Jennus Lyklobar  

Quest NPC

Uploaded September 18th, 2022 by Drewinette

You say, 'Hail, Jennus Lyklobar'

Jennus Lyklobar says, 'Hello and well met, _____! A Human like you is rare here... Do you come seeking what I possess? Fire, fire, fire and fire is mine! I surround myself with fire, I bathe in fire, I consume fire, I am the Master of Fire! Hahahaha, but I digress. Have you come for the element of Fire, seeking to fall to the same fate as Trilith Magi'kot?'

  • From Ngreth:

He has a 1 to 3 day init delay (random) and re-spawn greater than a day. So, he will only show in picks that have stayed up a while.
With that 1 day delay, he will not show up the first day of unlock either.

This page last modified 2022-09-18 09:01:28.

Level: 60
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2022-09-18 09:03:04
Items Given:
icon Element of Fire

Known Habitats:
  Skyfire Mountains

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From Ngreth
# Jul 23 2021 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
25 posts
*From Ngreth*

He has a 1 to 3 day init delay (random) and re-spawn greater than a day. So, he will only show in picks that have stayed up a while.
With that 1 day delay, he will not show up the first day of unlock either.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2021 9:16am by spiffieduu
Saw him twice tonight.
# Jul 08 2020 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
10 posts
Saw him twice tonight. Once whilst running from a train near the lake and the second time was near the river straight out from The Overthere zone. Didn't know what he was there for and talked to him. Didn't knw this was Mage Epic.
Spawn Time
# Dec 22 2019 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
159 posts
I have read and re-read the comments on this NPC and I can accurately say killing everything in the zone does not spawn this little *******. I have had a tracker parked for the last couple of days and he has yet to spawn. I checked for him right after a server reset and he wasn't up. I gave it 48 hrs and killed "everything" and nothing has made him pop. And we are talking about leveling the zone with 110 characters that literally kill the entire zone. Killed Talendor in the process and still nothing. I am stumped, would really like to just hand in my alt mage quest items so he could finish his epic. Has anyone any updated info on this guy ?

And no , none killed him under my nose, I have audio triggers set for him and speakers on max too wake me up while im sleeping, have /log on so I can confidently say he hasn't spawned yet .

Bold TextHELP
Spawn Time
# Jul 09 2020 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
-282, -250
# Jul 16 2017 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
-282, -250

Read the locs from other people. I stayed at one of them killing for awhile, east / SE of the lake. Went to the river intersection after ~15 mins, then started heading towards the zone-in from BW, and saw a little dumbass gnome in a dress wandering through wurms and drakes.
~~Fenthen Jus'taceio
60th Cleric, Xegony
A small sample
# Nov 02 2014 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Took my ranger to track for this guy for days and he never showed up. On top of that, there were two 85 bards killing mobs at a fast pace throughout the zone. Finally, I log in one day and there he is, with no one else in the zone. This was a Saturday, five days after a new expansion was launched.

In short, I have no idea what spawns him, but after hailing him to stop him, I logged in my mage and did the turn ins. I then logged my ranger back in to try to help figure out his path. My theory: This is ONE DRUNK GNOME. Here ya go.

-3649 , 1768 Original spot I found him, just north of the BW zone. He then went straight N to
-2267 , 1473 Stopped in middle of a Lava pit. He fought a Gnawer here and it might have interrupted pattern, because he went straight S back to
-3649 , 1768 He stopped here for a minute, then went almost directly NE (passing just to the NW of the wizard port and dragon bones) to
-29 , -1551 Stopped here. Then went roughly West to
-367, -117 He stopped just East of the southern lava pit. Then he went SW to
-2726, 2115. Fought a Feaster here and then immediately shot back in the opposite direction, NE to
-486, -2680 Stopped. the mostly South to
-1569, -2727
and on and on for about 30 more stops

I could keep going but he really was back and forth. I can give you the following tidbits that 'could' help.
- He NEVER runs. He walks very slowly, but when coming out of lava pits, rivers, and walking through rocks I would lose him only to see him pop up way off in the distance.
- only Feasters and Gnawers attack him. He makes short work of them, but when chasing the fleeing mobs I think it upsets his path.
- Drakes, Wyverns, Wurms, and Chronos did not attack him even when standing right on him. Only Feasters/Gnawers.
- when he gets to a true stopping point he pauses, throws up barrier of combustion, pauses another 30 seconds or so and walks on
- the spots he stopped frequently had other mobs stopping as well
- the following mobs WERE UP when he was, so they are not PH's - 'a wandering wurm', 'a wurm spirit', 'Black Scar'
- I did not see any of the following on track the whole time (over an hour of running after him) - 'a lava walker', 'Eldrig', 'Talendor'. Take this for what you will, as they are likely not PH's, I am just trying to help form a list.

