Nitram's Collection  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Planes of Power
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Oct 25 21:22:51 2002
Modified: Tue Sep 3 09:08:07 2024
Nitram Anizok may be found at +1500, +970 along the right path from zone-in. If he isn't up, clear out the mobs around the hut to spawn him.

You say, 'Hail, Nitram Anizok'

Nitram Anizok says 'Oh my hello! It has been such a long time since I have had visitors. Have you come to learn of [advanced tinkering] as well?'

You say, 'What advanced tinkering?'

Nitram Anizok says 'Aye, I advanced to this plane due to my work on tinkering back in Ak`Anon. A grand city it is, but my abilities were compromised with the materials I had to work with there. My body and soul has come to rest here, forever coming up with new ideas. You should be aware though that this plane is not how it was when I arrived. Much [construction] has taken place.'

You say, 'What construction?'

Nitram Anizok says 'When I first arrived I started creating smaller things. As time went on my inventions became more and more focused and impressive. I started building steam powered clockwork to help me gather materials. I had gone too far giving them the ability to learn and with a built in desire of self perpetuation. They began to integrate themselves with the clockwork that already existed within the factory that you can see if you step outside. I once worked within the factory with a kind and fair gnome, Meldrath. Now that he has gone missing the clockworks seem to be working towards a more devious goal. The clockwork out here in the junkyard have been discarded due to their malfunction or replacement by a more efficient series. Needless to say their [instinct for survival] has not been lost.'

You say, 'What instinct for survival?'

Nitram Anizok says 'The clockwork have become increasingly aggressive because of their desperation for spare parts. I have to defend myself anytime I head out to find parts for my tinkering. I fear for my safety with what is being built in the factory. I have started to build myself my own means of defense. It is nearly completed but I need an odd combination of batteries to start it up. I should have planned more carefully for it to use simple mana batteries..'

You say, 'What combination of batteries?'

Nitram Anizok says 'Well you see when I was back home it was common for me to use a mycological spore extricate-kinetoconvertor to power my devices. I started planning my defense to use this as a power source out of sheer habit. Here in this desolation the mushrooms that were grown back home do not exist. I am going to have to rig something from spare parts. It is taking a long time with my having to search the junkyard small portions at a time due to the clockworks. Would you help me in [collecting materials]?'

You say, 'Collecting materials?'

Nitram Anizok peers over some schematics laying on a table next to him. 'Let us see here. I have some of the base parts for the power source. If you could collect a copper node, a bundle of super conductive wires, and an intact power cell I could power up the machine. Good luck to you ______, I hope that we can work together on this.'

Turn in the items (all random drops in the zone).

Nitram Anizok says 'Excellent! This is wonderful, please follow me! I will show you the power of my greatest invention.'

Nitram will walk a lengthy path to Xanamech Nexmirthafen, a clockwork dragon. You have to keep him alive along the way. When he gets to the dragon's clearing, he finishes the "power source" and the dragon spawns. Kill it for some loot, then hail Nitram for the character flag which allows you to open the factory door in the Plane of Innovation. (looks like this:)

You say, 'Hail, Nitram Anizok'

Nitram Anizok tells you, 'Whew that was a close one! I shall have to study these schematics and see where I went wrong. Maybe if I build a new one that uses the correct kind of power source it would work better! Anyhow, why don't you stop these beasts at the source? If you go up to the main factory door and twist the very bottom rivet of the icon three times to the right, it will open. I doubt they have changed how this works. Good luck!'

You have received a character flag!

You remember Nitram's words - 'three small turns to the right on the bottommost rivet should open the door'.
Submitted by: Kajawana
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#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 30 2002 at 9:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You all are gonna hate me I bet. I have all 3 items as no one in my group one night knew what it was for and me being curious i said WTH and looted and figured id chk later. NOW.......LEMME guess jsut like my stupid heads for helm of tracker but im karana I CANT USE THIS REWARD RIGHT??? let me know or ill jsut have to ML the node for someone....hmmm can u say PP poss, seems to be a hell alot of peeps looking for a copper node MAGIC LORE NO DROP :)
RE: I have all 3 items
# Jul 29 2003 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
And as for the reward, I'd imagine anyone could use another PoP flag. Loot is nice, but going after this mutt is mainly about flagging for the next part of the zone :)
RE: I have all 3 items
# Jan 07 2003 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
These items are all very common drops in POI. Anyone that is requesting them has obviously not hunted there much. I lead regular dragon raids on E'ci usually starting saturdays at 4pm EST. I can begin farming the items at 2pm and be VERY confident that I will have all three before the raid starts. Alternitivly I have heard of many raids starting WITHOUT the turn-in set knowing that you have to kill approximatly 30 mobs en route to the gnome you turn the items in to. As often as not a set will drop.
NPC returned to his place?
# Dec 28 2002 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
Our guild helped one of our friend guilds tonight to do this quest.

