Crafted Pauldron  

Quest Started By:Description:
Time:5 hours
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Aug 1 14:47:23 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Ulan Meadowgreen is located at 119, -2192 in South Karana (in the centaur encampment).

You say, 'Hail, Ulan Meadowgreen'

Ulan Meadowgreen says 'Greetings. I am Ulan Meadowgreen of the family Meadowgreen. My brother and I are the best armorers in all of Norrath. We craft [armor] for the bravest warriors in the land. If you are a warrior of renown, and are interested in our armor, I have some mighty [labors] you might wish to attempt for me.'

You say, 'What labors?'

Ulan Meadowgreen says 'Only those who can prove themselves mighty warriors deserve to wear our crafted armor. While my brother prefers trophies, I seek instead tasks which will help my craft and my people.'

You say, 'What armor?'

Ulan Meadowgreen says 'I smith [bracers], [greaves], [pauldrons] and [breastplates]. My brother Shakrn smiths helms, gauntlets, boots and vambraces.'

You say, 'What about the pauldrons?'

Ulan Meadowgreen says 'In the caverns of Clan Runnyeye live several evil eyes of prodigious magical power. Split among them are the three lost pieces of the legendary [Rune of Dwarves]. When assembled, this rune is said to impart a mystic skill to the smith who holds it. Bring me these three pieces and a [fire emerald], and I will smith for you a pauldron worthy of the mightiest of warriors.'

You say, 'What Rune of Dwarves?'

Ulan Meadowgreen says 'The Rune of Dwarves once rested in the heart of the city of Kaladim. Years ago, the goblins of Clan Runnyeye stole it from the dwarves. No one I have ever spoken to knows how it was broken. It is not hard to guess, however, why the evil eyes now hold them.'

You say, 'A fire emerald?'

Ulan Meadowgreen says 'I need a fire emerald for a piece of jewelry my brother and I are creating.'

Fire Emeralds may be purchased from several merchants. The Rune of Dwarves is broken into three pieces (Top, Middle and Bottom) and drops from Evil Eye Prisoners in Clan Runnyeye.

Upon handing in one Fire Emerald, Bottom of a Fractured Rune, Middle of a Fractured Rune and Top of a Fractured Rune:

Ulan Meadowgreen says 'Wait, _____, are you not forgetting something?'
Ulan Meadowgreen says 'Wait, _____, are you not forgetting something?'
Ulan Meadowgreen says 'Wait, _____, are you not forgetting something?'
Ulan Meadowgreen says 'Most impressive - all three pieces of the dwarven rune. When joined, this shall serve me well. Take this crafted pauldron with my gratitude.'
You gain experience!!

You receive a Crafted Pauldron.
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# Jan 01 2001 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
Of the three runes, all are Lore, and the top piece is No Drop. Any evil eye mob can drop either piece. No need to bother Borxx!
the bottom rune
# Dec 30 2000 at 9:01 PM Rating: Default
the bottom part drops, but it's a rare drop
# Dec 10 2000 at 10:44 PM Rating: Default
Ok here's my problem. At 50th level I tried to camp some creatures in Runneyeye only to find that the creatures were STILL aggressive to me and saw through a superior camoflage spell. How as a druid can I do this darn quest?
#Anonymous, Posted: May 25 2001 at 2:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You have to take the grren gobs down one at a time.
So, uh...what exactly...
# Nov 10 2000 at 8:11 AM Rating: Default
do these runes drop only in berrox or runnyeye?
RE: So, uh...what exactly...
# Nov 23 2000 at 12:42 AM Rating: Default
I have camped evil eyes in Beholder's Maze and not seen any dwarven runes drop. However after killing a few of those floating globes in Runnyeye two runes dropped (though they were the same one). So my guess is you have to hunt for them in Runnyeye.
Bottom rune
# Oct 22 2000 at 7:44 AM Rating: Default
The bottom rune drops off regular evil eyes in Runney Eye not just Borxx. Maybe it's just rare? I was camping the evil eye in the big room that has that purple gem in the middle and a pit underneath. I got my bottom rune on the third drop after two top pieces dropped.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 12 2000 at 2:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I think I can speak for everyone on this topic. Please people when you know that someone has been camping for a long time, don't pester them about when they are going to leave. Don't sit down next to them to "wait" until they are done. You might be waiting a long time and then the time it takes for you to complete your camp on top of that. The NPC will always respawn and will always be there. Just ask them kindly if they will send you a tell when they are done and 9 times out of 10 they will. These players are tired from camping that long of a period and quite understandably a little grouchy and become extremely nervous at the thought of someone possibly stealing their kill. So, be courteous.
# Sep 05 2000 at 11:01 AM Rating: Excellent
The runes that you need are marked as top, middle and bottom of Fractured Rune and not as Dwarven Rune as you are led to believe above. The zone is a nasty one with many greens that just aggro on you for fun. The EE's also drop PBB's which are a good starting caster item and other stuff such as the optic nerves used for the crafted bracer quest. If you are planning on soloing an EE being a warrior make sure you can interrupt any casting they start and hit em straight after they spawn as they quickly cast a dam shield and other nastyness.
RE: runes
# Mar 29 2001 at 10:32 AM Rating: Default
By FAR, this is the best assessment of this quest item. Camp the first room only if you are grouped with only 4 people or less. Going to the second room where you have to enter from a doorway will guarantee a train. Believe me, it's not pretty either.

