The Sword of Nobility  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Antonius Bayle (Min: Dubious)
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Related Static Containers:
Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Jun 13 14:02:36 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
We have a report as of September 12, 2013, that this quest may be broken due to a dialogue loop, making it impossible to progress.

This is the quest method of obtaining Ghoulbane. It is also a drop, which is described in the Ghoulbane quest.

Ryshon Hunsti is located in West Karana, on the shore in the southeast corner.

Hail Ryshon Hunsti

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'Hello _____. What brings you to the Karanas? Do you seek [enlightenment]?

You say, 'I seek enlightenment'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'Ahh, i could see by the look in your eyes that you are looking for something more than just enlightenment. Perhaps you are looking for a [sword] crafted by a noble man.

You say, 'What sword?'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'It is not just a sword friend. It is much more than that. This sword carries with it special [power], something unlike anything else within this realm.'

You say, 'What power?'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'It is an instrument fashioned together by noble man. It is said to be blessed by the gods themselves. Only a man who comes from nobility may wield it. Do you seek the [sword of nobility]?'

You say, 'I seek the sword of nobility'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'I see, then take this note to Kanthuk Ogrebane. I've been told he can be found fishing not far from the dwarven city.'

He gives you Note to Kanthuk.

Travel to Butcherblock Mountains to the boat docks. Once zoned in to Butcherblock; follow the path to the city and follow the path to the dock but on the north side. The same side you will find Walnan and Grindbar. Looking at your map; he is in between them. If you follow the wall down to the water and then follow the water line you should run into him. There is a big boat and he is standing right on the shore/water line at /loc +2202, +2996

You say, 'Hail, Kanthuk Ogrebane'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Hello'

Hand Kanthuk the note and get some experience.

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Ahh, I see you have spoke to Ryshon. You seem tired from your long journey. Sit with me as I tell you a tale. A tale about a true friend of mine, a great man known as [Amstaf Trunolis].'

You say, ' Who is Amstaf Trunolis?'

Kanthuk ogrebane says, 'Amstaf Trunolis was a good man. I've followed into [battle] many times. We've seen many of our friends die by the sword of others.'

You say, 'What battle?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane laughes, 'I remember the first time we charged into battle. I was so scared. My hands wouldn't stop trembling. Amstaf pulled me off to the side before the initial attack began. He held my hands within his. I saw his hands begin to glow and felt his energy pass into me. I felt [courage].

You say, 'What courage?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I'll never forget what he did for me that day. He gave me the courage to continue. No one's ever done anything like that for me. I vowed that day that I'd follow him into any battle. I'd be there alongside him, no matter what. As time went on we came across an elven woman named [Ambreen].

You say, 'Who is Ambreen?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Ambreen was younger than he and I. She knew of the powers of nature. She was able to control the rain which fell from the heavens and would call upon the spirits to aide her. It was obvious that Amstaf took a liking to Ambreen. She ended up coming with is on out crusades. The last I saw of Ambreen was when we went to the snow covered lands of Everfrost. We were wander the lands when a freak [snowstorm] hit us. We were seperated from one another for quite some time.'

You say, 'What snowstorm?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I don't know where it came from, but it was so sudden that it caught us all off guard. The snow quickly became unbearable. I tried to move to higher ground, but was unable to. I was stuck within the snowy confines. I didn't know what to do [next].'

You say, 'What happened next?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'As I laid there my body began to slowly freeze. I knew death was near and accepted the inevitable. Suddenly I felt something clutching at my cloak. I was being dragged upwards out of the snow. A hand pressed against my chest and began to glow. I felt energy pass into my body. Do you know [how] he had saved me?'

You say, 'How did he save you?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'He saved my life by laying his hands upon my body. A few moments later we found Ambreen lying in the snow, her body frozen by the harsh surroundings. We lifted her up off the ground and began to look for [shelter].'

You say, 'What shelter?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'We ended up taking refuge within a deserted cabin not to far from our location. We knew that we didn't have much time left to bring life back into her body. However, the storm didn't pass through and we knew we couldn't venture to far without the fear of freezing. I warmed the cabin and rested for some time thinking about what we were going to do. It wasn't long before my exhaustion took over. I fell into a deep [slumber] that night.'

