The Sword of Nobility  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Antonius Bayle (Min: Dubious)
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Related Static Containers:
Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Jun 13 14:02:36 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
We have a report as of September 12, 2013, that this quest may be broken due to a dialogue loop, making it impossible to progress.

This is the quest method of obtaining Ghoulbane. It is also a drop, which is described in the Ghoulbane quest.

Ryshon Hunsti is located in West Karana, on the shore in the southeast corner.

Hail Ryshon Hunsti

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'Hello _____. What brings you to the Karanas? Do you seek [enlightenment]?

You say, 'I seek enlightenment'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'Ahh, i could see by the look in your eyes that you are looking for something more than just enlightenment. Perhaps you are looking for a [sword] crafted by a noble man.

You say, 'What sword?'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'It is not just a sword friend. It is much more than that. This sword carries with it special [power], something unlike anything else within this realm.'

You say, 'What power?'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'It is an instrument fashioned together by noble man. It is said to be blessed by the gods themselves. Only a man who comes from nobility may wield it. Do you seek the [sword of nobility]?'

You say, 'I seek the sword of nobility'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'I see, then take this note to Kanthuk Ogrebane. I've been told he can be found fishing not far from the dwarven city.'

He gives you Note to Kanthuk.

Travel to Butcherblock Mountains to the boat docks. Once zoned in to Butcherblock; follow the path to the city and follow the path to the dock but on the north side. The same side you will find Walnan and Grindbar. Looking at your map; he is in between them. If you follow the wall down to the water and then follow the water line you should run into him. There is a big boat and he is standing right on the shore/water line at /loc +2202, +2996

You say, 'Hail, Kanthuk Ogrebane'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Hello'

Hand Kanthuk the note and get some experience.

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Ahh, I see you have spoke to Ryshon. You seem tired from your long journey. Sit with me as I tell you a tale. A tale about a true friend of mine, a great man known as [Amstaf Trunolis].'

You say, ' Who is Amstaf Trunolis?'

Kanthuk ogrebane says, 'Amstaf Trunolis was a good man. I've followed into [battle] many times. We've seen many of our friends die by the sword of others.'

You say, 'What battle?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane laughes, 'I remember the first time we charged into battle. I was so scared. My hands wouldn't stop trembling. Amstaf pulled me off to the side before the initial attack began. He held my hands within his. I saw his hands begin to glow and felt his energy pass into me. I felt [courage].

You say, 'What courage?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I'll never forget what he did for me that day. He gave me the courage to continue. No one's ever done anything like that for me. I vowed that day that I'd follow him into any battle. I'd be there alongside him, no matter what. As time went on we came across an elven woman named [Ambreen].

You say, 'Who is Ambreen?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Ambreen was younger than he and I. She knew of the powers of nature. She was able to control the rain which fell from the heavens and would call upon the spirits to aide her. It was obvious that Amstaf took a liking to Ambreen. She ended up coming with is on out crusades. The last I saw of Ambreen was when we went to the snow covered lands of Everfrost. We were wander the lands when a freak [snowstorm] hit us. We were seperated from one another for quite some time.'

You say, 'What snowstorm?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I don't know where it came from, but it was so sudden that it caught us all off guard. The snow quickly became unbearable. I tried to move to higher ground, but was unable to. I was stuck within the snowy confines. I didn't know what to do [next].'

You say, 'What happened next?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'As I laid there my body began to slowly freeze. I knew death was near and accepted the inevitable. Suddenly I felt something clutching at my cloak. I was being dragged upwards out of the snow. A hand pressed against my chest and began to glow. I felt energy pass into my body. Do you know [how] he had saved me?'

You say, 'How did he save you?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'He saved my life by laying his hands upon my body. A few moments later we found Ambreen lying in the snow, her body frozen by the harsh surroundings. We lifted her up off the ground and began to look for [shelter].'

You say, 'What shelter?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'We ended up taking refuge within a deserted cabin not to far from our location. We knew that we didn't have much time left to bring life back into her body. However, the storm didn't pass through and we knew we couldn't venture to far without the fear of freezing. I warmed the cabin and rested for some time thinking about what we were going to do. It wasn't long before my exhaustion took over. I fell into a deep [slumber] that night.'