If you are unable to group, you can also pull the eye to the zone to Mistmoore. He will be there, but you can rest and heal up while in the zone of Mistmoore. Zone back when you're full health, and bang on the eye waiting for you on the opposite side. People may or may not like you for this, but I found help the while resting in the zone of Mistmoore.

37th tank
RE: runes
# May 17 2001 at 5:27 PM Rating: Default
What zone do you mean? Definitely not Mistmoore, and the two adjacent to Runnyeye are nothing like Mistmoore. Beholder's Maze or Misty Thicket. Which one?

Wolfriend, sarcastic Sheriff of Drinal
# Sep 05 2000 at 11:01 AM Rating: Default
The runes that you need are marked as top, middle and bottom of Fractured Rune and not as Dwarven Rune as you are led to believe above. The zone is a nasty one with many greens that just aggro on you for fun. The EE's also drop PBB's which are a good starting caster item and other stuff such as the optic nerves used for the crafted bracer quest. If you are planning on soloing an EE being a warrior make sure you can interrupt any casting they start and hit em straight after they spawn as they quickly cast a dam shield and other nastyness.
# Sep 05 2000 at 11:01 AM Rating: Default
The runes that you need are marked as top, middle and bottom of Fractured Rune and not as Dwarven Rune as you are led to believe above. The zone is a nasty one with many greens that just aggro on you for fun. The EE's also drop PBB's which are a good starting caster item and other stuff such as the optic nerves used for the crafted bracer quest. If you are planning on soloing an EE being a warrior make sure you can interrupt any casting they start and hit em straight after they spawn as they quickly cast a dam shield and other nastyness.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 05 2000 at 11:01 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The runes that you need are marked as top, middle and bottom of Fractured Rune and not as Dwarven Rune as you are led to believe above. The zone is a nasty one with many greens that just aggro on you for fun. The EE's also drop PBB's which are a good starting caster item and other stuff such as the optic nerves used for the crafted bracer quest. If you are planning on soloing an EE being a warrior make sure you can interrupt any casting they start and hit em straight after they spawn as they quickly cast a dam shield and other nastyness.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 05 2000 at 11:00 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The runes that you need are marked as top, middle and bottom of Fractured Rune and not as Dwarven Rune as you are led to believe above. The zone is a nasty one with many greens that just aggro on you for fun. The EE's also drop PBB's which are a good starting caster item and other stuff such as the optic nerves used for the crafted bracer quest. If you are planning on soloing an EE being a warrior make sure you can interrupt any casting they start and hit em straight after they spawn as they quickly cast a dam shield and other nastyness.
# Aug 18 2000 at 12:41 PM Rating: Default
Im a level 30 dwarven warrior, and my other group member was a 35 magician with pet. The eye behind the blocked door is by far the easiest, but i have yet to see any bottom part of the rune drop anywhere. we tried camping borxx but did not get him to spawn. if you know wher the bottom piece is found pleaes email me

also, try to kill goblins first then the eye it is much easier unless you have a 30+ tank
RE: tips
# Sep 11 2000 at 4:18 PM Rating: Default
What is the story with the bottom rune? There seems to be a problem getting these.
RE: tips
# Feb 16 2001 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, it sounds like all runes have an equal chance of dropping. We got 6 top runes, 4 bottom runes, and zero middle runes. Just basic luck of the draw. Runes seem uncommon, then only 1 in 3 chance of getting the last one you need. Maybe you'll get lucky, most likely you wont.