You say, 'What slumber?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'That night I dreamt of many things. Random thoughts kept swirling around my mind. I kept seeing the image of a cloaked being and of Amstaf circled around a fire. I saw Ambreen's body convulsing above the fire as if life was being brought back to it. I don't know what happened that night. I don't even know if what i dreamt was real, but before I awoke I saw a [strange image].'

You say, 'What strange image?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I saw Amstaf lower his head and walked away in silence. He was surronded by two beings carrying a torch. I don't know what it meant, but I swear it was so real. When I awoke both Amstaf and Ambreen were gone. Please find Llara and give this pendant to her. This pendant belonged to Amstaf. She too had a vision that night that may clear things up. If she asks where you got it from, mention my name.'

You receive a Pendant.

Next you need to find Llara. She is standing on a rock in Dagnor's Cauldron, just outside of the Estate of Unrest.

Llara says 'Oh my! This belongs to Amstaf. Where did you get it?

You say, 'Kanthuk gave it to me'

Llara says 'I take it you're here to find out more about [Amstaf].'

You say, 'Who was Amstaf?'

Llara says 'I've known Amstaf since he was a child. We grew up in the same city together. Ever since I've known him there's always been something [unusual] about him.'

You say, 'What was unusual?'

Llara says 'When we were growing up we used to venture outside the city gates. Some times we would encounter a wandering ghoul or an undead spirit of some sort. He was always able to quickly dismiss the undead being with very little effort. I [learned] many things growing up with Amstaf.'

You say, 'What did you learn?'

Llara says 'Amstaf told me many things when we were younger. Once Amstaf told me that life isn't about how you get there, it's about where you end up. I miss my dear friend. Its been a long time since I've seen him. The night of the snowstorm I dreamt about him. I remember seeing Amstaf's face. I saw something I've never [seen] before.'

You say, 'What did you see?'

Llara says 'I saw desperation. I spoke to many people who knew Amstaf trying to find out if anyone heard anything about that night. No one knew anything about it. When I had reached the dwarven hunting grounds I ran into a woman named Walnan. She kept rambling on and on about the power of the Orb and something about Magi`kot. I didn't understand what she was saying. She didn't know anything about my situation either, but she did tell me that there were others that may be able to help me. She told me that I should find [Ruathey].'

You say, 'Who is Ruathey?'

Llara says 'Ruathey is known for her ability to look into people's souls and find truth. Though I wasn't able to find Amstaf, I was able to recover his sword. I believe that by having his sword I am closer to finding him. Take this note to Ruathey and tell her that I sent you.

You can find Ruathey in Lavastorm Mountains, near the Nektulos Forest zoneline.

You say, 'Hail Ruathey'

Ruathey says 'Hello Chork .'

Ruathey says 'I see that you've spoken to Llara. She too came to me looking for Amstaf. Though she wasn't able to find her friend, she was able to recover his [sword].

You say, 'What sword?'

Ruathey says 'I've heard stories about a holy sword. There are many rumored to be hidden all throughout the world, yet only a few have actually been found. Amstaf had one of these swords. It is known for its ability to dismiss the undead. Perhaps by having this sword it'll bring you closer to finding your friend. Gather a ghoul's heart, Amstaf's Scroll, the Blade of Nobility, a noblemans hilt and place them in this [bag].'

You say, 'What bag?'

Ruathey says 'Take this bag and gather the items I've mentioned. I've been told that the Ghoul's Heart can be found in the estate of the undead, while the scroll can be found in the Keep not far from the Karanas. One of the others are rumored to be found near the dwarven city among the goblins. While the last should be found in the caverns of Najena.

For those of you who haven't figured it out, you will need to go to Butcherblock, HighKeep, Unrest, and Najena.

Your target is Crazed Ghouls in Unrest, Crazed Goblins in HighKeep and skeletons in Najena (named "a skeleton").

All the mobs that need to be killed are 25 to up to 35, and the items appear to be uncommon drops.

You combine these 4 items in the bag Ruathey gave you and You have fashioned the items together to create something new!

You are holding a Ghoulbane.
Send a Correction
Post Comment
# Oct 17 2001 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
Hey all, A friend pally of mine just completed this quest today.. The hart still drops in unrest and the skellys do drop the hilt we camped all 4 spawns for about 4hrs. So the quest still works on MT sever.