We repeated mezzing the little one, clearing mobs on his way, erasing his memory, waking him up and again following him. When he came in front of the last door, he looked he stucked with some PC characters then.. he disapeared from us. The dragon didn't move at all, of course..
We then checked with other guys in the zone that the gnome was at his original place.

Does anyone know why it happened?
RE: NPC returned to his place?
# Jan 07 2003 at 2:02 AM Rating: Good
16 posts
I lead regular dragon raids on the E'ci server and have had this situation several times. It took my a while to figure out a few simple rules to avoid this situation.

There seems to be several factors involved the first and easiest is a time constraint. I believe it to be somewhere near 2 hours. Since only the first time i did the raid did we take anywhere NEAR this long, I'm not 100% on this factor.

A second seems to be where the gnome is. Do not mem blur him anywhere near the final door or inside the room with the dragon. Absolutly to not mem blur him once the dragon encouter begins. This will mess up the quest 100 percent of the time. Either the gnome imediatly despawns, or you kill the dragon and cannot get flag. I guess if you just want the loot niether of these is horrible, but usually at least one person stil needs the flag. You can mem blur him all the way up to about where the last standing spawn, NOT the walker, pops right before the final door. Mez and mem blur him there well you group clears the final room and meds and rebuff's before the final enounter.

A third factor I'm not 100 percent sure is a foctor but its happened enough to be worth mentioning. Occasionally someone will get aggro from the gnome while noone is availible to mez and mem blur him. (These are public raids im not always dealing with the best and the brightest.) It all situations where the gnome has actually KILLED a pc he has gotten much buggier. I would try to avoid those, tho most people try to avoid this anyway.

The wierdest part of your story is the fact that the gnome reapeared at his origional location. The 7-8 times he has despawned on me we had to wait the full 2 hours before we could attempt the rain again

BTW since im not sure anyone has posted the information, after an attempt - successful or otherwise - you have to wait 2 hours before the gnome will be back in his hut for another attempt.
RE: NPC returned to his place?
# Jan 09 2003 at 11:22 AM Rating: Default
Good info but i would add this part. My guild kills the dragon often and we are glad to see him argo someone at the final door. Just use the time to med up a bite and buff....then mem blur the gnome. What people don't see is that when you get near the end of the quest "don't block the gnome!" If he locks up on someone and stops moving for the amount of time he would have made it to the door if the path was clear (poof) everytime.

He also seems to despawn if someone has argos and walks to far ahead; as he will sometime turn around and walk back to the spot he argoed.

Aricon Drinksalot
How many people?
# Dec 14 2002 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
Just wondering how many people it would take to kill this dude... and what flag do you get for it?

Thanks in advance
RE: How many people?
# Dec 30 2002 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
You are flagged for the factory in PoI.
gateing device
# Dec 07 2002 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
i hear tails about a gateing device, can anyone confirm this?
RE: gateing device
# Jan 07 2003 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
The stories you here are related to a necklace the is great for all non-gateing melee. It contains 5 charges of gate and is rechargable with a class 5 mana battery. It is not however loot from this beast. It is the result of a fairly easy, if time consuming, quest located elsewhere on this web page, I'm sure. As i can't think of the name of this necklace atm, I will point you to the quests in PoK as that is where the quest originates.
RE: gateing device
# Aug 22 2003 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Can you absolutely confirm that the class 5 battery recharges it? Everything else I've read says it can't be recharged.