Have fun!
Thanks Koogla
# Aug 16 2000 at 6:58 PM Rating: Default
That helps a lot. Going to try this weekend if I can.
# Aug 09 2000 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
Having a warrior, rogue, or monk in a eye hunting group is probably the worst Idea... they get charmed right off the bat and proceed to hack the rest of the group to peices... but a level 20-24 enchanter and a level 20-29 wizard can absolutely mutilate evil eyes or lord eyes losing about 2 bubs of mana each and taking absolutely no damage... this via mez-evoc attacks... since optic nerves are of little use to either class, I'm certain a warrior of any level could mooch one or two without aggrivating the combatants
RE: eyes
# Mar 19 2001 at 10:23 PM Rating: Good
101 posts
This is generally true, but doesn't apply to this quest because all the Evil Eyes in Runnyeye are Wizards, not Enchanters.

Shaman of Halas
Dwarven Runes
# Jul 18 2000 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent

Couple of things which seem to be being confused here:

1: ONLY the eyes in Runnyeye drop the runes of the dwarves.

2: each rune is marked appropriately, either Top of a Fractured Rune, Middle of a Fractured Rune, or Bottom of a Fractured Rune. They are lore, and one is No Drop. (forget which, been awhile since I did this)

The eye at the bottom of the "stairwell" with the logs which look to be blocking the entrance, but may be walked through is by far the easiest place to get these. only 3 goblins in the room with it.
# Jul 16 2000 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent
only the eyes in runnyeye drop the runes. the ones in beholders are gits and dont drop the runes.
Dwarven Runes
# Jul 13 2000 at 6:12 AM Rating: Default
Been hunting eyes for 5 lvls now on and off. Have never seen a Dwarven Rune on an Evil Eye or a Lord. They must come of some other critter.
Dwarven Runes?
# Jul 10 2000 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
Quick quesion about the Dwarven Runes. Are they 3 seperate runes that look like regular objects or do they say "top", "middle", and "bottom"? Also are they rare drops? I killed 2 Eyes the other day which is not many but Ii was wondering if it takes a whole lot of camping to get them.

Walil (Sons of Hate) Bertoxx.
# Jul 07 2000 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
The Eye that hit you with the Really long DoT was killed very quickly perhaps? There are "Evil Eyes" that have about 5 HP, and no spellcasting abilities. When killed, they do an area affect around them for a NASTY DoT... I have never seen one of these in RunnyEye, only in the Gorge, and there rarely.

These are taken from the "Gas Spore" out of Dungeons and Dragons, much the way that the Evil Eyess are taken from D&D's Beholders.

To get rid of the DoT, just have someone Cure disease on you... may take a few tries.
RE: Dasinon
# Oct 06 2004 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you very much! For the longest time, I thought those tissue-paper strength Evil Eyes were a coding error that slipped through the cracks.

Smiley: clapThank You Smiley: clap
bottom rune
# Jul 04 2000 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
Been runnyeye for about a week killed ee's and borxx and have yet to see the bottom rune drop,I have looked for another spawn spot for the ee's other than the Hive or the lower pool.Hopefully it's just a rare spawn of the ee's that drops the bottom rune.As for the level I have had a group of 28-30 hunting them and if your not careful you'll start a nasty train.I would recommend a group of at least 28+ and have a healer or blaster,you either drop them quick or prepare to sit and heal for a while.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 02 2000 at 1:08 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Evil eyes have a very very mean DOT that stayed on me for about 2 hrs. I had to get someone to duel and kill me ot make the DOT go.
minimum level should be 25
# Jun 30 2000 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent

I would up the estimated level on this quest... in a VERY good balanced full group, the Evil Eyes in Runnyeye regularly killed us until we hit 25th, whereupon it was just VERY hard, rather than impossible.
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