WOOT!!! WTG! Gratz Calthane :)

Goreanisis Ringtaxi,
Clan Of Zoit
# Oct 14 2001 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
Ok i have spent 6hrs now down by the pool in najena trying to get this hilt. Has Verant Nerffed another quest?
RE: Nerffed?
# Oct 15 2001 at 5:55 AM Rating: Default
As of the 13th they're still dropping. Myself and two friends all got hilts. Lucky part was that all three of the skeletons we killed each had one.

Jesmit Forindall
28th level warrior
# Oct 13 2001 at 10:22 PM Rating: Default
not north karana.. west karana.

Also, proc increases damage by 2 every level. at level 35 it procs for 162... not sure if it goes up at level 36.. will find out.
Lamini's comeback:
quest summary
# Oct 13 2001 at 10:15 PM Rating: Default
*** Always make sure the NPC is in your TARGET***
1. North Karana, near undead ruins near shore... talk to ryshon hunsti and get item.
2. Bring item to butcherblock. Give to ogrebane. From dock i got on ocean and swim around wall and ogrebane on other side (not the first npc.. the 2nd one). Take his item and go near kaladim. From kaladim make left on path, make another left after passing first guard house. Kill all the gobbies until you gets a blade of nobility. Go to Dagnors cauldron, go to unrest entrance hole on mountain, NPC always near entrance for me, 2 times on top of entrance... i never had to swim here to a small island as someone else posted. after talking to her talk go to unrest and kill crazed ghouls and carrion ghouls... i'm on my 3rd ghoulbane and 2 ghouls hearts have dropped from a carrion ghoul and other from crazed. Then go back to high hold keep and kill goblins, all of my Amstaff scrolls have dropped from the goblin thiefs. Now go to lavastorm, 15 secs from zone is NPC, give her item to make her talk. she gives you a box. Next zone is najena, kill "a skeleton" till they drop a hilt of a nobleman. put in box, click combine, then sell for 1kpp! My last 2 sold for that, dont listen to those that want it for only 800pp. heck no, i have no sow, i have no ports. I solo'd all those mobs and took long times. All mobs usually drop item within 10 kills or less. Ghoulbane is almost useless unless your dex is over 100, as it will only proc maybe once and if you very lucky twice per battle. By level 35 you will at least have a Blackened alloy ******* sword that has better damage. I just keep a ghoulbane for getting better paladin swords (you need ghoulbane to get).
If this was too long go to and you'll fine ghoulbane quest there.
Lamini's comeback:
bladeof nobility
# Oct 11 2001 at 9:54 PM Rating: Default
i am doing quest & i have all the pieces ,but i cant find the blade of nobiltiy, where do i get it?
RE: bladeof nobility
# Oct 23 2001 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
The Blade drops at the crazed goblin camp in Butcherblock Mountains.
All this shit ...
# Oct 09 2001 at 7:20 AM Rating: Default
Ok guy's ... this quest look apperently BUGGING at some part ... toke me 3 try before Llara gave me the ******* note ... i restarted the quest 3 time ... cause i gave her the ******* pendant ... so be patient , and better to have a (porting friend) near you ...
Ghouls Hearts
# Oct 06 2001 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
The hearts are not only dropped by Crazed Ghouls in Unrest, even ordinary Ghouls drop them.
Be careful when you go inside unrest. If you haven't been inside before, have no sow or any powerful buffs and is lvl 25 or under beware of the Battlemasters (note: lvl applies for solo players only). Although it cons GREEN it hits me in the 80s and it can double hit. Get an Invis Vs Undead if you can and camp the Ghouls just up the stairs from the middle room. Got a heart for me and one for guildmate under an hour. The Highkeep Crazed was a long wait for me.. Took me 4 hrs to get Amstaf's Scroll. Am now heading to Butcherblock for the blade and then going to Najena for the hilt. Good Luck.
# Oct 04 2001 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
why do stupid ppl have to kill him i hear hes a 24 hour spawn and i dont have that kind of time to wait for him, ***** this back to kunark with me
RE: arghhhhhhh
# Oct 06 2001 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
Not sure if he's a 24 hour spawn if he gets killed. But if you have just received the quest from him then he should respawn in about 15mins I think. Haven't actually timed it, but he does respawn quite fast if he despawns from giving you the quest. Have a little patience and wait a bit, don't give up on it just for this. Log and come back next day and get or finish up the quest. At the end, you'll get a very nice blade which you'll use to destroy the undead on Norath. I'm assuming you're a paladin like myself ofcourse. Don't give up and do/finish the quest. Its very fun and satisfying to be able to say: "Yup, I quested for this equipment, Didn't buy it in EC." (Although there's nothing wrong with purchasing equipments when you have the cash to do so.)
Ryshon HUnsti
# Oct 03 2001 at 4:03 AM Rating: Default
How Ofter does Ryshon Hunsti spawn. I went to W Karana's to finish this quest, I finally have all the pieces and he is not there. I have camped there since last night and no one has seen him. Have they nerfed the quest ??? I hoope not