You say, 'What slumber?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'That night I dreamt of many things. Random thoughts kept swirling around my mind. I kept seeing the image of a cloaked being and of Amstaf circled around a fire. I saw Ambreen's body convulsing above the fire as if life was being brought back to it. I don't know what happened that night. I don't even know if what i dreamt was real, but before I awoke I saw a [strange image].'

You say, 'What strange image?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I saw Amstaf lower his head and walked away in silence. He was surronded by two beings carrying a torch. I don't know what it meant, but I swear it was so real. When I awoke both Amstaf and Ambreen were gone. Please find Llara and give this pendant to her. This pendant belonged to Amstaf. She too had a vision that night that may clear things up. If she asks where you got it from, mention my name.'

You receive a Pendant.

Next you need to find Llara. She is standing on a rock in Dagnor's Cauldron, just outside of the Estate of Unrest.

Llara says 'Oh my! This belongs to Amstaf. Where did you get it?

You say, 'Kanthuk gave it to me'

Llara says 'I take it you're here to find out more about [Amstaf].'

You say, 'Who was Amstaf?'

Llara says 'I've known Amstaf since he was a child. We grew up in the same city together. Ever since I've known him there's always been something [unusual] about him.'

You say, 'What was unusual?'

Llara says 'When we were growing up we used to venture outside the city gates. Some times we would encounter a wandering ghoul or an undead spirit of some sort. He was always able to quickly dismiss the undead being with very little effort. I [learned] many things growing up with Amstaf.'

You say, 'What did you learn?'

Llara says 'Amstaf told me many things when we were younger. Once Amstaf told me that life isn't about how you get there, it's about where you end up. I miss my dear friend. Its been a long time since I've seen him. The night of the snowstorm I dreamt about him. I remember seeing Amstaf's face. I saw something I've never [seen] before.'

You say, 'What did you see?'

Llara says 'I saw desperation. I spoke to many people who knew Amstaf trying to find out if anyone heard anything about that night. No one knew anything about it. When I had reached the dwarven hunting grounds I ran into a woman named Walnan. She kept rambling on and on about the power of the Orb and something about Magi`kot. I didn't understand what she was saying. She didn't know anything about my situation either, but she did tell me that there were others that may be able to help me. She told me that I should find [Ruathey].'

You say, 'Who is Ruathey?'

Llara says 'Ruathey is known for her ability to look into people's souls and find truth. Though I wasn't able to find Amstaf, I was able to recover his sword. I believe that by having his sword I am closer to finding him. Take this note to Ruathey and tell her that I sent you.

You can find Ruathey in Lavastorm Mountains, near the Nektulos Forest zoneline.

You say, 'Hail Ruathey'

Ruathey says 'Hello Chork .'

Ruathey says 'I see that you've spoken to Llara. She too came to me looking for Amstaf. Though she wasn't able to find her friend, she was able to recover his [sword].

You say, 'What sword?'

Ruathey says 'I've heard stories about a holy sword. There are many rumored to be hidden all throughout the world, yet only a few have actually been found. Amstaf had one of these swords. It is known for its ability to dismiss the undead. Perhaps by having this sword it'll bring you closer to finding your friend. Gather a ghoul's heart, Amstaf's Scroll, the Blade of Nobility, a noblemans hilt and place them in this [bag].'

You say, 'What bag?'

Ruathey says 'Take this bag and gather the items I've mentioned. I've been told that the Ghoul's Heart can be found in the estate of the undead, while the scroll can be found in the Keep not far from the Karanas. One of the others are rumored to be found near the dwarven city among the goblins. While the last should be found in the caverns of Najena.

For those of you who haven't figured it out, you will need to go to Butcherblock, HighKeep, Unrest, and Najena.

Your target is Crazed Ghouls in Unrest, Crazed Goblins in HighKeep and skeletons in Najena (named "a skeleton").

All the mobs that need to be killed are 25 to up to 35, and the items appear to be uncommon drops.

You combine these 4 items in the bag Ruathey gave you and You have fashioned the items together to create something new!

