a gantru shojen  


Level: 55
Expansion: Shadows of Luclin
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 21:04:14

Known Habitats:
  Umbral Plains

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Shojen or Shoijen
# Jul 07 2003 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
Was wondering which was the Raldulkan PH, the shojen or the shoijen? Love this zone, our guilds little mini raid testing ground. Before we invite a prospect we take them here just to see if they can handle the 50+ mobs. Thanks for time.

Angerclaw 56 Myrmidon
Guild Leader of ICHOR!!!!!!!!!
Ghey a**ed armor
# Mar 06 2003 at 8:52 AM Rating: Default
What the hell?? Is it just me or does it seem to you that SOE (Verant Interactive) seems to hate SHaman. they give beaslords better pets and the give chanters better slows they give necros better Dots and we Never get Group MR FR and CR. and by the time you can Cast avatar everyone in your group has most likely maxed out their stats with their armor except ShaMan. And what does this mean? It means that we are truly a fairly useless class heck, if given the couice on who to take on a raid they are gonna take a cleric first and when it comes down to a Druid or a Shaman, the shaman stays home. but what do we get Crappy Armor without fail. the one item i have seen old world or new that remains a useful piece of armor is the JBB and Only because you can Solo yourself to 60 taking out critters with low CR. meanwhile the AC we have is crap and they give us crappy armor with Stats that positively sucks. i'm not even gonna get into what was wrong with the POH armor but even that is crappy considering the risk / reward. meanwhile the Clerics could use this (lord knows why) AND an additional Much better armor set.. i think the Gamed designers at SOE wake up in the morning and say how can we ***** over shaman today..

Edited, Wed Mar 12 04:07:29 2003
RE: Ghey a**ed armor
# Jul 15 2003 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
72 posts
I would post some comments about clerics being shafted to but you shm are too lame to waste any more time
RE: Ghey a**ed armor
# Jun 24 2003 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
Not sure who your grouping with, but I love shammies, Hell with my little warrior I'd prefer a shammie over a cleric because of the nice stat buffs and after slows I barely take crap damage that a shammy couldnt heal me for or regrowth covered. You guys are a nifty class... sure your remark was written in some fit :P
RE: Ghey a**ed armor
# Jun 21 2003 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
Normally I would not respond to someones post unless they were asking for help. Which this on the other hand seems like a cry for help ("Help me please I dont know how to play my shaman" that is), in a dark abandon hole. Shamans first and for most are the best slowers in the game. Our Turgur's Insects spell maxing out at 75% slow while an Enchanter's Forlorn Deeds max out at 70%. Not only do we get our slow at 51st lvl while they get theres at 57th, we also get an AOE slow Tigir's Insects which is 50% slow at 58th lvl. About buffing stats, I have notice alot of my brother and sister shamans do not have Infusion of the Spirits. This is the best 49th lvl spell there is, if you dont have it you are not playing your role. This spell alone gives +50 str, +55 dex, and +45 sta. This also stack with your single buffs. Stamina, Agility, Strength, and Dexterity spells. Give a total of +116 Str, +105 Dex, +85 Sta, and +45 Agi, to other characters. For us since it stacks with our fury line of spells, mine being Rage at 49th lvl. +17 AC, +167 Str, +156 Dex, +85 Sta, and +96 Agi. This also stacks with our hitpt line of buffs that dont give stat increases. I dont know about you but everyone I group with loves it. It cost me alot of mana to get these spells off, but so what all I have to do from there on out is drop some resist and slow the mob. Then check on hp every so often if the cleric is LoM. Now I am doing this at 49th lvl, it says you are 59th. Either your shaman playing skills are not up to par, or you just dont take care of your shaman by getting them the proper equipment or spells. Being this is my only character and I spend alot of time farming, to upgrade my items and to prepering to twink out my new ranger. I know the importance of upgrading. This armor is for some newbie shaman just starting the game.

Ohhh come on.
# Oct 23 2002 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
We Shamans enjoy being 900 AC punching Bags so much that we really don't want any drops at all. Sheeeeesh. I was checking out Shaman BP Drops on EQ Prices and guess what?
The only armor worth having is:

1. Either from Temple of Ssra or some other equally inaccessible location.


2. From Velious. Either The WW Dragonhide armor from named Dragons in WW or the SS/KD Armor.

This is even worse if you're an Iksar, in which case you're TOTALLY screwed, since you can't even use the Jaundiced Bone Armor (Crappy as it may be) for AC and Clickys.

So Verant, Suck my Scaly Cloaca and start producing at least a few Shaman drops that are worth having. Even Beastlords are getting better Items than us.

BTW, Verant must hate Shamans most of all since they make absolutely NOTHING drop for them and of all the Shamans they hate Iksars the most. Even this stuff is Non Iksar, not that I would be caught dead in this Stuff.

Edited, Wed Oct 23 04:40:42 2002
Shojen helm
# May 21 2002 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
OMG. I beleive the totemic helm is much better than this. for the AC and the wisdom
# May 13 2002 at 7:38 PM Rating: Default
Compare this to the other class armor that drops here. IMO the shaman class got screwed again by verant. We only get a very few things that drop in zones for us and most of it isn't worth looking at. Can anyone tell me why Verant hates the Shamans? Hell, the INT caster classes have more AC then this POS. Its like that in every zone. GOT TO HELL VERANT!!!!!

Bigc Talisman
53 Shaman of the Tribunal
(the most underestimated class in the game)
What a ripe
# Feb 23 2002 at 10:58 PM Rating: Default
WTF why is the shm gear so friggen crappy I really hope verant fixes or changes that. Gay gay gay.
AE as of 2-22
# Feb 22 2002 at 3:30 PM Rating: Default
Disease based AE for 540 damage and summons.. this guy got upped a lot.. Killed me in like 1 min lol
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 07 2002 at 1:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) What a friggen waist wtf will a 50+ shaman want with this. stupid verant
Shojen Helm drop
# Jan 06 2002 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
Magic Item
Slot: Head
AC: 9 STR: +2 WIS: +2 SV FIRE: +5
Recommended Level of 50
WT: 4.0
Class: CLR SHM

Seemed to be fairly rare, as only one dropped and we killed a bunch of these. Fairly certain it came from a normal Shojen and not a named of some sort.
RE: Shojen Helm drop
# Jan 28 2002 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
Helm updated in patch to add 2 more wisdom points to the stats listed above.
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