Pricing Information for Oakleaf Scimitar

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75000pp 0gp 0sp 0cpRingkeeperOctober 31st, 2007 @ 10:39:12 AM
15000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591795049028August 11th, 2005 @ 03:47:27 AMBristlebane bazaar price
6000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1592260914889January 29th, 2004 @ 02:09:29 PMon Fennin Ro
12000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591788408386June 9th, 2003 @ 05:15:36 PMon tribunal seen going from 8-15k
7000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1663546818760April 28th, 2003 @ 05:06:41 PMsaw it bazaar for this much, trade FBSS and Sash of Dragonborn for it. Xegony.
2000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591778713148June 2nd, 2002 @ 07:13:44 AMNot as good as Dark Ember, unless you are lookin for pure mele potential
7500pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591761033621January 19th, 2002 @ 01:24:24 PMAyonae Ro -- NOT uber rare either
12000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1592249973991December 31st, 2001 @ 08:22:40 AMthis is what i see it for on quellious, great druid weapon, i wish i had the money to buy this :P
15000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591759939836December 3rd, 2001 @ 03:24:16 AMuber rare, amazing graphic, nice stats to boot.
10000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1593965814336November 11th, 2001 @ 02:34:20 PMid pay 10 k who got one for me?
3000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1593361626245November 9th, 2001 @ 06:39:54 AMbetter for melee than dark ember but worse in stats
10000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1593361766553November 7th, 2001 @ 09:17:20 PM10k seems about right i would say...

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