RE: Ryshon HUnsti
# Oct 04 2001 at 8:33 AM Rating: Default
He's by the shoreline in WK not far from the zone into NK so far as I know. and everytime I run through he's there, so I assume he's always up? correct me if I'm wrong.
RE: Ryshon HUnsti
# Oct 10 2001 at 8:24 PM Rating: Default
As a paladin, I have started this quest on several different servers. He is the only one of the quest NPC who never despawns. If he is not there, then someone killed him. How long a wait it is between his being killed and his regenerating I have no idea. If you do not see him, I advise you petition the GM and check to see if there is a problem. Knowing Verant, it is not unlikely.

Maglor Maelagon, servent of Brell Serilis, in Torvonilous
Continuing Quest
# Oct 02 2001 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
I have started gathering the items needed for this quest. So far I have had real good luck getting the Sword piece in BB and the heart in UNREST. These were real easy and I must gotten real lucky got them both inside 30 minutes. The Scroll from HighKeep, different story. I camped the lower sections for over 3 1/2 hours killing every Crazed and Thief Goblin including buffing everyone in the area for the ability to lott it if it drops. No luck as of yet but I will get it soon ( I hope ) .. Keep in mind that the gobs in High Hold Keep, there is still some blue to a 45 level druid so be carefull...

45 Druid Kornis Cazic Thule
16 Warrior Hekkan
11 Enchanter Liliaminae
11 Magician KorSpeller

An Rach Guild
Where Ryshon Hunsti is really Located
# Oct 01 2001 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
Okay A Correction to where Ryshon Huntsi is located. It's not NEG 4227, NEG 1581. He's actually located at NEG 4227, NEG 15100.

Good Luck,
Dolen Sonicblade
34th Season Paladin-In-Training
Bringers of Death
Seventh Hammer
Ryshon spawn point
# Sep 28 2001 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
Is Ryshon's spawn point at -4227, -1581 or -4227, -15810? I saw his corpse at the second loc a little while ago.

17th level Paladin of Brell
# Sep 23 2001 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
I don't think they changed the spawn point in the past few days, so unless someone killed him, he should still be at -4227,-1581

Gfuais Palais 32nd Paladin of Brell
Drinal Server
# Sep 22 2001 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
Both yesterday and today I was looking to start the quest but Ryshon Runtsi was not where he used to be (this is 4th time doing quest). Anybody have any idea where he is now? did they change his spawn point? did they nerf the quest? please help.
# Sep 19 2001 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
ok, I am in the middle of the Ghoulbane quest (cant seem to get a ghoul heart), and I just wanted to point out, these NPC's are NOT deaf. You do NOT have to repeat a million times. Once while talking to each person (maybe not Ruathey cause i havent gone to him yet) but it will un-target the NPC. if they dont respond when you say yer next sentence, CLICK on them! dont repeat a lot cause you will not get anywhere. Btw, has anyone read my post about 2 posts down and have any answers?