You are holding a Ghoulbane.
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No Drop GB
# Jun 05 2001 at 1:01 PM Rating: Default
Just because I'm tired of everyone screaming about making the GB a No Drop, here is some food for thought. If the Goulbane was No Drop how would we get the Fiery Avenger? No stop whining.
RE: No Drop GB
# Jun 06 2001 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
48 posts
I was waiting to see who would flame the NO DROP idea, and I expected no less with the anonymous post. What is best is they weren't even man/woman enough to put their name to it. This was more of a test on how people express themselves on these boards, and treat those who post their views. All no drop would do, as far as I can tell, is eliminate the farming of a truly noble weapon. As far as the Fiery Avenger quest, it should not affect its completion.

Sir Corrillian Larethian,
Knight of the Round Table,
32nd Paladin on Cazic-Thule
For the Good of the Realms!
RE: No Drop GB
# Jun 06 2001 at 8:23 PM Rating: Default
Well said, Sir Knight!
RE: No Drop GB
# Jun 05 2001 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
Dude, but arent most No Drop items for quests anyway? So how do you complete those quests? Your able to give No Drop items to the right NPC?

Well, thats my little touch of wisdom, only got 77 on my Paladin, so yeah....
NO Drop hopefully
# Jun 05 2001 at 7:54 AM Rating: Excellent
48 posts
I hope they make the Quest version of the sword No drop, all this farming to make a buck is what ruins quests like these, and surely make those new spawn locations hectic. The fact that a Paladin can now kill something purely evil, and no longer kill a Paladin to get the blade, is whats important. Varent did something wonderful for us Paladins, but of course anything left to the public gets spoiled.

Sir Corrillian Larethrian,
32nd Level Paladin
For the Good of the Realms!
Very easy quest
# Jun 05 2001 at 4:06 AM Rating: Good
Thanks to the detailed info found here, I have been able to already do this quest twice (!) in the last 4 days...

As a level 28 Paladin, I'm already used to hunt in most of the places needed for the four items (HighKeep, Unrest and ButcherBlock mostly), so I already got A Ghoul Heart and Amstaf's Scroll before starting the quest for the first time. Most lenghty part is to travel between all 4 NPC, using ports is really useful (I use it for the second time I did the quest). The quest is NOT bugged : if some NPC did not answer when you say the right words, it's either that you did not give the correct item first, OR that you must reselect the NPC before saying the words (for the last sentence needed, they automatically unselect, so you need to reselect before speaking).

All the drops are uncommon (not rare) so fairly easy to do. Most difficult thing being to find the spot uncamped, like in HighKeep basement (almost always full), and now in ButcherBlock (at least on Vazaelle server). Unrest and Najena are most often clear of camp for this, but I think it will change quite fast.

This quest is really too easy (ok, it allowed me to get my Ghoulbane, and to resell it 2 days after, just 30 seconds before making a second one : the buyer was quite amazed to see another Ghoulbane in my hand :-D), and I begin to see LOTS of high level players camping for this quest, and even some of them using Ks to get the uncommon drops... Bad ...

I foresee the average price of Ghoulbane dropping rapidly now... In as few as 4 days of play (averaging 4 hours a day), done the quest twice, with no tweaking or high lvl player helping me (just one or 2 friends or encounters of same level).

Ainurdolin MithrilForge, Truthseeker of Norrath
Dwarf Paladin of 28th Season
Vazaelle server
Goblins suck
# Jun 04 2001 at 10:40 PM Rating: Default
Me and two guildmates did this for our ghoulbane...I am lv 24 and they are lv 37 and 42. We had about 6-8 hrs worth of porting and running back and does beat trying to camp the shin lord but it is buggy.....ogrebane took my note and give my guildmate the pendant....I had to go back and do the NPC stuff twice...the lv 37 had to do it 3 times. We kept finding the bad NPC spawns. Next time I will get somone to port me around....will be much easier:) I got mine first and showed them how to complete it...and I promise that when ogrebane and llara become a green con to me.....they will meet thier death just like Kizdean Gix and damn Dorn B' Dynn. In all though it was a lot better than camping a rare spawn for a rare drop. By the way....anyone know when the mole in north ro will spawn again???