# Dec 05 2002 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
Smooshed him last night...
He dropped a sweet Melee neck with 41% Haste
And a sweet Caster Ring
And an Etheral Parchment
may have been a few things besides that but was laggy and had a bunch of adds.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to Hail the Gnome after Dragon is dead to get yer Flag
What does he drop?????
# Nov 30 2002 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
I have all the components for this quest what does he drop?????
# Nov 23 2002 at 10:14 PM Rating: Default
Has anyone completed the quest? what "phat lewt" does the dragon drop?
copper node drops
# Nov 23 2002 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
had copper nodes drop for my group in PoI just by pulling mobs to the entrance.
where is the copper node found?
# Nov 12 2002 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
i have looked everywhere for the copper node.
anyone know where it is sold and/or dropped?
RE: where is the copper node found?
# Nov 18 2002 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
thank u. got one. now good luck to me on getting the dragon done. hehe
RE: where is the copper node found?
# Nov 15 2002 at 11:00 AM Rating: Default
Kill stuff in the POI... I saw one last night drop off of a scrounging clockwork. I would imagine it is random.
not bugged
# Nov 07 2002 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
We did it tonite!

The trick is to clear the path for the gnome b4 he enter the room!

How? simple have all ur raid ppl hug both side of the wall!
# Nov 04 2002 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
We had 4 groups there in PoI....Lil gnome guy wasn't up so we killed stuff around the house until he popped. I handed him the 3 items he needed to start the quest and away he went.
We followed him along the way and killed everything that moved. Checking track along the way, the dragon was up..deep red to me, level 61 Ranger.
We get to the last turn, mem the Lil guy, rooted his behind....buffed to full mana for all open the door and WTF? Dragon poofed.
The Gnome walked over to where the dragon should have been...acted like he was putting the piece in the dragon...said the dragon came to life...but nothing.
We waited for about 15 minutes...killed the Gnome and ported out. BAH! All that killing for nothing.
Oh well...will try it again later.
RE: Bugged....
# Dec 08 2002 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
the gnomb has to open the door not a player
RE: Bugged....
# Jan 07 2003 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
No and NO.

A player can and usually does open the door to clear the room before the gnome enters. However you cannot mez the gnome too close to the door or that will mess up the quest. The safest distance seems to be the last static spawn spot before the door, NOT the walker spawn spot thats too close.
RE: Bugged....
# Nov 07 2002 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
I think maybe that when u rooted Nitram it messed up the quest. It says that he has to get to the dragon and power him up. Possibly rooting him outside stopped him from accomplishing this task. Just a guess...

Saszeck Scourgescale
57 Iksar Defiler
Veeshan Server
# Nov 03 2002 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
my guild tried this today and it was bugged. The dragon was on track all the way until we got to the last corner and it disappeared. The gnome went into the empty room and did his thing, as if the dragon was there. It was very disappointing.

Is there a timer on this quest? It took us a little over an hour I believe.

# Oct 28 2002 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
Hehe speaking from person experience he will hit for at least 1380 didn't see a quad but did see a tripple. If you dont follow him to the end he make a nice damage addition to the group and good xp if you can get in that last hit. 3 aoes one long range one short and one centered on the target of his hate atm. Followed this little fellow with a single group of friends hoping he would lead us into the factory or set a flag for us at the end. You wander through the maze and surprise surprise he sets a dragon on you. Heck of a thing for a gnome to do to another gnome.
# Oct 28 2002 at 3:34 AM Rating: Decent
Went to a pickup raid for this guy. Was really rough, lotsa semi newb guys killing in PoI finally got to the end Dragon and with out preptime we rushed in, which ment a total wipe =/

Altho I did learn some Valuable info as to the 3 AEs he has, 800dd that recycles fairly slow, 300pt dd that hits about every 15 seconds, and an AE Snare I didn't get to see. He does hit for 1300+ and is slowable from what I hear.

I would suggest to anyone doing this quest, before the gnome gets to the door mezz or charm him, buff up get prepared, then Blurr and fight the dragon.
RE: Unprepared
# Jul 29 2003 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
Pickup Raid and Dragon are two terms that don't bode well when mixed, even in the old world. :p

Can be useful for exploring a new target, though, or for burning time when bored. Just go in hoping to win but expecting to die ;)
Dragon Smack
# Oct 26 2002 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
I can confirm tht he hits for 1329. I am not sure if he quadded or not, I do know he hit pretty darn fast though. Had a nice ae stun, and some snare too. Looks real cool though. I think he is malfunctioning though, because the gnome seemed to be spanking him.
# Oct 25 2002 at 6:34 PM Rating: Default
heard that the spawed dragon quads for 1300... anyone confirm?
RE: heard...
# Mar 23 2003 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
I got triple hit for 1329 each... or about 4k in one swipe.

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