- two spots he crossed MULTIPLE times that might make for
- the first point just north into the zone from Burning Woods seemed a VERY popular spot for mobs to come and stop. Good place to just hang and wait for him if you know he is up but lost your tracker
- the south river out of the main pit has a little branch off to the west where the lava flows out of a dark colored dragon skull. This is just a little NNW of the Teleport area. He crossed close enough to that for eyesight at least a half dozen times.
- lastly, he stops near the river heading Eastward (between Overthere and where the river turns south for a bit) very frequently, but in different spots. Could run east and westrhoguth there and possibly find him, but with the pathing 'blinks' coming out of the lava it would be tough to do from a visual only perspective.

I'm sorry I can't give you a PH or a better path, but every time a one of those gnawers attacked and fled he got off course. Had I been higher level on my tracker I would have cleared his path ahead and prevented it.

Best of luck to all you folks.
Sythos - Vox (ranger - send tell if you need a tracker)
Gnim - Vox (mage)

How To Find The Guy!
# Jul 01 2014 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
So I looked for him for days with my tracker, waiting for him to spawn and running around the zone like a crazy person.

It looks like one of the regular zone mobs can be his PH.

I sat at the loc mentioned below in Dakktyrel's post: 239, -1470, -147 and basically just killed anything that auto-aggroed. After about 30 minutes, I checked my tracker and his name popped up on the list!

I can't say for sure that he has a specific PH, but it looks like the mobs that path to the location above have a chance of spawning him. The actual place I ended up finding him was far away in the NE, but he may have wandered off a bit so I'm not exactly sure where he spawned.

Anyway, moral of the story is - if he isn't up, kill stuff until he is! And a tracker is indispensable!
NE side of Lava Lake
# Aug 24 2013 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Found him roaming on the northeast side of lava lake loc 517, -263. Good luck :)
At this point
# Mar 28 2013 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
SONY and EQ, needs to make this guy immune from kills, make him stationary and fix all the issues with him. They are making this EPIC quest way harder then it needs to be. It is bad enough we will need to wait days for Quillmane, let alone just finding a guy to hail him and start the quest.

ridiculous, these issues are part of the reason why I took along break, why frustrate the player into giving up. I am tired of the way SONY treats its paying customers with garbage like this.
Found him
# Jan 26 2013 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
6 posts
I had to slaughter anything east of and just SE of the big lava pit in the middle. He spawned right in the lava, headed east.
Found him
# Nov 04 2016 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
Did this as well today, he popped after slaughtering everything east and SE of the Lava Lake though
Does he have a PH?
# Jan 26 2013 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
6 posts
I have a 97 ranger buddy that is helping me in trying to track down this guy. Cannot find him anywhere in zone, nor does sense summoned work.
# Nov 20 2011 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
He does spawn and he's a roamer. When I first tracked him down he was in the center of Skyfire IN the lava lake heading east. He went to 239, -1470, -147 and stopped. This seems to be a path point for several roaming mobs. As my ranger stood there waiting for my mage to show up several mobs stacked on top of him.

He stayed there for maybe a minute then headed straight west again towards the center of Skyfire. At this point my mage showed up and hailed him so I'm certain what his patrol route is but I'd imagine if you don't have a tracker you should be able to stand close to that LOC and he'll show up.
Element of Fire
# Apr 22 2011 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
I read thate this guy gives it to you, but i hailed him but there was no box do you have to kill him or what?
Element of Fire
# Jan 05 2013 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
76 posts
I found the box you are talking about but not him the box just spins and spins back
Element of Fire
# Aug 06 2011 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
351 posts
What box are you talking about?

You give him the four items:
Burning Embers
Torch of the Elements
Blazing wand
Power of the Orb

And he will give you the Element of Fire
4 hours and not a sign
# Oct 11 2010 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Any new info on this guy?
Some info
# Jun 23 2010 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
My wife and I found Jennus near the center of the map where the rivers intersect. He was standing there buffing. Location was +1500 +1165 -160. He spawned within 24 hours of the server merge. He was also light blue to a 75. She tracked him with her ranger and then logged in her 55 mage so we could do the turn ins. I hailed him and while I was busy nuking everything in the zone he kept trying to walk away. Good Luck.
Spawn time
# Jun 20 2009 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Just to let you know it is not 48 hours, I have been here since /uptime hit 48 hours for this zone (and world) and he is definately not anywhere in this zone yet

Slicing up anything I can see in hope of a PH, lets hope he's not on a 7 day timer

Edited, Jun 20th 2009 12:31pm by mixxit
pesky NPC
# Mar 20 2009 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
He is still in game. found him easy with ranger track but he roams. Had to have someone tag along until mage logged back in.
Finding Jennus
# Feb 14 2009 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
I have been looking for four days with my druid trying to find the little bugger!! I asked a GM to look into it to see if he was broken. The GM wrote back and said that indeed he was working, so I went back and still tried to find him. Personally, i think he is broken and Sony doen't want to be bothered, why make it so hard to find him..... All I can say is THIS is the WAY to lose customers!! Good JOB SONY!!
Element of Fire and finding Jennus
# Nov 03 2008 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
We were in the City of Mist hunting Black Reavers for my Wife who needed a Jade Reaver, (a big battleaxe looking thing). I also had my Level 58 Mage in case the Mage quest item dropped. We ended up getting both the Jade Reaver and the Mage quest item, torch of the elements. For those non-mages the torch of the elements is one of the items required to get the Mage Epic 1.0. The torch of the elements is a rare drop and it is only dropped by a Iksar ghost who only spawns after you kill a black reaver from the highest tower in the City of Mist.