Gavbain Moonshadow
24th lv Paladin
Blackend Aura
# Jun 04 2001 at 8:30 PM Rating: Default
I tried doing it once and I couldn't get them to answer at a certin point. A friend that was behind me told me that I did not have the dwarf targeted. After I made sure I had them targeted all was fine and they answered all my questions. I'm just now searching for the piece in Najena and HighHold. Its a good quest to do when you are trying to decide what to do =)

p.s. Paladins are not the only ones that have other classes farm their stuff, I had to roll on ES arms when they droped and I was the only Druid in the group and did not have any =(
it happens you live.
help me plz
# Jun 04 2001 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
Ok let me get this stright where is Ryshon Hunsti anyway? Yes i know hes in West Karana but where in West karana. thats the question plz help me thxs)

paly of the 41th year on prexus
RE: help me plz
# Jun 08 2001 at 1:30 AM Rating: Default
Ryshon is by the water north of the wizzie spires in WK. If you zone into wk from NK along the S border and follow the shoreline you will find him.
# Jun 04 2001 at 3:45 PM Rating: Default
Maybe easy money for now, but once more people learn of the quest, they will be getting own GB to use or sell. This should bring down the price...Personally, i wouldn't pay more then 250pp for the GB now if I where a newbie...Going to get my GB for free anyway...
# Jun 04 2001 at 2:06 PM Rating: Default
I completed this quest in about 4 hours. The only things that slowed me down was waiting for a spot in HH. The below post was right, that place has gotten PACKED. Also, when you go to BB to give note to Kanthuk Ogrebane, there is also a dwarf on the shoreline right near him. Be careful not to give him the note by accident. I heard many people cussing after they did this by accident.
The Crazed Ghouls in Unrest also drop small brass armor and while I was there, I got almost a full suit.

Now I can work on the rest of the Fiery Avenger quest without wasting a week or so in Guk.

Good questing, friends

Paladin of the 43rd season
# Jun 04 2001 at 12:37 PM Rating: Default
I done this quest 3 times in 2 days already and sold for 1k each. The quickest way to do this quest is start at WK with the npc, then HK for the scroll, then BB for npc and blade, then dagnor/unrest for npc and heart, then lava and nejana for npc and hilt.

Im being known as the Ghoulbane merchant.

43 Ranger
What now?
# Jun 03 2001 at 9:37 PM Rating: Default
So once you get this GB how do you carry on the quest then?

Kati Angelstar 37
<Guild leader of the Goldenhearts>
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 03 2001 at 1:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hey baby palis more 2 epic best sol ro quest armor and anther weapon drop screww farming issue druid dont get anyy good quest monks get fewer and shamans well they got like 2 good ones stop babing the palsi and help classes that need it!
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 03 2001 at 4:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I agree Tweezle after trying to read that I need a nap becuase my eyes hurt and I'm confused whats going on??
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 03 2001 at 3:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Was that English?
# Jun 03 2001 at 9:52 AM Rating: Default
Hehe I was reading and someone said that farming makes the casters sell them at inflated prices not so! Farming actually makes items cheaper because there are now so many 'on the market' so to speak. Look at the stien of moggok when i first started playing on druzzil ro it sold for about 250pp but now its down to 200pp this is a huge price change but it is a difference. I'm quite sure that other items are doing the same thing.
# Jun 03 2001 at 9:38 AM Rating: Default
I couldn't have gotten more lucky! I did this quest with a druid to port me around.

(Here's a tip: When you talk to the NPC's stand as close as possible. If they refuse to answer, just start asking again from the top...eventually they all give it up!)

We started in WK then ported straight to BB. Talked to Ogrebane and headed to find the Goblin camp (all the loc's and directions on this page are wrong...when leaving Kaladim go left towards the Xroads. At the first guard house hug the left wall and you'll end up at the camp with stone pillars).

Of course the placed was camped like crazy. As I turned around to walk away 'A Goblin' jumped me and dropped the Blade of Nobility! Then we headed to Dagnor's Cauldron.

We were actually going to talk to Llara, but mis-read the notes and went into Unrest to find her. We were hit by a train and the first kill dropped the heart! We bugged out and went back to Dagnor's Cauldron. To get to Llara - as you leave the tunnel to Unrest, go to the right and around the first rock there is a rock in the water which you can climb...She's right there!

