff Knotter Botter 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Sheriff Knotter Botter appears to be having trouble ahead of you in the forest. Find out what's wrong.

You say, 'Hail, Sheriff Knotter Botter'

Sheriff Knotter Botter says 'Ah! Ah! Ahhhh! Ah! Ah! Ahhhh! Ah! Ah! Ah! I am not [okay]!'

You say, 'Not okay?'

Sheriff Knotter Botter says 'You've got to help me, _____! I dropped one of the traps you gave me and it snapped shut right on my [leg]!'

You say, 'Your leg?'

Sheriff Knotter Botter says 'It cut it clean off! Now stop asking and start... Oh no. The [bunnies] are coming back. Help!'

You say, 'Bunnies?!'

Fight off frenzied bunnies 0/10 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Frenzied bunnies are trying to take advantage of the sheriff's weakened state! Cut them down.

10x "a frenzied bunny" spawn and attack the sheriff. Don't worry about survival here as your buffs should make it near-impossible to die.

When you see this emote...

Sheriff Knotter Botter's flamethrower lights a nearby bunny on fire, making it vulnerable to attacks. Strike now!

...one of the bunnies turns into "a burning bunny". This mob becomes attackable for about 21 seconds (you can check its buff window for the duration). It then turns back into "a frenzied bunny" and becomes immune to damage.

Keep attacking the burning bunny mob until you have killed all 10. Upon the death of the last one:

Sheriff Knotter Botter says 'The giant skeletons are on the move! Forget me. Take the rest of these traps to the gates of Ak'anon and help them hold the line! Remember, ogres are dumb, even as skeletons. Keep quiet and avoid their seers and you'll be able to sneak by undetected.'

Sneak past giant skeletons to the gate of Ak'Anon 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Sheriff Knotter Botter has made you invisible with one of his gnomish gizmos and tasked you with reaching the gates of Ak'Anon to the southwest. Giant Skeleton Seers wander the path you must take and will see through your disguise. Avoid them as you run to the gate. If you lose your invisibility spell, return to Sheriff Knotter Botter to get it again.

Make your way towards Ak'Anon while sneaking past the giant skeletons and avoiding the mobs called "a giant seer" (these hit for a max ~50,000,000 and proc "Seer's Touch", a DD for 6,500,000).

a giant seer says 'Tiny morsels great for stomping!'

As you approach the main gate, this step updates.

Hold off the assault on the gate of Ak'Anon 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: The gates of Ak'Anon are under attack! Hold the line and use the gnomish troops nearby to defeat the giant skeletons attacking.

3x "a giant skeleton" attack (hit for a max ~180,000). The gnomish NPCs will attack them, but won't be of much use to you. At the time of this update, two traps are spawned on either side of the Ak'Anon entrance. To make the skeletons vulnerable to melee and spells, you have to pull them on top of these traps. Doing so triggers a 4-tick debuff on the skeleton. Once the debuff fades, it becomes immune again.

The traps have a quick respawn time.

Once the three skeletons are dead, you see:

Sully says 'Haha, take that giant bone-men. Their entire army is fleeing. Gnomes rule!'

Trapmaster Tau says 'We will require more traps before the... bone-men... return. Outsiders, get more from Neringa Nobbles while we repair the guards. She is no doubt in her tinkering lab to the east.'

Find Neringa Nobbles the Tinkerer 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: The gnome guards told you about a tinkerer building traps for the gate's defenses in her lab in the southeast corner of the valley. Find her near the Zeppelin maintenance site.

This step updates in the far southeastern corner of the zone, around the houses there (-1145, -1400).

Ask Neringa for help 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Neringa doesn't seem to have any traps ready to go. Confront her and acquire a super weapon.

You say, 'Hail, Neringa Nobbles'

Neringa Nobbles ignores you and continues working at something on the table, muttering to herself, '[Traps], they say. Traps are so... pedestrian. I'll do 'em one better.

You say, 'Traps?'

Neringa Nobbles says 'Ah, finally! The guards sent someone to get their weak little traps. Don't mind the mess. We're just doing some maintenance on the zeppelin. It'll be up and running again soon. In the meantime, we're stuck here with these giant skeletons.' Neringa glances at _____ and smiles mischievously, 'What if I told you we could do [better] than traps?'

You say, 'Something better?'

Neringa Nobbles says 'Yes, better! Don't tell me you're as dull-minded as those sword slingers at the gate? Let me show you something!'

Neringa Nobbles points a small device at the very fluffy bunny on the scrap heap and a beam of energy shoots out at it.

She puts on a show...

a frenzied bunny grows rapidly to four times its size.

Neringa Nobbles says 'See? This is the power true gnomes have, and we'll use it to fight the giants on their level! I just need one of you to volunteer to...'

a frenzied bunny squeals as it starts to shake and then [explodes], covering the area in white fluff and gore.

You say, 'If it explodes...'

Neringa Nobbles says 'Well... sure, that happened because it was a bunny. And did you see how fluffy it was? There's no way it would happen to you. But just to be safe, let's pick the one with the least amount of hair. Who wants to be enlargified? I only have enough power to boost one of you.'