Gfuais Palais
31st Paladin of Brell
Drinal Server
GB at level 17
# Sep 19 2001 at 2:32 AM Rating: Decent
Llara would not give me the note to take to Ruathey i asked and asked...i even backed up a few questions and re-asked "Damn you!!, Who is Ruathay......finally i get the note oh!! then Ruathey wont give me the bag!!! so i tells her; "See that druid? If you dont give me the bag He will strike you down! You want that? want that he should break your face?" " what bag what bag What bag what Bag WHAT BAG"...well finally after asking her like ten time she hands it over. the rest will be easy... my frend heea iz gonna break dare facez oh yea that little fishaman bastid in butchablock iz def too. so's you gots to ask him real loud like.
# Sep 18 2001 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
I have a question, is the time people say of 5 hours really true? I want to do this quest and it sounds fun, but I have two problems, it sounds like it will last years though by the way everyone is talking about it. Many of you are scaring me out of this quest. I am a 31st level paladin, and scared to do this quest which makes me feel stupid since a lv 24 did this. Ok, in Najena, how HARD are these skellys exactly? Some of you sound like it's no worry, and then others make it sound like im gonna lose my 31 and return to hell. Secondly, some of you make it sound like the crazed gobs are all together and others make it sound like they're far apart. Will all of them aggro me if i attack one? As yet another question, the HHK part, what level are these gobs exactly and does anyone have a more clear idea of how often this scroll drops? I have heard it drops in 15 min-6 hours... anyone have a more accurate answer? Ok, that's it, thanks) Im sooo bored, I have a Ghoulbane (and i hate it) already plus a BABS (which I love), and just wanna do this quest to have a little fun. It gets boring spending hour after hour knocking out those darn ulthorks. (not that they're a bad thing to hunt)

Thanks =)
Gfuais Palais
31st level Paladin of Brell
Drinal Server)
RE: Time
# Sep 20 2001 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
I would say the 5 hours is pretty accurate. At level 31 you should be able to do the quest, but it never hurts to have a partner or be in a group. The crazed in BB you can safely pull one at a time, and I was able to solo them, althought they do pack quite a punch. Many a time I had to stick em with root and back up to heal. The Crazed in HK are probably the easiest part of this to get. Always a group in there, and like others have said, you can usually ask the zone if they'll let ou loot (although I did join a group at the bottom of the stairs and had mine in under 30 mins of fighing). The other items have been explained really well. Not too hard to get anything, but it helps to be in a group.
Who drops the scroll?
# Sep 17 2001 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
As the subject says: who drops the scroll? If they drop off the crazed goblins in High Keep, then will they drop off the crazed goblins that are located in Butcherblock? I know that the gobs at the ruins in BB will drop the blade part of the quest, as I got it off a goblin last night. Not a 'Crazed goblin' but 'a Goblin'. These are the MOB's that spawn at the ruins.

Also, is there a particular goblin that it will drop off of?

Thanks for any information.
RE: Who drops the scroll?
# Sep 18 2001 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
Just a clarification.

The mobs that spawn at the Crazed Goblin ruins can be named "A Crazed Goblin" or "A Goblin". Both are level 27-30 (approximately...not totally sure of the lvl minimum) Either one can drop the Blade of Nobility, though semi-rarely. Other Buthcherblock goblins will not drop it.

The Scroll of Amstaff is dropped off "A Crazed Goblin" in Highkeep. HK Crazy Gobs spawn just about anywhere other types of gobs spawn in HK. I believe it may be dropped off another type of gob also (Goblin Thieves?)...not certain of that though.

37th Level Paladin of Ayonae Ro
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 15 2001 at 10:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) MOOOOOOOOOOO
# Sep 07 2001 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
would a barb shaman have any probs with fraction when doing the quest. i.e. do you ave to be amible or anything...or just not KoS? thanx

Larendan Nitewolf
Coalition of Power
Shaman of Lanys
RE: fraction
# Oct 23 2001 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
I'm not too sure, but I don't imagine there would be a problem. I am currently doing it with my 34 druid (simply because it's easier to run around with him than my 42 pally), and I haven't had any problems. If Ryshon gives you the note, the rest should fall into place. Once you have the bag from Lavastorm, there is no stopping you. I thought I may have had some faction problems, but have had none, and I will have my ghoulbane as soon as I get Amstafs scroll and the hilt.
# Sep 06 2001 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
I just did this quest with my lvl 29 cleric. There's a few things that have been changed about this quest, so I'd thought I'd provide a few pointers.

First, with NPCs, the guide above is accurate, there are a few general pointers to remember:

1) make sure to keep the NPC targetted, especially right before they give you something
2) this is a general thing for all quests / NPCs, but when you use a name while saying something for the benefit of an NPC, capitalization DOES matter, so use the correct capitalization for the name
3) Llara is no longer on a pillar, if you exit the unrest tunnel, take a right, she is standing just off to the side now, can't miss her
4) Sometimes you have to say something different than "what <keyword>?" the script above works, so you can follow it.