So now I've got 2 pieces for 2 kills. We went to Lavastorm, talked to Ruathey (several times). Got the bag and went to Najena. We let another solo Pally join us to kill the 'A Skeleton'. The first hilt dropped on #3, the second took about 10-15 more 'a skeletons' to drop. It was his last piece and we got to admire his new Ghoulbane before we went to High Keep.

Here's where it went slow. Normally there's like 12 people in all of High Keep, and half of them are running from mobs for going to the bank. Well the entire lower level of HK was PACKED with people. There were easily 30-35 people in there. We sat for over an hour waiting for a spot to open up, and we got to a 2-3 strays while we waited.

Finally a group in the raider room auctions the drop and I got it for 35pp!

I headed straight to Befallen to whack some skel's! It procs 140 pretty easily for me!

Bashdur Kinslayer of Vazaelle
24th Paladin

and an Assist to:
Sonnas Goldenwine
35th Druid
Where the**** is the gobbos in BB?
# Jun 03 2001 at 9:02 AM Rating: Default
i cant find the stupid gobbo in BB! Please help me!
RE: Where the**** is the gobbos in BB?
# Jun 03 2001 at 9:14 AM Rating: Default
When you come out of Kaladim go to the left to the guard house by the newbie zone. Head down the path towards the cross roads, but go to the left wall and follow it. Theres a camp back that way.
Nice Quest!
# Jun 03 2001 at 2:23 AM Rating: Default
Took me 2 1/2 hours to do this quest with my 35 druid for my paladin. All the NPCs conned indifferent to me.
# Jun 03 2001 at 2:18 AM Rating: Default
Just for the record, it doesnt have to be Crazed gobs or crazed ghouls, regular can drop it to although i think they are near the same level as the named ones...
# Jun 03 2001 at 12:11 AM Rating: Default
Paladin only weapons, therefore "Holy" weapons:

Holy Swords:
Falchion of Koada'Vie
Fiery Avenger
Fiery Defender
Nature's Defender
Holy... Other Things:
Messenger of the Queen
Darkmetal Holy Water Sprinkler
THis is real easy
# Jun 02 2001 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
Most of the places are camped, and the items are lore,no-drop so peeps will just give them to you, but me (41 paly) and my friend (a 30 druid) did it in about 30mins

nothing is hard to get, its not all that uncommon, fighting and getting to the enemys is real easy too, I'd say a group of 3 mid to high 20's could do it
Great Quest
# Jun 02 2001 at 4:56 PM Rating: Default
I just finished this quest with my 26 Mage, along with 2 of my friends - a 29 Mage and a 25 Warrior. We noticed a couple of interesting quirks with the NPCs you have to speak with. First of all, it seems like the NPCs may wander or pop in weird spots. This we noticed with Ruathey in Lavastorm. For some odd reason she was half way up the wall immediately inside the zone. I gave her the note, then before I could say anything she disappeared! Somehow she ended up at her spawn point, which is a large rock on the west side of where the cavern opens up into Lavastorm proper. I ran up to her, a bit upset mind you, and tried to continue the converstation. Luckily it was as if she had never dissapeared, and I got the bag with no problems. After you have gotten an item from one of the NPCs (Except for Ryshon), they will dissapear, and will respawn within a few minutes.

As for the mob drops, they were pretty easy to come by - they're all nodrop, so if the mobs in question are camped, you'll likely be able to loot the items you need. All three of us did it this way for the most part (we did hunt the goblins in HK with little problem), and we all finished the quest over the course of two evenings.

Take care all, I'm off to start my Paladin :)

Tarrant DeMerentha
26 Mage
# Jun 02 2001 at 3:24 PM Rating: Default
I can just say thanks for all the very helpful information put out here, glad to see soo much teamwork from soo many people, as a fellow paladin this is much better than trying to camp some silly froglok in Guk. Much more fun to run around and get some quest items. HERE HERE!