This updates the step.

Volunteer a member of your group to test Neringa's enlargimication beam 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Neringa needs a volunteer from your group to be shot with her enlargimication beam, which should cause them to grow to a massive size in order to fight the giant skeletons. The technology had disastrous results for the bunny, but it'll work for you, right?

Pick someone out...

You say, 'Hail, Neringa Nobbles'

Neringa Nobbles says 'Really, they picked you? Alright, well, just say [I hereby swear I will not sue Neringa] and we'll get started.'

You say, 'I hereby swear I will not sue Neringa'

Neringa Nobbles begins to cast a spell. (Big Boneded)

You grow to enormous heights and gain tremendous fortitude.

Neringa Nobbles shoots a beam of energy at _____, who starts to grow rapidly.

The targeted player grows to a large height. This updates the step. If you lose the buff, come back and get it again from him. If people in your group still have the buff, logging out and back in and asking for the buff works or if your in an illusion you can click it off or click one you have to turn normal size and get the giant buff.

Consume power serums Neringa is offering to your group 0/2 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Neringa only had enough power to grow one person, but she has serum that will boost the power of the group members in other ways. Talk to her to find out which one you want to consume.

You say, 'Hail, Neringa Nobbles'

Neringa Nobbles says 'Ah, yes, the rest of you. Here, take a serum to help you not die or whatever it is you want. Do you want the [attack] serum, the [healing] serum, or... THE SERUM OF [MYSTERY]? Or maybe your [giant] has fallen?'

You say, 'Attack'

Neringa Nobbles begins to cast a spell. (Timber!)
You're ready to chop down some giants.
Neringa Nobbles says 'Killing is so uncreative.'

You say, 'Healing'

Neringa Nobbles begins to cast a spell. (I'm Squishy)
Your compassion swells, inspiring extraordinary healing ability
Neringa Nobbles says 'Hey, think you can do something about that bunny?'

Kill giant skeletons attacking the windmills 0/4 (Steamfont Mountains)

Task Window Says: Giant skeletons are toying with the windmills on the northwest border of Neringa's lab. You should use this opportunity to master your newfound powers granted by Neringa's gnomish technowizardry. Find the giant skeletons and put them down before they break something valuable. You'll still need to avoid the Seers, who are not intimidated by your trickery. The member of your group affected by Neringa's enlargimication beam should be large enough to weaken giant opponents with its melee and ranged attacks, allowing the whole group to deal more damage to them temporarily.

Four giant skeletons can be found at the windmills. Whoever is "giant" sized will gain a proc that makes a giant skeleton vulnerable to all attacks.

Kill the four skeletons to update this step. Upon the last skeleton's death, Cormoran the Muncher spawns.

Kill Cormoran the Muncher 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Kill Cormoran the Muncher while moving him over the poisoned rats.

Kill the skeletons attacking the northern homestead 0/3 (Steamfont Mountains)

Find three more skeletons in the far north-central part of the zone, and kill them in the same manner as the four at the windmills.

Kill the skeletons attacking Sheriff Knotter Botter 0/2 (Steamfont Mountains)

This takes place in the zone-in area outside the minotaur caves. Kill them in the same manner as the previous sets.

Reinforce defenses at the gate of Ak`Anon 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Head back to Ak`Anon.

Hold off the final wave 0/5 (Steamfont Mountains)

Five more skeletons to kill here - use the debuff from the giant player to make them susceptible to damage. This triggers the spawn of Gogamog.

Kill Gogmagog 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Killing gnome skeletons to make him vulnerable to attacks.

Flee the angry gnome mob and run to Neringa's lab 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Head back to Neringa's camp in the southeast.

Collect your reward from the chest 0/1 (Steamfont Mountains)

Possible Chest Drops (1-2 items + 0-1 aug per task):

Metamorph Totem: Poisoned Rat
Polymorph Wand: Silver Gnomework
Potion of Growth
Unstable Clockwork Launcher
Vice Trap

Blue Stone of Power
Green Stone of Power
Red Stone of Power
White Stone of Power
Yellow Stone of Power
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no level limit
# Mar 22 2013 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
689 posts
Today, I took in a 100 shm (no merc), 100 pal (wiz merc) and a 60 wizard. No problem. All had the pre-quest.

On a side note, I sat the wiz at the Tinker and when the defenders turned on us, we got the update as she was already sitting there.

Additionally, the wiz merc died on Gogmagog (burn hahahaha) and was dead when we opened the chest. 1 item (the poison rat morph).
Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
# Mar 21 2013 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
689 posts
#1: vice trap, yellow stone of power
#2: polymorph wand: silver gnomework, white stone of power
#3: unstable clockwork launcher, blue stone of power
#4: polymorph wand: silver gnomework, blue stone of power
#5: potion of growth - 10 charges (super weak!)

Was starting to think it was a ___ stone of power and another item each time until he booby prize of the potion of growth by itself today.

Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
Task Lock
# Mar 19 2013 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
This task locks as soon as you kill Gogmagog

Edited, Mar 19th 2013 6:56pm by Loweball
Trouble opening the chest.
# Mar 18 2013 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
As a workaround for opening the chest as a giant, since i HATE logging lol, is simply do undo any illusion on yourself.
Not having RoF
# Mar 18 2013 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
If you dont have the Rain of Fear expansion all your going to get is a https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=110318" rel="external nofollow" title="https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=110318">Potion of Growth. Ive done the quest 2x with 2 other toons that didnt have RoF either and the potion dropped 2x. I also found you may /taskadd toons, however if they have not completed the pre quest https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=6783" rel="external nofollow" title="https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=6783">Ogers at the Gates they will not be allowed to zone in.

I find it quite disappointing after 13 years of monthly subscriptions Im being punished for not haveing the newest release. What real value is there with a potion of growth in game?

Not having RoF
# Mar 18 2013 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
I just did this with one toon who doesnt have RoF.

Not sure how much it matters, but I got the task with the toon who does have RoF and I got the rat.

No potion for me! also, we were both in the zone. so we both did the pretask, not sure if that matters either.

EDIT**** I've done the task a 2nd time here, almost the same way, but got a potion. Only difference was that there was no dead merc in the group. Now I did do the mission with the same two toons (one with, one without RoF) and 3 others who had RoF and we got both an aug and normal drop. *shrug*

Edited, Mar 19th 2013 2:49pm by XmoneenX
# Mar 18 2013 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
689 posts
2nd time I did it today, when the shaky skeletons were attacking the sheriff, the gnome skeletons didn't spawn. I relogged 2 toons and went back to the Tinker to get serums (giant and mystery, respectively). Then, the gnome skeletons started spawning. Was worried I'd have to start over. Whew.
Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
# Mar 17 2013 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
689 posts
After one person tests out the growth serum, you have to try 2 others. I only had two real non-merc toons so I had one grown and was at a loss how to get a 2nd to use the serum. It let me /taskadd a level 60 but wouldn't let her in (2x lvl 100s inside), so I zoned out with one and went back in and it let me use another serum (wouldn't let a person do 2 serums otherwise).

The grown person (who is totally required after the step w/ the tinker) is too far away to loot the chest while in that state. Zone or re-log to clear it (shrink doesn't work).
Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
# Mar 17 2013 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
when i did it i just removed the caster buff on my mage alt and then asked for it again. i then got the update
# Mar 17 2013 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
i just did this with a merc and my 86 alt mage .. the merc did not die right off either .. i used a caster merc (used balance mode so it would not take agro) up to the last fight with gagmagog which i then flipped to a healer also used my sword pet the entire time. wasnt that tough once you used the mechanics like intended.
for my reward i got the lame growth potion
another loot
# Mar 17 2013 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
just got potion of growth from chest, 10 charge cast of growth, useless -.-
bs loot
# Mar 16 2013 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
43 posts
Weeeee !! We got https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/spell.html?spell=37866 and nothing else!! Oh a six our lock out! So much Anniversary fun!!
# Mar 16 2013 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
Yes - have enough toons in group to request and do it solo. As already noted mercs aren't much use so don't bother with them. Doing it solo you need to drop a buff or two when Neringa gets involved to progress but is no biggie. Traps are your best friend for this task.

My first go i ended up with a lame vine trap item - looks like i have to go again for an aug.
this one is stupid
# Mar 16 2013 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
654 posts
we went in with mercs, who died immediately. we ran out of mana and couldn't get any up, and the bunnies never died.
Success comes when preparation meets opportunity -- and EQ is no exception.
Don't kill early
# Mar 16 2013 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Don't kill the skellies early. We killed 2 before we all drank 2/2 serums and we got no respawns. Had to start over.
Chest Loot
# Mar 16 2013 at 3:05 AM Rating: Good
Polymorph Wand: Silver Gnomework

Blue Stone of Power

Both dropped in the chest at the end
Buffs from Neringa Nobbles
# Mar 15 2013 at 10:03 PM Rating: Good
One Tank should take the "Giant" Buff (Pally on our case)
One Healer should take "Healer" buff (Druid in our case)
One DPS should take "attack" buff (Rogue in our case)
One Spell caster DPS should take "Mystery" buff (Necro in our case)

Don't attempt to get multiple buffs, it bugs the mission.
# Mar 15 2013 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
green stone & white stone of power drop too
4 giant kills
# Mar 15 2013 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
it bugged on us after the the 2/4 giants were killed (by the windmill) we could not get the dot to make them vulnerable so we camped out he giant toon and said giant to Neringa Nobbles again we were able to make the skelly vulnerable
# Mar 15 2013 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
You must complete Sheriff's 1st solo task to participate in this task. I.e. Zone in.
# Mar 15 2013 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Red Stone of Power: Augment; slow 7/8----------------- 40 AC 250 hp 250 mana 250 end; +8 Heroic Str. 2 HP regen 4 combat Eff
Rec 100 required 10

Also Dropped unstable Clockwork Launcher. Ammo slot; magic lore no trade; Effect: launch unstable clockwork; (casting time .5) recast delay 2 minutes.

Effect: Launches an unstable clockwork at your enemy which will explode when it getrs close enough: Warning Can present danger to owner; light fuse and get away.
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