Now, about the mobs. The biggest change is that crazed ghouls aren't quite as numerous in unrest as they once were. They do NOT spawn out in the yard or just inside the side door as they used to. If you go up to the second floor there is a closet room in the "lower left" corner of the floor (where the house is oriented so that the front door is "down" and the side door is "left") where higher level ghouls, crazed ghouls, and carrion ghouls spawn. They all conned blue to me (29) and were fairly easy kills for a cleric starting at full mana. The spawn takes a while, it took me a couple hours before one of them dropped the ghoul heart.

In butcherblock, the crazed goblins spawn slightly less often than they used to, but the wait won't be too long. I was lucky enough that someone else was camping the area for exp so I just had to sit back and wait for the blade to drop. These guys conned blue and occasionally white to me. They seemed to spawn alone, and from my experience fighting various crazed goblins I'd say they'd be a moderately tough fight, but not too bad (especially since you only have to fight one at a time).

In Najena, fight the skellies at the bottom of the stair case / near the pool. They conned blue to me and gave me a little trouble but not much. The only real problem I had was being low on mana when one popped. They do hit hard though, so be forewarned if you take these on while they still con blue and you can't root and nuke 'em. I fought maybe 4 or 5 of them before one dropped the hilt.

Highkeep is probably the easiest since it is almost always camped. The reason I did this quest in the first place was because I saw amstaf's scroll drop 5 freakin' times in one night so I took one. Just say you're looking to loot the scroll of amstaf. With luck you won't have to wait too long, without luck you might have to wait many hours (I've seen it drop twice less than 15 minutes apart, and seen it never drop in hours).

As I said, with my lvl 29 cleric it wasn't too difficult, took the better part of a day to do the entire quest, paid for one port (though I gated back to antonica), got about 20-30pp in regular loot along the way (gobs and ghouls had some nice plat and weapons, plus I always like to kill a few guards in Nek for their bronze long swords (3pp a pop)), gained about 1 yellow bub of exp, made lvl 30 (yay!), and I managed to sell the ghoulbane for good money not too long after I got my specialize alteration skill up to 51 (so I didn't "waste" too much time doing nothing in EC). All in all it was a very rewarding experience.
Breath mint
# Aug 29 2001 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
Just got my Ghoulbane and it seems like you have to be real close to the NPC for them to hand you stuff. I mean touching, straddling, hugging them close. So take a breath mint, say the phrase, and get your Ghoulbane.

-Krarakus Magthor, 25 Rank Paladin of Brell Serilis <Clan Darkfire of Povar>
Couple useful hints
# Aug 28 2001 at 3:06 PM Rating: Default
Just want to give a couple of locations of NPC's for this quest:

Ryshon Huntsi is found in South-West corner of West Karana at beg 4227 neg 1581 (he's standing by the water fishing).
Llara can be found in Dagnor's Cauldron in front of Unrest at neg 1672 neg 689.
Kanthuk Ogrebane is around pos 2500 pos 3000 on the shoreline also fishing (I believe)
Ruathey can be found around neg 1250 pos 500 or close to there.

Remember to mention Kanthuk Ogrebane to Llara, otherwise she won't talk to you any further - you have to tell her where you got the necklace.
REMEMBER to have the NPC's targeted when you talk to them - I once spent about 15 minutes on linguistic excersize before I realized I lost my target. DUH
Also, if someone has talked to these people right before you, they'll dissapear for about 15 minutes, so if you don't find them where they're supposed to be, don't panic - they'll come back.

A skeleton that drops the hilt can be killed in the tunnels around the waterfall at pos 100 neg 75 (somewhere in there), conned blue to me at lvl 30, not too hard, third one dropped the hilt.

Good luck and may Tunare stand between you and evil in all the dark places you must walk!

Shadowolff Softpaws
Druid of 30th circle of service of Tunare
Kanthuk Orgebane
# Aug 27 2001 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
Acually what I found out is when your talking to Orgebane and Llara and they say the last line that you have to reclick on them cause your not clicked on them it happens every single time cause I have done this quest like 5 times already hope this info helps!
# Aug 26 2001 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
When I was talking to Kanthuk, the phrase "What strange image?" was not working and I did not get the pendant.( After many fustrated minutes, I typed in "What is the image stange?" and that WORKED! Reversing the 2 words did something. BTW my faction is ally or warmly with most dwarves, but was indifferent with Kanthuk. So, faction was not a big part. Hope this helps.

-Krarakus Magthor, 25 Rank Paladin of Brell Serilis <Clan Darkfire of Povar>
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