Aramina Peecekeeper
Guild Dark Covanents
Drinal Server
# Jun 02 2001 at 2:42 PM Rating: Default
Do i have to be lvl 30 to start the quest?
crazed ghouls
# Jun 02 2001 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
I went to unrest and camped these crazed ghouls for 5-6 hours with no heart drop. Is anyone else having dificulty? I think there might be some anti bottom feeding code put in, as I'm a 52.
RE: crazed ghouls
# Jun 02 2001 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
The ghouls also drop the heart, theones that drop it are the ones that pop in the same place as the crazed ones.
# Jun 02 2001 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
I see Nerf written all over this quest!
Short Way !!
# Jun 02 2001 at 12:41 PM Rating: Default
Hi !! Short version of the quest !!

First Head to WK and say to Ryshon Hunsti ( near shore by NK zone ) say: i seek the sword of nobility. you get a note.
After head to BBM go to the dock when you face water on dock past the right wall in water and go at the end of shore you will see Kanthuk Ogrebane give him the note you get from Ryshon he will turn and face water after tell him : what strange image. you will get a pendant.
At this point you can go get 1 of the 4 part that drop in BBM after you get pendant go on road and fallow it past Kaladim after you past Kaladim start to use your loc and head to +1270, -1380 the crazed goblin and also goblin drop the sword.
After go in DC Llara is swimming just by the unrest entrence look in water give her the pendant and she will go on a shrap rock by where she was swimming tell her :who is Ruathey. you will get another note.
Now go in unrest and kill the crazed ghoul to get heart ( 3spawn point: 1 outisde on little part near water other outside in wall by back door and last on is inside near the side door there a little square on left he spawn here also they spanw pretty fast.
After you get note from Llara and 2 other part go to Highpass Kepp down where the picklaw goblin spanw you need to kill crazed goblin or goblin thief this is the longest part scroll seem to be very rare drop and the can spawn anywhere in cave.
After go to lava and give your note to Ruathey she is a Barb and can be found when you entering lava just to left by the first dead tree. after you give note say her: what bag. you will get the bag to combine all 4 item.
Last part go to Najena and start killing the skely from what i could see all skely in zone can drop the hilt.
Combine and you get a GHOULBANE !

Shorter way?
# Jun 02 2001 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
32 posts
Seems to me from the description above that the notes / pendant are just ways to get the story and prompts out of them, that you don't use any items you get from them in the actual combining of the bag. Can you not just go to Ruathey and say 'What bag?' and then go get your 4 items? (Or preferably, get the items first and then hail her for the bag?)
And I agree with the one poster, this quest is likely to be made more difficult at some point. Seems way too easy right now. Going to go do it myself while I can ;)
I wonder what items of the 4 you need to collect are Lore? (I'm guessing all).
RE: Shorter way?
# Jun 02 2001 at 9:57 PM Rating: Default
Nope. Handing in items despawns one version and spawns the next version in the same spot, which then despawns once they give you there item. Only way to shoren the quest is to pick stuff up beforehand like the above poster said. And yes they are all lore no drop.
Completion of Quest
# Jun 02 2001 at 8:54 AM Rating: Default
My husband and I decided to complete this quest with our level 31 warrior and 30 druid for our lower level paladins. We started out in WK and then went to BB to give the note to Kanthuk and then kill the goblins. Since we were both doing the quest we had to get two drops of everything. The first sword dropped after 7 kills. The second one took at least 25. These goblins hit harder than their con. They conned blue to level 31. After the swords we went to find Llara in dagnors. She was in the water the first time we found her. We then went to unrest to kill ghouls. My husband had looted a heart a couple of days previous not knowing what it was for. We killed 2 ghouls and got the heart. Then we headed for Najena. We killed 2 skeletons and the first hilt dropped. We killed 2 more and a second one dropped. We then went outside and found Ruathey and then headed to the keep. We and our level 29 wizzie friend took the war room. The first goblin theif dropped the scroll. We killed three more theifs and crazed goblins and got the second. We finished the quest in just about 6 hours and had 2 Ghoulbanes. We got pretty lucky and I am just thankful I do not have to camp the frogs for that thing again.

Ginnie Silverheart
Level 32 Warrior
Revellie Swiftfeet
Level 31 Druid
On Ayonae Ro
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