As part of the Mage Epic 1.0 quest you have to take the Torch of the elements, The Blazing wand, and the Burning embers, to a little gnome named Jennus. Jennus resides in Skyfire.

I enlisted the help of my Wife's ranger who tracked Jennus to where he was standing, INSIDE a wall of rock. I was able to target him and gave him the three items. To my horror, I did not get the element of fire. I hasty re-read of the turn in instructions as well as hailing Jennus again indicated I also had to give Jannus the Power of the Orb, which is a scroll looking thing. I had the Power of the Orb in my Bank but I was in Skyfire, What to do? The Wife's ranger kept hailing Jennus and I bound myself in the tunnel to Skyfire from the Overthere. Then I ran back to the POK book in the Overthere and went to Doogle Bank. (I am KOS in the Overthere due to killing Rottgrime as another part of the Epic 1.0 quest) Once I had the Power of the Orb I gated back to Skyfire and ran to Jennus. I was able to give him the Power of the Orb and get my Element of Fire item. In all this time Jennus was sitting INSIDE the wall of rock. Jennus did NOT have a pet with him, so sense summoned did not work to locate him.

FYI, you will NEED a tracker to find Jennus as he seems to have a liking for standing inside of solid objects.

The reason I made the mistake of not having the forth item on me was that all of the other Mage Epic 1.0 turn ins are 3 item turn ins. The element of fire is ths only 4 item turn in among the 4 elements, earth, fire, water and air. The Power of the Orb is a farily lengthy but not too hard sub quest. I had done it so long ago and put the result in my bank, that I had forgotten it was required for the element of fire turn in.

# Aug 23 2008 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
Found him standing next to the dark elf NPC near burning woods zone line. He was just standing there.
Jennus...? :<
# Aug 16 2008 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
I tried to find him for 2 days now with and without a tracker.
So I petitionned.
- First GM told me the NPC hasn't spawned on AB since april or so and gave me....Red Sr Apprentice Robe* in reimbursement. And didn't make him spawn. I was shocked, lol.
- Second GM told me this NPC didn't spawn anymore and I had to /Bug him.
- /bug didn't give me any answer (1 day now)

Nice job

My point is don't lose your time petitionning if you cannot find him, use the /bug command

Edited, Aug 17th 2008 2:28am by Hortan
Why he dies
# May 19 2008 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
12 posts
Besides the normal pc killing npc thrill, some mobs agro on him. I tracked and followed him with my druid close to the Overthere zone in. He stopped there and while i was running my mage over there, a bottom feeder/feaster agroed on him when he self buffed with a dmg shield. While he was dispatching it, he got a few adds (wyvern, wurm, chromodrac). He was low on health by the time my mage got there, another add or 2 and I would had to wait another 3 days to turn my stuff in.
# Mar 24 2008 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
I saw him wandering by the small lava lake, by the lava rivers the other day, just kept going back and forth.
# Mar 13 2008 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
9 posts
Ive checked for his Spawn since the 7th, have decided to try killing some mobs aorund his area, no good, since he is considered a Static* spawn. So i go ahead and im very very happy with the server down and restart, and where do you think i log on with a tracker and trac the entire zone for 1 hour? you guessed right, and guess what? He still did not spawn, so is there any word on whether this is borken or not?

Secondly each day has had a 3 hour run fest in the morning evening and late nite

Edited, Mar 14th 2008 2:31am by Ovoron
# Mar 13 2008 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
If you read down, they say it takes 48 hours for him to spawn after reset. I logged on and was there 48-50 hours after reset and nothing. been checking twice a day, and nothing. I sent in a petition asking them to check to make sure he was working, and they said he was... there must be something we are missing about him. Maybe he despawns at night? or is on and off like some others?
Stupid People bother me....
# Mar 09 2008 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, so i ran to ALL afore mentioned spots: nothing. got on my druid, ran to each spot and tracked: nothing. stood in center of zone and tracked: nothing. This guy must despawn at some point.
Stupid People bother me....
# Mar 12 2008 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
Two days later. I check twice a day. Run two full laps around. one clockwise around the outter, and one counter-clockwise around the outter. then one quick lap around the center lava pit. Still nothing. I've sent in petitions to guides and GMs. anyone have advice? I've talked to several high end mages on my server, but they all did their 1.0s back when it was the only epic, times change, and people forget what they did.
Stupid People bother me....
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